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1.My grandfather usually takes ________ walk after breakfast with his pet dog.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.We are looking forward _______ the summer holiday.
  • A. in
  • B. for
  • C. at
  • D. to
3._________ love to eat popcorn while watching their favorite TV programs.
  • A. She
  • B. They
  • C. You
  • D. I
4.We should learn to decide what is right and what is _______ facing rumors (谣言).
  • A. easy
  • B. difficult
  • C. wrong
  • D. high
5.________ his parents work as doctors in the First Hospital of Lanzhou.
  • A. Both
  • B. All
  • C. Either
  • D. Neither
6.Be quiet, please. They______ a meeting now.
  • A. have
  • B. had
  • C. are having
  • D. were having
7.My advice on learning English _______ .
  • A. accepted
  • B. is accepted
  • C. accepts
  • D. are accepted
8.I will never forget the young man______ saved my mom in the fire.
  • A. when
  • B. which
  • C. where
  • D. who
9.—Mom, what are you cooking in the kitchen? It ______ delicious.
—I'm preparing a hot pot dinner.
  • A. tastes
  • B. smells
  • C. sounds
  • D. feels
10.I don't like his speech because I can't find________ in it.
  • A. something boring
  • B. something new
  • C. anything boring
  • D. anything new
11.—How long _____ you _______ chemistry so far?
—For almost one year.
  • A. are studying
  • B. do; study
  • C. have; studied
  • D. will; study
12.It is not always necessary to ________ new words in the dictionary while reading.
  • A. look up
  • B. look at
  • C. look for
  • D. look around
13._______ it was raining heavily, the policemen were still working on the roads.
  • A. If
  • B. Because
  • C. Although
  • D. Until
14.—Can you tell me _______ this term?
—On September 21st.
  • A. when will the school trip be
  • B. when the school trip will be
  • C. where will the school trip be
  • D. where the school trip will be
15.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?
  • A. cow
  • B. grow
  • C. blow
  • D. know
16.  Happiness comes from what you believe!Here goes a story of Jack, a friend of mine. He is a very (1)       man. One day I asked him, "How do you keep happy every day?" He (2)      . "Every morning I wake up and say to (3)      , 'Jack, you have two choices today. You can choose to be happy (4)       you can choose to be unhappy, 'I choose to be happy. "
  Several years later, I(5)       that he fell off building. And I went to the hospital to see him. I asked him what he thought when the (6)       happened. "The first thing that appeared in my (7)       was my little daughter, " Jack answered. "Then, I remembered that I had two choices:I could choose to live or I could chose to (8)      . I chose to live. " Doctors and nurses were all around him. The operation (手术) went well with him.
  Jack is living (9)       now, thanks to the nurses, the doctors and also his belief. I have learned from him that every day we have a (10)      about how we live, Belief, after all, is everything!
17.Thousands of high school students enjoy reading Today, we have selected 4 of the most popular books loved by young readers. If you are interested in them, you can get them from the school library.

  The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-ExuperyPublished (出版) in 2016
●A little prince from a small planet is looking for the secret of what is important in life. It has been translated into over 180 languages. 

  One and Only Bob by Katherine ApplegatePublished in 2020
●Bob sets out on a dangerous journey in search of his long-lost sister with the help of his two best friends. 

The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne FrankPublished in 1947
●The Diary of Anne Frank is a record of herunderstanding of World War Ⅱ 

The Kite Runner by Khaled HosseiniPublished in 2003
● The book is about two boys' story. Since it came out, nearly 7 million readers have mad it. 

阅读以上信息. 根据其内容判断下列各小题的正误.正确的填A. 错误的填B.
18.  Earth Day is on April 22. Since 1970, it has grown into a global (全球的) event. Setting up Earth Day is a way to show how much we care about the future of our planet. It is also a good time to learn more about the environment and how we can help to protect it.
  Earth Day is not just about big events but also about thousands of smaller ones to deal with environmental problems in the neighborhood. Not sure where to start?Some experts (专家) have made a list of 10 things that each person could do to save the environment. Each of us is responsible for acting. even in small ways . We can't say: "The problem is too big, I can't fix it".
  If we all do at least five of these following things all the time, we can make a big difference.
●Don't leave the tap running.
● Turn off lights when you leave a room.
● Turn off your computers every night.
●Don't use paper cups, plates or napkins.
●Care for trees, plants and animals.
● Carry a cloth bag for shopping.
● Wash your clothes in warm or cold water, not hot water.
●Only buy electrical products if you really need them
●Eat earth-friendly food that is grown of raised as close to you house as possible.
●Tell other people about Earth Day and the ways they can help the environment.
  Remember that every day is Earth Day. Anything to help our environment is a perfect thing to do on Earth Day and every day.
19.  Have you ever wondered why different kinds of fruit have so many colors?According to Lu Wei from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, fruit colors actually come from their different pigments. These pigments appear in different amounts (数量), depending on the fruit's environment. This causes the fruit to turn a certain color.
  To find out how environment influences fruit colors, Chinese scientists studied more than 280 different fruit colors. They found that red fruits are likely to grow in cooler places. You can find them growing in many places around the world instead of just in one place. Blue and purple fruits mostly grow in warmer places. They grow a lot in just one specific (特定的) area. The closer the fruit is to the equator(赤道), the darker its color will be.
  Animals also have an influence on the development of fruit colors. Animals eat fruit and drop the seeds(种子)in other places later. This helps the fruit spread and grow in different places. Therefore, in order to attract(吸引) animals, some fruits develop colors that are easy to see. However, animals see colors in a different way. Fruit needs to develop colors that are suited to animals' visual(视觉的)abilities. For example, birds can see red more easily than humans can. So there tends to be more red fruit in areas where birds live.
good; can; feet; fast; and; drive; also; each; fact; when 

