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1.My brother Tom can play _____ ping-pong well, but he can't play _____ violin.
  • A. the, /
  • B. the, the
  • C. /, the
2.—Could you please tell me how I can make more friends?
—Sure. I think being honest is the first _____.
  • A. step
  • B. score
  • C. sense
3.In our city museum, there are many old things from two _____ years ago on show.
  • A. thousands
  • B. thousands of
  • C. thousand
4.—Have you heard Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft (载人飞船) was sent up successfully?
—Wow, that sounds _____. How great our county is!
  • A. interesting
  • B. exciting
  • C. relaxing
5.I'll go to senior high school soon. I can't believe how fast the time _____!
  • A. went by
  • B. went on
  • C. went off
6.—Father, I'm afraid I can't win the English competition.
—Believe in yourself, my girl, and tell yourself _____.
  • A. don't give up
  • B. not to give up
  • C. to give up
7.—Why do you have time to look after the homeless dogs?
—_______ the "double reduction" policy (双减政策), I have more free time.
  • A. Because of
  • B. Even though
  • C. As for
8.So far, red tourism (旅游业) ________ quickly and it's becoming more and more popular.
  • A. developed
  • B. will develop
  • C. has developed
9.Learning to write is learning think. ________, you won't know things clearly.
  • A. If you write them down
  • B. Unless you write them down
  • C. If you won't write them down
10.  Have you argued with a friend or done anything you regretted? (1)       it's hard to put things right, especially when your feeling are hurt. Knowing (2)       to apologize (道歉) can help you become friends again and understand why you argue, (3)       you'll separate from each other forever.
  Why do you argue?
  You argue for all kinds of reasons. Your friend's idea is (4)       yours about something or your sister always drives you crazy. When you are (5)      , you may say or do something to hurt others. Arguing with others is quite normal but it's important to (6)       it and learn from it.
  What does an apology mean?
  Everybody makes mistakes in his life. Apologizing is a good (7)       of admitting (承认) your mistakes. In fact, it's very difficult to say sorry to others. Most of the people think saying sorry means regretting what they've (8)       done. But as long as you decide to correct your mistakes, you should (9)      . It's believed that a good apology needs to show that you're truly sorry, you want to be responsible for what you do and get forgiveness (原谅).
  What if (万一) it's not your mistake?
  Sometimes the mistakes have (10)       to do with you, but another person may force you to say sorry. Be sure to try talking about why you argue first. If (11)       of you still can agree with each other, what should you do? Keep (12)       and ask a parent or a teacher for help.
  Does apologizing always work?
  As far as I know, an apology itself (13)       be enough, so try to ask someone else how he felt while you were arguing. Explain your side too, and make (14)       clear that you'll try to avoid making the same mistake again. An apology isn't a magic stick. It may (15)       people time to understand and forgive.
11.(例如:My mother often go shopping on weekends. go-goes)
With the development of China, lots of foreigner move to China because (1)      
they have a strongly interest in its culture. As long as a person has interest, he (2)      
can turn it into love. William, who is an Australia, has already lived in China (3)      
for 35 years. He has a Chinese name calling Wang Aihua and his friends call (4)      
him, Aihua. In the 1980, he came to China and worked as a teacher at a college. (5)      
He gradually fell in love of China after he took a 2-month drive around it. (6)      
The beautiful places attracted Aihua. He was such interested in China that he (7)      
wanted to spread Chinese traditional culture. But he wrote about 15 books (8)      
on the development of China in different periods. Aihua was pride of what (9)      
he does. In the future, his love for China will never change. (10)      
12.A: Hello, Mike. How was your vacation?
B: I really had a good time.
A: (1)      
B: I've been to a forest near my uncle's farm.
A: (2)      
B: I went there with my friends.
A: (3)      
B: For 3 days. I expect to go there again.
A: Lucky you. I had to stay at home. But I'm planning to travel to Mount Changbai.
B: Oh, that's a good place. I went there three years ago.
