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1.—I'm going to Disneyland ______ two weeks.
—Wow, sounds like fun!
  • A. to
  • B. in
  • C. an
  • D. on
2.This isn't my schoolbag.______ is over there.
  • A. His
  • B. Hers
  • C. Mine
  • D. Yours
3.Breakfast gives you ______ for the morning.
  • A. wealth
  • B. talent
  • C. humor
  • D. energy
4.David often forgets things. His memory is ______.
  • A. poor
  • B. long
  • C. super
  • D. strict
5.—Will you go to the museum by bus?
—I'd rather make a taxi. It's ______.
  • A. busier
  • B. harder
  • C. cheaper
  • D. faster
6.—Why are you laughing. Tony?
—There is ______ funny in the magazine.
  • A. anything
  • B. something
  • C. everything
  • D. nothing
7.—What kind of music do you like?
—I like music that I ______ dance to.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. should
  • D. need
8.These animals are in great danger. We must ______ them.
  • A. sell
  • B. show
  • C. stop
  • D. save
9.Diana and Lily should ______ the cost carefully for the holiday.
  • A. work out
  • B. take away
  • C. look after
  • D. pick up
10.He ______ newspapers at 8:00 every evening.
  • A. reads
  • B. is reading
  • C. was reading
  • D. has read
11.Li Lei ______ the school bus last Friday.
  • A. misses
  • B. missed
  • C. was missing
  • D. has missed
12.—Your watch is really old.
—Yes, I ______ it since I was six.
  • A. have
  • B. will have
  • C. have had
  • D. am having
13.—I wonder .
—I'm not sure. Maybe next week.
  • A. where they will go
  • B. who will give us a talk
  • C. how he will come back
  • D. when her baby will be born
14.—Tom, turn off the light. Don't keep it on.
  • A. You'd better not
  • B. OK. I will
  • C. Not at all
  • D. You're welcome
15.—Would you mind my siting here?
—Of course not. .
  • A. Don't be silly
  • B. I've no idea
  • C. Go ahead
  • D. It's hard to say
16.  Penny's family was very poor. Her father was a sailor (水手). He earned very little money and was (1)       away from home. Her mother could not work (2)       she was often sick. One day Penny's mother said to Penny, "Our lamp (灯) is broken. Go to the market on your way home from school and buy another one. Here's sixty dollars. (3)      to get a bargain (讨价还价), dear. "
  After school, Penny went to Mr. Chen's store. She (4)       a dirty old lamp on a shelf. What's that lamp made of?" she asked. "It's made of glass and metal. It's a good lamp. " said Mr. Chen. " (5)      is it?" asked Penny. "Fifty dollars for you." Mr. Chen answered. "It's too (6)      . Hmm. . . I'll give you forty." "Forty-five and you have a deal." said Mr. Chen. "I'll (7)      it." replied Penny.
  After dinner, Penny cleaned the lamp. (8)      a fairy (仙女) appeared. She spoke to Penny, "I've been inside that lamp for more than a thousand years. I was so (9)      ! Thank you for (10)      me out. You can have three wishes as a reward (回报). " Penny thought for a moment and then told the fairy her wishes. "I want my mum to be (11)      . I want my dad to come home. I also want us to have enough food to eat." The fairy said, " (12)      ! You're not a greedy child. Your wishes will come true." Then the fairy disappeared in a flash.
  "Penny, " called Penny's mother. "I feel better now!" Penny was surprised that her first wish had come true. Then she heard a loud (13)      on the door. She opened the door. Her father was standing outside! He was carrying lots of (14)      . "I've got a new job as a shop assistant. I can live at home with you now!" The explained. Penny was very happy. She said to (15)      , "Thank you so much, Fairy, for making my wishes come true!"
17.  At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a man named Gao Chai in the Qi Kingdom. Gao Chai was clever and kind﹣hated. Many stories about his childhood (1)      (tell) in his hometown.
  For example, one day, little Gao Chai and his friends (2)       (play) near a river when one of them fell into the water. The other (3)      (kid) were shocked and very frightened The other (3)      (kid) were shocked and very frightened (受惊吓的). They did not know what (4)       (do) and there were no adults to help. Gao Chai (5)       (quick) found a solution. He picked up a large gourd (葫芦)and threw (6)       to his friend in the river. His friend (7)      (understand) at once and caught the gourd, which enabled him to float on the water and swim to the river bank.
  Gao Chai's mother was often ill. When his father was out, the little boy would help a lot in the house, cooking meals for his mother and preparing medicine for (8)      (she).
  After some time, Gao Chai went to the Lu Kingdom and became a student of Confucius (孔子). He was neither good-looking (9)      tall, and he did not talk much. Even Confucius did not have a high opinion of him at first. Fortunately, Gao Chai had one good friend among his classmates whose name was Zilu. Zilu later served (10)      an official (官员) in the Lu Kingdom. He was asked to recommend (推荐) someone to be a good government official. The person he recommended was Gao Chai.
Mount Rose Primary School June 6th, 2022Dear parents, New York Choir Concert
Upper primary pupils will go to a concert by the New York Choir at City Hall on Saturday, August 6th.
