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1.—I will come and see you next Sunday.
—Is that a ______?You'd better keep it, I hope.
  • A. promise
  • B. reply
  • C. reason
  • D. prize
2.—I'm hungry. I didn't have breakfast.
—I can ______ my cakes with you.
  • A. choose
  • B. share
  • C. show
  • D. expect
3.—Laura, ______ called you just now when you were out.
—Thank you. It must be my mom.
  • A. nobody
  • B. anybody
  • C. everybody
  • D. somebody
4.Please be ______. Don't break my glasses again.
  • A. famous
  • B. outgoing
  • C. careful
  • D. hard﹣working
5.—The bread is really delicious.
—Thank you, I ________ it myself.
  • A. make
  • B. made
  • C. will make
  • D. am making
6.You can see the movie ______ with a pair of 3 D glasses.
  • A. loudly
  • B. early
  • C. quietly
  • D. clearly
7.Learning to write is learning to think. You don't know things clearly ______ you write them down.
  • A. if
  • B. unless
  • C. since
  • D. though
8.It was noisy outside. Peter went out to ______ what happened.
  • A. find out
  • B. look out
  • C. try out
  • D. get out
9.—Laura eats less than before because she wants to become thinner.
—But I think the best way to be thinner is ______ exercise.
  • A. with
  • B. about
  • C. around
  • D. through
10.—I'm afraid I can't do well in the tennis game.
—______!I'm sure you'll make it.
  • A. That's right
  • B. No reason
  • C. Don't worry
  • D. Let me see
11.  Once upon a time, some little frogs(青蛙)had a competition. The first to(1)      the top of a very high tower(塔)would be the winner.
  A number of people were around the(2)      to watch the race. The race began. No one in the crowd(人群)really believed that any of the frogs would reach the top of tower. "They will(3)      get to the top. " someone said.
  One by one, the frogs began to(4)      the tower. The crowd kept crying, "It's too difficult. No frog will make it!"More frogs got(5)      and gave up(放弃), but one kept climbing higher and higher. This one wouldn't give up!
  In the end, he was the only one to get to the(6)      . The other frogs naturally wanted to know(7)      the frog made it. One frog went over to ask the(8)      . It was surprising that the winner was deaf(聋的).
  He succeeded(9)      he was able to stay in his own mind. He couldn't hear others' good or bad words to him.
  There is a(10)      for us all in the little frog's story:Don't let others turn you away from your road in life.
12.  Everybody knows that healthy eating habits are important. Here are five good eating habits for you. I'm sure you will live a healthy and happy life if(1)      follow them.
  Drink lots of water. Drink about 8 cups of water every day. You may(2)      even more water when you are exercising.
  Don't forget(3)      . Breakfast is the(4)      important of a day. You will have more energy after you eat it.
  Try to eat light(清淡的)lunch. Don't eat junk food or food that has fat(5)      . They are bad for your health. (6)      you don't have enough time to have a healthy lunch, bring some bread with you for a quick lunch.
  Eat fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables should be a necessary(7)      of your food. You can have a vegetable salad(8)      lunch. If you don't like eating vegetables, you can eat some fruit.
  Don't have dinner too late. Try to have dinner(9)      3 hours before you go to bed. Your body needs(10)      to digest (消化)most of the food.
13.A: Can you teach me how to make sandwiches?
B: Of course. (1)      
A: What should I do next?
B: Next, put some meat on one piece.
A: I like eating vegetables. (2)      
B: Yes, but you have to wash the lettuce first.
A: All right. (3)      
B: No. You have to add some gravy on the lettuce.
A: OK. Then the sandwich will be delicious.
B: You're right. (4)      
A: Now it must be OK.
B: Yes. (5)      
A: Wow! It's so easy! Would you like to make the sandwich together with me?
B: OK!
A. I'll make a sandwich for you.
B. Cut the lettuce into pieces.
C. Finally, put the other piece of bread on the top.
D. First, cut a piece of bread into two pieces.
E. And you can enjoy the sandwich.
F. Is that all?G. Can I put some lettuce on it? 
14.Do you want your children to eat fresh food?Then bring them to Hawthorne Valley Farm.
What you can do
●For children:Learn about different vegetables, fruit and animals. Pick vegetables and fruit and feed animals. Help make lunch and have lunch at the farmer's house. Take a kilo of fruit home when leaving.
●For parents:Grow up with children. Enjoy fresh food and buy fresh food. Go outdoors and relax. 
When 9:30 am~ 8:30 pm
On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends.
From April to OctoberCost $42 for a child and $22 for a parent.
Email: hawthornevalleyfarm@gmail. com 
15.  A young college student thought that he chose the wrong major(专业)at a common college, so he didn't study at all. He became more and more frustrated.
