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1.—Who's your cousin?
—Over there. He is ________ outgoing student ________ short hair.
  • A. a; with
  • B. an; with
  • C. a; of
  • D. an; of
2.Tara and her sister _______ quiet and they _______ sports.
  • A. are both; both like
  • B. are both; like both
  • C. both are; both like
  • D. both are; like both
3.—Li Dong, do you know Zhang Jiqing?
—Yes. He donated money to build old people's homes and schools for so many years. His story _______ me.
  • A. saved
  • B. missed
  • C. touched
  • D. worried
4.—I think it's necessary to learn how to work in groups.
—I quite agree. Sometimes it's even ________ than grades.
  • A. less important
  • B. more important
  • C. the least important
  • D. the most important
5.—What do you think of your Junior Middle School life?
—I think it is colorful, ______ I am always busy.
  • A. if
  • B. though
  • C. while
  • D. until
6.—How was your vacation?
—It was not as great as we _______.
  • A. expected
  • B. minded
  • C. tried
  • D. gave
7.—I'm going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.
—What a lucky boy! ________ And don't forget to send me a postcard.
  • A. That sounds good.
  • B. Have a great trip!
  • C. Good luck!
  • D. Can I go with you?
8.—Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?
—_______. I did it all by myself.
  • A. Someone
  • B. Anyone
  • C. Everybody
  • D. No one
9.—Your best friend is really talented ______ learning foreign languages.
—Yes, he is also good ______ other subjects.
  • A. in; with
  • B. at; for
  • C. in; at
  • D. at; to
10.—Our team ______ the match. We've got the first place!
—Well done! Congratulations!
  • A. hit
  • B. beat
  • C. won
  • D. watched
11.  A few days ago I got a call from an old friend of mine. We (1)       our school and the good old days. Then, he started talking about his father.
  His father was badly ill in hospital. He (2)       sleep at night and often talked to himself. My friend was (3)       about this and shouted at his father to ask him to be quiet. But after stopping (4)      , his father fell unconscious (不省人事的). My friend was very sad. He thought it was his fault. My friend was so sad that he (5)       like a baby on the telephone. He said he would do (6)       if his father could wake up.
  Some children often feel unhappy when they have to take care of their (7)      . But do you know that our parents take care of us (8)       stay with us for our lifetime?
  My dear friends, from now on, (9)       say bad words to your parents. Take care of them and stay with them. Even if it only (10)       you a second, your parents will be happy to be with you! Do you agree with me?
12.  In a beautiful park, there was a stone lion and a stone. The stone lion was very(1)      with visitors. Many of them liked to take(2)      with him. However, the stone was so common that nobody wanted to(3)      it. The stone was(4)      with the stone lion.
  One day, the stone said to the stone lion, "We come from the same village, but why do we have(5)      lives now?You look strong and proud. (6)      likes you. I am so ordinary. People all walk on me. It makes me(7)      every day. Could you tell me why?"
  The stone lion said, " Yes. We come from the same place. But you should know we choose different(8)      . When we were carved(雕琢), you couldn't stand the pain and(9)      quickly. I was different from you. I(10)      to stand it. "
  After hearing these words, the stone was sad and didn't know what to say.
B:Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He's popular, too, and he is good at sports.
B:Well, I like sports, but Peter is much stronger than me. We are both quite outgoing.
B:(5)       I'm funnier than him.
A. Why is he a good friend?
B. Are there any differences between you and Peter?
C. Who is your best friend?
D. Are you good at sports, too?
E. Yes, he is a little taller than me.
F. Peter is my best friend.
G. Yes, he is the tallest boy.
I went to Beijing with my aunt. Beijing is the capital of our country. On the first day we visited the National Museum of China. We had a great time there. We ate Peking duck. Beijing is a nice city. I love it. ——Helen 
My parents took me to Hong Kong by plane. We went to Disneyland. It was just like a fairy tale kingdom. And we bought many special things. Most of them weren't expensive at all.
Last summer, my family went on vacation to Hainan. The weather was sunny and hot. We went to the beach and swam. It was exciting. We enjoyed ourselves. We enjoyed some fresh seafood. We took many fruits with us when we left. They were very delicious. ——David 
My uncle was at college in Tibet. Last summer, I took a train to visit him with my grandparents. There we saw many tall and clean mountains. Many people there are good at singing and dancing.
15.  High temperature in summer drives so many Chinese people to cooler places around the world. Now the trips to Australia, Africa and South America are becoming more and more popular.
  According to a survey on the Internet, the number of the Chinese tourists visiting the southern part of the earth rises by nearly 40% compared (比较) with the number at the same time last year. Of the tourists, most are from Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Suzhou in China.