Please note the following:
①Tickets Tickets cost $50 per pupil. Please send a cheque (支票) to the school.
②Meeting time and place The concert will start at 8:00 p. m. We will meet at the main entrance of City Hall at 7:45 p. m. Please be on time.
③Behavior There is no need to wear school uniform. However, all pupils should dress neatly. Pupils should not take photographs or record any part of the performance.
Please fill in the reply slip below and return it to the class teacher no later than June 30th, Thank you.
Cecilia Chen
Music Teacher 
19.  Staring with this fall term, students in primary and middle schools will have at least one course every week on basic household skills such as cleaning and cooking, according to a new curriculum standard (课程标准) for labor education in compulsory (强制的;义务的) education made by the government. Should household skills be made compulsory at schools?
  Michael: By learning basic skills like cooking, cleaning and maintaining home appliances (电器), children can learn how to take care of themselves and live independently. Parents won't always be there to help their children with every problem they'll meet in their lives. They need to learn new things, make mistakes, solve problems and grow from their experiences. It is necessary for children to learn these important lifesaving skills as early as possible.
  Eliza: Many students have to study for the whole day and simply don't have the time to develop their interests. A compulsory household skills class can give them more chances to meet various aspects of life and help them discover different passions. Some children who are interested in food or those who have an interest in maintaining home appliances can develop these skills in the class.
  Jade: There are only limited hours in a school day. With all the required classes there is not enough time for household courses. I think it is something that parents need to do at home with their children, having them help around the house with cooking, cleaning, washing, planting, etc. Remember school can't teach your children everything. They need you, too!
  Ben: Household courses should be made optional (可选择的) for students. They should be given the choice to take whatever they like. If one wants to cook dishes, he or she is welcome. But it should not be made compulsory and forced onto every student.
  Linda: Schools should have cooking classes. Children will be taught about their food, where it comes from, how to use the cooking tools properly and how to cook nutritiously. Many parents don't have this knowledge and have no time or energy to do this. A household class would provide the knowledge and training that parents are unable to give their children.
  Maria: I learned some base cooking skills from my mother, but most of them were learned after I graduated from college, from cooking books and online short videos. Household skills like cooking are much more useful than a lot of what is taught in schools, but it does require some fully equipped (配备齐全的) kitchens. I hope these classes will benefit (使受益) students and not be seen as window dressing.
20.  Mention the word shark to someone on the beach and you are sure to get a reaction (反应). Sharks have been the most feared predator (捕猎者) of ocean. Sharks are fish. (1)      They can be found in oceans all over the world, and they have also been found in some rivers and lakes.
One difference between most other fish and a shark is that most fish have bones and a shark has cartilage. (2)       Another difference is that the shark is only able to swim forward, while most fish can swim forwards and backwards. Fish also generally have slippery scales (滑溜的鱼鳞), while a shark has rough scales that feel like sandpaper.
  (3)      In fact, there are about 368 different types. The differences include color, habitat, behavior, and size. Sharks are also known for their very sharp teeth. (4)      Instead they swallow large chunks of food. They have five rows of teeth. If a tooth is broken, it is replaced by another tooth.
  Sharks are carnivores, meaning that they eat meat. (5)      It seems like sharks attack (攻击) people a lot, but chances of getting stung by a bee or getting hit by lightning are greater. Even so, experts say it is important to keep an eye out for sharks when swimming in the ocean.

A. Sharks do not normally attack people.
B. There are many different types of sharks.
C. They do not use their teeth to chew their food.
D. Cartilage is tough, but it is not as strong as bone.
E. They have been around since the time of dinosaurs. 
21.  Jane and her family loved buffets. When they were on holiday, they had a buffet dinner at the hotel where they were staying.
  Jane put a lot of beef and a few vegetables on her plate. She also took a lot of fried rice and fries.
  Her mother looked at Jane's plate and said, "You shouldn't eat too much meat or fried food. You've put so much food on your plate. Are you sure you can finish it all?"
  "Of course!" said Jane.
  Next Jane and her father went to get some dessert (甜点). Jane put a lot of jelly and cake on her plate.
  "You should only take a little jelly and cake, Jane. Look at your plate! Are you sure you can eat it all?" asked her father.
  "Of course!" said Jane.
  Jane was soon full.
  "Look at all the food you've left on your plate, Jane." said her father. "Can you eat it all up?"
  "Sorry, Dad. I can't." said Jane.
  Jane's father asked for the bill. The waiter looked at the food.
  "Do you want this food, sir?" he asked.
  Jane's father said, "No. I'm sorry. We can't finish it. We're full." The waiter weighed the food. Then he gave Jane's father the bill.
  Jane's father looked at the bill and said, "My goodness! You've wasted a lot of food, Jane. Now we have to pay for it. No pocket money for you this month!"

22.饮食不当, 可能会诱发多种疾病.以下图片是李华同学的一次就诊经历, 请结合图片及所给提示词, 发挥你的想象, 用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文, 讲述一下他经历了什么, 以后要注意些什么.文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名.
提示词:at the clinic (诊所);junk food;stomachache;medicine
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