  But he was never absent from Professor Yang's biology class. He liked the course. Yang's class was so interesting that he always listened carefully.
  Once he put a note in the homework, saying, "Professor, many people say that today's college students are cheaper than potatoes. Do you agree?"
  That day Professor Yang invited him to his house. When he arrived, he found the professor was at a table with food on it. They talked happily. When they finished, the professor took a small potato that was sprouting(发芽). "Do you know how much it is?"he asked the young man. "It's soft but poisonous (有毒的). Nobody will take it though it's free. " He then threw the potato away.
  The professor then showed him another potato. It was very half the size of a football and very round. "This potato is organic (有机的). It is not only large and fresh, but also free of pollution. It is in high need and quite expensive. "
  "Be such a potato, " said the professor.
16.  About 180 years ago, an English man called Rowland Hill passed a small village. He saw a postman gave a letter to a girl. The girl looked at the envelope(信封)for a moment, and then she handed it back to the postman. "I am sorry, " she said. "I don't have enough money to pay the postage(邮资). "
  Hill came up to the postman and paid the postage for the girl's letter. When he gave her the letter, she said with a smile, "Thank you very much. This letter is from Tom, my boyfriend. He went to London to look for work. I knew I couldn't pay the postage. So I asked him to put a cross or a circle on the envelope. The cross tells me that he is well. The circle tells me that he has found work. I don't need to open the letter because there's nothing in it. "
  "I must do something about it, " Hill said to himself. At last, he got an idea. "The postage has to cost much less, " he said. "What about a penny(便士) for a letter?The sender of the letter must pay the postage. He has to buy a stamp(邮票) and put it on the envelope. "
  The first postage stamp in the world appeared in 1840. It had a picture of the Queen on it.
17.  Would you like to try something fun and educational?If you do, then we have a great activity for you:eating in the dark.
  In special "dark restaurants", people eat in darkness. These restaurants don't let anyone use lights. It's like eating with your eyes closed. The waiters and waitresses in these restaurants are blind(失明的). They serve you, and help you if you have trouble. It's a lot of fun, but that's not the only point. You're able to learn something, too.
  Most customers (顾客) find eating in the dark very uncomfortable. In fact, many people give up right away. However, if you stay, you may have a very special experience. After a few minutes, you start to feel things instead of seeing things. Many people say that the food starts to taste better. Most importantly, the customers will show more respect(尊敬)for the blind waiters and waitresses when they feel uneasy. After eating in the dark, you might never see the world in the same way again.
18.  You may feel interested in students in other countries. Do they have so much homework?What do they do in their free time?People did a survey(调查) in China, Japan, South Korea and the US last year. These are the results.
  Who studies the hardest?
  Chinese students spend the most time in studying. About half of the Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day.
  Who sleeps the most often in class?
  Japanese students fall asleep in class more often. About 45% of them sometimes doze off(打瞌睡) in class. It's 32% in South Korea, 2% in the US and 5% in China.
  Who is the most distracted(分心的)?
  American students are the most active(活跃的) in class, but also the most distracted. 64. 2% of them talk with friends in class. 46. 9% of them eat something in class, and 38. 9% of them send e﹣mails or read other books in class.
  What do they do after school?
  In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese students do exercise. Most South Korean students watch TV.
19.  Two travelling fairies(精灵)stopped to spend the night at a rich man's house. The man was unfriendly and he let the fairies sleep in the basement(地下室). There, the older fairy saw a hole in the wall and she repaired it. When the younger fairy asked her the reason, the older fairy replied, "Don't judge(判断)so quickly. "
  The next night, the fairies came to a poor farmer's house. The farmer shared his best food and let the fairies sleep in his bed. The next morning, the fairies found the farmer was crying. His cow died.
  The younger fairy asked the older one angrily. "Why didn't you watch out for the cow?You helped the unfriendly rich man but didn't help the poor farmer. "
  "Don't judge so quickly. Things may not be what they seem, " the older fairy said. "I have reasons for my decisions. I found gold in the wall through the hole and I repaired it. So the man couldn't get it. Last night, Death(死神) came for the farmer's life but I gave him the cow's, or the farmer would die. "
20.Let life be beautiful like summer flowers, and death like a      (秋天) leaves.
21.Culture is like a kind of g      (胶水) that holds the society together.
22.These books are very good, I don't know which one to      (选择).
23.People in China eat t      (传统的) food — dumplings during the Spring Festival.
24.Come on! Suzhou Museum is only a few       (步) further.
25.每个人都想快乐地生活, 怎样才能快乐地生活呢?请你根据下面的提示内容, 以"How to live a happy life"为题写一篇 80 词左右的英语短文, 谈谈你的观点和看法.
提示内容:1. 保持健康;2. 多交朋友;3. 帮助他人;4. 有梦想并为之努力学习.
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