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1.  A few weeks ago, I found a perfect pair of shoes waiting for me at the store. They were green, blue, red and white, with just the right style. I could actually hear them calling (1)       — "Leila, Leila, Leila!"
  "Mom!" I pointed at the (2)       shoes. "Those are exactly the ones I need!Can I have them? Please?"
  "Let's see how (3)       they are," said Mom.
  My heart broke when we saw the price — $100! I knew Mom would (4)       buy them. "I only have $25, "I (5)       what I was going to do.
  Autumn was surely here. The days were (6)      , and the leaves were falling from the trees, I was looking out of the window one afternoon, watching the leaves falling into my yard. Suddenly I got a(n) (7)      . I rushed downstairs.
  "Mom, " I called into the living room. "I think I know (8)       I can make money to buy those shoes!"
  Mom looked up from her book. "And how's that, Leila?"
  "People want their (9)       clean and tidy. I can rake (耙) leaves for them."
  A smile slowly spread across Mom's face. "Now that's a good idea!"
  Each week, I (10)       leaves in people's yards and put them in waste bins. It took five (11)       of hard work. I raked leaves until I got blisters (水疱) on my hands. My coats and trousers got dirty, but I didn't (12)      . As time went by, I was getting closer to my goal. In the end, I got enough (13)      .
  The big day finally came. Mom drove me to the store, and I walked (14)       into the shoe store. I found the shoes I'd wanted so much and tried them on in my size. They (15)       me perfectly!I finally had the exact shoes I wanted!

Become a waste fighter and help Captain Billyre-love, re-use and re-cycle old plastic toys. You couldget some great books for free too!Cool eh? 

Your old plastic toys were specially chosen and they brought you lots of fun. They can also be used over and over again. 
Finished playing with your toys?Why not exchange them with friends? It helps to reuse your toys and pass on the fun.

Ask your school to join the Recycle to Read program. Drop off your broken plastic toys and get free books for your school. 
All plastic toys collected in the Recycle to Read are made into great new products. Visit www.wastebusters.club to find out more information. 
3.Dear Erik,
  Surprise! I believe you didn't expect a note from your mom in your lunchbox!How is your school day so far?I hope it is going well. You always do your best. I am proud of you!
  Because I had to leave so early this morning, I wrote this note last night and put it into your lunchbox to wish you well on your speech today. With all of your amazing research, writing, and practice, you are going to do great!
  I know that you get a little nervous talking in front of large groups一everybody does. But, just remember what you practiced and you just might forget about being nervous.
  Here are just a few things to remember when you are giving a speech:
①Make eye contact (眼神交流) with your classmates.
②Speak clearly and slowly.
③Look at your notecards only when you have to.
④Enjoy yourself!Once you are in front of the class, pretend (假装) that you are a famous expert on your topic and everyone is listening carefully to your EVERY word. (I do that sometimes!)
  Well, that's all for now. I am thinking of you today and I know you will do great. Do your best and be brave like George Washington. He was an excellent choice for your speech.
  Good luck Erik!
  Maybe we can go out for ice cream after school!
4.  Space tourism (太空旅游业) is no longer a thing of science fiction. There are lots of companies panning to send people into space in the next few years. Space X is one of the most famous companies offering trips to space. So far, it has had over 100 customers. And in April, 2022, it sent 4 people into Space. Now, what can space tourists do while in space?Here are some examples:
  See the Earth from Space
  Seeing the Earth from a distance has always been a dream. It gives most people a sense of both achievement and wonder (which is also why people climb the highest mountain and dive the deepest sea on the earth).
  Stay in Space Hotel
  Hotels are directly connected with tourism, right?So if there's space tourism, there might also be space hotels up soon. Orion Span has been planning to send tourists to stay in their "space hotel", which would hold up to 6 people at a time.
  Eat in Space
  Eating is not easy in space. Even drinking water is difficult. Oh, a quick fact!You aren't allowed to burp (打嗝) in space! Bubbles will come out of your mouth and it might be dangerous to leave them around.
  Visit the Moon and Other Planets
  Space tourism companies are racing to launch (发射) the first tourist flight to the moon. Although there might be a long way to go before common people can step on the moon, we will probably see it in our lifetime. And who knows, maybe we'll even see hotels on the moon.
  With the industry rapidly developing, space tourism is around the corner, and it might come much faster than we think. Who knows what the future might be like?Will you be the next person to travel to space?