A: Can you give some advice on my trip to Mount Changbai?
B: (4)      
A: OK, I'll do as you tell me. (5)      
B: They are friendly and you will enjoy yourself there.

A. How long did you stay in the forest?
B. What do you think of the people there?
C. Who did you go there with?
D. Where did you go?
E. Where have you been?
F. You need to take more thick clothes. 
13.(A: Sun Lan B: Li Yue C:Waiter)
A: Hi! This is Sun Lan. May I speak to Li Yue?
B: Hi, Sun Lan! (1)      . Are you in Qiqihar now?
A: Yes, I came back last night.
B: That's great. I miss you very much. (2)             ?
A: Good idea!I'm available this evening and I can't wait to see you.
B: I heard a new restaurant just opened. The name is Homemade BBQ. Let's meet there for dinner.
A: Sounds like fun. But (3)      ?
B: It's across from Fu-Mart. You can find it easily.
A: Let's make it six o'clock this evening.
B: All right, see you later.
(At 6:00 PM in the restaurant)
C: (4)      ?
B: Yes, I'd like some beef, vegetables and fish.
C: Anything else?
A: Oh, a bowl of Korean noodles.
C: (5)      ?
A: Large, please.
C: Wait a minute. Your food will be ready soon.
14.阅读下面文字, 从A到F选项中为每个段落选出一个最适合的标题.
  China is a county with a long history and rich culture. Please match the topics with the descriptions of the following cultures.
(1)       The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, animals, and things about Chinese history. It sounds easy but it may be difficult to do.
(2)      Tai-chi, which comes from China, is popular with many people. It is a form of physical exercise that trains our mind and body in balance and control. It's slow and calm.
(3)       "May we all be blessed with longevity (长寿). Though miles apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together." was written to Su Zhe by Su Shi, a poet during the Song Dynasty.
(4)      Abing's Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise. It has become one of our nation's treasures. Its sad beauty makes people recall their own painful experiences.
(5)      Chinese people have been celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival for centuries. It falls the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. On this day, people watch the boat races and eat zongzi. 
A. Paper Cutting
B. Traditional Festival
C. Ancient Poem
D. Saying
E. Folk Music
F. Martial Art (武术) 
15.  June 5 is World Environment Day. Nowadays more and more people are trying different kinds of ways to face environmental problems around the world. What are people doing to protect our home — the earth?
  Most people are changing their slopping habits. On the one hand, secondhand clothes may be a smart choice. People are willing to buy the secondhand ones to wear in special situations because they only wear them once or twice. On the other hand, there are some companies for renting (租) clothes and renting clothes is cheaper than buying them. So people are able to save money and protect the environment.
  Several large companies have begun developing paper bottles to take the place of glass and plastic ones because there are lots of customers worrying about the environment. They think paper bottles have many advantages. The most important is that paper bottles are easy to recycle and weigh less than glass or plastic ones as well.
  A zero-waste life is that people hardly create any rubbish. A zero﹣waste theme store provides a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero﹣waste products. The store helps people start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey. A zero-waste life follows the 6 R principle (原则) — Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot.
  All in all, the earth is our home and it's our duty to protect it.
根据文章内容, 判断句子正(T)、误(F)。
16.English Study Assessment (评价) Grade: 8 Name: Amy
Listening skill: 
★I can understand the teacher's instructions and finish the listening tasks in class.       √ 
Speaking skill: 
★I can answer the questions loudly and clearly.       √ 
★I can discuss questions and express myself in simple English.       √ 
Reading skill: 
★I can find out the main ideas of passages quickly.       √ 
★I can read English newspapers and magazines which are fit for teenagers.     √   
Writing skill: 
★I can write something in English correctly.     √   
★I can imitate (模仿) the examples to write articles.       √ 
Watching skill: 
★I can know more about foreign culture from English videos or films.   √     
Group assessment 
★Amy can help the group members a lot with English.       √ 
English teacher assessment 
★Amy can take an active part in the English class and get good grades.     √   

Total points:35
Comments (评语);
30 — 40 Well done! 21 — 29 Keep it up! Below 20 Try harder!
