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1.—Jack, will your family move to Shanghai?
—Yes. My parents has made the _________.
  • A. problem
  • B. challenge
  • C. decision
2.—Mike is from America but speaks perfect Chinese.
—So he does. He has learned Chinese by himself since he ________ college.
  • A. is attending
  • B. has attended
  • C. attended
3.—Listen! I think it____be Mrs. Li singing in the next room.
—It____be her. I know she has already left for New York.
  • A. may, must
  • B. must, can't
  • C. must, mustn't
4.We should do everything to protect the earth, ______ we'll lose our home.
  • A. or
  • B. so
  • C. and
5.The Great Wall is a symbol of China. It attracts _____ travelers from all over the world to visit it.
  • A. millions of
  • B. ten million of
  • C. ten millions
6.I think swimming is one of _______sports in our school.
  • A. popular
  • B. more popular
  • C. the most popular
7.My cousin Lisa is going to get married ________ John on New Year's Day. They're both_________ their twenties.
  • A. to;in
  • B. with;in
  • C. to;at
8.—When we are in danger, we should ________.
—You are right. We must do it with thinking twice.
  • A. keep our cool
  • B. let down
  • C. kick off
9.The boys __________ are playing football are from Class One.
  • A. which
  • B. who
  • C. whose
10.The public places, such as restaurants and cinemas, ________ since COVID-19 swept the city again last month.
  • A. have been closed
  • B. have closed
  • C. closed
11.Our school often advises the students, especially teenage girls ________ some chores at home to help busy parents.
  • A. doing
  • B. to do
  • C. do
12.I'll go to senior high school soon. I can't believe how fast the time ________!
  • A. went on
  • B. went off
  • C. went by
13.I plan to go to the art museum, but I'm not sure ________.
  • A. how I can get there
  • B. how can I get there
  • C. how could I get there
14.I'll tell you only if you promise not to tell others about it. The underlined phrase in the sentence means "_________".
  • A. to keep it to yourself
  • B. to keep in good health
  • C. to keep your eyes on it
15.— _________ ?
—Wait a minute. I'll go and call him in.
  • A. Are you Mr. White
  • B. Who's speaking
  • C. May I speak to Mr. White, Please
A. What is your most difficult subject?
B. What else can I do?
C. Taking notes in class is also important.
D. What's wrong with you?
E. I think they are really useful.
F. So, can you give me some advice?
G. You're welcome. 

A: Hello. Sue.
B: Hi, Mark. You don't look well. (1)      ?
A: I'm under great pressure this term. I find it hard for me to study.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. (2)      ?
A: Math. It's so difficult that I get a headache whenever I think about the math exam.
B: Don't worry! Most students fear math because they think it's too difficult.
A: (3)       ?
B: Sure. In my opinion, you'd better ask teachers for help. It's difficult for students to teach themselves math, which will waste a lot of time.
A: All right. But my math teacher is so strict that I am afraid of talking with him.
B: Well, I see. (4)      . You must listen carefully in class.
A: Thanks for sharing your learning experience. (5)      .
B: I believe you can make great progress if you have a try.
A: From now on, I'll try my best to learn it.
17.A: Hi, Lisa. You don't look well. (1)      ?
B: I have a stomachache.
A: (2)      ?
B: I started to feel uncomfortable last night.
A: Last night? (3)      ?
B: I ate a hotpot (火锅) with my best friend. After that, we ate much delicious ice﹣cream.
A: That's probably why. You shouldn't eat too much hot food or cold food.
B: Yeah, you are right. Oh, I feel terrible now. (4)      ?
A: I think you should go to a doctor at once. I can go with you.
B: (5)      .
A: You're welcome.
18.  There was once a farmer who had a large field of corn. He worked on it with the (1)       care, but the corn was dying (2)       there had been no rain for a long time. He felt very (3)      .
  One day, as he stood looking up at the sky, two little raindrops saw him. One said to the other, "Look at that farmer. I feel very sorry (4)       him. He works so hard in the field, but now it (5)       up . I wish I might help him."
  "Yes," said the other, (6)       you are only a little raindrop. You can't wet (7)      one plant."
  "Well " said the first, "I know I (8)       do much, but perhaps I can cheer him a little. I'll go down to show my support, if I can't do (9)       more. Here I go!"
  The second one said, "Well, I think I can do that, (10)      . Here I go!" So down went the two raindrops. One fell on the farmer's nose, and the other on a thirsty plant.
