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1.I like watching table tennis matches and ______ favourite player is Fan Zhendong.
  • A. my
  • B. your
  • C. his
  • D. her
2. I would like to take part in the volunteer work ________ May Day.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. at
  • D. for
3.—________ is it from your school to your home?
—About six kilometers.
  • A. How much
  • B. How long
  • C. How far
  • D. How many
4. Huawei is one of ________ technology companies in China.
  • A. large
  • B. larger
  • C. largest
  • D. the largest
5. Tim, you're all wet. Take off the clothes, ________ you will catch a cold.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. but
  • D. so
6.—Excuse me, ______ I take a photo of this beautiful drawing?
—I'm afraid not. There is a sign "No Photo".
  • A. may
  • B. must
  • C. should
  • D. need
7.—What's your plan for this weekend, Lucy?
—I ________ my grandparents.
  • A. visit
  • B. will visit
  • C. visited
  • D. have visited
8. The students ________ about the art show happily when I passed by.
  • A. talk
  • B. talked
  • C. are talking
  • D. were talking
9.—What do you think of the film The Wandering Earth?
—It's great. I ______ it three times.
  • A. see
  • B. am seeing
  • C. have seen
  • D. will see
10. When I was your age, I ________ a lot of housework to do after school.
  • A. will have
  • B. am having
  • C. have
  • D. had
11. The singer's first record ________ in 2015, and then he became popular at once.
  • A. came up
  • B. came on
  • C. came over
  • D. came out
12. John will write to us as soon as he ________ there.
  • A. gets
  • B. will get
  • C. got
  • D. has got
13. How long ________ your uncle ________ in the army?
  • A. has; joined
  • B. has; been
  • C. does; join
  • D. had; joined
14. Painted walls look much more interesting and don't ________ too much.
  • A. take
  • B. spend
  • C. cost
  • D. pay
15.Father and son
  The other day, I was sitting in the study and working on my website, a cup of tea on the table and old songs from my computer. It was a special pleasure to have such a (1)       day after weeks of hiking, snowboarding and going crazy.
  "Hi dad! Want some orange juice, graybeard?" Coyote yelled (叫喊) to me much louder than (2)      .
  "No, just bring me some chips!" I shouted back.
  One time, when I misheard what he said three times in a row, he (3)       that I had become too old and started to hear worse. Since then, yelling at me has become a kind of family joke.
  Pushing everything to the limit was the basis of Coyote's character. On one hand, it helped him to achieve tasks he had to do on his own, and he did great, making me proud of him. On the other hand, this brought him (4)      , as he did not know when to stop. At such moments, I would behave super⁃fatherly, and give him advice and warnings that he usually ignored (忽视). When he wore a green haircut, I would try to convince(说服) him to paint it black. When he got a tattoo(文身), we had a/an (5)      . All these surely drove me mad, and the big fights started. It is strange but when I was a teenager, my father would act exactly the same and it took me a long time to understand him.
  "Dad, let me show you something," Coyote said as he was getting back. "Don't get too (6)       , okay?" I sighed (叹气), because I was almost sure of what I was about to see.
  When he (7)       his T⁃shirt, I saw a new tattoo: some Buddhist symbol, I guess. Coyote has been interested in Asian culture for a long time.
  "Control yourself, graybeard," I said to myself, trying not to yell something like, "Why the hell would you need another tattoo after you already made that huge first one?"
  The next moment I realized that my yelling would not (8)       anything; the tattoo was already on Coyote's skin.
  And then I thought: "Hey, what if I get a tattoo myself?"
16.   A cup of coffee is a good way for many people to start their day. It can also pass on kindness.
  Manyang Kher used to be a Sudanese child refugee (难民). When he was three years old, his village was burnt in the war. He was separated from his parents and never saw them again. He became one of the 20,000 young Sudanese who had to leave their home for Ethiopia's Gambella area. He lived there as a refugee for 13 years.
  When he was 16, Kher went to the United States. While he was in college, he started a program to help the refugees. Now, he owns a coffee company (公司) called 734, which is a part of his program. The company has helped more than 200,000 refugees living in the Gambella area till now. Kher said, "I know the difficulties and pains they face every day. You see kids die from hunger. You see kids dying of illnesses. You see kids running away from the refugee camp to find a place to be home, but die on the way."
  Eighty percent of the money made by the coffee company is used to send more of the children to school. And, as Kher explains, the money helps refugees to help themselves. For example, a cup of 734 coffee can also buy one fishing net(网) for a refugee. They can fish for themselves.
  Kher sells the coffee online and to coffee stores. Megan Murphy owns a coffee store in Washington, D.C. She serves 734 coffee in her store and people love it. The coffee tastes delicious, so it's a win-win on both sides.
17.   There is a famous English saying "You are what you eat", and it means what you put in your mouth will become part of you. Many experts (专家) use it to tell people it's important to have a good eating habit. For example, too much sweet food makes a person overweight. To avoid being fat, kids are told to keep off sweet food. However, a team of American scientists have discovered something new about eating sweet food.
  "When we say some people are 'sweet', we mean they are kind and friendly to us. Perhaps this word can help us learn more about people's feelings and acts." said Brian Meier, a scientist from the study team. "Taste is something we experience every day. What we have done is to find whether we can know someone's character and behavior depending on their taste."
