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1.Thanks to the government, people's living_____in the village have improved a lot.
  • A. decisions
  • B. conditions
  • C. preparations
  • D. questions
2.The little girl tried to_____her feelings, but I could still feel she was sad.
  • A. show
  • B. push
  • C. offer
  • D. hide
3.—Why did the car hit the boy?
—Because the driver ______ on the phone at that time.
  • A. talk
  • B. is talking
  • C. was talking
  • D. have talked
4.—I don't know how to _______ the old clothes.
—You can give them away to the charity.
  • A. hand in
  • B. deal with
  • C. take up
  • D. clean up
5.—Mom, I want to watch Happy Camp(快乐大本营) on TV tonight.
—Oh, dear, it for a few minutes. Come on!
  • A. has begun
  • B. will begin
  • C. has been on
  • D. will be on
6.—Hi. Jane!Do you know the Grand Canal(大运河)?
—Yes, I've heard of it It is one of_____projects in ancient China.
  • A. great
  • B. greater
  • C. greatest
  • D. the greatest
7._____you go to David's house, you'll see him sitting on the sofa, watching TV.
  • A. Whenever
  • B. Although
  • C. Since
  • D. While
8.—Lisa, did you say"Happy Birthday" to Tom yesterday?
—Oh. I_____forgot that yesterday was his birthday.
  • A. probably
  • B. recently
  • C. completely
  • D. hardly
9.  "Choubaguai" is an offensive (冒犯的) word today. People often use it to play(1)      on others' looks. However, at first, this word did not refer to(2)      people. The story of this word (3)       with a group of painters in the Qing Dynasty.
  In(4)       times, Yangzhou was a big and important business center. Many (5)       lived there. They lived a rich life and were crazy about art. They(6)      a lot of works of art and helped nurture (扶持)many artists.
  (7)       the artists, there was a special group of eight painters:Jin Nong, Zheng Xie, Huang Shen and so on. Because most of them were born into poor families, they put their feelings about life into paintings by(8)       how common people lived. These paintings were very different from those of other artists.
  Other artists didn't like(9)       paintings. They dismissed (对……不屑一提)them as Yangzhou Baguai". Some even called them "Choubagua". (10)      , some people loved their paintings. (11)      some emperors, such as Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, thought highly of them. They made a difference in the art world. And their painting styles still have a great influence(影响)on painters in(12)      times.
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  Hans Christian Andersen was a great Danish writer. He was born in Odense, Denmark in 1805 and died in 1875. His family lived a(1)      life when he was young. In order to(2)      the life of the family, his mother worked as a washerwoman.
  After his father died in 1816, he had to go to a local school(3)      poor children. There he received a basic(4)      . In order to support himself, he worked as a tailor(裁缝)and then he worked in a factory. When he was fourteen years old, he moved to Copenhagen(5)      an actor. Because of his excellent voice, he went to the Royal Danish Theater. However, his voice soon changed. A workmate told hum that he regarded Andersen as a poet(诗人). Taking the advice(6)      , Andersen began to spend more time on writing.
  Then, in1835, his novel The Improvisatore(7)      out. The plot(情节) of this novel made a big difference to many of Andersen's later works. In short, Andersen's stories were(8)      about a main character who had to face many(9)      while he or she was looking for happiness. His novel was a great success. (10)      he finally became so famous and popular because of his fairy tales.
11.A Stay Healthy Event
How much do you know about your health? What can you do to keep fit? Come to our event and learn more about your health!
Date: 2nd~4th July, 2021
Time: 10:00am~6:00pm
Place: Our school playground
Ticket: Free
•Videos on health
•Talks' on how to do right exercise
•Free health check
•Healthy food sales
Tell your family and friends about this event. Come and join us!
Healthy Life Club
Tel. :997﹣2017 
12.  American boy Tyler Gordon is a high school student. He is young, but he has faced more challenges than some people experience in a lifetime. He was born deaf. At age 6 he got some of his hearing after having surgery(外科手术), but he still speaks with a stutter (口吃). In primary school, he got bullied(欺负) a lot because of that.
  But at 10, Gordon found his artistic voice. After watching his mom paint, he decided to try it himself. He drew a portrait (肖像) of his headmaster and won the first place in a school art competition. Ever since then, he's painted more than 500 portraits of people who encourage him.
  "Sometimes I can't talk and get words out, so I speak through my art, " Gordon says. Painting helps him move past the bullying, which he still experiences. "It helps me stop thinking about that time. "
  Gordon's big break came in 2018. His portrait of a basketball star became popular and the star's mother bought it. Gordon soon became famous. He painted more stars and be even met some of them. He did many interviews (采访) which stopped him from being afraid to speak in public.
  Gordon won the "2020 Global Child Prodigy Award" for his art. Now, he starts his own online classes. He hopes to show other kids how to use art to overcome their challenges.
13.  Are you a fan of Chinese culture?If yes, Dunhuang is a must﹣visit place for you. If you are a fan of Dunhuang, Glory is Back is a must﹣see show for you.
