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1.  My name is Jane, and I'm from a town where it hardly ever rains. The weather is sunny almost all year round.
  (1)      , it was different yesterday. I woke up late because the dark clouds made it(2)      like nighttime. I was(3)      hurried that I left my house without taking(4)      umbrella.
  While I(5)      for the bus, it began to rain. A car passed by and splashed(溅)water on me. My school uniform was really dirty when I got to school. Then during lunchtime, l opened my lunch box and found my lunch was wet. After school, I realized I didn't have enough money(6)      a bus, so I had to walk home. While I was walking, I realized that walking in the rain wasn't too bad. I saw two car accidents(7)      my way. Walking might be(8)      than taking a bus.
  As soon as I got home, I took a hot shower and changed into dry clothes because I was wet all over. (9)      , my mom was already home, and she made hot soup for me. Soon the hot soup warmed me up. That was the(10)      delicious food ever. I loved it.
2.  It was Mother's Day. But the young mother was a little unhappy, (1)      she was 800 miles away from her parents. In the morning, she(2)      her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day. Her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香)in the garden.
  When she told her husband about the lilacs, he said, "I know(3)      we can find the flowers. Get our(4)      and come on. "So they went, driving down the country roads.
  To their surprise, there were a lot of beautiful purple lilacs on a small hill. The young woman ran(5)      to enjoy the flowers. She(6)      a few here and a few there with her children. On their way home there was a(7)      on her face. When they were passing an old people's home, the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chair. She was lonely. They stopped the car and the young woman walked to the old granny, put the(8)      in her hands and smiled at her. The old granny thanked her again and again. She smiled happily, too.
  When the young mother(9)      to her car, her children asked her, "Who is that old granny?Why did you give our flowers to her?"
  "I don't know her, "their mother said, "but it's Mother's Day, and she has no children. I have all of you, and I still have my mother. Just think what those flowers(10)       to her. "
Blue Sky English Club
Do you want to improve your English? Come and join us!
Time:4:00 p. m. ﹣6:00 p. m. every SaturdayPrice:200 yuan a monthAddress:No. 9 Yinghua Road Telephone:3785290We have good teachers full of experience, and you can also enjoy English songs and films here. 
Health Care
Let's keep healthy together. Time:9:00 a. m. ﹣5:30 p. m. Address:No. 16 Yuanfei Road Telephone:3801451We have free examination(检查)for people over seventy. We can give you good advice on how to keep healthy!The park is open in spring and summer. 
Gold Water Park
The park is open in spring and summer. Swimming PoolOpen the whole day from Sunday to Saturday. Come and have fun in the park. Wave PoolsWe have three small pools for children under 12 years old and two big pools for teenagers and adults. Address:No. 18 Renmin RoadTelephone:3685727 
4.  When Chinese people talk about Chinese tea culture today, they won't miss an important person in Chinese history﹣Lu Yu, respected as a "Sage of Tea (茶圣)" for his achievements in the Chinese tea culture. He is best﹣known for The Classic of Tea, the first work on growing, making and drinking tea.
  Lu was born in Jingling in 733 A. D. As a child, he became a student of Zou Fuzi. Thanks to his teacher's guidance, he learnt a lot. He often made tea for his teacher. He also took care of his fellow students' health using his knowledge on tea and herbs (草药).
  Lu Yu often went to the countryside to gather tea leaves and herbs. On one of those trips, Lu Yu found a spring. The water was quite clear and clean. When Lu made tea with this spring water, he found the tea tasted better than usual. From then on, he realized the importance of water quality in making tea.
  In 752 A. D, Lu Yu finished his studies and returned to Jingling, where he met Cui Guofu. Both men shared the same interests in tea, literature (文学) and poetry. They soon became good friends. Since then, the two spent much time travelling, drinking tea and writing poems together.
  This period was important to Lu Yu as a man of literature. Cui, with his rich experience and skills in writing, became a coach of Lu. He provided necessary help with Lu's writing. It was during this time that Lu finally wrote the amazing work, The Classic of Tea.
5.配对阅读.左栏是对五个人的爱好的描述, 右栏是七档电视节目的介绍, 请为每个人选出最适合他们的节目.
(1)      Jack is a middle school student. In his free time, he usually watches TV. His favourite TV shows are comedies.
