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(Three friends are talking about their weekend. )
Friends (3 persons)
A: Hi, guys. (1)      
B: Petty good. I'm having fun in Pingyao.
C: @Ming (2)       I always dream to go there.
A: Is there anything special?
B: Sure. I saw many big houses from 200 years ago.
C: Amazing! There must be stories behind them. (3)      
B: Yes, I have. I watched the show about the ancient city.
C: You had a taste of its history and culture. (4)      
B: Mountain Mian. You see, there're many places of interest in Shanxi.
A: (5)       After all, our hometown has a long history of about 5, 000 years.
C: It is really worth visiting. Fantastic!

A. Lucky you!
B. That's true.
C. How's it going?
D. You're welcome.
E. What about the food?
F. Have you heard about them?
G. Where are you going tomorrow? 
2.  Recently, I had a hard time working on a group project. My teacher put me with three classmates, but they didn't care about whether the work could be done. I had no (1)       about what to do at all.
  As we set the table for dinner, my mom noticed I was (2)      . "What's going on?" she asked.
  "The others in my group aren't doing any work. It seemed that they didn't (3)       to work on the projects," I replied. "Do I have to do all the work for everyone if I don't want a (4)       grade?"
  "Well," my mom said with a smile. "I doubt you're responsible (负责的) for everyone else's part. Why don't you (5)       it with your partners?"
  And at our next group meeting, I tried to share my worries in a friendly way. "Since we are working as a (6)      , we're depending on each other to do the best we can," I said to them. "If anyone is having troubles, maybe we can talk about the (7)       of solving them together. Let's work together and finish the task."
  (8)      , all my group members ended up doing their part. They didn't do things the way I would have. But I guess that's the deal with group projects.
Come and join us!
  What are you doing this summer? Summer holidays are the time when you can discover new interests and hobbies. Look at these summer camps. Here are two exciting things you could do instead of spending time in front of your computer screen!
Photography (摄影) course at the art center
  Come to our summer course! You'll learn all the ways that top photographers take wonderful photos. During this three-week course, you'll be taught by the skillful teachers from the art school. At the end of the course, all the photos will be shown in a special show at the museum. The first course starts on July 12th, so call or email us now!
The action sport your parents might not want you to try
  Be brave! Try BMX biking in a training course. It will teach you how to ride this kind of bike safely. Tell your parents they can relax! You'll always be with a skillful teacher. As you become more confident, you'll learn to do jumps and other moves. You will really surprise your friends! If you like speed, this is a course you can't afford to miss!
  Since tea spread from China worldwide, it has become one of the most popular drinks in the world. Different countries have their own tea cultures, like afternoon tea in England.
  The tradition of afternoon tea is a very special part of English culture. The custom of drinking tea became popular in England during the 1660s. It was not until the mid-19th century that the idea of "afternoon tea" first appeared.
  Afternoon tea is served in the mid-afternoon, between lunch and a late dinner. The idea came from Anna, the seventh Duchess (公爵夫人) of Bedford, in 1840. At the time, many families would eat a late dinner at about 8 p.m., which was one of only two main meals each day, and the other was a mid-morning meal.
  With a long time between breakfast and dinner, Anna would become hungry around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So she asked some tea, bread, butter and cakes to be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her.
  Later, Anna continued it, sending cards to her friends asking them to join her for "tea and a walking in the fields".
  Others soon picked up on the idea. By the 1880s, afternoon tea became an event for many ladies. They would be dressed beautifully to be served in the sitting room between four and five o'clock, talking about the latest news, their daily life and fashion.
  Today's afternoon tea is simpler than traditional afternoon tea. It is just a biscuit or small cake and a cup of tea. However, there is one thing that has never changed — the meaning of afternoon tea.
  Courage is often thought to be one of the most important spirits everyone needs. Then what is courage? (1)       One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential (潜力). Kids build courage as they are growing up.
  Many people talk about connections between courage and fear. (2)       If there is no fear, there is no need for courage. That is to say, courage is the ability to do what makes you feel afraid. Courage doesn't only mean great actions, such as saving one's life or taking a big risk. (3)       For example, we show courage when we raise our hand to answer a hard question during class or try a new sport.
  Courage is in everyday choices we make. Can you be kind to the new kid in class? (4)       Or can you stand up for someone in need? Often, these things don't come with praise, but they need courage.
  (5)       When we become brave enough to face failure, we'll be more willing to try new things and try again after we fail. Courage doesn't always shout. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I'll try again tomorrow."

