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1.  The terrible COVID-19 (新冠肺炎)is still on. There (1)       many people all over the country working together to fight (作战) it hard. Many friendly foreigners (外国人) gave (2)       help to us in different ways.
  Nigel Dixon is a (3)       British actor. He has short curly hair. He has big eyes and a long nose. People (4)       Mr. Dixon for his impersonation (模仿) of Mr. Bean. He (5)       to Wuhan for work in January, 2020. He wanted (6)       a happy Spring Festival with his friends in Wuhan, (7)       everything was different.
  While Wuhan was on lockdown (封城), Mr. Dixon stayed in (8)       city alone. But he was happy there. He said he didn't (9)       to spread the virus (传播病毒) to others. He wanted to do something to help the city. He posted many short and funny videos (视频), (10)       Mr. Bean goes to town and The Trouble with Mr. Bean on the Internet (互联网) to tell his life in the city. Come on, Wuhan!We are together!Said Mr. Dixon.
2.  Mr. Black is a teacher in a middle school in the United States. He is giving an English (1)       to a class of students. These students come from (2)       countries. They recently (最近) come to live in the United States. Some of them can't (3)       English very well. When the class begins, he (4)       students to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. All the students (5)       Mr. Black and do what they need to do. Then, Mr. Black (6)       an Italian (意大利的) student and says, Give me the (7)      . The boy looks surprised and he doesn't move. Seeing this, Mr. Black thinks that the student doesn't hear him (8)       just now. (9)       he says it again, Give me the keys. The (10)       shrugs his shoulders (耸肩). Then he throws his arms around the teacher's neck and kisses him on the face.
 People live in different kinds of houses in the world. A flat is usually in a building. There are usually many families living in the same flat building. People in a flat building share the stairs and lift (电梯) to go up and down. 
 A townhouse has two floors. In a townhouse, the kitchen, the living room and dining room are usually on the ground floor (层), and the bedrooms are usually on the first floor. 
 A farmhouse is a house on a farm. There are many farmers living there. There is a large yard in front of it. The field (田地) is not far from the farmhouse, so farmers always go to the field on foot. 
 A dormitory is a large bedroom in a school, and every 4 to eight students share one dormitory. Students have their own beds, and they need to share toilets(厕所). Students can learn how to get along well with (与……相处) each other in a dormitory. 
4.  Do you know about Austin Li? The answer is most likely yes. He has 19 million followers (追随者) on TikTok, 1. 7 million on Weibo. And more than 1. 6 million people watch him sell cosmetics (化妆品) on Taobao every evening at 8 p. m. He is one of the most famous livestreamers (主播) right now.
  Li was born in 1992 in Hunan province. After studying dance during university and selling cosmetics on the side, Li became a full-time (全职) livestreamer for Taobao in 2017. He works very hard and once he tries 380 lipsticks (口红) on a two-hour livestream video. Within 15 minutes, he sells 15,000 of them.
  Women like watching his livestream video because he is funny. He always says haohaokan (too pretty to look at) and oh my god~buy it . People like him also because he always tells the truth if he doesn't like the lipsticks. Finally, he seems to know women very well. Sometimes he says girls with darker skin will look more fair if they use this lipstick, or a famous star uses the same lipstick. A lot of women like and follow him.
(1)       Lingling likes playing ping﹣pong. She says it makes her relaxed. It is good for her eyes. And it's a good way to help her forget the trouble.
(2)       Betty doesn't like doing sports. She likes reading and she reads lots of books and magazines. She hopes to find some friends to share the books they read.
(3)       Joe likes watching basketball matches, and he starts to learn to play basketball recently. He wants to find someone to teach him to play better.
(4)       Lily loves playing chess. She has been playing chess since she was 5 years old. She hopes she can play it with different people and improve (提升) herself.
(5)       Alice likes music. She buys CDs of her favorite songs. She can play the piano and she's got a good voice. She hopes she can join a club, share and create music together. 
A. Star Music Club is a club for students who love music. If you sing well or if you can play a musical instrument (乐器), or if you just like music, you can join us!Welcome to our club.
B. Come and join the Chess Club. This club is for students who can play chess and want to improve themselves. Everyone can learn from each other. And we have teachers to teach you useful techniques (技巧)
C. Do you want to be Liu Shiwen or Ma Long? Ping-pong Club welcomes you!If you just want to play it for fun, that's OK. It's a good sport for you to keep healthy.
D. School Basketball Team invites you to practice on weekdays!We need good players who have played in a team before. If you are good, please sign up (报名)! Come and fight for our school!
E. Are you a basketball fan?Come and join our Sunny Basketball Club. You will never forget the time with us. It doesn't matter if you are beginner. We will help you!
F. Our reading club is for people to stay together and share idea or stories that they read form books. You will never be lonely! We have tea, books, and friendly people here. It's just like a big family!
G. Playing basketball is too tiring? Reading is too boring?Then you can come to our Starters' Chess Club. It is for beginners who have never played before, and we have excellent teachers here! 
6.  Mei Lanfang is good at Beijing Opera. When he was young, he loved Beijing Opera very much. At the (1)       of eight, he started to learn Beijing Opera at home. But Mei Lanfang couldn't sing well, because he was (2)       little shy (害羞的). His teacher Mr. Zhu was angry and said, You have no talent (天赋). I will not teach you any (3)      . And then he left.
  Mei Lanfang was very sad, but he didn't (4)       singing. He said to himself, (5)       I keep practicing it, I can learn it well.
  After a few days, Mei Lanfang had a new (6)      , Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu was very strict with (对……严格要求) him. Mei Lanfang learned to sing, dance and act day and night. At last, he became famous (有名的).
  One day, his first teacher Mr. Zhu met him. Mr. Zhu said, I'm sorry that I didn't see (7)       talent. You're so great. Mei Lanfang said, No, you taught me a lot (8)       things. I have no talent, so I must work (9)      .
  Mei Lanfang loved our country very much. He didn't act for the Japanese invaders (侵略者). He died in 1961, but we will not (10)       him.
7.  John comes from England. When he comes to China, his friends tell him something about the traffic rules in China. People drive on the left in England, but in China, people should drive on the right. Before you cross a street, you must look both ways — look left, look right and look left again. Always remember the traffic moves on the right in China, or some cars and buses may hurt you.
  In the morning and the evening, when people go to work and come back from work, the streets are very busy. So it is the most dangerous time. When you want to go across the road, you must wait for the green "walk" sign.
  In China, you can always ask the policeman for help when you lose your way.
8.近年来, 随着生活水平的不断提高, 拥有私家车的人越来越多.这无疑会给人们的生活带来更多的便利.但是, 因车辆增多而发生的交通事故也不断增多.根据报道, 每年都有不少人死于交通事故.请你根据所学的交通知识, 给人们提一些合理化建议, 使我们的道路交通更加安全.
1. 我们为什么要遵守交通规则?
2. 作为行人, 我们在路上要注意哪些问题?(至少三点)
1. 不得在文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名;
2. 语句连贯, 词数不少于70词.
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