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1.—The patient requires looking after carefully.
—Don't worry! Linda is patient and caring. She can do the job well.
  • A. needs
  • B. enjoys
  • C. keeps
2.—Everybody thought he would never make it as an actor.
—But look at how he is going now. Nearly everybody across the country knows him.
  • A. be successful
  • B. be hopeful
  • C. be careful
3.—Oh, please give some suggestions on what shoes to wear to the party.
—How about the purple ones? They go with your dress very well.
  • A. show
  • B. choose
  • C. match
4.—Has the result come out?
—Not yet. Take it easy, and it will be announced (宣布) in a second.
  • A. very early
  • B. very hard
  • C. very soon
5.—Are you in the kitchen, Sarah?
—Yes, I'm cooking some dishes to prepare for my mother's birthday.
  • A. take part in
  • B. get ready for
  • C. look forward to
6.—Body language is an important part of social _________.
—You are right. Each of us needs to learn to use it.
  • A. permission
  • B. communication
  • C. description
7.—I didn't fall asleep last night the storm stopped.
—Why? Are you afraid of it?
  • A. until
  • B. unless
  • C. since
8.—Is the situation serious?
—Not really. Eating too much cold food _______ your stomachache. Take the medicine three times a day.
  • A. found
  • B. treated
  • C. caused
9.—My mother has _______ me ________ skiing. How terrible!
—I think you should have a good talk with her if you really like it.
  • A. challenged; to
  • B. kept; from
  • C. introduced; to
10.—_______ straight, Mike! Your eyes are too close to the text.
—I'm sorry, Dad. I've been doing homework for a long time. Can I have a rest?
  • A. Make up
  • B. Put up
  • C. Sit up
11.  Are you looking forward to the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic (残奥会) Winter Games? According to the Beijing Organizing Committee, 27,000 volunteers will be needed for the Olympic Winter Games and 12,000 for the Paralympic Winter Games. They will receive in-service training and help organizers with different types of work before and during the games.
Volunteers for Beijing 2022 
Necessary requirements:
• Have good physical health.
• Offer to provide heartwarming services.
• Take an active part in the training before the event.
• People born on or before Jan. 1st 2004.
• People who are good at Chinese or English.
Working places: Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou
Volunteers across the world are welcome. Let the world remember your smiles! Let your smiles brighten the Beijing 2022 Games!
12.  At the far end of Islington Road in Newton, Massachusetts lives a little girl who is close to the neighbourhood. Two-year-old Annie is deaf, but she loves to communicate with anyone who knows sign language. "She's super active. She wants to talk with anybody," said her father, Raphael. "Her character changes when there is someone who can communicate with her," said her mother, Glenda.
  To communicate with the deaf girl is not something easy. However, the whole community learns sign language — just for the little girl. On their own, Annie's neighbours got together, found an instructor, and are now fully immersed (专心于) in an American Sign Language class. The teacher, Rhys McGovern, says this is unbelievable because a lot of times even the parents of deaf children won't learn sign language. "But here Annie has a full community that's signing and communicating with her," Rhys said.
  Annie's parents say there aren't words in any language to express their thanks. "It's really shocking and beautiful. We are so lucky," Glenda said. In fact they said they already saw a difference in their daughter. ''The first thing she says to us is 'friend'. We are all moved by her." said one neighbour.
  Annie's story is really impressive (令人印象深刻的). It feels like America is losing its sense of community — but then you hear about a place like this, which reminds us that what makes a "good neighbourhood'' is nothing more than good neighbours.
13.  The Caofeidian Wetland, which lies in Tangshan, Hebei Province, is an important place for migratory (迁徙的) birds. It was reported in the newspaper on November 9, 2020 that more than 2,000 oriental white storks (东方白鹳), a rare kind of migratory bird, were found there.
  In order to watch oriental white storks, I went to the Caofeidian Wetland on November 10, 2020. Luckily, as soon as I got there, I noticed a large number of them looking for food in the swamps (沼泽). I couldn't get close, so I used a pair of binoculars to see them more clearly.
  They were about 1.2 metres tall with long hard black beaks (喙) and broad wings. They had long red legs and a long thin neck. Their bodies were covered with white feathers, while their wings were grey and black. They looked so beautiful that I couldn't help taking many photos of them. The oriental white storks used to be common in East Asia several hundred years ago. They lived in wetlands and fed mainly on small fish. In winter, they flew to the wetlands along the Changjiang River in China.
  However, as the human population grew larger and larger, the space for them became less and less. They couldn't find enough food to eat. Worse still, some people killed them illegally (非法地). As a result, their population has become very small. At present, there are only about 9,000 oriental white storks in the world. They are in great danger.
