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1.  The Ultra Ironman Triathlon Race (超长铁人三项比赛) is considered one of the most challenging sporting events in the world. Competitors swim, ride a bike, and run. The race is made up of a 3. 86-kilometer swim, a 180. 25-kilometer bicycle ride, and a 42. 2-kilometer run. There are no breaks during the race, so competitors must keep going no matter what. People who choose to enter this race must be healthy and prepared in both mind and body.
  There are several rules for those who want to compete in the Ultra Ironman Triathlon Race. The minimum age of racers is 18, so everyone who competes is an adult. Training for the Ironman can take more than a year. People who train often start practicing the events at shorter distances first and then increase the amount of length and time they swim, bike, and run. Training can be difficult because people need to find a balance of strength and endurance (忍耐力) training. Without enough training, people can get harmed. Some people even put on weight when training because their bodies store calories (卡路里) instead of using them for energy. All people in training should drink plenty of water.
  In the past 40 years, the Ironman has developed from a single race into a global (全球的) movement. Today's Ironman races have events of different distances and racers of different ages. Since 2008, Weihai has held the Ironman Triathlon Race once a year. Weihai Triathlon Sports Association (威海铁人三项运动协会) was founded in2011. The 2014 World Triathlon Championships (世界铁人三项锦标赛) was held in Weihai, which was the first time that the event was held in an Asian city.
  Look at the pretty WeiWei, the mascot (吉祥物) of Weihai Ironman Triathlon Race.
  Exercise is good for people's health and helps the heart. People take part in other sports and games such as golf or football, but the Ironman is a challenging way to stay fit. Even though it is hard, it can still be fun. It's a great way to stay active and enjoy life!

2.  Have you heard of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway, which played an important part in serving Beijing Winter Olympic Games?It connects Beijing, Yanqing and Chongli, the three main hosting places together. It shortens the travel time between Beijing and Chongli, from more than three hours to just one hour. Yanqing and Chongli host all ski-related (相关的) events. During peak season, thousands of passengers take the railway every day to ski in Chongli.

  If you like, try to experience the hi-tech train and enjoy a travel in style.
  Smart operations
  Some of the trains along the Beijing-Zhangjiakou railway line are smart enough to drive by themselves! They can also open and close the doors automatically (自动地). There are over 2, 700 sensors checking if the train is running smoothly. Most importantly, the trains can run in temperatures as low as -40℃.
  Watch on the way
  Some carriages have large screens. 5 G technology is used to broadcast (播送) games live. So if you don't want to miss any of the games during your trip, no need to worry!Media workers can also write news reports based on the live broadcast when they are on the train.
  No lost bags
  A small smart card will be tied to your luggage (行李). Connected to your phone through Bluetooth, it can tell you where your luggage is. This way you don't need to worry about losing your bags!
  Safer for babies
  Some carriages have beds for babies. Moms no longer need to hold their babies in their arms. Babies can have a sound sleep during the trip. This will also give other passengers a quieter journey.
3.判断正误.正确的答案涂A, 错误的答案涂B.
  May 23 in 1981 was a big day for scientist Liu Yinzeng (刘荫增) . He and his team found seven wild crested ibises (朱鹮) in Hanzhong, Shanxi province.
  "That night, I saw a crested ibis fly across the sky. We ran after it at once and found four adult crested ibises and three young little birds in the woods," Liu said.
  That was the start of China's efforts to protect the birds. There are 4, 400 crested ibises in China, making up most of the bird's global (全球的) population of over 5, 000. It has been more than 40 years since the birds came back.
  Crested ibises are one of the oldest birds in the world. There were once lots of crested ibises in Asia. But in the 1960s, they began to disappear because of pollution and other human activities. That was why Liu and his team set out to look for the birds. They spent three years searching in 14 provinces before making their big finding.
  Chinese scientists have worked hard to study and protect the birds since then. They have asked people not to hunt (捕猎) the birds, cut down trees, or use fertilizers (化肥) in the places where the birds live. They helped the birds have more babies. Some crested ibises were also sent to Japan and South Korea. All of these countries work together to protect the birds.

4.根据短文内容, 用文后的句子给短文添加小标题, 使短文内容完整.
  Here are five great tips to help you make full use of your time.
  Something may seem important now, but is it important in the long run?In 10 years' time, 80% of what you do today will not turn into anything useful, so why do it?Spend your time on what is the most important. Forget the rest.
  If you can do something (like a household chore, or reply to an e﹣mail) in two minutes, don't put it off. You will have to do it sooner or later, but planning to do it, remembering to do it, and finally doing it in the future will take five minutes or more. Do it now and save three minutes.
  Don't think that you have to finish a big job all in one sitting. If you do that, you might never start it. Instead, work on it bit by bit, five minutes at a time.
  How do you find time to learn something new or start a new project?Think about all the little "pockets" of time that you have. Every day we have time to kill while we ride on public transport or wait in lines. Other people play games on their phones, but you could be studying a new language. If you have spare minute, use it!
  Always in a rush when you get up?Try brushing your teeth in the shower or eating breakfast while you get dressed. If you do two or more things at once, you'll be ready for work in no time at all.
A. Big job? Cut it up!
B. Too much to do?Decide what's important!
C. Small job?Do it at once!
D. Want to save time in the morning?Do different things at the same time!
E. Want extra time?Use what you have!
5.研读下面百科全书截图页, 查找信息, 完成文后各题.请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置.
How this book works
Ever wonder what a planet is?Want to know more about bridges?Every page in this encyclopedia (百科全书) is packed with fun facts and amazing photographs. Dive right in or jump to a page that catches your eye to discover all about our wonderful world. The helpful tips here will guide you through using this book. 
 Alphabetical pages
The book's pages are arranged alphabetically (按字母顺序排序). You can look up topics using the content list. See alsoIt covers related (相关的) topics elsewhere in the book. If you enjoy reading a page, you can use the "see also" box to find similar pages in the book and see where they are. The color at the top and bottom of the page shows which type of subject the page is about. The same color shows the same subject. GlossaryThe glossary is a list of some of the more difficult words used in the book. If you would like an explanation of what a word means, you can look for it here. IndexThe index lists (列出) alphabetically everything covered in the book, along with its page number. If there is anything you want to know about, you can look it up here. 

