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1.—Who helped your brother make the kite?
—________. He did it all by himself.
  • A. Everybody
  • B. Nobody
  • C. Somebody
2.The Greens often drive to the countryside on weekends to enjoy a ________ life.
  • A. meaningful
  • B. truthful
  • C. peaceful
3.After seeing an old man, Jenny walked ________ him and helped him cross the road.
  • A. against
  • B. towards
  • C. through
4.I've done some ________ to find out the cheapest way of travelling there.
  • A. research
  • B. protection
  • C. technology
5.He ________ be more careful first so that he won't make the same mistake.
  • A. should
  • B. could
  • C. might
6.________ the policemen got the news, they rushed out to find the lost child.
  • A. As far as
  • B. As long as
  • C. As soon as
7.________, I'm really busy at the moment. Can I call you back later?
  • A. Luckily
  • B. Finally
  • C. Actually
8.In order to make her class relaxing, Miss Brown has ________ some new ideas.
  • A. got along with
  • B. come up with
  • C. caught up with
9.The old photos bring back lots of good ________.
  • A. journeys
  • B. memories
  • C. inventions
10.—I really want to watch the movie Zhou Enlai's Boyhood. Could you tell me ________?
—Sure. It will be at Wanda Cinema.
  • A. where it will be on show
  • B. when it will be on show
  • C. how long it has been on show
11.(There is something wrong with Eliza's eyes. She has come to see Dr. White. )
Eliza: Hello, Dr White.
Dr. White: Hell, Eliza. (1)      
Eliza: It's my eyes. I can't see clearly.
Dr. White: (2)      
Eliza: Since last week, I think.
Dr. White: Let me have a look. Oh, I think you have been working too hard and you haven't taken good care of your eyes.
Eliza: That's true. (3)      
Dr. White: Well, when you feel tired, just stop working, go outside and take a short rest. (4)      
Eliza: Do you think that will help?
Dr. White: Yes. It will certainly help.
Eliza: All right. (5)      Thank you very much.
Dr. White: You're welcome.

A. I'll try.
B. What's wrong?
C. What should I do then?
D. Sounds like fun.
E. How long have you been like this?F. Would you please send the information to me?G. Remember, never go to bed too late and don't read in bed. 
12.  There was an old truck driver who knew every corner of the (1)       very well.
  One day, he had to train a new truck driver. The new driver was very young. The (2)       driver asked the younger one to drive for a while. The young one drove a big 18 wheeler for about 2 hours and became very tired. He asked the (3)       to take over for a while. The trainer drove for 4 hours and was not even tired, as he has (4)       this for years. The young man was very curious and asked the old man how he could drive for hours and not get tired.
  The old man asked him, "What do you do in the morning (5)       before you leave your house?"
  The young man replied, "I kiss my wife goodbye and tell her I am going to (6)      ."
  The old one said, "That is your problem."
  The young man asked, "What do you mean?"
  The old man said, "When I leave in the morning, I kiss my wife goodbye, but I don't tell her I am going to work. I tell her I am going for a (7)      in the country."
  Life can be easy or it can be difficult. Sometimes it's just a matter of how you look at it. Look at things in a different way and they can change for the (8)      .
13.请阅读下面的表格, 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出一个最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
  Here are three famous cities. They have many famous landmarks (地标) that are symbols for the cities and even their countries.
This beautiful city in northeastern Italy has about 120 small islands. The city has no roads. People use boats to travel along the canals. You should see St. Mark's Square — the center of activity in this city. It has wonderful buildings. 
This American city is the main business and cultural center of the West. It is famous for its music, opera and theaters. It also has excellent museums. When shopping in this city, you can visit a long row of fashionable stores on North Michigan Avenue. One of the world's tallest buildings, the John Hancock Center, is also on this avenue. 
Rio de Janeiro
Travelers use many words to describe this South American city:beautiful, sunny, friendly and exciting. It is the city of the Carnival. Everyone dances the samba in the streets. Tourists also love to visit its wonderful beaches and mountains. You should not miss theNational Park of Tijuca — one of the largest parks in the world. 
14.  When I was a kid, my mom would sometimes finish work feeling tired or stressed out. Sometimes we'd hear some bad news from a friend or family members. Sometimes we'd hear about something bad on the news.
  Every time, she would simply say one simple phrase: "Everything shall pass." It was her way of telling herself that even the worst times will come to an end. Sometimes they feel like they won't — but they almost always do if you just stay strong and look for help.
  For a long time, I forgot about this phrase. But in this past year, it has become very important to me. I've seen a lot of difficulties, both in my personal life and in the world in general. Around the end of 2020, I got very sick and had to spend some time in the hospital. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic was hitting my home country. It was difficult to feel positive (积极的) about anything.
  I remembered then what my mother said so often when I was young. I'm still not perfectly well and COVID-19 is far from over, but when I feel especially down, I just tell myself, "Everything shall pass. " You might want to give it a try yourself when you're having a bad day. If it works for me, it could work for you too.
15.  You might not usually pick up someone else's rubbish. (1)      The world would be a much cleaner place!
  When I was young, my parents and my teachers always told me to pick up any rubbish around me. Each day at school during our lunch break, every student had to find some rubbish. (2)      Our school was always very clean because everyone spent one or two minutes picking up rubbish every day.
  The same idea is now becoming popular around the world, thanks to Take 3. Australian surfer Amanda Marechal and ocean scientist Roberta Dixonvalk came up with the idea in 2009.
  (3)      Why did they ask people to pick up just three pieces of rubbish, instead of 10 or 20?They think it's an easy thing that people might actually do.
  (4)       Take 3 has gone to the United Kingdom, the United States, Costa Rica and some other countries. Their latest plan is to make an app. (5)      
  Want to make the world a cleaner place?Why not start a Take 3 group with your friends this weekend?
A. They asked everyone to pick up three pieces of rubbish each time they visited the beach.
B. It will help people learn more about what kinds of rubbish are bad for the ocean.
C. We put it in the bin (垃圾箱) before we returned to class.
D. But imagine if everyone did it.
E. Today, Take 3 is a popular idea around the world, and not just on the beach. 
16.请阅读下面的短文, 在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最符合的内容, 并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.每空一词.
  One night during winter, a bear came into the city of Vancouver in Canada. It walked through the streets, found some food in trash bins and started eating. In the morning, someone saw the bear and called the police. They came and took the bear back to the mountains. Luckily, the bear was safe. But what happens in other countries when big animals go into cities?
  In Cape Town, South Africa, baboons go into the city when they are hungry. Sometimes they go into houses and take food from fridges! They can scare people. But the city can be dangerous for baboons too. Sometimes, they die in traffic accidents. Human food is bad for their teeth. Now there are baboons monitors (监督员). They take the animals back to the countryside.
  In Moscow, there are 35, 000 wild dogs. They live in parks, old houses, markets and train stations. Many people give them food and water. Some make small houses for the dogs in their gardens. This helps them get through winter.
  In some cities, you can see birds, insects (昆虫) , mice and squirrels every day. But sometimes, bigger animals can be dangerous. We need to stop them from coming into the city without hurting them.

