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1.—Do you still want to swim in the lake?
—__________. The water is so dirty.
  • A. Sorry, I don't know
  • B. Of course not
  • C. Never mind
  • D. I hope so
2.For your__________, you mustn't get out of the car in the wild animal park.
  • A. choice
  • B. chance
  • C. safety
  • D. mistake
3.Nowadays, the price of a house is so high that many young people can't afford to buy ______.
  • A. it
  • B. this
  • C. one
  • D. that
4.—Why do you go to school by bike?
— Because it's good for my health and it doesn't ______ the air.
  • A. break
  • B. waste
  • C. produce
  • D. pollute
5.Don't throw away the clothes that you __________. You can give them to children in the poor villages.
  • A. wear
  • B. don't wear
  • C. are wearing
  • D. won't wear
6.The girl's parents have been away from the hometown _______ nearly two years. She misses them so much.
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. for
  • D. at
7.—What do you think of this story?
—It's interesting, but Miss Lin asked us to _______ a story by ourselves, not to find one on the Internet.
  • A. make up
  • B. look up
  • C. listen to
  • D. take away
8.After hearing my holiday plan, Dad said; "It sounds good, ___________ I don't think we have enough money."
  • A. but
  • B. or
  • C. so
  • D. and
9.— _____ I add some butter to it?
—Of course. It's up to your taste.
  • A. Must
  • B. Would
  • C. Will
  • D. Can
10.Mr. Whitt became ___________ because the plane couldn't take off on time.
  • A. nervous
  • B. angry
  • C. glad
  • D. careful
11.—Paul, could you tell me __________ we will have a physics exam?
—Sure. Next week.
  • A. when
  • B. where
  • C. what
  • D. whether
12.—I usually choose to take the train to travel __________ I'm free.
—So do I. I think we can enjoy something beautiful on the train
  • A. before
  • B. when
  • C. after
  • D. though
13.Mr. Green is very strict with his children, and he _________ allows them to watch TV on school days.
  • A. always
  • B. usually
  • C. sometimes
  • D. never
14.The two buildings _________ in a very traditional style. Many visitors were interested in them
  • A. built
  • B. were built
  • C. are building
  • D. will build
15.—I think we should take not only an umbrella but also a raincoat with us.
—______. In my opinion, an umbrella is enough.
  • A. I'm OK
  • B. I'm afraid not
  • C. I disagree
  • D. You're welcome
16.  Every Friday, I do volunteer work at an old people's home. It usually (1)       me several hours to bring joy to the old people there. One Friday, as I prepared to leave the house, the (2)       rang. I picked it up, and found the call was from my husband, "Sorry, dear. But I've got too much work to do now. I'm afraid that you will have to (3)       Taylor from school today. I'll be home (4)       I can." he said.
  So, accompanied (伴随) by the (5)       partner, my son Taylor, I went to the old people's home. That day, we were supposed to send flowers to each lady there. After we visited the third room, I noticed that my (6)       would hug each lady and whisper (低语)something into the lady's ear. In return, I would always get a smile. I didn't ask him (7)       he was whispering because I wanted to make sure that we had enough time to (8)       all the ladies.
  Utter that evening, at dinnertime, my husband asked how my volunteer work worked out. "It was fun," I said. "Whatever Taylor said to the ladies, it surely made (9)       happy" Puzzled (迷惑的). I stopped and looked at my son across the table. "What did you whisper back then?" I asked.
  With a (10)       on his face, he answered, "All I said was 'I love you, Grandma. You look so beautiful today. ' I wanted to make them feel good."
17.  Life is interesting and it doesn't have any limits (限定) on how it will speak to you. My nine-year-old son taught me a lesson last week.
  My son is very kind. He can always say things I need to (1)       and hug me every time I need one without me having to ask. Last Monday, he came to me and asked, "Mom, what do you want to do when you (2)      ?" Surprised by his question, I laughed. But I knew my son wasn't trying to be (3)       and that he was very serious.
  Before I (4)      , he added, "I know you're an adult now, but what else do you want to do?" "Well, I guess there are many other things I want to do , (5)       I'm too old to go for any of them," I said.
  "I know you're getting (6)      , but you can still do other things no matter how old you are. You can go back to school and have a different career (事业) if you want. I know you can," my son said.
  I know you can. That was (7)       what I needed to hear and it came from my 9-year-old son. He (8)       me to look at where I was and what I wanted to be.
  Before he left the room, I gave him a big (9)       and said thank you. He has no idea that his question has changed the (10)       of my life. I'm ready for the possibilities (可能的事) and I'm very excited about my future!
18.(Some students are collecting litter tar the river. )
A:I can't believe the riverbank is so dirty. (1)      
B:I know, James, Many people enjoy the river, but few take care of it.
A:You're right. They just pollute the river with their trash.
B: (2)       A lot of trash can be recycled.
A:That's true.
B:People are too lazy to pick up after themselves.
A:That's really too bad.
B. Wow. (3)      .
C:Alex, Linda and I are having a contest.
B: (4)      
C:Whoever gathers(聚集)the most trash wins.
B:What a great idea! (5)      
B:We can clean up the river, help our community and have fun, too!
A. What should we do?
B. What kind of contest?
C. Can I join your contest?
D. People shouldn't litter.
E. Look at all this trash, Susie!
F. You've collected so much trash, Rob.
G. Can you help me clean up the river? 
19.International Junior English Spring Camp for Teens
  Our camp is in the City College of New York, the oldest college of the City University of New York set up in 1847. We offer English learners who are between twelve and seventeen years old from all over the world the chance to improve their English language skills and learn about one of the greatest cities in the world. We offer residential (寄宿的) and day camp programs.
