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1.  My day began when I saw my six-year-old son Jonathan doing something in the garden by my azalea bush (杜鹃花丛). By the time I got(1)      , I found he'd broken it!It was my favorite!
  "Can I take this to school?" he asked, smiling. Though a bit unhappy, I nodded. Then I turned back to the broken bush and (2)      it as if to say silently, "I'm sorry. " Later I pruned(修剪) it with great care.
  The rest of the day, I was busy doing endless housework. Time had passed by fast (3)      I realized it was already 3:00. Leaving the clothes in the washing machine, I hurriedly got to school to(4)      Jonathan. When I got there, the teacher told me she wanted to talk about Jonathan.
  What now?I thought.
  I had prepared myself for the worst, (5)      the teacher's words greatly surprised me. "Did you know Jonathan brought (6)      to school today?" she asked. I nodded, thinking about my favorite bush. "See that little girl?" the teacher(7)      . I saw a bright﹣eyed child busily drawing a picture with crayons. I (8)       again.
  "Well, her parents are separated and she has been(9)      these days. I did all I could to comfort(安慰) her, but nothing(10)      . This morning I watched your son walk over to(11)      with some pretty pink flowers and say, 'This is for you'. "
  I felt my heart full of(12)      for what my son had done. Holding Jonathan's hand, I said, "Thank you, you've(13)       my day. "
  I was warmed by the(14)      Jonathan showed to the little girl and I made up my mind to pass it on. Later that evening when my husband came back home from a tiring workday, I picked some pink azaleas and(15)      them to him. "This is for you, " I said.
New books recommended (被推荐的) for both adults and children 
Love China All My Life:
Isabel Crook's Stories
The book is written by Tan Kai. It is about Isabel Crook, a woman who spent many years on China's English language education and the communications between China and Canada. 
Great Wall Underground:
Karez Irrigation System(坎儿井灌溉系统)
The book is for children aged 5﹣10. With beautiful pictures and vivid language, it can let young readers know the history and function of the karez underground irrigation system in Xinjiang. 
A Brief History of the Spreading
of Chinese Culture
Written by Wu Bin, once the director of the Shenyang Palace Museum, the book is about special people and great events in history when Chinese culture went abroad. 
An Appreciation (欣赏)
of the Old Summer Palace
The beauty of the ruined (被毁坏的) Old Summer Palace could only be found in paper. However, Guo Daiheng, a professor of Tsinghua University, and her students give life to 60% of the Palace's look with the modern technology. The book, with hundreds of pictures, is a record of their work. 
3.①There are lots of things that cause stress (压力) in our lives, such as school problems, arguments with friends and sometimes bad feelings about ourselves. We all experience stress at times, but it's important to manage it properly and reduce(减少) its influence. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with stress.
②Sometimes we feel stressed without understanding the reason. So whenever you're stressed, you should stop and think. What is really happening?How can you improve the situation?Try keeping a diary about your problems and the possible causes.
③Do you always wait until Sunday evening to do homework?This bad habit can cause "last﹣minute" stress, as well as poor grades. To avoid that, time management is greatly needed. Plan your studies and other activities with a calendar. You can also divide big projects into smaller tasks. In this way, you'll always know how much time you really have.
④Besides, healthy habits are very important for reducing stress. Be sure to eat healthy meals and get at least eight hours of sleep. Avoid checking your mobile phone or using the computer before bedtime. It will keep you awake!
⑤When you're feeling stressed, it's helpful to speak to someone who understands your situation, such as your friends and families. Sometimes it's enough to talk about your problems and share your feelings. Other times, however, you might need advice or suggestions. Don't keep your worries to yourself.
⑥Finally, relaxation is important. Find some free time for activities that you enjoy, such as sports, hobbies and meeting with friends. For example, seeing a film or hanging out after 5 days' study could be a good choice. If you find some time to relax and enjoy yourself, you'll feel refreshed, have more energy, and reduce your level of stress.
4.  The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics has already come to an end, and Chinese athletes (运动员) have made great achievements. But how will the stadiums (场馆) be used after the Olympics?
  The designers have already considered that question in their designs (设计). The plan is to let the stadiums serve common people and increase their interest in winter sports. Just as one of the designers of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics said, "The stadiums can not only serve professional athletes in the games, but also serve the public after the games."
  For example, the professional ice race lanes (车道) for athletes are 121 meters high and are not fit for amateurs. So the National Ski and Sleigh Center has kept a special lane for common sport﹣lovers. The height of the lane is about 40 meters. This can make sure they will stay safe.
  The National Ski Jumping Center in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province will continue being open to the public for skiing in winter and jogging in summer. In fact, people can make use of the stadiums all year round. On the top of the center, people can walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery. There is also a standard football field that can hold 6, 000 people. Even concerts and cultural fairs can be held there as well.
  Time will tell whether the stadiums can be really made good use of after the Olympic Games. In China, 300 million people have already taken part in ice and snow sports because of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Hopefully, that number will continue to rise with plans like these. After all, snow and ice sports belong not only to talented professional athletes, but also to everyone interested in them.
5.  Last week, I finally managed to ask my parents to buy me a new football shirt for the school match. I was very excited and wore it to the training before the match, but I wished I hadn't done that!My new shirt was torn(破损的) after the training and only a tailor(裁缝) could help!
  As I walked home worriedly, I saw a shop sign:All Kinds of Repairs and Services!I went inside at once. I looked around the shop and saw broken toys, broken chairs. .. I wondered if I was in the wrong place. Just at that moment, a man with white hair came up to me and said cheerfully, "Welcome! This is a repair shop and I can repair everything!"
   "But. .. what I need is a tailor to deal with my football shirt."
  "You've come to the right place. I've been waiting a long, long time to repair a football shirt."
  "Really?" I held the shirt in my hands.
  To my surprise, he took the shirt from me, put on glasses and sat down on the sofa with my shirt in his hands. "I guess you are a striker (前锋)," he smiled warmly. How could he know?The man gave me a wink and said calmly, "See that picture on the wall?That was me 30 years ago"
  I couldn't believe my eyes!He was Orhan, the famous footballer who was on the city team years ago!I told him I was playing for the school team and I had been his fan for years.
  I told him everything, my dream, my practice and even my dad's words. "Dad thinks I should be an engineer or a doctor." I lowered my head.
  "Follow your dream, choose a job you love and carry on. "The man smiled at me with his blue eyes. He patted (轻拍) me on the shoulder and put the shirt he had repaired in my bag.
  Today I have become a footballer and I still keep that shirt in my closet.
6.阅读下面采访材料, 根据文中信息完成采访记录.任务A:补全1﹣3题的信息.每空不得超过三个词.任务B:根据采访内容补全Pierre的回答, 完成第4题.不得超过10个词.
(The reporter Lisa from the magazine A Bite of Xiamen is interviewing Pierre, a Frenchman who opens a restaurant in Xiamen, Fujian. )
Lisa: Good morning, Pierre. I'm Lisa from A Bite of Xiamen. We've heard your restaurant The Pierre's is really famous these days. Do you have a minute for several questions?
Pierre: Sure, Lisa. It's my pleasure.
Lisa: So how long have you stayed in China?
Pierre: Um. .. I came to China in 2002. I met my wife here and now we have two sons.
Lisa: Wow, that's 20 years! How do you feel about China?
Pierre: I love this country. It's now much like my second hometown. I must say I'm really surprised and happy about the fast development here.
Lisa:Glad to hear that. Then what brought you to Xiamen?
Pierre: Well, I chose Xiamen as it's a perfect place for both business and relaxation. I fell in love with it on my first trip here.
Lisa: Then what are the specials in your restaurant?
Pierre: Actually, I have created some dishes that combine the best of French and Cantonese food (粵菜).
Lisa: Really? I can't wait to have a try. What do you want to say to the people who love your restaurant?
Pierre: (4)      
Lisa: Thanks for your time and sharing today. 