A. You should learn to speak in public.
B. It is the ability to do something difficult.
C. Courage always stands side by side with fear.
D. Can you listen to the new person in your group?
E. Learning to fail is another important part of courage.
F. Courage also means the smaller actions of our everyday lives. 
  China impresses the world in the year 2022. In the past months, we have seen several important events that showed the world a strong China. Here we take a look back at them.
  The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games closed on February 20. Themed "Together for a Shared Future", the Games drew attention of the world successfully. Athletes (运动员) competed bravely on the ice and snow, achieving their dreams. They encouraged people around the world with their spirits. Behind stage, Chinese food and culture impressed international athletes. Many shared photos and videos of their life on social media, telling Chinese stories to the world. Beijing 2022 gave the world a window on China.
  While Beijing 2022 reflects rich Chinese culture, the great progress in science and technology shows the ability to innovate (创新). On April 16, China welcomed three heroic astronauts home. After flying around Earth for six months, they came back home safely. During the stay in space, they gave lively science lessons from the Tiangong space station. That made millions of children fall in love with space science.
  What's more, on June 5, the Shenzhou XIV spacecraft rose into space and another three astronauts were sent into the space station. They will make a further step in the exploration (探索) of space.
  All these great achievements show the power of China. We're proud of our country. We strongly believe that China will surely move forward to an even brighter future.

China impresses the world in the year 2022. And the world sees a (1)       China. Beijing held the 2022 Winter Olympic Games successfully. Athletes competed bravely and (2)       people around the world. Besides, they told Chinese stories on social media. That let the world know more about Chinese food and (3)      . China also keeps innovating in science and technology. On April 16, three heroic astronauts returned home (4)      . The lively lessons they gave from space rose children's interest in space science. With the Shenzhou XIV rising into space on June 5, China will continue with a further space exploration. As Chinese, we feel (5)       of our country for all these great achievements. We believe China will have an even brighter future. 
  A footprint means the influence that a person's or an organization's activities have on the environment. Simply understanding it is very useful to us. Let's take the example of Mr. Brown's footprints.
  Water footprint
  Water is the source of life. We use water directly for drinking, cooking and washing, but we also use water indirectly for producing things such as food, paper and cloth. A water footprint tells us how much water is being used. It can help us come up with ways to save water. You can learn about how your daily habits influence your water use through the food you eat, the things you buy and even the energy you use.
Food Water Footprint 
an apple 70 litres (升) 
a cup of coffee 140 litres 
a kilo of beef 15, 500 litres 
a hamburger 2, 400 litres 

(Chart Ⅰ)
Mr. Brown's Water Footprint 
breakfast: a hamburger, a cup of coffee
lunch: a cup of coffee, a sandwich, an apple
dinner: vegetable salad, 0.2 kilo of beef 

(Chart Ⅱ)
  Carbon (碳) footprint
  A carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 a person or an organization produces. We can use it to understand the influence of personal behavior on global warming (全球变暖). Most people are surprised when they see how much CO2 their activities create. Then they begin to think about changing their daily habits to reduce (减少) their carbon footprints. For example, they can walk instead of using a car.
Carbon Footprint 
(Each of the following activities adds 1 kilo of CO2.)
travel 10 to 12 km by train or bus
drive 6 km by car
produce 5 plastic bags
use your computer for 32 hours 

