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A. in B. how C. but D. enough E. some F. the G. and 

  Born into a Yao family in Yizhang, Hunan, Jiang Mengnan's world has been silent since she was 6 months old. At that time, (1)      medicine damaged (损害) her hearing. But through her hard work, she did well at school and university. She started studying for a doctorate (博士学位) at Tsinghua University(2)      2018.
  When Jiang was about one year old, her parents began showing her(3)      to understand people by reading lips (嘴唇). It was really hard, but soon Jiang learned to "listen" and even speak. Jiang's mother says she'll never forget(4)      day Jiang said "Mama" for the first time when she was 16 months old.
  When she was old(5)      , Jiang went to a primary school instead of a special school for disabled children. She said it was difficult at first. During lessons, she had to copy down everything on the blackboard and study alone after class to keep up with her classmates. Jiang did quite well at school(6)      made it all the way to Tsinghua University.
   "I'm always thankful that my parents, teachers and friends never give me special attention, so I never thought I was different from anyone else, " Jiang said.
2.  My dad has always spent his free time climbing mountains. He spends ages(1)      his route (路线), checking the weather forecast and finding the best maps. He really likes a good(2)      . For example, he always chooses the most difficult way up the mountain. It means he feels he's really(3)      something.
  As soon as I could walk, he started taking me with him sometimes. At first, he used to carry me on his shoulders. Later on, I had my own little boots (靴子) and I(4)      him up the easiest slopes (斜坡). I can still remember how excited I was when we set off and how(5)      I felt.
  The first time I did a proper climb with him I was about eight years old. As we came round the last bend to the summit(山顶), we(6)      some other climbers standing there enjoying the view. They couldn't believe my father had managed to get to the(7)      with such a small child. In fact, we weren't the only ones who managed to do so that day. When we were coming down, we met another family with two(8)      girls, who must have been just behind us.
  I'm now 15 and I belong to a local climbing club. Dad, (9)      hoped to pass on his love of climbing to me. It seems that he has. I already spend most of my weekends in the(10)      . Sometimes Dad comes too but now I'm the one out in front and he can't always keep up with me!
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4.  Paper cutting or tearing is a cultural tradition in China. For centuries, it has been passed down from one generation (一代人)to the next, especially from mothers to daughters. This beautiful art created by skillful artists is used to decorate (装饰) doors, ceilings, and beds in people's homes, or at celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. At Chinese New Year, window flowers are glued to windows, creating beautiful patterns of light and shadow.
  The two main techniques (技艺)used are cutting the paper using a knife or scissors, or tearing it by hand. If the paper is cut, the edges (边缘) are very smooth. Paper cutting can produce very fine and delicate work. This type of work is typical of southern China. If the paper is torn by hand, the edges are more simple and natural. Tearing is used more in northeast China. In addition, different parts of China have their own motifs or pictures. These motifs can express many stories, ideas and emotions.
  It can be hard to hold on to traditions like these because young people don't know much about traditional art. Often they prefer spending their time on newer pastimes. The experts are getting older. If young people don't learn the traditions, they won't be able to pass them down to their own children. But recently there is a change. There are more exhibitions of traditional art.
  Artists are going into schools to teach children how to do paper cutting. Children enjoy working together with artists and talking to them about the meaning of their art. In this way, they are becoming proud of their culture and traditions.
5.  There are two paths (路) in life:Should and Must. We arrive at these crossroads over and over again. And each time, we get to choose.
  Should is how others want us to show up in the world 一 what we should or shouldn't do. When we choose should, the risk is small.
  Must is who we are, what we believe, and what we do when we are alone with our truest self. Must is why Van Gogh painted his whole life without ever receiving public recognition (认可). Must is why Reyna Marder Gentin started to write for the first time after 23 years of being a lawyer.
  Choosing Must sounds fantastic, right?But Must is scary, hard, and a lot like jumping off a high building where you can't see anything down below. How can we actually choose Must?
  Ask yourself, "What is my Must?" If you don't know the answer, write down your biggest, most impossible dreams!Don't worry!It's just the first step.
  Now, think about what's actually in your way. Is it your parents?Maybe they're just worried that you haven't thought it through. Try to make a practical (切实可行的) plan for what you want to do. Your parents may find it a good one. Is it money?Well, the best way to make money is to do what you love because it's very likely that you will pay great attention to it. Choosing Must doesn't mean we need to give up everything we already have. It's about changing one small thing at a time.
  If you believe that you have something special inside of you, it's about time you gave Must a try一today.
6.  Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night?If so, here is a piece of advice for you:Listen to some soft music.
  Scientists have found that soft music can help to improve sleep quality and quantity. It works for people of all ages. (1)      Soft music can help us fall asleep faster, wake up less during the night and feel more rested in the morning. You may not notice the effects overnight, though. It could take as many as three weeks to see any improvements.
  (2)      The reasons aren't clear yet. It may have something to do with the relaxing effect of a good song. Music can have real physical effects, too. Soft music can lower our heart rate and slow down our breathing. (3)      
  Scientists say that for most people, music that has 70 beats per minute (bpm) works best. Classical, jazz and folk music are usually more effective than other musical styles. (4)      You may need to experiment (尝试) to make your own playlists. If you are not sure how many beats a song has in a minute, you can find out by entering its title into songbpm. com. And remember to get the volume right. Make sure that the final piece is one that slowly fades out (渐弱). (5)      
  It is very important to get enough high﹣quality sleep. Before you go to bed tonight, play some soft music. Then, just prepare to be rocked off to dreamland!