5.①Would you like to get fewer colds and feel better?Would you like to have a taste of a special plant?Would you like to keep a plant with little care?An Aloe Vera plant could be just what the scientists may suggest!
②Growing Aloe Vera plants at home can make the air clean and fresh. Studies have shown that they give off oxygen (O2) and take away harmful things from the air. With clean and fresh air, you are more likely to stay away from colds, sore throats and dry coughs. And even if you do get sick, Aloe Vera plants may help you get better from the illness faster.
③Did you know that Aloe Vera plants can be used as medicine? Aloe Vera gel (胶体) helps to deal with the pain of burns. And it also helps with itchiness (痒) caused by insect bites. To get this gel, just cut off a part of the plant, peel it, and put the gel on the affected skin (患处). This easy-to-get and safe to use medicine is available to you all year round.
④Apart from medical use, Aloe Vera plants are also popular in food industry. Whether you are interested in Aloe juice or crazy about Aloe yogurt, you'll easily find them in the supermarket. Aloe Vera can also go with other vegetables to make a safe dish on your dinner table.
⑤____△___. They like dry, warm air with bright light, so they grow best when placed near a window. Aloe Vera plants are able to keep water in their leaves. So, they do not need to be watered so often as most houseplants. Just wait until the earth is completely dry before you water them. When watering, make sure the earth is wet enough so that it can last for a long time. That's all you need to do to take care of an Aloe Vera plant. Isn't it the perfect plant for lazy and forgetful gardeners?
6.Ed: Hi, Shelly! (1)       What's the matter?
Shelley: I can't find my school bag!It's got all my books in!
Ed: Oh, no! (2)      
Shelley: Umm, I went to the sports center with my friends. After that, we went to buy a drink, and then we went to the park.
Ed: (3)      
Shelley: I'm not sure. I was on my way home when I realized I didn't have it. I went back to the park to look for it. (4)       I don't know what to do.
Ed: Don't worry!Perhaps a friend saw it and took it home.
Shelley: No, I don't think so. (5)      
Ed: Well, maybe you left it in the shop. Let's go and ask if it's there.
Shelley: OK. I hope so!

A. But I couldn't find it!
B. Sounds interesting.
C. Where did you go after school?
D. You look upset.
E. Did you leave it in the park?F. No one called me. 
third above quickly ours raise 
8.  My heart is filled with love. Recently, I'm so (1)      (感激的) for the support of a very dear friend of mine. With his help, I can realize my dream of making a kind act. It (2)      (带来) me more power in my life.
  We live in a small African city. As you know, people are (3)      (贫穷的) and it's hard for them to find jobs. I've been looking forward to opening a (4)      (汤) kitchen for many years. I hope to help the (5)      (当地的) people in need. My friend helps me create a Facebook (6)      (页面) called Sunshine. On it, we usually (7)       (分享) our kind activities with our friends. These days, I'm making hearty food while my friend is handing our clothes to the homeless. There are so many people living on the (8)      (街道), which shocks me a lot.
  We want to (9)      (邀请) more people to join us. The act of love by giving has touched my heart greatly. Sometimes I'm tired at the end of the day, but I (10)      (仍然) love the journey I'm on. Because of the project, my life becomes so meaningful. I just know what I'm doing now may make a difference to some people's life.
9.  As a foreigner, the first time I ate hot pot was in Chongqing, China. The hot pot restaurant was one of the largest and (1)      (busy) places in the city. In the restaurant, hundreds (2)       people were crowded into one large room. My friend and I sat at a table with (3)      large pot in the middle. It was an amazing experience. I (4)      (real) couldn't forget it.
  Today, the hot pot is one of the most popular forms of cooking in China, and nearly every town and city has some hot pot (5)      (restaurant). Some people might ask how hot pot becomes so popular. With a hot pot, you can (6)      (put) in any food that you like. The same pot can serve any number of different meals to the people sitting around the table. Everyone can eat as much (7)      they want and no one is left out. This (8)      (be) one of the values of Chinese culture. Finally, not only does hot pot taste wonderful, but it is the perfect way (9)      (spend) time with others.
  In China, people often joke that there's no problem that a hot pot can't solve. Over a hot pot, people can talk about not just food, but friendship. The food may soon be forgotten, (10)       the friendship will stay with us forever. Even today, I remember all the good times I spent with my friends in Chongqing.
10.毕业之际, 学校英文报将举行以"My dream job"为题的征文比赛.请你根据自己的理想,写一篇英语短文, 向校英文报投稿.
内容要点 参考词汇 
What do you want to be when you grow up? a teacher a scientist 
Why do you want to be a(n). .. ? ●be good at communicating
●work with children 
●be interested in science
●invent new products 
How are you going to do that? ●get a good education
●learn how to teach children 
●study science hard
●do scientific research 
Where are you going to work? ●. .. ●. .. 
When are you going to start? ●. .. ●. .. 

1. 文中必须包括所给的内容要点, 可适当发挥, 参考词汇仅供选择使用;
2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;
3. 词数80~ 100.
My dream job
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