  This show has 10 episodes (集). In each of the episodes:Wang Han, a famous host, leads a group of young people to learn and feel the rich culture in Dunhuang. They learn about the frescoes (湿壁画), music, traditions, foods, sports and even fashions in this city. From this show, they get to know what happened more than one thousand years ago. Also in the show, they meet some people who work hard to protect the cultural treasures in Dunhuang. It is the workers' efforts that make it possible for us to see the great treasures today.
  Li Wuwang is the director (导演) of the show. He came up with the idea of creating a show about Dunhuang during a two﹣week trip there.
  "Dunhuang is an amazing place. Once you visit it, you'll never forget about it and always want to go back there. But the frescoes will fade away(逐渐消失)one day, so we made this show to call on people to protect them, " said Li.
  In order to protect the frescoes from the light of cameras, the director and his team didn't use any cameras in the caves (洞窟). Luckily, the digitization(数字化) of the frescoes helped them a lot.
  Want to know more about Dunhuang?Just watch the show now.
14.  In much of Africa. whenever kids are in the forest, they are careful of the sound of laughter. It might be the first sign of a dangerous animal called the hyena (鬣狗).
  I live in Zimbabwe. I heard a story about two brothers who once spent a night in a tree with hyenas waiting below. Some hyenas had attacked (袭击) their family's cows. The boys knew that the hyenas would run away from moving or flashing lights. They used a flashlight to chase away(赶走) the hyenas.
  Adults had told them not to follow hyenas into the forest. Hyenas sometimes attack and even kill people. But the boys did not listen. Then their flashlight died. In a minute, the hyenas turned and ran after the brothers. The boys tried to climb into a tree. They didn't get down until the hyenas lost interest and left.
  Hyenas used to eat wild animals in the forest. But as people burn down forest land for farming and some people hunt (猎杀) wild animals, many of the animals that hyenas eat have disappeared(消失). Hyenas begin to run to the villages. "Hyenas make nighttime a scary time for us, " said Amon Chengeta. Villagers often hear hyenas laughing at night. Many villagers have lost cows or goats. Some people have even lost their lives.
  "We used to have healthy forests with many different animals, and hyenas hardly ever bothered (使烦恼)us. "said Mr. Chengeta. "The hyena attacks are perhaps nature's way of reminding us to change the way we use our environment. "
15.  Would you like to volunteer?Here is something that will help you to be ready for volunteering.
  (1)       That is because volunteering not only helps people in need but also is good for volunteers themselves. First, volunteering can help you make friends with different kinds of people. Second. volunteering increases (增加) self﹣confidence (自信). You are doing good for others, which will give you a sense of achievement. (2)       Being helpful can help you feel less stressed and make you happier. And when you volunteer, you're exercising, too.
  There are many volunteering choices. (3)      To make we right choice you should first consider your goals and interests. Think about why you want to volunteer and what you enjoy doing. For example, you might want to learn from others or try something new. (4)       Don't limit(限定) yourself to just one organization or job.
  Place & Time
  You can volunteer at any place and at any time. You can do volunteer work in museums, libraries, parks, or even online. Of course again, it depends on your goals and interests. (5)       It is OK to spend two to three hours per week. Volunteering should feel like a fun and meaningful hobby instead of a to﹣do list for you.
  The more we volunteer, the better our world will be. So, let's move.

A. Why should we volunteer?
B. But it is hard for us to find the right one.
C. You can do volunteer work at school.
D. Volunteering doesn't take a lot of time.
E. And you can try different types of volunteer work.
F. Finding the right volunteering choice is important.
G. Also, volunteering is good for your mind and body. 
16.(Nina and John are talking in the school Nina﹣N John﹣J)
N:Hello. John. The weekend is coming. Do you have any plans?
J:Yes. I plan to go to the history museum with my sister. (1)      
N:Oh. no. I have visited it twice. I want to do something else, but I can't come up with any good ideas. Could you please give me some advice?
N:Sounds like a good idea. I remember you went on a picnic with your sister and neighbor once. Did you enjoy yourselves that day?
J:Not really. (3)      
N:What happened?
J:(4)      It started to rain after we had some fun for a while.
N:Bad luck!By the way. I called you at nine o'clock last night, but you didn't pick up the phone. What were you doing?
N:Oh. that's why you are so good at English.

A. It was great.
B. Would you like to join us?
C. It was an unforgettable experience.
D. Why not go on a picnic in the park?
E. Why don't you go hiking in the park?
F. We forgot to listen to the weather report.
G. Sorry, I was listening to the English news on the radio. 
17.初中生活已过去两年, 你是否有变化呢?某英文报举办"I have changed a lot"为主题的征文活动.请根据下面提示信息写一篇英语短文.
(1)Your changes:appearance(外貌), personality(性格), hobby…
(2)Changes in your life.
(3)Your feelings.
(1)知文应包括提示中所有的写作要点, 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
(3)词数不少于70, 短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
I have changed a lot
  It's been two years since I became a middle school student. And I have changed a lot. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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