(Chart Ⅲ)
Mr. Brown's Carbon Footprint 
drive 24 km to work
drive 5 km to the supermarket
use 5 plastic bags for shopping
use his computer for about 8 hours 

(Chart Ⅳ)
How to reduce your water footprints and carbon footprints to be greener?
Tip 1: Save water and electricity
When you are at home, don't leave the water or lights on when you don't need it.
Tip 2: ___________
Meatless Monday is popular with people who want to eat less meat. The production of meat uses lots of energy and produces lots of CO2.
Tip 3: Buy less
The more we buy, the more we throw away later. Before you buy something, think about whether you really need it.
Everyone plays a role in making a greener Earth. If you know about your footprints well, you can think up more ways to protect the environment.
Kids' Body Language         Do you want to know your kids well? If so, just start with their body language. We all talk, but most of the talking is body language. You may not notice it, (1)       we use body language much more than we think.
  Usually kids' body language is the same (2)       adults', and sometimes it sends a different message. Here are some examples. Let's see what they mean. 
Not standing straight A kid (3)       doesn't stand straight may feel unhappy or just feel a bit down. He might not feel very good about himself, or (4)       might just be thinking about something else! It's not always easy to say, and most of the time he won't tell you (5)       is the matter.
My advice: if there are no health problems, don't care. 
Not looking you in the eye
A kid who doesn't look you in the eye may not believe in himself, or he may be afraid (6)       his elders. He may also feel uncomfortable looking at anybody. There (7)       a few things that you can do. Try to do things with them that don't require looking at you. You could also pretend (假装) not to notice it.
My advice: (8)       they are smart, friendly and polite, it'll probably be OK. 
If you are interested (9)       kids' body language, welcome to my corner. We will talk more about it from 8:00 (10)       9:00 p.m. on Monday. 
do; she; clean; leaf; interest; meaning; you; tell; have; thing; happy; celebrate 

  It was Friday afternoon. After getting off the school bus, Laura ran into the house (1)      .
  "How was school, Laura?" asked (2)       mom.
  "It was great, Mom. Labor Day (劳动节) is coming. I am excited that I (3)       no school next Monday!"
  Laura was woken up early on Labor Day morning by her dad. He said that in honor of (纪念) Labor Day, the family planned (4)       some cleaning. Laura couldn't believe it. She began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.
  "Laura, your breakfast is ready. We have many (5)       to do today. Let's get a move on," said Laura's mom. Laura asked her parents, "Are you serious about working today? Isn't Labor Day a holiday?"
  "Yes, Laura, it is." replied her dad. "But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you realize why Labor Day (6)       in the beginning."
  Laura disliked the plan, but she had no choice. First, she was asked to wash the breakfast dishes. After that, her dad (7)       her to give their dog a bath. It was a hard task, which needed a lot of careful work. She began the work unhappily.
  But things began to change as she was doing the chores. She found it was so (8)       with so many soap bubbles (泡泡) when she brushed the dog. Then it was yard work and she helped to pick up sticks. When she finished her chores, Laura felt happy to see the yard looked much (9)       than before.
  Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something (10)       can also get special pleasure. Maybe this is the spirit of Labor Day.
10.  有效的课后作业能激发学生的学习兴趣,丰富学习经历,提升综合素养,并在知识与生活之间架起一座桥梁。某校为减轻学生的负担,改进作业布置的方式, 针对 “你最喜欢的一种英语课后作业类型”,对1,267名学生进行了问卷调查,下图是相关的统计结果。

1. 简要说明图表内容;
2. 从图表中选出一种你最喜欢的作业类型,结合自己的经历,谈谈这种作业的好处。
1. 词数不少于80词,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名;
3. 参考词汇仅供参考。
arouse interest 激发兴趣
enrich experiences 丰富经历
promote competence 提升素养 

A school did a survey among 1,267 students about their favorite kinds of English homework. Here are the results. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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