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1.There are two reports in the newspaper. One is about the Three-Child Policy (政策), and is about Mars exploration (探测).
  • A. another
  • B. the other
  • C. others
2.Some students gave a performance at Tian'anmen Square on Oct. 1st to celebrate the 70th anniversary (周年) of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It would be a life﹣long for them.
  • A. childhood
  • B. technology
  • C. memory
3.To help the children in poor villages, volunteer teachers are _______ how they can teach them in a better way.
  • A. raising
  • B. regarding
  • C. considering
4.None of us is _______, so I hope our parents won't get angry easily when we make a mistake.
  • A. perfect
  • B. honest
  • C. silly
5.—Do you know Mr. Lee well?
—No, I have never met him before. I _______ heard about him.
  • A. suddenly
  • B. simply
  • C. clearly
6.Many people are trying to ride their bikes from Chengdu to Lhasa _______ they know it is not easy to do so.
  • A. so that
  • B. as soon as
  • C. even though
7.—Let's _______ and finish our breakfast, or we will miss the plane to Beijing.
—OK. You are right.
  • A. hurry up
  • B. grow up
  • C. lie down
8.The bottle _______ water. You can't add any more water into it.
  • A. is close to
  • B. is full of
  • C. is popular with
9.—What do you think of the room?
—_______, I don't like its design style (风格) and color.
  • A. At first
  • B. No longer
  • C. To be honest
10.—Do you know _______?
—A long time ago, there was a very old man. ..
  • A. what happened in the end
  • B. how the story begins
  • C. who wrote the story
11.(Three friends are talking about their plans for Saturday)
Friends (3 persons)

Peter: @Jenny @Mary Tomorrow is Saturday. (1)      
Jenny:@Peter I have no idea.
Mary: @Peter I've planned to climb Mount Lu with my parents. But my mother hurt herself yesterday.
Peter: @Mar(2)      Then what about having a yard sale?
Mary: @Peter Sounds great. I have some old toys, but I no longer play with them.
Jenny:@Peter That's a good idea. (3)      
Peter: @Jenny @Mary Let's go to my uncle's house. It's a house with a big yard.
Jenny:@Peter What are you going to sell?
Peter: @Jenny Storybooks. (4)      I like them very much, but I have read them many times.
Jenny:Yeah, I see. (5)      
Peter:How about nine o'clock in the morning?
Mary:OK. Let's make it nine. See you tomorrow morning.
Jenny:OK. See you.
Peter:@Jenny @Mary See you then.

A. I'm sorry to hear that.
B You'd better see a doctor.
C. I have lots of storybooks.
D. What are you going to do?
E. Where shall we have the yard sale?
F. The yard sale is popular in our city.
G. When will we have it? 
12.  A few days ago, I decided to do something to make my classmates(1)      . Because it was close to the end of the school year and everyone seemed to be sad.
  I thought(2)      for some time and I had a good idea. Then I went to find my teacher after school on Monday and told her about my(3)      . My teacher thought that my idea was perfect, and we decided to carry out the plan.
  I went home and started to write out 21 notes the next day, each note(4)      one person. I have prepared these(5)      for two days and planned carefully so that none of them would know who wrote them.
  Then on Thursday morning, my teacher (6)      all of the anonymous (匿名的) notes to her students. Among all the notes, there were two special notes﹣﹣one made for myself and the other for my teacher. In this way, they would think we had nothing to do with it.
  I was really happy to see the reactions (反应) that everyone had(7)      seeing the notes. My classmates smiled a lot and they started sharing their notes with each other.
  The best part was that my classmates looked at each other's notes and then said, "You know, what the note said is(8)      . You are really a great person. You are really smart just like what the note says.
  It was the best experience I have ever had. And I'll keep it as a secret (秘密) forever.
13.The Palace Museum is one of the most famous museums in China and the world.
Location (位置)
The Palace Museum is in the heart of Beijing. Visitors will be excited to find historic sites, parks, shopping malls, museums and theatres nearby. There are subway stations around, so it is easy for visitors to get here.
Opening Hours
CLOSED:Mondays, except for (除了) national holidays
Hours Last Entry Last Ticket 
April 1st﹣October 31st 8:30﹣ 17 :00 16:10 16:00 
November 1st﹣March 31st 8:30﹣16:30 15:40 15:30 

