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How do you go to school? 
Sally  My school is not far from my home. It is about three kilometers. I usually walk to school, but sometimes I go to school by bike. 
Nick My mother usually drives me to school. But when Aunt Lucy is here, I walk with her. It takes me 7 minutes by car or 25 minutes on foot. 
Mary I go to school on the school bus. The bus comes at 8:35 a. m. and I get to school at 8:50 a. m. I love to take the school bus because my best friend Linda takes it with me. We have lots of fun. 
2.  Today is the first day of the week. It is in the afternoon. Mr. Read is driving his car to his sister's school. Now he is very near the school. But he doesn't know the way to it. At this time, he sees a young woman. Mr. Read comes out of his car and goes to her. "Excuse me! Where's the school, please?" he asks. The young woman says, "It's very near here. I want to go with you." Now the young woman is sitting in the car. Soon they come to a small house and she says, "Stop, please!" Mr. Read stops the car and says, "But this is not a school." "No," says the young woman, "this is my house. I want to get home early before supper time. Thanks for driving me home. The school is behind the factory. So go back to the factory and then turn right, you can find the school."
3.The 1st ad (广告)
Sun Painting Club
Kids can learn Chinese painting here. They can learn how to draw plantsand fruit. Their teacher is Yang Yong. His English name is Jeff.
His phone number is 351—1253.
Time: July 8—18
Fee (费用) : 360 yuan
Age of kids (孩子): 6—15 

The 2nd ad
Blue Sports Club
You can learn basketball, soccer and baseball here. The basketball teacheris Alan Green. He's from America. The soccer teacher is Paul Miller. He's from Japan. The baseball teacher is Rose Jones. She is English.
Time: July 8—18 ( basketball )July 19—28 ( soccer )August 1—10 ( baseball )
Fee: 200 yuan for each sport
Age of kids: 10—18Email address:blue sports 2060@163. com 

4.Funny Things in Class
  There are all kinds of funny things. They happen in class every day. We met one today and had a good laugh.
  Mr. Li, our history teacher, is having class while Zhang Feng is talking too much in class. Mr. Li said, "Be quiet, please. " But it is no use. Then he said, "I have a question:When do people talk least?"
  No one could answer it. Mr. Li called Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng stood there and didn't know how to answer it. Then he had an idea, "In February, sir "
  "Why?" All of us became interested.
  "Because February is the shortest month of a year."
  Everybody burst into a big laugh.
  Mr. Li said with a smile, "I know. You talk so much because it's February. You want to make it the same as the other months, right?"
  All the students laughed again. Zhang Feng's face turned red. "Sorry, sir. I won't do that."
  "That's the boy!Let's go on having class."
5.I like singing. I have two m       lessons every week.
6.There are four p       in my family, my parents, my sister and I.
7.Cut the apple into q       , so I can share it with my three younger sisters.
8.Rules, rules, rules! It's       [ˈterəbl]!
9.I live in a       [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] called Yaocun. It is very beautiful.
10.Elephants are       (聪明的) animals. They can play and dance.
11.Please remember that       (三月) 13th is Thai Elephant Day.
12.There are six       (百)students in that school.
13.A: How many rules are there in your school?
B: (1)      
A: What are they?
B: (2)      
A: Are they on the wall?
B: (3)      
A: OK. Let's go. (Now they're standing in front of the wall. )
A: Oh, they are all written on the wall. (4)      
B: Yes. But sometimes I arrive late for school.
A: (5)      
B: Yes, I think so.

Yes, they are. Let's go and have a look.
Can you keep (遵守) all the rules?
What about you?
Sorry. I can't remember them all.
You must get up earlier, so you can get to school early.
There are four.
What should I do? 
angry, lions, pool, favorite, zoo, from, friendly, scary, in 

Dear Tony,
  Do you like animals?I do. I love to go to the (1)      . Now let me tell you something about my (2)       animals. I like the pandas. They are black and white, and they look so cute. They are from China. They like to eat bamboo. I also like the (3)      . They're from Africa. They are big and (4)      , but they are beautiful. Lions eat meat. The penguins are really interesting. Some penguins come (5)       Australia. They are black and white, and they live in the water. They eat fish. The elephants are interesting, too. They're very big and (6)      . They're from Africa. They don't live in the water, but they need a swimming(7)      . The tigers are from India. They are very beautiful and exciting animals. They are kind of scary.
15.  How do you get to school?For many students, it is easy to get to school. You can walk or ride (1)       bike to school, you can go by bus or by train. But for the students in one small village in China, it is difficult. Because there is a very big river (2)       their school and the village. The river runs too quickly for (3)       (boat). There is no bridge. The students go on a ropeway (4)       (cross) the river to school.
  A boy called Hu Feng, crosses the river every school day. He is not afraid to cross the river because he loves studying, he loves to play (5)       his classmates, and he loves his teacher.
16.  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Liangliang's family are at home in Guangzhou. His mom and aunt (1)       (make) zongzi. But Liangliang is now studying in the United States. He is living with an (2)       (America) family in New York. There isn't a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it's like any other night for him. He (3)       (miss) his family and he is now talking on the phone to his parents in Guangzhou. He (4)       (say) on the phone that he wished his (5)       (mom) delicious zongzi. Yes, "No place like home". Do you think so?
17.  Humans can go to the hospital when they're ill. But as for animals, what should they do to stay healthy?Animals have their own ways to heal (治愈) themselves. Now let's get to know their special skills.
Skill One
  Have you ever seen your dog or cat lick (舔) its wounds? Why do they do it?It probably feels good, but it's good medicine. Licking cleans a wound, and saliva (唾液) has chemicals that kill germs (细菌).
Skill Two
  To avoid diseases, many animals have good living habits. They hate to be dirty. Most animals separate their pooping (排便) areas from their eating areas. Horses poop far away from the grass they eat. Rabbits put their poop in special pooping areas.
Skill Three
  Have you ever heard of the expression "starve (使挨饿) a fever"? Many animals stop eating when they're ill. When a sick animal stops eating, it can stop germs from getting necessary things.
  Skill Four
  Another way that animals heal themselves is to raise their body temperature. High temperatures can kill germs. Warm﹣blooded animals (like us) get fevers to fight with germs. Cold﹣blooded animals (like snakes) look for pieces of wood or rocks heated by the sun. Fish move to warmer waters.
18.为丰富学生的校园生活, 某校决定针对七年级学生开设社团兴趣小组.上周, 学校在七年级两百名学生中, 针对学生喜欢的社团做了一项调查(survey), 下图是调查结果.
1. 正确解读图表内容, 并选出一个你最喜欢的社团并谈谈你喜欢的理由;
2. 词数不少于60, 首句已给出, 不计入总词数, Word Bank词汇仅供参考;
3. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名.
  Last week, a school did a survey among 200 students in Grade Seven about their favorite clubs. _______
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