A. This prepares us for sleep.
B. Familiar songs work well, too.
C. Scientists like different kinds of music.
D. Why can soft music help us sleep better?
E. If not, you may be woken up by the sudden silence.
F. And it works much better for people with sleeping problems. 

7.  Wind power is a very clean source of energy. This is how wind power works. Wind makes windmills spin (旋转). When the windmills spin, they make electricity. Then we can use the electricity.
  A lot of people think that wind power is new, but that's not true. For thousands of years, people have used wind to sail boats and move water. We still do those things today, but these days we mostly use wind power to make electricity.
  Wind power is a very popular source of energy. Most people think that we should use it more and more. First of all, it's clean. Windmills don't pollute the environment at all. Second, we can use wind power forever. After all, we will always have wind. Also, wind power is cheap, and it's getting even cheaper.
  A lot of people don't understand wind power very well. They believe that there are problems with wind power, but many of those problems are not real. For example, some people say that windmills are dangerous for birds. That used to be true, but it isn't true anymore. Old windmills killed birds because they spun very fast. New windmills spin slowly, and they aren't dangerous for birds.
  However, there are real problems with windmills. One problem is that many people think windmills are very ugly. This is a problem for some people because windmills are often in very pretty areas. Also, wind doesn't blow all the time, so we can't use wind power all the time. Finally, windmills are noisy.
  Wind power is becoming more and more common. Right now, more than 80 countries use wind power. About 2. 5 percent of the world's power comes from the wind. For some countries, that number is a lot higher. Wind power gives Denmark more than 25 percent of its electricity.
8.Reading makes       (we) wiser and more learned.
9.People eat eggs on their birthday in some       (place) of China.
10.Huangguoshu Waterfall is       (wide) known to people from home and abroad.
11.Doing exercise in a scientific way       (be) healthy for both our body and mind.
12.Climbers' spirit shows humans sometimes can be       (strong) than the forces of nature.
at night look for take care of too much belongs to look up to 
The design of Bing Dwen Dwen       from over 5,800 works.
Cycling can help us save energy and        cause air pollution.
      something is usually more important than to say something.
Confucius is a thinker       a far﹣reaching influence on Chinese education.
      many invisible bridges like Big Data connecting Guizhou and the world.
19.劳动教育是青少年全面发展的重要组成部分.因此, 青少年应该主动参加各类劳动, 如社区服务、学校劳动和日常家务等.近期, 育才中学围绕"劳动让我成长"这一主题开展了问卷调查.请你参考问卷内容或结合自身经历, 以"Let's Take Part in Labor Activities" 为题, 写一篇不少于80词的短文.
Questionnaire (问卷)
Dear students,
We'd like to know your opinion on taking part in labor activities. Please complete the questionnaire and return it to us.
Yucai Middle School 
(1)What labor activities do you often take part in?
□working in an old people's home
□doing chores□cleaning the classroom
□other ____________________________
(2)What have you learnt from taking part in labor activities?
□team work□problem-solving
□being thankful
□creative thinking
□being independent
□other ____________________________
(3)What are your suggestions on taking part in labor activities?
□keep a balance between labor activities and study
□improve communicative skills
□help each other
□be responsible
□be active
□other ____________________________ 

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