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1.  We've just got back from our summer holiday. We had(1)       great time!We went camping because Dad(2)       it was time we get away from the city. Mum has always wanted to see the giant redwood trees in Sequoia National Park. It took us all day(3)       there. The car was very full. First, we packed the tent, the sleeping bags, food and all the things we needed for (4)       and eating. Then we packed(5)       clothes. Finally, we had to get ourselves in—me, Mum, Dad and my sister!
  We stayed at Lodgepole campsite. It is just two miles from the famous giant redwood trees. It is a beautiful place. In winter it is very cold and there(6)       lots of snow. (7)       in summer it is hot—it is about 34℃. There are lots of black bears in the park. There are big metal lockers that you have to put all of your food in. That way the bears can't smell the food or get to it. We saw some bears, but never close. (8)      exciting the experience was. The first thing we did (9)      our first day was to go to see the giant redwood trees. They are very big and have amazing colour. My mum was(10)      than before to see them at last!After that, we did a lot of walking. My legs were very tired!
2.  Traveling to the Badaling Great Wall in November, 2020 was an experience that I won't quickly (1)      . I hired (雇佣) a car and a driver to take my friend and me to Badaling. The traffic was quite heavy. The road was(2)       cars. After an hour and a half, we(3)       arrived at the Great Wall. My friend looked at me and took a few(4)      with his camera. After that, we bought the (5)       at the ticket office and began to climb the wall. It was a bit cold. The wind with sand (沙子) blew from the Gobi Desert whipped (鞭打)our faces. We were tired and(6)       slower and slower. Many elderly people with walking sticks passed us. When we almost got to the(7)       of the wall, my friend recorded my arriving at the top with his phone. Standing on the wall, I felt(8)       about its history. We enjoyed the beautiful views and we also bought a certificate (证书) with "A Lucky Hero" on it. It(9)      that we climbed to the top.
  The traveling to the Great Wall provided us with a special experience!It's a(10)       place. It's not a good wall. It's the Great Wall!
Timetable of The Children's Palace 
Space and ManDr. Thomas West
Would you like to know more about the outer space?(4 weeks) 
Mr. Brown From Italy
Learn to take good pictures, please bring your own camera. (5 weeks) 
Wednesday18:30—21:00Computer Science
Prof. Harry Morison fromOxford University, EnglandLearn how to use Windows 2000. (12 weeks) 
Modern MedicineProf. Lucy Green
Would you like to know medical advances(进步)?(4 weeks) 
Technical English
Prof. Rose BeetDo you want to learn thetechnical words and articles?(16 weeks) 
Sunday8:30﹣11:30Exhibition of Personal Inventions
You can see many inventions by the students;you may also bring your own inventions. (2 weeks) 
4.  Alice is a middle school student. Most of the students in her school are from small villages and their families are poor. Usually they take food for lunch to school. Alice often has lunch with her friend Jenny. Jenny isn't different from others. Her food is cheap and easy. During their lunch time Jenny sometimes picks(挑出) hair in the food. Then Alice thinks Jenny's mother must be not careful.
  One day, Jenny invites Alice to her home. When Alice gets to Jenny's home, Jenny says happily, "Mum, my friend comes here. " Then a door opens and a woman appears(出现). She stands there holding the door. Alice is surprised because she finds the woman is blind . She can't see anything with her eyes.
  Alice thinks of Jenny's lunch. That is not only the lunch, but also Jenny's mother's love. Even the hair in the food is her mother's love too. Then Alice walks to Jenny's mother and helps her sit down.
  After that, the two girls often help the mother cook and they have a good meal together.
(1)      Mr. Rick Jackson(the father)is a scientist. He is doing research on Chinese food culture.
(2)      Mrs. Jackson(the mother)is a cook. She likes to cook and she cooks for her family every day.
(3)      Polly(the daughter)is learning fashion design in a school. She wants to be a costume designer in the future.
(4)      Bob(the son)is studying Chinese in a middle school. He knows the importance of Chinese. He plans to work in China when he grows up.
(5)      Mr. Tony Jackson(the grandfather) used to be an actor. Now he practices Taiji every morning. He wants to explore the role of Taiji. 
A. For the Chinese food has a special meaning. It's not just what you eat, but how to make it more delicious and healthy is the most important thing.
B. Chinese is one of the working languages of the United Nations. People all over the world use it.
C. Chinese food culture is a kind of Chinese culture with a long history. It is very useful for studying Chinese culture.
D. We founded China International Fashion Week in 1997. It has an important influence on the development of Chinese fashion culture.
E. If you want to work in Guangdong, you must learn the local language well. It is very necessary.
F. The food in Guangzhou is very delicious. People like it very much. Welcome to Guangzhou for a taste.
G. Taiji is one of China's traditional programs. It is now more about helping people to keep fit. 
6.  My father is Asian and my mother is American. They lived in China twenty years ago. We moved to the United States while I(1)      eighteen years old. I grew up in China. I was able to know well about Chinese manners and American manner.
  Chinese people go to their friends' house, and they think(2)       are guests. They often buy(3)       for their friends. They think it is(4)      to do so. Americans seldom buy gifts for their friends. They only buy gifts on their friends' birthdays or for some other big celebrations. Chinese people feel it is impolite if people don't give gifts, (5)       the Americans don't think so.
  If you ask Chinese people to(6)      down, you may have to ask many times. That's(7)       Chinese people think it is impolite to sit down at(8)      when someone tells you to sit down.
  I like both Chinese culture and American culture. Even though there is (9)      big difference between Chinese culture and American culture, I believe I will (10)       on well with both Chinese and Americans. I welcome Chinese people to visit my house.
7.  I am Li Hua. Last Friday, our class went to Xiangshan for a trip. Though the weather was a little cold, it was sunny.
  At six in the morning we met at the school gate . We took a bus there. On the bus, our monitor told us an interesting story. The story was about an interesting man. Then three girls in our class sang songs. We were very happy.
  At about seven thirty we got there. It was a beautiful mountain. There were many visitors. Then we started to climb the mountain. The boys had a climbing race. Jin Wei won first prize. He got a blue hat. At about nine o'clock we met a famous singer. Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs(亲笔签名). They were very excited.
  We had lunch in the mountain. We brought food from home and ate together.
  After lunch we went to the zoo, because there was a new member(成员) in the zoo. It was an elephant. It came from Africa.
  Finally, we took the bus back to school. Though we were tired, we were really happy.
8.假如你是王明, 今天你和家人去旅游了.请根据以下提示, 给你的英国朋友David发一封电子邮件, 想他介绍一下你今天的经历.
内容包括:1. 你们去了什么地方.
2. 你们做了什么事情.(两点以上)
3. 你这次旅行的感想.
作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 词数在80个左右.作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数, 也无需抄到答题卡.
Dear David,
Wang Ming
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