Dates and Prices 
Dates: January 21一February 18 
Lessons: 20 lessons per week 
Class size: 15 students per class 
Price (per week):
Residential Camp: $ 1, 945Day Camp: $1, 260 
The price includes:
√ 20 lessons per week in the mornings;
√ All meals (Day camp price includes lunch only);
√ Afternoon and evening sports activities;
√ Two full-day excursions (短程旅行) in New York per week;
√ student bag.
★ Students must study for 2 — 5 weeks
★ Our camp capacity (量)is only 125 students and we get applications from more than fortycountries. So, we advise you to apply as early as possible. ★ At this camp, students will have the decision to take a cost﹣free Optional University Studiescourse available for students interested in going to university in America. This option isoffered in the afternoon (5 hours per week) 
20.Dear Charlene:
  How are you?Last Friday, my sister and I did something wonderful. I want to share it with you.
  That day, Betty and I were walking home from school. We were passing through a village when we heard the crying of a baby. It seemed to come from the bushes (灌木从). At first, we could not believe out cars. What would a baby be doing, in the bushes?
  When we got to the bushes, we saw a baby lying on the grass. It looked pathetic (可怜的) My heart felt like breaking into pieces seeing it lying there. Very quickly, l took the baby boy up and carried him. He did not look. dirty, Someone must have just left him there;After discussion, we decided to bring him to the nearest police station.
  When we got home, we told our parents what we did. They were proud of us. Mother told us that we saved a life. These words made my sister and me feel so happy. Betty said that was the happiest day in her life.
  What about you'?Have you ever had a happiest day?Share it with me. Goodbye.
Your friend
21.  Studying abroad has become popular in China in recent years. The US. the UK. Canada and Australia are among the most popular countries for Chinese students. However, I'm to Kenya.
  When I was fifteen years old, I came to Kenya and began to study at Hillcrest Secondary School, a British patterned international school. I still remember my first day at Hillcrest. Everything was different from my life in Beijing, I was quite surprised by the size of Hillcrest. And the school was full of different kinds of African plants. The lovely environment attracted (吸引) not only international students but also wildlife like monkeys
  However, it wasn't just about enjoying the beauty of nature. Although my English was better than that of most Chinese students at that time, learning in a completely different environment wasn't easy, I remember how upset I felt about my first lesson at Hillcrest. It was chemistry. During the whole class, I couldn't understand anything on the PPT or in the textbook.
  I 'm lucky enough to study in a friendly environment, but the challenges I've faced in Kenya haven't been only about schoolwork. There are many other problems. Anyway, I am sure that I can solve these problems one by one. And I will always treasure my lovely school memories for the rest of my life.
22.  iPhone users now can control the time they spend on their iPhones. The tool is an app called
Screen Time.
  Screen Time tells users clear information on how much time they're spending on their iPhones, where they're spending it and even how their use breaks down during the day. Parents will be able to control the time their children spend on apps such as Instagram. Apple's chief of software development Craig Federighi says the "Do Not Disturb (勿扰)" feature will let iPhone users disconnect from the Internet.
  The company may have realized some pressure that iPhone users can get addicted to (对…上瘾) their smartphones and their mobile technology. So Apple came up with the idea of inventing the app.
  But Apple still wants to keep iPhone users happy. So it's also adding some other small features, such as a way to put selfies into a document(文件)and a group FaceTime allowing video chat with up to 32 members at the same time. And the walkie-talkie can let you talk with another person who is using the same app.
  The new software will be available later this year and surprisingly it will be compatible (兼容的) with older devices back to iPhone 6.
23.阅读下面短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)
  My green life started when I was 13. One day I read a magazine with a "Save the Earth, Girl!" cover. It talked about all kinds of easy ways to go green. From the magazine I learned that turning off the water while brushing teeth could save about 900 kilograms of water every year一per person! I started to do it right away. It was important to save water because we might run out of fresh water one day.
  My parents supported me. We started to live a green life. We carried used bags to the supermarket and our own water bottles to the restaurant. I knew it was the right thing to do, but my face turned so red every time my mom took a plastic bottle out of a bin and put it in the recycling bag she kept in the car.
  One day, our class went for a picnic in the park. In front of my whole class, my classmate Steve laughed at me for drinking out of an old water bottle. I felt so upset that I hurried back home. I told my mom what happened. "Well, which one is more important to you, Steve or the earth?" my mom asked Right then, something woke me up. I knew I didn't have to care about others when I did the right thing.
24.Betty stood up and t      (扔) the letter into the fire.
25.The r      (原因) why I bought the guitar was that it was on sale that day.
26.Jenny is going to visit her s      (生病的) grandma after school.
27.Jack likes to collect different kinds of fallen l       (叶子) in autumn.
28.The young man stood there and l      (举起) his arms above his head
29.李华的英国笔友Jessica来信说, 她想了解中国的传统节口中秋节. 假如你是李华, 请你给Jessica写一封信, 介绍该节日. 内容须包含以下所有要点:
1. 中秋节的时间;
2. 中秋节的传统习俗及庆祝方式:全家人一起吃饭, 赏月, 吃月饼等;
3. 我最期待的活动.
1. 80 — 100词[开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数):
2. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整.
Dear Jessica,
  I'm glad to hear from you. Now let me introduce the Mid-Autumn Festival to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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