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1.  My friend, Allan, is a university student. Last summer, he went to Rizhao, Shandong for his summer holiday with his cousin, Cindy.
  First they got to Wulian Mountain by bus. They stayed there for two weeks. Allan liked the weather there. It was fine. It was not cold or hot. Cindy liked all kinds of flowers best in Wulian Mountain. After two weeks, they took the train to Juxian. They stayed there for about one week. They visited some places of interest there. They learnt about many customs there.
  Then they went to Rizhao City by bus. It is a beautiful city. Cindy bought many presents for her sister Mary and her brother Mike. And Allan bought some presents for his sister Julia. Allan and Cindy visited the Olympic Water Park and they thought it was wonderful. They swam in the sea and played beach volleyball happily there. They only stayed in the city for one week because they had to come back to their university.
  Allan hopes to visit Rizhao again next time.
2.  Miss Green lived in a small town. She had lots of money but she didn't like to spend it. She had no husband or children. And her house was old and small. Nothing in her house was new. She never bought something expensive. Every morning, she went to the supermarket to buy things on sale. People were quite surprised at her and said, "Why does this woman save so much money?"
  One summer, Miss Green's town was attacked by a flood (洪水). Water washed away many people's houses. Lots of people became homeless (无家可归的). At that time, Miss Green gave away all her money to the people and helped them build new houses in the town.
  Then people began to understand her. And they thought she was really a great woman.
3.  Today in the English class the teacher handed back the stories we wrote. She said there was one that did a really good job. It was mine! I felt happy, but I also felt nervous because she asked me to read it out loud to the class.
  Suddenly, the room got larger, and there seemed to be hundreds of people in the room. All eyes were on me! Then I had to stand in the front of the classroom.
  My legs trembled (颤抖), my mouth went dry and all I wanted to do was to run! But my feet suddenly couldn't move! Everyone was still looking at me and waiting. It was just like a bad dream! No way out. I tried to stop my hands from shaking. I wrote them but it was still not easy for me to read the words that looked quite strange to me. Then I started trying to read with my mouth. It was really hard. When I finished, I felt so relaxed (放松的), but I was not sure if I read my paper right.
  Everyone was clapping (鼓掌) so I happily went back to my seat and took a deep breath (呼吸). It was so great and I decided not to be shy anymore!
4. There was once a wise (有智慧的) old lady who lived on a hill. All the children used to go and ask her questions. (1)      .
  There was a little boy among the children. One day, (2)       and held it in his hands without anybody seeing it. Suddenly he had an idea and asked his friends to go with him.
  "Let's play a trick (玩笑) on the old lady," he said. "I'll ask her what I'm holding in my hands. Of course, (3)      . Then I'll ask her if the bird is alive or dead. If she says the bird is dead, then I'll open my hands and let the bird fly away. If she says the bird is alive, I'll quickly kill it and show the dead bird. Either way, (4)      .
  The children agreed this was a clever plan. So up the hill they all went to the old lady's house.
  "Granny, we have a question for you," they all shouted.
  "What's in my hands?" the little boy asked.
  "Why, of course it must be a bird," the old lady replied.
  "But is it alive or dead?" the boy asked excitedly.
  All the boys waited for her answer and got ready to laugh at her. The old lady thought for a moment and then replied, "It's up to you, my child. (5)      , it'll be alive."
A. she'll answer that I have a bird
B. she'll be wrong
C. She always gave them perfect answers
D. I hope you let it go
E. he caught a little bird
F. If you're kind enough 
5.  One day, an old woman wanted to cross the road. But she was (1)       and she needed some help. A lot of schoolboys came to her. They were (2)       their way home and talked (3)      . When they saw the old woman, they just walked (4)       and didn't help her.
  But one boy (5)       to the old woman. He said, "Grandma, do you want to cross the road? I can help you. I can take you to (6)      side." Then the boy helped the old woman (7)       the road. She thanked the boy and said, "You are a (8)       boy. Good luck to you."
  The boy was rally happy. He said, "Today I help someone's (9)      . So one day, someone will help my mother when she is (10)      ."
6.  It was Saturday. My father (1)      (take) me to go fishing. It was the (2)       (one) time that I went fishing. So I was very (3)      (excite).
  Twenty (4)      (minute) later, I still didn't get one fish. I (5)       (begin) to become impatient (不耐烦的). I even felt angry about this. Then I decided (6)      (go) home.
"Just be patient, and then you'll get the fish!" said my father. "It is too long. I don't want to do it again!" I said angrily "If you give (7)      , you'll never get one fish. We should be patient to do everything in our life, (8)       we can never succeed." said my father. After (9)      (hear) his words, I began to fish again. I waited for the fish very patiently. At last, I got two fish. Be patient, and then you can make your dream (10)      (come) true one day.
Our English teacher is very beautiful and she is of        .
The waitress wanted to        your       first.
My uncle        us        Beijing City last summer vacation.
The boy        late to get ready for the math test last night.
The children        on the playground two days ago.
12.  Last month some parents visited a pizza restaurant in Florida with their children. On the door they saw a sign "NO CHILDREN" "Why can't we bring our children?" "What on earth does the owner want to do?" The parents were surprised and complained (抱怨) angrily.
  So why did the restaurant put up the sign on its door?
  Troy Taylor, the owner of the pizza restaurant, found that many parents couldn't control (控制) their children and many children couldn't have meals quietly, so they disturbed other customers. Some people said that this was unfair, Mr. Taylor explains his decision. He said that the restaurant was near a busy road, so there might be some danger if the parents didn't take good care of their children. So he made up his mind to ban (禁止) children from his restaurant.
  Others supported his decision, they said they were bored of noisy children in restaurants and now they could finally have a place for adults only.
  In fact, many other restaurants have also met the same problem. Some have done nothing and others have tried to ban children during certain times of the day. There's one restaurant in Italy. It has been creative in dealing with the problem. They rewarded (奖励) well-behaved children to encourage parents to control their children.
  These methods may be useful for a while, but it is difficult to solve this problem completely.
参考词汇:poor贫穷的 government 政府
要求:时态正确、语句通顺,书写认真。70 词左右,开头已给出。
Dear Mary,
  I had a happy weekend. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Ming
期中试卷 最新试卷 山东试卷 烟台市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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