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1.Ben watched Tom and Jerry yesterday. _______ cartoon made him laugh.
  • A. A
  • B. An
  • C. The
  • D. /
2.Everybody, please keep _______. It's not allowed to make any noise in the reading room.
  • A. fit
  • B. warm
  • C. dry
  • D. quiet
3.—Jack, I have no idea for the report.
—Me neither. Why don't we ask the teacher for _______?
  • A. help
  • B. jokes
  • C. food
  • D. tickets
4.There was a storm yesterday. _______, most of the flowers in my garden are still alive.
  • A. Clearly
  • B. Luckily
  • C. Suddenly
  • D. Firstly
5.—Thomas, where are my postcards? I _______ find them.
—They're on the bookshelf.
  • A. can't
  • B. needn't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shouldn't
6.—Mum, may I have more chocolate?
—You'd better not _______ too much sweet food is bad for health.
  • A. until
  • B. while
  • C. although
  • D. because
7.In China, people usually _______ their houses to sweep away bad luck before Spring Festival.
  • A. clean up
  • B. look up
  • C. make up
  • D. put up
8.—Lydia, have you decided which city to travel to, London or New York?
—Not yet. Maybe I _______ London to meet my friends this time.
  • A. visit
  • B. visited
  • C. will visit
  • D. was visiting
9.—Nancy, do you know ______?
—In 1957, I think.
  • A. who wrote the play Teahouse
  • B. what the play Teahouse is about
  • C. when the play Teahouse was written
  • D. why Lao She wrote the play Teahouse
10.—Dad, we'll play against a strong team in tomorrow's football match.
—_______!Just try your best!
  • A. Good idea
  • B. Come on
  • C. Thank you
  • D. Wait a minute
11.  Matt loved science and he wanted to be the Science Star of the week. Now he was presenting his experiment in Mrs. Perry's class.
  "Let me show you(1)      to keep an egg in the middle of the glass. "Matt dropped an egg into salt water. But it fell to the bottom.
  "Look, Matt's blushing!"Coco shouted. Matt covered(2)      red face with hands.
  That evening he (3)      The Book of Wonderful Science Experiments. When it came to the last page, he smiled. "This is the right experiment (4)      me!It's impossible to fail this time.
  The next day in front of his class, Matt spread small pieces of paper onto the desk and rubbed a spoon with cloth. "The spoon will lift up the paper. "He raised the spoon, but(5)      happened. The paper lay still.
  "Matt's blushing again!" Emily pointed out. Matt was(6)      and ran back to his seat with his red face.
  "Becoming the Science Star seems so (7)      , "Matt thought. That night he couldn't sleep. "I have to make it, but the only thing I could do right was blushing.". .. Suddenly, a(8)      came to his mind.
  The following morning, Matt appeared before the class again, (9)      his Mickey Mouse ears.
  "Mouse ears on the head are your(10)      ?" Someone laughed and Matt's face burned.
  "No, watch my(11)      !Blushing is my experiment, " Matt answered. Everyone quieted down.
  Matt continued, "When you feel stressed, your blood vessels in the face open wide and fill the skin with blood, (12)       you blush. "He showed a picture of blood vessels. "I've (13)       many times to control blushing, but now I know it's a normal part of being human. So the best thing to do is to(14)      it. "The class cheered and Matt's red face lit up the whole classroom.
  "Matt is the Science Star of the week," Mrs. Perry announced. Matt walked (15)      back to his seat. What a perfect day!
12.  Good photographers are like reporters. They record people's lives with cameras. They are also like artists or writers. Their photos can make people think or feel something.
Different types of photographers Famous photographers 
●Fashion photographers mainly take pictures of new products like clothes.
●Portrait photographers take photos of different people.
●Landscape photographers usually take pictures outdoors in nature. ●Event photographers take photos of big parties and ceremonies. 
●Robert Doisneau was French. He was well-known for his black and white street photos of Paris.
●Anne Geddes was born in Australia. Taking baby pictures has made her world-famous.
●Richard Avedon was from the USA. He mainly took photos of fashion and famous people. His photos helped develop a new style for photography. 
13.  "Motasharefon bema'refatek!" is often heard in Arabs' daily talks. This greeting in the language Arabic means "Nice to meet you!" You may find Arabic difficult to understand, but the following facts can offer you some basics.
  Arabic is a language of over twenty countries across the Middle East and North Africa. It's also one of the six official languages of the UN. Now about 400 million people worldwide speak Arabic.
  Arabic has different varieties. One of them is Modern Standard Arabic. It is taught at schools in all Arabic﹣speaking countries and used formally over media. Colloquial Arabic is another variety which people in the Arab world usually use in their everyday life.
  Arabic is written from right to left in a beautiful and flowing script. Written Arabic is formed from eighteen different curves with dots () above or below. The curve () with one dot below is pronounced /b/, two on top is /t/, and three on top is /th/, while the curve ( )with two dots below is pronounced /y/.
  A main feature of Arabic is the three-letter root system. Almost every Arabic word is based on a root of three letters. If you take a root and add other letters to it, you can create many words related to the meaning of that root. For example, "k-t-b" is a common root in Arabic. Some words from that root are kitaab ("book") and maktaba ("library").
  There are more facts about Arabic for you to explore. You'll find that learning about it helps open up a door to a different culture and provides a new way of thinking about the world.