  "Among the outbound tourists, 60% are young and middle aged tourists between the ages of 30 and 45," said the website.
  Staying away from the hot summer is the main reason for travelling overseas, according to a report by China Tourism Academy (中国旅游研究所). Many tourists choose to visit Brazil and Argentina in summer to feel their wonderful football cultures of South America.
16.  Long long ago, the colors of the world started to fight. They all thought that they were the best and the most important. Green said it was the symbol of life and hope. But Blue thought it could bring life. Yellow shouted that it made people laugh and feel warm in the world. However, Orange said it was the color of health. And Red couldn't wait and said that it was blood (血液) — life's blood. Purple and Indigo both thought they were much quieter than all the others. Their sound became louder and louder.
  Then it started to rain hard. The colors became so frightened (害怕的) that they got close to each other. The Rain started to say, "You cute colors. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose (目的)? Join hands with each other and come to me." Doing as the Rain told, the colors joined hands. The Rain said, "From now on, when it rains, each of you have to run across the sky and make a rainbow. The Rainbow is a symbol of hope for tomorrow." So when the Rain washes the world and a rainbow comes out, let us remember to love each other.
17.  Once there were two neighbors. One of them was an old teacher and the other was an office worker. Both of them planted the same plants in their gardens. The old teacher gave a little water to his plants every day and didn't always care for them, while his neighbor gave much water to his plants and looked after them well.
  The old teacher's plants were simple but looked good. The office worker's plants were much taller and greener. One night, there was a heavy rain. The next morning, the office worker saw his plants were uprooted(连根拔起), but the old teacher's plants stood firmly(稳固地).
  The neighbor was surprised and went to the old teacher and asked, "We both grew the same plants together. I looked after my plants better than you did, and I even gave them more water. However, my plants were uprooted, while yours aren't. Why?"
  The old teacher smiled and said, "You gave your plants more water, so they didn't need to work for it. I gave them a little water, so their roots grew deeper to get more water. It made them stronger. "
18.  Movies bring us more than just fun. For many people, watching movies is a way to learn a language. Of course, there must be some difficulties at first, but it will become better and better. Here is my advice for you to learn English by watching English movies.
  If you like action movies, watch an action movie like Indiana Jones. If you like comedies better, watch a comedy. Some movies with Hugh Grant in can make you laugh.
  Choose something that is simple for you.
  It's best to start with simple movies, because you can understand the stories in English better. Disney movies, such as The Lion King and Tangled, are good examples.
  Ask friends for advice.
  Maybe your friends know some good English movies. If so, they may recommend(推荐)good movies to you.
  If necessary, use subtitles(字幕).
  For beginners, subtitles are very useful. Using English subtitles is the easiest way to understand the movie. So why not use English subtitles?In this way, you can learn more words and improve your English quickly.
19.  Mr and Mrs Simpson hardly ever go out in the evening, but one Saturday, Mrs Simpson said to her husband, "There is a good movie in the theater tonight. Can we go and see it?"
  Mr Simpson was happy to hear that, so they went. Both of them enjoyed the movie.
  They came out of the theater at around 11 o'clock at night. They got into their car and began to drive home.
  It was not dark in the street. Then Mrs Simpson saw something and said, "Look!A woman is running along the road very quickly, and a man is running after her. Can you see them?
  Mr Simpson said, "Yes, I can. What are they doing?Is the woman in danger?We need to help her!"
  He drove the car near the woman and said to her, "Can we help you?You can get in our car if you want. "
  "No, thank you, " the woman said. She did not stop running, but slowed down a bit.
  "My husband and I always run home after watching movies in the theater. The last one to get home has to do the dishes!Oh, he is catching up with me. I have to go now!Bye!"
20.I enjoy s       (分享) my pleasure with others.
21.The d       (牙科医生) said I should brush my teeth at least twice a day.
22.Can you give me some       (信息) about trains to Beijing?
23.They r       (到达) Shanghai last night.
24.It's the w       (最糟糕的) food that I've ever tasted.
25.目前有一批英国学生在中国学校参观学习, 为加深两国更多文化理解和交流. 我校组织了一次中英学生对比的调查活动. 请你根据以下调查结果, 写一篇调查结果的报告.
 中国学生 英国学生 
性格 更外向 更严肃, 更安静 
校园生活 学习更努力, 作业更多 更擅长运动, 喜欢参与各种聚会 
兴趣爱好 30%看书;70%上网 60%足球;40%画画 
饮食习惯 吃更多蔬菜和水果 吃更多肉 

要求:要点齐全, 可适当增加自己的看法. 词数80字左右, 文中不能出现自己的姓名. 报告的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
  Hello, everyone. Today I'd like to talk about the differences between Chinese students and English students. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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