  "What's that?" The farmer cried, "(11)       raindrop! I do believe we'll have a shower (阵雨) soon."
  By this time other raindrops had seen what (12)       did. One said, "If you two are doing such a good job, I shall follow!" And down it went. "And I!" said (13)      . "And !" they all said, until a whole shower went down and the corn (14)       all because one little raindrop tried its best (15)       what it could.
19.A.Entertainment News In this section all kinds of news about movies, songs and pop stars are available.
B.Health Section Winter is coming and it is easy to get ill. If you want to know how to keep away from diseases, you should pay attention to this section.
C.Home News In this section you will read news about the events which happened in the country.
D.Reading Section In this part, we will introduce some hot books and famous writers to you. Stay with us!
E.International News Here is news about the events that happened all over the world.
F.Sports News Important sports events are broadcast(广播) here. And we often interview some good players.
Match the information according to what you read.
(1)      Bill cares about sports events and how the sports players are now.
(2)      Tony is interested in reading. He wants to know what kind of new books have come out and how some famous writers are living now.
(3)      Jackson is really a film fan. Recently he would like to know what new movies are like and what some famous singers' songs are.
(4)      Kate's father is working abroad in Syria(叙利亚). A war broke out there, so she is rather worried about the situation in Syria.
(5)      Lily is in poor health. She is so thirsty for knowing how to keep fit.
20.  I'm my mother's third girl. When I was born, the doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was missing, below the elbow (肘). Then she gave her some advice, "Don't treat her any differently from others." And she did.
  There are five girls in my family, and we all had to help out. Once when I was about seven, I came out of the kitchen, "Mum, I can't peel potatoes. I only have one hand." "Get back to peel these potatoes, and don't ever use that as an excuse for anything again!"
  Of course I could peel potatoes — with my good hand and my other arm. "Jenny, if you try hard," she said, "you can do anything."
  Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bar (攀爬架).
  When it was my turn, I said no. Some kids laughed. I went home crying.
  The next afternoon Mum took me back to the school playground. "Now, pull up with your right arm." She advised. She praised me when I made progress. I'll never forget when I was crossing the bar, the kids were standing there with their mouths open.
  It was the way with everything. Mum had the courage to face anything. And she taught me I could, too.
Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.
21.  The Science Museum is the most friendly museum in London. As is known to all, shouting and running are not allowed in most museums, and touching the exhibits (展品) is also forbidden. But the Science Museum in London is different. It is noisy!
  People talk about what they can see and do here, and there are some very noisy machines , too. If you want answers to any of your questions about science, this is the right place. On the second and third floors, you can learn some knowledge about communications, the environment, chemistry and so on. For example, you can understand how people dig coal(煤)from the ground and use it to create energy.
  The Launchpad on the third floor is the most popular room because you can experience lots of physics experiments in it. For example, if you want to fill a bag with sand, you have to control a kind of truck on wheels and move it into the correct place. You can also find out how people travel into space and back again by spaceships. On its fourth and fifth floors, you can learn about what medicine was like in the past. Comparing the medicine of the past with today, you will feel very lucky to see a doctor in the modern hospitals!
  People of all ages can visit the Science Museum in London for free. It's very interesting. You can always find something new to you and have a wonderful time here. The museum is open daily from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. , so you can enjoy yourself here for either a few minutes or a few hours.
  If you go to London , don't miss the chance to visit the Science Museum.
22.  Bridges are built over roads, rivers, or railways. They appeared a long time ago. Back then, they were built with stones, ropes and logs (原木). Some were very simple, like a footbridge (人行桥) made out of a big tree. (1)      This is because we have better technology today.
  Bridges are a mix of maths, physics, design, and architecture (建筑). They are designed by skilled engineers and they take years to build.
  Bridges must be strong enough to support not only their own weight, but also the weight of the people and vehicles (交通工具). They must last a long time and be built in a way that protects them from earthquakes , strong winds, and freezing.
  (2)      Let's take a closer look at each one.
  Arch (拱) bridges were invented a long time ago by the Romans. They were built out of stone or brick(砖).
  Beam bridges are horizontal (水平的) beams supported by many columns. (3)      
  These bridges are very old as well, and people used stone and trees to build them.
  Suspension bridges have a tower(索塔) on either side. The towers are connected by cables. They are more modern, with the first ones being built in the early 19th century.