14.  Scientists are looking for ways that we can effectively use the light and heat from the sun. One idea that has caught their imagination is solar roads. They are expected to produce clean and renewable energy.
  With solar panels on the surfaces, solar roads cost more than traditional roads. However, besides the functions of traditional roads, they have the panels to receive sunlight and change it into the energy to supply power to homes, factories and street lighting. There are four layers in a solar panel:
  ●Base layer:It is made of insulation material and forms a good grip with the road below this layer.
  ●Middle layer:This is the most important layer. It holds all kinds of power lines connecting all the solar parts in the panel, like LED lights and the heating system.
  ●Top layer:This layer is super﹣strong glass. It allows the panel to hold the weight of the heaviest vehicles.
  ●Capping:This is the topmost layer used to offer extra protection to the solar parts in the panel. The layer must be rough enough to provide the traction for the safety of vehicles.
  With the smart design, solar roads can successfully charge the vehicles on them. And the roads have inbuilt LED lights to replace the traditional road signs and lines, which are usually painted and harmful to humans. What's more, the heating systems in the solar roads can take care of the snow and ice on the roads for drivers.
  Test solar roads have been built in several countries (France, China, USA, etc. ) since 2014. The first world solar road project, Metrics of WattWay in France, was set up by a French company called Construction Colas. It was an example of low effectiveness. In the first year, it had been expected to produce around 767 kWh of energy a day, but it only produced 409 kWh. Even so, the production could increase with design improvements. Of course, more time is needed before this technology is put into use.
  Solar roads may not be widely used in the near future, but they are indeed great for an environment﹣friendly and energy﹣saving world.

15.  Hearing that Erin was coming for the silver wedding party, Mr. Joe and his wife got worried.
  "Erin the thief!" said Mr. Joe to his wife. "Anything smaller than a table, and more expensive than paper, would finally be found in his bag."
  "He's sure to come for the presents we've received," added Mrs. Joe. "We can't hide them all. How can we deal with him?"
  "We must keep an eye on him," said Mr. Joe.
  As soon as Erin arrived, the couple started to keep a sharp lookout. After dinner, the three talked nervously from one boring topic to another in the living room.
  Suddenly, Erin asked, "You've got so many presents. Can I take a look at those pretty silk scarves?"
   "Only it's annoying to have seven of them," Mr. Joe blurted.
  Erin studied the scarves carefully, lost in thought. The couple got more anxious.
  After Erin went for sleep, Mrs. Joe counted the presents immediately. "I'm not sure if we've lost anything," she doubted.
  "He must have taken something, " claimed Mr. Joe angrily. "The awful pig hasn't brought us a present. How dare he take anything from us?"
  "Let's go through his bag late at night, " Mrs. Joe suggested.
  The search was a short one. They found a silk scarf carefully placed in the bag. Mrs. Joe quickly picked it up and put it into her pocket.
  The next morning, Erin was ate for breakfast. " Something's been taken out of my bag, " he said. "It was a present I had prepared for your silver wedding, only it happened to be a scarf. You seemed annoyed at having so many, so I thought I'd get it changed, but now it's gone."
  The couple turned deadly pale. Mrs. Joe ran to the living room and surprisingly, she found their seven scarves were still there. _______△_____  
Mrs. Joe returned with Erin's scarf. "This one is yours" she went on. "It's an unpleasant thing to say …Actually, we took it last night. It all started because there were some unkind words about you. It's really shameful to go through your bag without asking."
  Erin's eyes widened as he was listening. Mrs. Joe handed the scarf to Erin.
  "Please take your scarf back. It's unfair to you. Really hope you can forgive us for everything we did," Mr. Joe said.
  Erin refused the scarf with a smile. "It has always been for you. Please keep it. Just want you to know that people change."
we young money wash behind 
17.  Chen Gang is a professor from China University of Geosciences. His son, Chen Lihao, is a university (1)       (学生). They reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, the world's highest peak, on (2)       (四月) 30th, 2022. During their journey, they did scientific research and (3)      (收集) ice, snow, plants and pieces of rocks. They were honoured as (4)      (英雄)after they returned.
  Chen Gang likes (5)       (爬) mountains. He has been to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau many times over the past (6)      (九)years. Although he meets lots of difficulties, he (7)       (从不) thinks of giving up. He nicely connects his hobby with his career. As for his (8)       (勇敢的) son Chen Lihao, he is a national first-class mountaineer. He always (9)      (训练) hard and gets ready for more challenges. The father and son (10)      (两者都) show great courage and abilities. They closely combine their personal futures with national needs.
18.假如你是陈华, 你的英国朋友Tracy在她学校成立了中国音乐社, 她在为社团成员安排下学期的活动, 写邮件征求你的意见.请根据她设计的活动(见下表)回复邮件, 提出你对这些活动的看法和理由, 并为她补充至少一项活动.
Activities for the Chinese music club
●Listen to traditional and modern Chinese music.
●Share stories of Chinese singers. 

1. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;
2. 词数:110词左右;开头与结尾已给出, 不计人总词数.

Dear Tracy,
  Glad to hear from you. It's great to know you've got a Chinese music club in your school. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Hope you'll enjoy Chinese music and have fun.
Chen Hua
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