  Beijing will host 2022 Winter Olympics. Do you know about winter sports?They are very interesting. They are not only (1)       for our health but also can make us strong and brave. There are many kinds of winter sports, such as sledding(滑雪橇), skiing, ice hockey and so on. Here are some interesting (2)       about them.
  A sled looks like a boat. It (3)       move easily over snow or ice. Many years ago. Sleds were made of wood and used to transport goods (货物) (4)       people. Now kids sled for fun. They like to (5)       a sled and go down from a hill.
  Skiing is one of the fastest sports on land. The fastest skier can ski up to 25. 5km/h. It is as (6)       as a high-speed train. Skiing is (7)       one of the most dangerous sports in the world.
  Ice hockey is very popular with Canadians. It is a team sport. There are two teams trying to score goals and (8)       team has six players. All the two player wear skates, big pads (护具) and helmets (头盔) . They each carry a stick to hit the puck (冰球) into the goal . They can use sticks and their (9)      to move the puck but can't hold it in their hands.
  Don't forget to stay warm and follow the safety rules (10)       you are playing on ice.
21.Puppets on Sticks
  Shadow puppet show (皮影)is a traditional Chinese folk art form with a history of more than 2,000 years. A puppet is made of leather (皮革), which is carved (雕刻) into different designs and ①dyed in bright colors. Five sticks connect its head, hands and feet. In a shadow show, artists hold the puppets behind a screen, a large piece of white framed cloth or paper. They made the puppets move with the sticks. The bright light above makes the moving puppets' shadow on the screen. ②People sit in front of the screen, enjoying the show. A successful shadow show needs 5 artists to work together. 2 controlling the puppets, the other 3 playing music or singing. To make the show lively and interesting, they need to learn to understand the movements of humans and animals well.
22.A:Hi, Peter. What magazine are you reading?
B:(1)      . I'm reading about electric cars. Do you know anything about them?
A:Well, they aren't very common. (2)      .
B:Yes, I am. A big company is making a new kind of electric car this year.
A:Is there something special about it?
B: (3)      .
A:It must he expensive.
B:Actually, it will be their cheapest car. I did some research on the new car.
A:Really? (4)      .
B:Many people are excited about its design. Look at this picture.
A:Wow, its top is really special!
B:Besides, electric cars don't use gas. (5)      .
A:I think so. Science and technology make our life better.

A. It's a car magazine.
B. That means less air pollution.
C. How do you get to school?
D. Are you interested in them?
E. What did you find out?
F. Where is it made?
G. Yes, it can drive much farther than electric cars. 
23.The Smiths often pick       (strawberry) on the farm.
24.It is one of the       (big) supermarkets in Lanzhou.
25.She       (do) sports every day and never stays up late.
26.A       (help) classmate is always popular among us.
27.Could you please tell me how       (improve) my computer skills?
28.We will hold a party for my sister's       (seven) birthday.
29.My grandparents always tell my father to drive more       (careful) at night.
30.We can't      (run) in the hallways at school.
31.       (science) around the world are doing research on the COVID﹣19 vaccine(疫苗).
32.China       (send) a new Beidou satellite into space on June 23rd, 2020.
33.我的早餐通常是一杯牛奶, 个鸡蛋和一些面包.
I usually have a glass of milk, an egg and      for breakfast.
It is good to       your happiness       your family.
You are supposed to wait      when you take the subway.
Fan Jinshi is still       her       to protect Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes culture.
Joining a basketball club is a good way to       .
38.假如你是李明, 你的英国朋友Peter得知你即将初中毕业, 来信询问你的一些情况, 请你给他写一封回信, 要点包括:
1. 感谢关心;
2. 收获与感受:
3. 期待共同努力, 实现梦想.
1. 80词左右;
2. 条理清晰, 行文连贯, 书写规范, 内容上可适当增加细节:
3. 信中不得出现具体的校名、人名等信息;
4. 开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数.
提示词语:used to; make progress;develop ﹣ habit;grow up;make effort:be proud of
Dear Peter,
  I'm very glad to receive your letter. __________________________
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