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  • A. bear
  • B. near
  • C. poor
  • A. maps
  • B. fields
  • C. sellers
  • A. programme
  • B. nothing
  • C. apologize
  • A. branch
  • B. carry
  • C. major
  • A. narrow
  • B. shower
  • C. know
6.  Rose loved drawing. She was very poor and didn't have pens or pencils , so she drew pictures in the sand with a(1)      . An old woman saw Rose and gave her a paintbrush and some paper.
  She was so(2)      . "Hmmm, what can I paint?" she thought. She looked around and saw a duck in the pond , so she painted a duck. Suddenly, the duck flew off the(3)       and into the pond. "Wow!"she said. " A magic paintbrush!"
  Rose was a very kind girl and she painted pictures for everyone in her village. She painted a cow for the farmer, pencils for the teacher and(4)       for all the children. The king heard about the magic paintbrush and sent(5)       to find Rose. "The king wants you to paint some(6)       for him, "said the soldier. "But he's already rich. " said Rose. "I only paint to help poor people. "
  But the soldier still took Rose to(7)      . "Paint me a tree with lots of money on it, "the greedy (贪婪的)king shouted.
  Rose was brave and said, "No!" So the king sent her to prison. But Rose painted a key for(8)       and a horse to help her escape (逃跑). The king ran after her. So she painted a big(9)      . The king fell in!
  Today, Rose only uses her magic paintbrush to(10)      people who truly need her help.
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8.  For most Chinese people, rice is an important part of almost every meal. But for Yuan Longping, rice was his lifetime career.
  In the 1960s, people in China didn't have enough food to eat and many people even died. Yuan decided to work on a kind of hybrid(杂交水稻)to feed more people. Many scientists didn't think hybrid rice was possible. But Yuan still spent four years looking for the rice that could be crossed (杂交)with other plants. In 1964, he found it!
  In 1973, he grew the world's first hybrid rice. It could reach a yield of over 500 kg per mu. Farmers can grow it on many different kinds of land. It can fight bad weather and disease, too.
  Now it has helped China feed nearly one-fifth of the world's population (人口)with only about 7 percent of the world's farmland, CGTN reported.
  Yuan won many prizes because of his great achievements, but he lived a simple life. He donated most of his prize money to a foundation to help young scientists. "I don't like being a politician, and I'm not a businessman/'he once said.
9.  Most of us are used to having electricity at all times. But recent power shortages (短缺)in some cities in Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces brought a lot of trouble.
  Since early December, streetlights in some cities have been off. Elevators in some office buildings are not working. The central air conditioner in malls, libraries and government buildings has been off for many days, Xinhua reported.
  The power cuts in these provinces have some reasons, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said. The need for electricity has been larger and larger. This winter's cold weather made things worse. Take Hunan, for example. Cold weather came at least one month earlier than usual this year. Millions of people started using space heaters (取暖器).
  Besides, most electricity in China is produced by burning coal, which creates a lot of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳). But now the province has burned less coal in power stations in order to protect the environment, China Daily noted. Therefore, the province produced less electricity.
  Governments are trying to end the shortages. While calling on people to use less electricity, the NDRC will also ask power companies to produce more power. It will also move power from other provinces to the provinces that need power.
A. In fact, they are your brothers and sisters.
B Some of them fly in the sky.
C. I'm worried that one day you will be lonely.
D. And you even kill them for fun.
E. So we must live and help with each other.
F. They might be very close to you. 

Dear humans,
  It's the first time I write to you, my children. I used to send you many messages. But you always overlook them. So I decide to write you a letter.
  First, let me tell you more about our family. Dear humans, besides you, I have many other children. (1)      Some of them swim in water. Some live in ice﹣covered places. Some run in the grasslands.
  Some of them are as small as your fingernails (手指甲), such as bugs;some of them are as big as cars, such as elephants.
  (2)      They even live in your house. But there are others that you may never have the chance to meet.
  You bring them home to be your pets, friends, and helpers. You put them in zoos. You kill them for their meat and fur. (3)      They bring you money and happiness. But they also bring you disease(疾病)and death.
  I hope you can remember that wild animals are not your food, clothes or furniture. They are not killers, either. (4)      You are equal. You should grow up together.
  Humans, you are smart and hardworking. You created colorful cultures and advanced technologies(先进的科技). You can decide where you go, as well as where I go.
  But you don't respect me. You change my climate, my lands, my forests, my rivers. .. You ask so much of me, more than what I can give you. (5)      
  So, grow up, humans, Grow up to be more responsible (负责任的). I hope you and all the wildlife can live happily in my arms.
Mother Earth
11.面的材料A﹣F分别介介绍了某主题公园的六项活动, 请根据Alan、Lisa, Sam, Mary、Susan五位同学的情况选择合适的活动.
A. King Kong 360 3 D
It is the world's largest 3 D experience (体验). Prepare to be caught in the middle of a 35﹣foot T﹣Rex(霸王龙)and the 8th wonder of the world﹣King Kong.
B. The Secret Life of Pets:Off the Leash
Discover the exciting world of The Secret Life of Pets. Join a journey through the streets of New York City and be ready to be welcomed into your new home.
C. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
Make your way to Hogwarts School and visit Dumbledore's office. Then you will fly above the castle with Harry Potter, meeting a lot of magical creatures.
D. Character Sightings
You might meet The Minions. The Simpsons Shrek. .. Ask the employee about the times and locations. You can take a picture with the character you like.
This adventure will put you in the middle of the final war zone. Fight with Optimus Prime and try to protect the Allspark. Remember:the future of the human race is counting on you.
F. Despicable Me Minion Mayhem
Start your adventure in Gru's home where you'll become a real Minion. The laughs keep coming after the ride with a Minion﹣inspired dance party
12.Look!The cat is       (lie)on the kitchen floor.
13.We're not worried        the COVID-19 because our school has strict rules.
14.My grandpa likes drinking, especially       (France)wine.
15.There are still many new cases(病例)every day,       we must wear masks.
16.Did you build this card building by       ( you), Tom and Berry?
17.Many old people prefer       (stay)in their own homes.
18.You must       (keep)the outside of the rice cooker dry.
19.      valuable furniture it is!
20.The boy       (lead)the horse back when his dad came home.
21.Some kinds of       (battery)can be connected to them.
22.to;these: under the street;connected:cables;are(. )
23.used to; on; go outside; with: my mum; I; clear nights
24.led; their room; apologized;the receptionist; John and Charlie; to;and (. )
25.not;remember;or;to; pollute water;waste(. )
26.trees;I;a;imagine;world;without;can't (. )
27.日本政府决定把数吨经过处理的福岛核废水排放到海洋中, 受到了多方谴责. 保护环境与自然和谐相处是人类今天面对的大问题. 假如你是李华, 是学校环保社团的成员, 请根据以下要点就"保护地球" 这一话题写一篇演讲稿.
内容要点:1. 我们日常生活中的水、电、树木等都很宝贵;保护地球很重要;
2. 建议:洗脸、刷牙时不要一直开着水龙头;……(请补充两条建议)
注意:1. 字数:70字左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总字数)
2. 文章必须包含所有提示内容, 并可作适当发挥;
3. 不得出现真实姓名和校名;
4. 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
Dear classmates,
My name is Li Hua, and I'm a member of Environment Club in our school.
The Earth is our friend. We should try our best to protect it.
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