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1.There is European student studying in our school.He is honest boy that everyone likes.
  • A. an;an
  • B. a;an
  • C. an;a
  • D. a;a
2.Boys,don't lose in playing computer games.It's bad for your eyes.
  • A. himself
  • B. yourself
  • C. themselves
  • D. yourselves
3.I used to at home.Now I am used to masks(口罩)while I'm out.
  • A. stay;wear
  • B. stay;wearing
  • C. staying;wearing
  • D. staying;wear
4.If you never give up, .
  • A. so do I
  • B. so don't I
  • C. neither do I
  • D. neither will I
5..He _____ when the UFO arrived.
  • A. was sleeping
  • B. were sleeping
  • C. has slept
  • D. is asleep
6.The city of Wuhan is beautiful all year round, in spring.
  • A. especially
  • B. generally
  • C. probably
  • D. specially
7.Julia's father to hospital last month.He there three times.
  • A. went;had gone
  • B. has gone;has been
  • C. went;has been
  • D. has been;had gone
8.I got home they were having dinner.
  • A. as soon as
  • B. while
  • C. because
  • D. after
9.—What do you think of Zhong Nanshan?
—Oh!He is one of I've ever seen.
  • A. great doctor
  • B. more greater doctor
  • C. greatest doctor
  • D. the greatest doctors
10._So many people!Could I stand here?
____ Don't you see the sign"Line up,please"?
  • A. My pleasure
  • B. No problem
  • C. Of course
  • D. Sorry,you can't
11.Dear Peter,
Without knowing more about you,it is hard for me to give you some good advice.
But first,I am sure that you are (1)      .You said that nobody would care if you left home.What about your(2)      ?And other family members?It seems that you are very(3)      .You'd better go to see a doctor or talk(4)       your parents.They will be able to help you.
Second,I'm sure there's someone else in your class who feels lonely, (5)      .You never know (6)      other people feel.Try to make friends with your classmates.And you could (7)       a club to meet other people and make friends,too.
You (8)      find happiness by yourself.So my(9)      advice is to write a list of all the good things about yourself,learn to like yourself,and then (10)       will see your confidence(信心) and like you,too.
12."If you agree with me,please Dianzan. "Do you know Dianzan is one of the most popular words on the Internet?When you think someone's ideas are right,when you think someone's articles are(1)      ,or when you are moved by what someone writes,you can click(点击)the praise sign.Anyhow,clicking the praise sign(2)      that you agree with someone or praise someone.
Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet language.People (3)      use it when they surf the Internet.
There is a function(功能)of Dianzan in the QQ space.The QQ space has had the function(4)      2010.
It didn't become very popular until Sina Blog (5)       the function of Dianzan.In recent years,it has become more and more popular.When the 2015 New Year came,Chinese leader Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan to praise and(6)      his thanks to the great Chinese people.
Websites can know how many people support(支持)some ideas(7)       counting how many people click the praise sign.Experts can know(8)      teenagers are caring about through what they click the sign for.That can help them solve teenagers' (9)      .
Clicking the praise sign is really a(n)(10)      thing.Have you ever clicked the sign for anybody on the Internet?
A.What else could I do?B.They must be very busy.C.What would you like to do?D.After all(毕竟),I'm not a doctor.E.Will you help clean up city parks?F.When will you go there tomorrow?G.And I think the kids will be glad to see you. 