  The good news is that they are now strictly protected by law. And more and more people have already realized the importance of protecting them.
14.  More children in China are putting on weight. (1)       In 2018, 16 percent of Chinese children and teenagers were overweight or obese (肥胖的), according to the National Health Commission.
  (2)       According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight and obese children may get illnesses more easily at a younger age.
  Kids are putting on weight because of changes in their diet and lifestyle, according to experts. (3)      
  On Oct 23, 2020, the National Health Commission, together with five other national organizations worked out a plan to prevent and control obesity. "The purpose of the plan is to cut the average annual growth rate (平均年度增长) of obesity (肥胖症) among the children aged 0 — 18 years by 70 percent from 2020 to 2030," Xinhua reported.
  According to the plan, teachers shouldn't give classes too early or finish classes too late. (4)       Primary and secondary school students should have at least three hours of physical activities each week.
  (5)       And they also should stop their children from eating foods that are high in sugar, fat and salt.

A. Being too fat is bad for children's health.
B. The problem seems to be more and more serious.
C. How can children deal with the problem?
D. Parents should cut their children's use of electronic products.
E. Too much schoolwork and greater use of electronic products could also be the causes.
F. They should make sure that students have breaks and enough physical activities.
15.  Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in the countryside. He grew very good corn (玉米). Each year, he would take part in the local farmers' (1)       and win first prize for his corn.
  The story of the farmer's success (2)       the ears of a reporter. He went to (3)       the farmer. While he was learning about some growing skills from the farmer, he found that the farmer (4)       his best seeds (种子) with his neighbours.
  "How can you give your best (5)       seeds to your neighbours? They might go to the fair as well and win," the reporter asked.
  The farmer replied, "The wind picks up pollen (花粉) from the corn and moves it from field to field. Then cross pollination (交叉授粉) will does harm to my corn (6)       my neighbours grow poor corn. (7)       if I want to grow good corn, I must help my neighbours grow good corn, too." The answer made the reporter have a (8)       understanding of the connections in life.
  It is the same with (9)       lives. Those who (10)       to live in peace must help others around them to live in peace. Those who wish to be loved must learn to love others, too.
A. Don't allow money to be the excuse that gets in the way of your dream. You can plan a free trip or make some money by doing a part-time job.
B. Exercise will help you. I suggest you go to school by bicycle or on foot. It's good for your health. And remember study is not the only thing you should care about.
C. You should tell your friend about the problem. If he or she doesn't mind, it's OK. You can ask your friend to go to the repair shop with you.
D. Sorry to hear that. Do you drink coffee before bed? It stops people from sleeping. Try drinking hot water or a glass of warm milk before bed. It's also good to take a bath.
E. Of course go to help! It's true that someone hurts his helper instead of giving thanks. However, most people are thankful to those who help them when they are in trouble.
F. You can write a letter to them. Also, you can give a warning by sending them a copy of the local noise rules. If nothing has worked, you can call the police.
17.  Have you ever visited Longmen Grottoes (龙门石窟) or Yungang Grottoes? Around 1,800 years ago, Chinese artists (1)      (create) grotto statues (雕像) in mountains. Over the years, these statues have been through earthquakes, floods and wars. Now (2)       the 21st century, however, they are facing an even (3)      (big) danger — tourism. Too many tourists go to visit those grottoes every year and this (4)      (certain) does harm to the grotto statues. Do you know how?
  According to a study, the CO2 that visitors breathe out has made the air more acidic (酸性的). Also, visitors bring in microorganisms (微生物). All of these things can be (5)      (harm) to the grotto statues.
  Behaving badly can cause harm to the grotto statues as well. Too many visitors touch the grotto statues and cause (6)      (they) surfaces to change color.
  When we visit the grottoes, we can often see a sign saying, "No Flash!" or "No Photos!". This is (7)       the strong light can be bad for the statues, especially those with color. The light can make it easy for them to lose their color.
  (8)      (protect) those ancient cultural treasures, recently China has asked the workers who take care of those grottoes to control (9)       number of visitors. And tourists are encouraged to book (10)      (ticket) on the Internet and stay away from busy hours when visiting.
1. 讲座目的:使学生了解濒危动物以及保护措施;
2. 时间:本周五上午9:30 — 11:00;
3. 地点:学校礼堂;
4. 注意事项……(至少两条)。
1. 要点齐全,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范,可适当发挥;
2. 词数:80词左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。
参考词汇:endangered 濒危的, hall 礼堂
  Hello everyone! May I have your attention, please? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  That's all. Thank you.
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