Animals in cities 
Vancouver, Canada ◆A bear found food in trash bins.
◆The (1)      took it back to the mountains. 
Cape Town, South Africa ◆Baboons take food from fridges when they are hungry.
◆They face danger in the city.
◆People (2)       the animals to the countryside. 
Moscow, Russia ◆There are 35,000 wild dogs.
◆They live in parks, old houses, markets and train stations.
◆People help them in life (3)       winter. 
Other cities ◆You can see (4)      animals like birds and insects every day.
◆It's better to stop big animals from coming into cities and keep them (5)      at the same time. 
17.请阅读下面的短文, 按要求完成所给任务, 并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.
  Do you like reading?If so, then World Book Day might be for you. UNESCO set up World Book Day in 1995. It happens on April 23 every year.
  Reading is a wonderful hobby to get into. ①It can help you see and feel new worlds through your own imagination. By joining book clubs and events, reading can also help you make new friends in the real world.
BookCrossing is set to "make the whole world a library." It lets people read and share books with strangers. You start by leaving a book in a public area. Someone else will then pick up the book and read it. This way, people can find books in new genres (类型). and by new authors. Someonemight even get into reading as a new hobby. 
★A Lonely Island
Are. you a big fan of detective stories? On April 10, a small bookstore called— Lonely Island opened in Shanghai. As Shanghai's' first bookstore of its kind, Lonely Island sells only detective novels. Shi Chenmi, the owner of the bookstore, is detective writer himself. He hopes to meet people with the same interest on this "island". In the future, we might see more bookstoresWith other interesting themes. 
★Modern reading
Today's world is a digital world. People prefer scrolling through' social media posts or playing games over other activities. Can books still be popular?Thankfully, Chinese people are still reading — they're just doing it online. In fact, ②去年中国有四亿九千四百万人在线阅读.China Daily reported. The number rose 5. 56 percent over the previous year. People read e-books and listen to. Audiobooks online. 
18.请根据语篇内容, 用方框中所给词的正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、连贯, 并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.方框中有两个词为多余项.
as read and important good but other child spend choose forget sudden 

  My father isn't exactly a (1)      father.
  He works every day late into the night, sometimes even forgetting to eat dinner, and gets up early as well. Even when he's at home, he always thinks about his work and hardly ever (2)      any time with my mother and me.
  (3)      a doctor who graduated (毕业) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, he could make lots of money and only do half the work he is doing now, but he(4)      to do more difficult and important work. Although he makes a good salary (薪水), he spends every penny like it was his last. He always wears worn, cheap clothes, saying they are "comfortable (5)      suit me well," and refuses to change. I sometimes get angry with him for not caring enough about his appearance, but he just smiles and says, "Daddy has (6)       uses for the money, all right?"
  I never stopped being curious about how he spent his money, Then one day while I (7)      the newspaper, a piece of news caught my eye: "Communist Party member (共产党员) Rong Xing donates (捐赠) 10, 000 yuan to help poor (8)      go back to school". Then I (9)      understood.
  My father's love for (10)       touched me deeply. I started to understand the great spirit of the communists, which I will learn from and pass on.
19.一百载峥嵘岁月, 一百载辉煌成就. 建党100周年之际, 让我们发现身边那些无私奉献、乐于助人的共产党员, 并向他们学习. 请你写两段话, 第一段介绍你身边的一位共产党员, 讲一件他或她的事迹;第二段谈谈作为中学生的你, 计划如何有意义地度过今年的7月1日.
参考词汇:the Communist Party of China ( CPC, 中国共产党), volunteer
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