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1.选出划线部分读音与其他不同的选项 ________.
  • A. work
  • B. world
  • C. horse
2.—Tom, do you like playing ________ guitar?
—No, I don't. But I like playing _______ basketball.
  • A. the; /
  • B. the; a
  • C. /; the
3.—Excuse me, is there a bookstore near here?
—Yes, there is _____ at the back of the school.
  • A. one
  • B. it
  • C. this
4.There ______ two cups of milk and an apple on the table.
  • A. is
  • B. are
  • C. have
5.There is a red car ______ our classroom and a driver is sitting ______ it.
  • A. in front of; in the front of
  • B. in the front of; in front of
  • C. in the front of; in the front of
6.Linda ______ speaks Chinese because she knows it just a little.
  • A. often
  • B. seldom
  • C. sometimes
7.—Listen! The students are talking about the map of Longyan.
—Yes, they are having a ________class.
  • A. music
  • B. history
  • C. geography
8.I think every student should go to school ________, but some of them are always late.
  • A. in time
  • B. at times
  • C. on time
9.—I want to _______ some books about science.
—OK. How long will you ________ them?
  • A. borrow; borrow
  • B. keep; borrow
  • C. borrow; keep
10.Lora often ________ after class. Look! She ______ in the gym.
  • A. dances; is dancing
  • B. is dancing; dances
  • C. dances; dances
11.—Mom, I can't find anything to eat.
—Why not ________?
  • A. to go shopping
  • B. going shopping
  • C. go shopping
12.—______ is the hospital from here?
—About ten minutes' walk.
  • A. How often
  • B. How far
  • C. How long
  • D. How soon
13.I like living in cities, but the cost of living is ________.
  • A. high
  • B. tall
  • C. short
14.Tommy, don't put your books here. ______, please.
  • A. Put it away
  • B. Put away them
  • C. Put them away
15.—Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here?
  • A. Turn right and you'll see it.
  • B. You need to take Bus No. 7.
  • C. Yes. Go along this road until you get to the end.
16.  Mr. and Mrs. Green are (1)       office workers. They live in a city. They have a (2)      , Eric. They have no time to (3)       him. The school is a little far (4)       their home. Eric has to go to school (5)       subway.
  One day after school, Eric finds he doesn't have (6)       money in his pocket (口袋). He wants to get some in a near (7)      , but he doesn't have a card. He stands (8)       the street corner and doesn't know what to do. Soon later, he has an idea. He calls 120 and says he is ill (生病). Soon the ambulance (救护车) comes and (9)       him to the hospital. When the ambulance gets to the hospital, Eric stands up and says, "I'm much better. My home is (10)       the hospital. I must go home now."
The Clothes Show
If you like beautiful clothes, please come with your friends.
Time: 9:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.
From May 5th to May 8th
Address: No. 210 King Street
Telephone: 53236678 
Room Wanted
Look for a small apartment for three people under ¥800.00 a month.
Call Bob at 13650886658. 
Soccer Game
Barton School VS Brighton School
Time: 6:00 p.m. ~ 8:30 p.m. Sunday, May 8th
Ticket: Adults (成人): $5
Kids: $2
Address: East Road Soccer Field
Website: www.soccerball.com 
18.  Do you want to know how to learn English words? First, make a list (清单) of them. A word list is a group of words that have the same part of speech.
  Here are some examples:
  A list of verbs (v.) (be, go, do, have, like).
  A list of weather adjectives (adj.) (rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, cloudy).
  A list of family nouns (n.) (mother, father, sister, brother, uncle).
  Now, how do you learn these word lists?
  You can do the following things.
  Write a short story with all of the words in a word list. The story is only to make it interesting!
  Let's say the verbs: be, go, do, have and like.
  You can write a short story like this:
  "Sue is a student. She goes to school on foot. At school, the students have lots of homework every day. But she doesn't like doing homework at all."
19.  There are big cities and small countrysides in the world. Different people like to live in different places. I lived in the city of Pittsburgh, but now, I am living in the countryside in Shelby, North Carolina. I know many differences between them.
  The first thing is that the countryside is more peaceful. It's noisy in the city. At night, you can always hear the noise of cars and trains. Living in the countryside, the only thing you can hear at night is the sound of animals.
  Another thing about living in the countryside is that everyone knows you. When I go shopping with my cousin, everywhere we go, people know our names. I don't like that. It's different from living in the city. I think this is why I like the big city more.
20.  If you take the train to Ningbo and don't know how to get to the place you want to go, you can ask the two old grandpas for help. They are Old Xu and Old Zhou.
  Old Xu is 90 years old. At eight o'clock every day, he gets to Ningbo Train Station. He puts on his blue waistcoat (马甲) and starts to work — walking around and showing people the way. Old Xu works five to six hours a day. He helps many people. He knows the bus routes (路线) in Ningbo very well, so people call him "a walking map".
  Old Zhou is Old Xu's "student". He is 86 years old. He thinks Old Xu is doing a good job, so he comes to help him.
  These days, they are learning English. Why? They want to help foreign (外国) people. We must give them a thumbs-up!
Foreigner: Excuse me, (1)      
Policeman: Go along Longyan Avenue (大道) until you get to the second traffic lights. (2)       You'll find Wanda Plaza (广场) on your left. (3)      
Foreigner: How far is it from here?
Policeman: (4)      
Foreigner: Oh, it's a little far. Can I take a bus there?
Policeman: Yes, you can take Bus No. 3 there. (5)      
Foreigner: Thank you very much.
A. Turn left and walk on.
B. It is about 2 kilometers from here.
C. Could you tell me the way to Yonghui Supermarket?
D. Or you can ride a sharing bike (共享单车) there.
E. Yonghui Supermarket is in the plaza. 
What do you        my new car?
Can you        me        your home?
What time        the P.E. class       ?
      ! It's dangerous.
The bookstore is        our school.
27.Jack often goes to school on foot. (改为同义句)
Jack often        school.
28.Jane does her homework after dinner. (改为否定句)
Jane        her homework after dinner.
29.There are some books on her desk. (改为一般疑问句)
30.I go to the library three times a week. (对画线部分提问)
       do you go to the library?
31.He often draws pictures at school. (用now改写句子)
He        pictures at school now.
32. often, 7:00 a.m.
33. there, kite
34. not, park
35. good, cross
36. computer, now
37.  Frank is a student of Class Three, Grade Seven in No. 1 Junior High School. He is an (1)       /ə'merikən/ boy. He comes to Beijing with his parents. They work here. They live in an apartment (2)      /'bildiŋ/. It's on the (3)      (three) floor. He comes here to study Chinese and other (4)      (subject). He (5)      (study) hard. He likes history best (6)       he can learn a lot about the past of China. He has history lessons (7)       Wednesdays. After school, he likes (8)      (swim) best. It's his favorite outdoor (9)       /æk'tivəti/. He makes many friends here. They are all kind (10)       him. He is happy to live in China.
提示词:heavy, hurt, accident, safe, street, sign, look, play
1. 必须包含所提示信息,可适当发挥;
2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;
3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及地名;
4. 开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Simon,
I'm happy you will come to China. Before you come, I want to tell you something about the traffic in the cities of China. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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