  In one of their experiments, college students were asked questions about their character — whether, for example, they were soft-hearted or not. Then they were asked to make a list of their favorite food. According to their answers, the scientists found that the students who liked sweet food were nicer.
  In their another experiment, the scientists found that people who preferred sweet food such as cookies and chocolate were more willing to help other people in need, and those who ate non-sweet food such as chips weren't. For example, people with a sweet tooth were more likely to volunteer to clean up their city, visit sick children in the hospital and so on.
  The result of the experiments is that people's helpfulness or being nice has something to do with their taste for sweet food. So eating sweet food is a useful way to make people nice and helpful. Next time, try some ice-cream.
18.  Nearly all kids have had the same experience. They are eating in a restaurant with their parents. They finished the spaghetti minutes ago. Now they are bored. Their little brother is kicking them under the table. He is also complaining about the desserts(餐后甜点). Yet their parents are still eating and talking…and talking…and talking.
  "Be patient." One parent says. "We'll have dessert soon."
  All kids know what happens next. After dessert, their parents drink coffee. Then they talk some more. Again, the children must wait. They have been in school all day and would rather be running and playing. Instead, they must sit in a chair and stare at a wall.
  Going to a restaurant doesn't have to be this way. Many restaurants say they are "family-friendly". Family restaurants, such as fast-food restaurants should build play areas for children. At these restaurants, almost every play area is a big room full of climbing equipment. The room is usually, packed with happy kids. Parents can eat while the children play. Everyone is happy.
  The real problem begins when families want to eat a fancier meal (大餐). The parents don't want to hurry through the meal but talk to each other. They do not have bored children pestering (烦扰) them about leaving. That's no fun for kids either. For them, going to a nicer restaurant means just one thing: sit still and be quiet.
  On family blogs across the Web, dozens of parents post the same question all the time: are there any nicer restaurants with play areas for kids? Research shows that some nicer restaurants do have play areas. In warmer cities, it is easier for restaurants to build play areas outside. For example, at one restaurant kids can sail tiny little motor boats in a small, shallow pond. Parents can sit on a beautiful yard and watch the kids play. Some nicer restaurants even have indoor play areas. Research also shows that these restaurants serve more than just burgers, chickens and fries.
  So, it's possible for a restaurant to provide both food and a place where kids can play. These restaurants seem to be popular, too. For some, families must have reservation days in advance. For others, families might be forced to wait in long lines. Clearly, quality food and safe play areas are both good for business.
19.   Today, young people spend about six hours a day in front of a TV or a computer and less than four minutes playing outdoors. It is not healthy for the mind and the body when time spent using technology replaces outdoor time.
  Some health experts (专家) call green time "vitamin G". Kids who don't get outdoors much are likely to have trouble in school. Doctors believe that is because being outdoors excites the mind more than sitting around indoors. Even those who usually spend a lot of time outdoors notice a difference when they don't get green time. Madelyne P. , 14, says, "I feel more tired when I don't get outdoors."
  Researchers believe the positive (积极的) effects of green time come from the physical activity in pastimes such as hiking or boating. Exercise produces brain chemicals that improve learning, mood, and sleep. It also improves learning by increasing connections between nerve cells that are important in learning and memory. Some schools hold classes outside for those reasons. Student Hannah Smith, 18, says she believes the outdoors helps her focus and gets her to learn. Learning in a forest sparked her interest in art and photography, too.
  Even doctors are helping give their patients a dose of vitamin G. Miller writes "park prescriptions (处方)" for her patients because, she says, "being outdoors is good for health." She finds that when she gives patients park prescriptions, they are likely to continue with them.
  Getting outdoors can be simple, just like calling together your family for a picnic lunch. All it takes is five minutes or more of green time. Get outside, and get your vitamin G!
20.  Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, g(1)             vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are a(2)            . Hobbies can make you grow as a p(3)            , d(4)             your interests and help you learn new skills.
  David Smith is a student, and one of his hobbies is writing. During the summer of 2010, he spent four weeks at a summer camp. As well as the usual a(5)            , such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class. "The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she e(6)             us to write about our e(7)             at the camp.“
  Back at school, David w(8)             a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy and it came out as a book in 2012. Many young people love his book, and as a result, David has become a s(9)             young writer.
  David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought him p(10)             and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in many other things. "I like playing volleyball too," says David. "I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. Maybe I'll write about my volleyball team in my future books."
21. The boy is proud of             (sing) the song.
22. I hope that you can recognize me             (easy) when I meet you at the airport.
23. I              never              (speak) to a stranger.
24.—Recently,              you             (win) a football match?
—Yes, we have. It was yesterday that we             (beat) the team from No. 4 middle school.
25. Have you received his             (invite) to his wedding?
26.             your father             (write) a letter to your brother yet?
—Yes, he has. He             (write) it yesterday.
27. 我小时候对收集汽车模型很感兴趣。(be interested in, model)
28. 每天早晨锻炼来保持健康怎么样?(how about)
29. 大明正盼望着收到他朋友们的来信。 (look forward to)
30. 我们为什么不去参加篮球比赛呢?(why don't …, take)
31. 这儿太吵了,以至于我都快听不见你说话了。 (so …that, hardly)
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