(2)      Mr. Li was a basketball player, but he stopped playing it because of his bad health condition. Now he is interested in watching it.
(3)      Paul is a movie fan, and he loves to get the news about the latest movies. His favourite actress is Audrey Hepburn.
(4)      Naney is dreaming of being a reporter and working in a TV station in the future. She likes talk shows.
(5)      Wu Ying is a housewife who has two children. She loves cooking and wants to make different kinds of food for her family. 
A. Follow MeCCTV﹣Opera has added the new program for Peking Opera fans. They can share their experiences with each other.
B. Robot WarsIf you are interested in robots. this is the right show for you. This British show will tell you what robots can do.
C. Media WatchIt is Australia's leading talk show about TV, radio, newspapers and the Internet. It always keeps its eyes on news﹣makers. D. The Big Bang TheoryThis American TV show tells the stories about several scientists. They are so smart and funny. If you want to laugh, just watch it.
E. Chief NicIt is a Chinese food show. In 2014, Hong Kong actor Xie Tingfeng decided to put his skills to good use by starring (主演)in Chief Nic. The program shows us how to cook wonderful food
F. China Movie ReportIt is a show about movies. It tells you what's new on the big screen. You can also see some famous directors(导演)and actors in the show.
G. HooparkIt is a great program about basketball. Every Friday afternoon, many basketball lovers turn on their TV and watch it. 
6.  It was an early morning. 7:00 am. I didn't feel like driving my car, so I booked a car on DiDi(滴滴打车). In five minutes, the car(1)      at my house. I checked the car number and got on the car. While I was searching for(2)      important piece of paper in my bag, I said, "Please, be(3)      !I'm in a hurry!"The driver replied, "Ye, madam!"
  I was surprised when I(4)      a female(女性的)voice. I stopped for a second and looked at the driver. She was a young lady who was at the(5)      of 30 or so. I had(6)      met a female DiDi driver before. I was interested(7)      why she wanted to be a DiDi driver. I asked, "If you don't mind, can I ask you some questions?"
  "Yes, madam!No(8)      "she said.
  "I guess you are well﹣educated. "I said.
  "Yes, madam!I have completed my college education. "
  "What made you choose to do this job?"I could see her smiling face in the rear﹣view mirror(后视镜).
  "I want a job that can make me happy. Even(9)      I haven't made much money from it yet, as I told you, I love driving!That's it. "Very politely, she said, "Driving has always been my dream(10)       I was a child. Of course. I respect every job. In this way, at least I have realized my dream. "
7.  How many times have we told ourselves, "I'm going to study from now on?"or"I'm going to do more English exercises to improve myself next week?"And soon, all our decisions are gone.
  Being lazy is the most common thing in the world. It has become the biggest enemy(敌人)in front of us and"giving up"usually happens to us. So how could we beat laziness?The following ways are very useful.
  First, set a goal that you can get to. Remember, laziness is powerful. That's because you are used to the way that things are going, and even if you want to change, it's difficult. So don't try to conquer(克服)the world in the beginning. Just conquer some small things which you can achieve.
  As the saying goes, "Well begun is half done. "Second, take action at once and then you will make progress little by little. Please remember"Actions speak louder than words. "Third, be accountable(有责任心的). It's common for us to get lazy from time to time, and there's nothing wrong with that. But to beat laziness, we need a bit of pressure. Pressure can encourage people especially when it's good. This kind of pressure includes encouragement from family or friends and so on. Finally, be confident(信心)and keep doing it no matter what happens. You'll meet difficulties and fall down. Just get up and keep going. You'll make mistakes and get disappointed. It doesn't matter. Learn from your mistakes and keep going. In fact, being lazy is not terrible. Follow the advice above, keep your own promises and get started right now.
8.在成长的路上, 我们总会遇到或多或少的困难, 结合你自身的经历, 请你用英语写一篇短文, 分享你在学习或生活中曾遇到的困难和你的解决方法.
1. 你曾遇到的困难;
2. 向谁寻求帮助和获得的建议;
3. 你的解决方法.
注意:1. 短文应包括所给内容要点, 可适当发挥, 使文章连贯;
2. 词数80左右;
3. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息.
期末试卷 最新试卷 广东试卷 汕尾市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 八年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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