Buying tickets in the ticket office or online;https://gugong ktmtech. cn
April 1st﹣October 31st:60 yuan
November 1st ﹣ March 31st:40 yuan
*Students aged eighteen years old and older may buy student tickets for 20 yuan /person with a student ID card.
*Chinese citizens (公民) under the age of eighteen may visit for free.
*Visitors aged sixty and older may buy half﹣price tickets with their ID cards.
*Children aged six and younger or under 1. 2 meters may visit for free.
14.  One of my least favorite chores is cleaning my bedroom, but I have to do it. If my bedroom is untidy, I find it hard to relax and impossible to do any work!My mom always says "a tidy home means a tidy mind", and I think that is true. If everything is in a mess, you just can't think clearly.
  People are usually more successful if they work, study, or live in a clean and tidy environment. A study shows that most children with bad behaviors come from houses in a mess. Children may seem to be unhealthy and they may fall sick more often if they grow up in dirty houses. This is why people in tidier homes are often healthier and more successful. My mom is a good example of this. She makes sure our home is always very clean and comfortable, so my sister and I hardly ever fall sick. Everyone loves her and she is very successful at her job in a bank.
  I am not a naturally (天生地) tidy person. I sometimes throw my clothes on the floor because I am too tired to put them away, and I often leave rubbish on my desk. It is not easy to keep things clean all the time, but I am trying to develop the habit of tidying up every day, Maybe one day I will be as tidy and successful as my mom!
15.  Many museums around the world celebrate Slow Art Day today. Why? (1)      
  In the world full of games, Apps and funny videos, people spend less and less time on each thing. Research has shown that on average. (平均), every person spends just 15 seconds on a website (网站) because there are millions of websites. You might think people will slow down when they're in museums full of great works of art. (2)      
  Most of them even don't stop in front of a work of art for more than one minute. In recent years, museums have been working to change the situation. (3)      They ask their visitors to spend at least 5 minutes looking at just one work of art.
  Slow Art supporters (支持者) believe that when visitors spend more time looking at a work of art, they enjoy it more. (4)      Studying a work of art for more time can also help people get a better understanding of the artist's ideas and what the artist went through to create the work.
  As one expert said, "People can't really understand a painting as they just walk by it. " In his opinion, when people visit a museum with too many works of art, they feel like they must see everything in the museum. (5)      

A. But you are wrong.
B. There were quite a lot of paintings in the museums.
C. This is why the museums choose just a few works for their visitors.
D. For example, many museums around the world celebrate Slow Art Day.
E. By spending more time, they will notice more things about the work of art.
F. Because they want to encourage visitors to slow down and. enjoy art more deeply. 
16.  Dannay loves to read. "When you're reading, you can be in your own world and do almost anything you want, " she says. The Harry Potter series are her favorites. But to Dannay, all books have magic of their own.
  Dannay learned that in poor neighborhoods, there may be only 1 book for every 300 kids. She was also surprised to find out that kids in poor neighborhoods may not own books or visit a library. She decided to change that.
  So at the age of 8, Dannay started an organization called Reading Heart. It collects books that are given by people in the community. Then Dannay, her family and friends hand their collections out to kids in poor schools, hospitals and neighborhoods for free.
  In four years, they've given away more than 400, 000 books!On visits to schools, Dannay turns the book giveaway into a party. With dancing, free T﹣shirts and tables of books, her "Book Tour" has covered 150 schools in her area to get kids excited about reading. After kids choose their books, Dannay gives them a challenge. "They can keep their books, " she says. "But when they finish reading a book, they have to share it with a friend. " By exchanging books, kids can read even more.
  Dannay loves helping others discover the magic of reading. "When kids get a book, they feel very happy. Seeing kids' smiles makes me feel really amazed. " Dannay says. If one wants to be happy, he can do something for others and if one wants to be great, he can help others read books. Dannay is a helpful and great person.