  The oldest bridge in the world is the Zhaozhou Bridge in China. (4)      But if you're looking for one of the most beautiful and famous bridges, it would be the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It's a suspension bridge built in 1937. It has is 2. 78 kilometers long. If you think that's long, you should see the Danyang﹣kunshan Grand Bridge in China. It's over 164. 85 kilometers long! (5)      
Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage. Each choice should be used only once.
A. It's an arch bridge made out of stone that was built in 605 A. D. (公元)
B. The three main types of bridges are arch, beam and suspension.
C. The present London Bridge is more than 100 feet wide.
D. But today, bridges are bigger, stronger and more modern.
E. The columns (柱子) take the weight of the people and vehicles passing on the beam.
F. It's the world's longest bridge. 
23.  Over the past thirty years, many big changes have taken place in our hometown Yuwan. Many big companies and factories have been opened. Lots of tall buildings are standing here and there. In the past, Yuwan was only a lonely seaside village. Now it has become a modern city.
  Look! This is the new train station. In the past, people here never saw trains or buses. Few people had bikes. Most people walked if they wanted to leave Yuwan. Now the train station is big. And there are more buses to take people to every part of the city and other places.
  There are also parks, museums and places for people to enjoy sports, music and art. They city government has built more roads. Some people have stopped riding bikes. They have bought cars. The traffic has been very heavy today. It's a modern city now.
  Thirty years ago, there were only one thousand people living in Yuwan. Now the population is much larger. More and more people are coming here to work or live. It has become a new tourist attraction (吸引地) as well. More supermarkets have been opened and you can enjoy beautiful beaches. Sea food and some places of great interest.

Changes to our hometown 
In the (1)       Our hometown was only a lonely seaside village (2)       Yuwan. Only one thousand people lived in Yuwan. It was hard to see a bike. People had to go to the other places on (3)      
At present People have changes Yuwan into a (4)       city. People can take trains, buses or their own cars to other places if necessary. You can find many tall buildings, companies and museums as well. Now it has become a new (5)       attraction. 
24.The picture reminds me of the       (美)of the countryside.
25.He's very kind to others. He treats everyone with       (温暖).
26.We will       (出席) the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow.
27.We are celebrating my sister's       (第八个)birthday in Red Star Hotel.
28.      (四月份)is the fourth month of the year.
29.The photo near the door is the best. (就划线部分提问)
             is the best?
30.Tom borrowed the book two weeks ago. (改为同义句)
Tom        the book for two weeks.
31.Jimmy is a clever boy. (改为感叹句)
       clever boy Jimmy is!
32.Has he finished his homework?Do you know?(改为宾语从句)
Do you know        he        finished his homework?
33.He repaired the old bike last week. (改为被动语态)
The old bike               by him last week.
34.  We all want to protect our environment, but most of us are too busy or too lazy (1)       make big changes that will improve our lifestyle and save the environment.
  Here are some suggestions for (2)       (protect) our environment.
  Use compact fluorescent light bulbs (紧凑型灯泡). It's true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much (3)       (long) and they can save energy. So in the long term your electricity bill would be (4)       (reduce).
  Donate. You have lots of clothes or things you want to throw away. If they are still valuable, give them to someone who (5)      (need) them. You may also choose to give them to organizations. These organizations may sell them and collect a little money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you'll also help people (6)       need.
  Turn off you devices (设备). When you don't use a house device, turn it off. For example, if you don't watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave a room. It's (7)       easy habit to keep and you can save energy and money.
  Walk or ride bikes. Driving is one of the biggest (8)      (cause) of pollution. If you want to use your car, ask (9)       (you) the following question:Do I really need my car?Walk or use your bike if the journey is short.
  Rainwater. Rainwater is very (10)       (use) in our daily life, so try to hold it when it rains. This water can be used for different purposes.
  These suggestions above are good for the environment, and they help you save some money.
35.(A)假如你是李华, 你的一位笔友约翰发来一封邮件, 说他下星期来中国, 他向你询问中国的餐桌礼仪.请你至少用三种句式写五条中国的餐桌礼仪.
36.(B)转眼间, 你已经是一名九年级学生了.你还记得刚升入初中时的自己是什么样子吗?这两年在你身上发生了哪些变化?请以"My changes"为题写一篇英语作文, 请你根据下面的要求完成这篇作文.
(1)写你三个方面的变化, 用上used to结构;
(3)词数90词左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数)

My changes
  I'm in Grade 9 and I have changed a lot. First, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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