A:Hello,Mandy!Tomorrow is Volunteer Day.
A:I'd like to work outside.
B:Work outside?(2)      
A:No.Ha ha…I'll help the policemen at the crossing.
B:Wow,sounds like fun!Tomorrow is Sunday.(3)      
A:Yes,that's true.What about you?
B:I'd like to help the sick kids in the hospital,but I don't know what to do. (4)      
A:You could cheer them up by doing some thing,such as reading stories to them and playing games with them.
B:Oh,I see.Thanks for your advice.
A: (5)      
B:I hope so.
14.There was a terrible rainstorm last night.Now the Hills are talking about what they were doing at the time of the rainstorm.
Eric I was watching my favorite cartoon on TV.Suddenly,the lights went out and it began to rain heavily.I was so scared that I ran to get into my bed.Then I heard my mom shouting, "Don't be afraid,my son.I'm coming soon. " 
Mrs.Hill I was doing the dishes.I quickly stopped and ran to close all the windows.I was looking around when I heard my son crying.So I ran to help him. 
Rosa I was washing my hair while the rain was beating against the windows.Suddenly,it got dark.I was afraid and don't know what to do.Luckily,my dad came and asked me to get back to my bedroom.Then he went out of the house to see what was happening. 
Mr.Hill I was writing a report on the computer.Two days ago,I listened to the Weather Report.But I didn't think it would come so suddenly.I quickly stood up and walked around to see if everything was OK.Other families might be in trouble.So I went to help them. 
15.For years I have wanted a flower garden.I'd spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that would look nice together.
But then we had Matthew,and Marvin,and the twins,Alisa and Alan,and then Helen.I was too busy raising(养育)them to grow a garden.
Money was tight(拮据的),as well as time.Often when my children were little,one of them would want something that cost too much,and I'd have to say, "Do you see a money tree in the yard?Money doesn't grow on trees,you know. "
Finally,they all finished high school and college and were off on their own.I started thinking again about having a garden.
Then one spring morning on Mother's Day,I was working in my kitchen.Suddenly I saw a new tree out of the window.Then I put my glasses on and I couldn't believe my eyes.There was a money tree in my yard.
I went to have a look.It was true.There were dollar bills taped(粘贴)all over the tree.There was also a note among them, "Thank you for your time,mom.We love you. "
Later my children bought me tools and gardening books.
That was three years ago.My garden's now very pretty,just like I wanted.When I go out and take care of my flowers,I don't seem to miss my children as much as I once did.It feels like they are right there with me.
I live in a city where winters are long and cold,and summers are too short.But every year when the winter comes,I look out of my window and think of the flowers,I'll see next spring in my little garden.I think about what my children did for me,and get tears in my eyes.
I'm till not sure that money grows on trees.But I know love does.
16.Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history?Many people would think of Confucius,whose birthday was on September 28.Although he lived over 2,000 years ago,people still remember and respect(尊敬)him for his contribution(贡献) to the education today.
Confucius lived in the Kingdom(王国) of Lu,which lies in Shandong Province.He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period.He had a hard childhood.His father died when he was only 3.His mother brought him up(养大).As a child,he had to work to help his mother,but young Confucius didn't give up studying.He visited many famous teachers and learned music,history,poetry(诗歌) and sports.
Later,he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history.At that time only children from        families could go to school,but Confucius believed everyone should be able to go to school if they wanted to learn.He had about 3,000 students in his life.
Today,people still follow Confucius's lessons.He told us that we all have something worthy(值得的)to be learned. "When I am with three people,one of them must be better than me in some ways.I choose their good qualities(品质)and follow them. "
He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. "All study but no thinking makes people puzzled(困惑的).All thinking but no study makes people lazy. "
Confucius is not only a great teacher,but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world.
His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners(礼仪). "A person should be strict with himself,but be kind to others," he said.
17.When you are at home,you may often help your mum with housework like folding the clothes.But can you imagine folding your phone screen?Huawei's newest phone,the Mate X,is foldable.You can fold it in half as if you are closing a book.But what makes the Mate X different is that it is folded from the outside.
The Mate X is both a phone and a tablet(平板电脑).When folded,it works as a phone.When opened,it is a tablet.The phone is very thin.When it is open,it is 5.4 mm thick,and when it is closed it is just 11 mm.5 G can also work on Mate X,which means users can get a whole movie in just a few seconds.
But users can only take selfies(自拍) when the phone is folded.That's because the phone doesn't have a front camera(镜头).
Huawei,the Mate X maker,says they are going to sell Mate X in August this year,and the price is set at 2299 dollars,which is much higher than people expected.Can you accept the price for changing a phone?
18.When I was seven years old,my family made me an ant farm.First,we put clean sand in a thin glass box.Then we waited for the ants to arrive.
After the ants were in the glass farm,they started to make tunnels(地道).I was surprised that each one knew what to do.Each had its own job.
On the fifth day something terrible happened.I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over.All the tunnels fell down.Although the ants kept alive after the accident,one by one they began to die.I was afraid when I watched them give up building their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner(角落)of the farm.
My mother said that the ants were dying because they were sad.They simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone.
Although much time has passed,I still think of that ant farm.Mom had hoped it would teach me about the natural world,but it taught me much more.
Over the years,I came to realize the importance of teamwork.Working together,the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves.I also learned that they should be admired for their hard work.
But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently.Adversity(逆境)is a natural part of life,and must be accepted.Unlike the ants,we cannot give up when we are sad.We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone,we must build another.
Giving up is not a good choice.
19.One day,some fishermen set out(起航) to sea in their ship.One of them brought his pet monkey along for the long journey.
When they were far out at sea,a terrible storm broke their ship.Everyone fell into the sea,and the monkey was going to die.Suddenly a dolphin(海豚) appeared and picked him up.
They soon reached an island and the monkey came down from the dolphin's back.The dolphin asked the monkey, "Do you know this place?" The monkey replied, "Yes,I do.The king on the island is my father,so you must treat(对待)me very well. "
"You're lying(撒谎),"the dolphin thought.Because he knew no one lived on the island.The dolphin said, "Well,well so you are a prince(王子)!Now you can be a king!" The monkey asked, "How can I be a king?"
As the dolphin started swimming away,he answered, "That is easy.As you are the only animal on this island,you will certainly be the king!" In the end,the monkey died on the island alone.Remember that we should be honest in our life.
20.All of them put their      (手指) in their ears because of the big noise.
21.Nancy's little brother h       (隐藏) her bag under the sofa.
22.Running out of respirators(呼吸器)is a h       (巨大的)problem for people in New York.
23.The US government should never give up p       (保护)the black people.
24.People went to the streets to fight for their rights(权力)b       (勇敢地).
when what how 
December,2019 1.关注新闻2.坚持学习;看名著,上网课3.做运动 向护士,医生等致敬 

新冠肺炎 novel coronavirus pneumonia(COVID﹣19)
爆发 outbreak
疫情 epidemic situation
关注 pay attention to
名著 classics

Dear Leslie,
I'm glad to receive your email.You asked me to share with you what I did in the epidemic situation.
Li Hua
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