Notes of the Interview 
Interviewee: Pierre 
Restaurant: The Pierre's 
Personal information: French cook;has been in China for (1)      years 
Families: wife and(2)       
Feelings of China: second hometown;(3)      about the fast development 
Reasons to Xiamen: a perfect place for both business and relaxation 
Specials in The Pierre's: dishes that combine the best of French and Cantonese food 
7.  The tradition of tea drinking began in China thousands of years ago. It soon became (1)      (流行的;受欢迎的) because it was healthy and gave people energy. Later, tea was brought to some countries in (2)      (东方的) Asia, such as Japan and Korea. Nowadays, Chinese tea has become a world drink.
   Some of the world's tastiest teas (3)       (生长) in China. Oolong tea is one of the best and it has many different kinds. One of them has a light brown (4)       (颜色) and tastes like honey. Another special kind has a heavier, burnt taste.
   Perhaps the best way for beginners to enjoy tea is to (5)      (出席;参加) traditional tea art performances which are held at tea houses and tea farms around the country.
  Several steps are planned (6)      (细致地;小心地) in each performance. First, heat the pots and tea cups with warm water. Then, put some tea (7)      (叶子) into the teapot. Next, pour hot water from a specific height. After that, make sure the tea is boiled for a proper time.
  When the tea is ready, drinkers should (8)      (闻到;嗅) it before taking a sip. It's (9)      (有礼貌的) to finish each cup in three small sips. The performance provides a chance to appreciate this valuable (10)       (礼物;馈赠) from nature.
8.  Matt is a primary school student who loves playing with little animals. One day, when he was on (1)      (he) way to school, he saw a homeless cat sitting in a box. It was a black﹣and﹣white cat with bright eyes. The cat was so cute (2)      Matt couldn't help playing with it.
  The longer Matt played with (3)       cat, the more he liked it. The little cat followed him as he left for school. Matt then decided (4)      (take) the cat to school with him. He put the cat in his schoolbag (5)       went to school happily.
  After Matt entered the class, he told some (6)      (classmate) about the cat, "As he opened the schoolbag to show them the cat, it suddenly jumped out and (7)      (start) running around the classroom. It even jumped onto the teacher's desk! Everyone in class was (8)      (excited) than ever before. Just at that time, the teacher came in and caught the cat (9)      (quick). Matt felt embarrassed and his face turned red.
  To Matt's surprise, the teacher came up to him (10)       a smile, saying, "Matt, it's nice of you to lend a helping hand to homeless animals, but you are not allowed to take it to school."
9.假如你是李雷, 上周参观了以"Working the Waste into Magic"为主题的环保作品展.请你根据以下信息, 写一篇短文, 在英语课上介绍相关展品并分享自己的想法与感受.
What were on show What they are made of/from What you think 
➢clothes➢chairs➢model planes ➢waste paper➢plastic bottles➢used wood and glass➢… ➢creative➢save …➢… 

1. 短文须介绍至少两项展品, 可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;
3. 词数:80﹣100.短文首句仅供参考, 不计入总词数.

Hello, everyone!I'd like to tell you something about the show "Working the Waste into Magic".
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