阅读以上信息, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.
17.阅读短文, 根据首字母或所给词的适当形式填空, 使文章语义通顺.
  Have you ever seen pop-ups (弹出窗口) when you go online?
  These days it's common for you to get a pop-up which lets you (1)       (put) the App in "teen mode (模式)" every time you begin to use Apps like QQ or Tiktok?A lot of Apps, especially video Apps, have added this feature (功能) to protect teenagers. It's said that it will bring teenagers (2)       (good) experiences than before and make sure they're using the Apps in a healthier way. For example, Apps like Tiktok have the feature to prevent teenagers from watching videos for long and with the feature, they might only be allowed (3)       (watch) for 40 minutes. The videos that teenagers can watch are made sure to be safe and even educational. There are no advertisements and teenagers cannot pay any (4)m      for the videos. In QQ's teen mode, teenagers can only talk to people on their contact lists. (5)       (they) chat records show pinyin, which is useful for primary school students.
  However, the teen mode does not work for all Apps, (6)a      to a recent report by the National Consumer Council. There aren't any (7)       (different) between the teen mode and the normal mode in some Apps. And in some video Apps, the teen mode won't start (8)u      users watch videos for 40 minutes. But users can get past it (9)b       clicking (点击) "I know" and continue watching.
  Though you can learn a lot from short videos, it's (10)n      to control the time.
18.  Once there were four beggars (乞丐). One day, they met at an old temple at night. They were very upset because none of them had much to eat.
  "I only got this piece of meat today," the first said. "I almost got nothing, " the second said, "I just picked up a potato outside the vegetable store during the day." The third said that all he had was a small bottle of salt. The fourth beggar had not done much better, "I only got some old beans, but they aren't very nice!"
  As they sat around the fire, the beggar with only a bottle of salt had a great idea. "Let's put all our things together and boil them. In this way, we can make a tasty dish and share it." They all agreed. However, the first beggar thought, "I don't want to share. I'll just pretend to throw my meat into the pot. They'll never know and I'll eat my meat alone later." So he pretended to put the meat into the pot. And at the same time the other beggars had similar ideas to him. At that time, the temple was too dark for the beggars to see what the others were doing.
  Finally, one of them suggested that the dish should be really and, in turn, each of them helped himself to it. They drank the hot water in silence, learning that selfishness (自私) doesn't taste all that good.
阅读短文, 回答下列问题.
19.  The nature is full of mysteries. When autumn arrives in the United States and Canada, you can see one of nature's greatest scenes — the yearly migration (迁徒) of the monarch butterflies (帝王蝶).
  No other butterfly in the world migrates like the orange and black monarch butterflies of North America. (A)       cannot live for long periods in cold weather. So each autumn around October, the butterflies travel up to 3, 000 kilometers south to (B)______. Some even fly to the mountains of Mexico. Plenty of monarch butterflies almost block out the sky. And you can hear their wings beating.
  The butterflies usually spend two months reaching Mexico. After five months of stay, they head back north in spring. But not one butterfly finishes the whole round-trip. They (C) eggs along the way and die. Three generations of butterflies will live and die during the spring journey alone. The fourth and final generations of the year are born in early autumn. But the butterflies hardly rest before starting the long journey south again to Mexico. The most amazing thing about these monarch butterflies is that they always return to the (D) trees in Mexico that their great-great-grandparents used the winter before.
  What mysterious monarch butterflies!They remind us of our nation. Millions of people, generation after generation use their blood and lives to build up our happy life. So as teenagers, we should (E)______.
阅读短文, 根据题目要求完成下列任务.
20.中国共产主义青年团已经走过了百年历程。作为新时代青年中的一员,未来属于我们,希望寄予我们,奋斗的青春更关丽。请以 "How to Make Myself better" 为题,谈谈你将如何塑造更好的自己。

How to Make Myself better
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