Dannay loves to read. She thinks all books have their own magic. Dannay learned that kids in poor neighborhoods may not own books or visit a library. She decided to change that. At the age of 8, Dannay started Reading Heart. It collects(1)      given by people in the community and gives them to kids in need for free. In four years, they've given away(2)      400, 000 books!Her "Book Tour" brings kids great excitement about reading. After kids choose their books, Dannay gives them a challenge﹣﹣ when they(3)      reading a book, they have to share it with a friend. (4)      exchanging books, kids can read even more, Dannay thinks it's an(5)      feeing to see kids' smiles when they get a book. Dannay is really helpful and great. 
17.请阅读下面的非连续性文本, 按要求完成所给任务, 并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.
  Museums are a window into history . With pictures, ancient items(古代的物品) and even 3 D technology, museums can explain the history of everything from watermelons to mummies (木乃伊). May 18 is International Museum Day. It is the perfect time to visit the best museums near you. It is chance to actually see those thousand﹣year old items you once discussed in class.
Facts about the International Museum Day
• The International Council of Museums (ICOM) was set up in Paris in 1946.
• In June 1974, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) held its 11th meeting in
Copenhagen (哥本哈根).
• The first International Museum Day was started on May 18, 1977.
• Over 32, 000 museums in 129 countries took part in the first International Museum Day.
• The Chinese Museum Society joined the International Council of Museums in 1983.
• Every year for the International Museum Day there is a different theme.
Museums and Friends﹣ ﹣the theme of ICOM in 2003;In 2022 the theme is "The Power of Museums".
• Most museums are opened free of charge and organize special activities for visitors.

Sadly, a lot of students think museums are boring. They know little that museums can be really fun, As well as explaining the past, some museums open your eyes to the future.
For example, in the Beijing Planetarium (天文馆) you can lie back in a chair while all the secrets of the universe are explained on the ceiling (天花板) above you, What about a museum where you become an exhibit (展品)?Go to China's first 3 D printing museum in Beijing. Visitors can have their body scanned (扫描) by a 3 D scanner, and then take a real 3 D sculpture (雕像) of themselves home!
Famous examples 
The Palace Museum
The Forbidden City received about 15. 3 million visitors last year. It was home to the 24 Ming and Qing emperors (帝王). It collects over 1. 5 million collections. It is famous for its collections. 
The Louvre (罗浮宫)
The Louvre is famous not only for its art collections but also for the huge glass pyramid (金字塔) at the gate. Ten million people visited the Louvre in Paris last year. 
how allow play one deep through upset I word realize smile good 

  A friend wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. He felt hopeless at that time. He ended his letter with this question: "We can't really change this crazy world:we live in, can we?" I replied to him and started my own letter with these(1)      :"Yes, we certainly can!"
  I can still remember someone who changed(2)      world. She was the music teacher at my elementary school. She was good at(3)      the guitar. I wanted to give her a good impression (印象) when I saw her for the(4)      time. However, I didn't know(5)      to play any instruments (乐器).
  One day, she let me try playing her guitar. I tried my(6)      to play, but I could only play several notes (音符). When I was done, I put my head down. "I guess I am not very good at it, "I told her.
  She looked at me with her kind eyes, (7)      at me and said, " We are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good at. Then, you can share it with the world. "
  I was (8)      touched by those simple words. They planted a seed in my heart that continues to grow until now. They made me (9)      that I had something good inside of me, I just had to find it and share it.
  Can you change the world?Yes, you can!You can change it(10)      one choice, one person, or one kind act at a time. All you have to do is sharing your kindness. Someone once said, "People don't ask us to do great things, only small things with great love. "So make your love great,
19.我们的家乡正悄然地发生着变化, 家乡变得越来越好、越来越美丽.然而这些变化离不开每一个人的辛劳与付出.作为一名中学生, 你为家乡做了什么呢?请结合以下内容, 写一篇英语短文.

Word Bank
garbage n. 垃圾
sort v. 分类
importance n. 重要性 
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