6.She        /gru:/ colorful roses in the garden.
7.My father's        /'nɒlɪdʒ/ of computers is rich.
8.Lots of        /'tʊərɪts/ travel to Weihai every year.
9.The museum is open every day        /ɪkˈsept/ Mondays.
10.How        /'kwɪkli/ he worked out the math problem!
11.The community has a professional        /'medɪkl/ team.
12.Which dog do you think is the        /'klevərɪst/ of the three?
13.The book        /'menʃənz/ many kinds of protected animals.
14.To our surprise, he        /rɪ'fju:zd/ our invitation to the party.
15.You'd better go to hospital right now if you have a        /ˈfiːvə (r)/.
16.  Mr. Hope, the doorman at our school, walks with a limp (跛脚). Sometimes people make fun of his limp. It always (1)       (make) me angry to hear them laughing at him.
  Watching him make his way slowly around our school with the cleaning tools in hand, I often wondered why he limped.
  One day while I (2)       (stand) in the hall, I saw two boys laughing at Mr. Hope's limp. The headmaster saw this and he was very mad. He took all of us down to the basement. He showed us a picture of a young man standing by a long, thin boat. "This is Mr. Hope when he (3)      (be) a young man," said the headmaster. I was shocked (4)      (learn) that our doorman was once a great rower (划船运动员). In the 1968 Olympics, after the final race started, Mr. Hope's boat and another one were soon far ahead of the other boats, racing neck and neck towards the finish line The race was going well when suddenly, Mr. Hope heard a huge cracking (爆裂) sound. He saw his opponent's (对手) boat (5)      (go) down fast. The man was in trouble because the boat had broken right in the middle. He (6)      (stick) inside, unable to escape.
  Without (7)      (stop) to think, Mr. Hope jumped into the water and pulled the man up from underneath the water. The other boats (8)       (pass) them on their way to the finish line, leaving the two men alone in the water. The other man had a broken leg and Mr. Hope's leg was cut badly by the sharp wood splinters.
  Mr. Hope never finished the race. He never got a gold medal at the Olympics. He did end up getting a special medal for sportsmanship. And ever since then he (9)       (be) unable to walk properly.
  As we stood there listening, the boys felt ashamed of what they had done. "Mr. Hope is a hero. His bravery and selfless actions make him an Olympic champion (冠军) forever. We (10)       (not laugh) at him anymore," said the boys.
18.自从毕业后, 他们就没见过面.
20.如果你足球踢得够好, 就会入选学校足球队.
21.王亚平在太空的科学课很精彩, 我们受益匪浅.
22.Cats and Secrets
  In English, there is a common idiom (习语): "let the cat out of the bag". It means to tell a secret. But where did this idiom start?
  It came from a part of England. Long ago, people there went (1)       to sell things like clothes, vegetables, and pigs. They had strong beliefs about honesty. They didn't like lying. One day, a man went (2)       to sell things.
  "I have a baby pig for sale!It won't cost much," he said. He held the animal above his head. His style was different from honest people's style. He was a master of tricking people and lying.
  A woman named Beth looked at his pig. He (3)       her the pig for one gold coin. That was a very small amount. Beth (4)       him the coin. He put it in his pocket. He walked ahead of Beth to get the pig.
  He gave her a closed bag and said, "Here's your pig." He then left very soon.
  Beth looked at the bag. It was moving. She opened it to (5)       . A cat was inside! "He tricked me!That isn't proper," she said.
  Later, the man (6)       to trick more people. Beth saw him, and the memory of the cat came back. She told her friends. They stopped him. But no one knew (7)      .
  Someone said, "We need an independent and fair person to decide that. " They went to the judge (法官) . Beth told him about (8)      .
  The judge asked, "Is there evidence? Can you demonstrate (证明) how he did it?"
  "Look in his bag," said Beth. She opened it and (9)      . They learned the man's secret, and he went to jail (监狱).
  That's how the idiom "let the cat out of the bag" came to mean to (10)      .
A. the cat in the bag
B. what to do next
C. tell a secret
D. offered
E. let a cat out of the bag
F. let the pig out
G. returned
H. gave
I. to the town's center
J. from town to town 
23.某英语杂志社Just Ask栏目收到一位青少年Claire的电子邮件, 邮件中讲述了自己的困惑, 并向大家寻求帮助.认真阅读这封电子邮件, 假定你是Sarah或Kevin, 请从不同角度给出合理化建议.
From: Claire
To: Just Ask
Subject: Asking for advice
Dear friends,
  I feel terrible and I really need your advice. The problem is that I'm not interested in clothes. I don't know what's in fashion and I don't like going shopping for clothes. Some of my friends laugh at me and say that I haven't got style. What do you think I should do?
Claire, 13 

(1)词数100左右, 开头与结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
Dear Claire,
  I understand you. Once I was also in the similar situation. It's not easy for us to get through teenage years smoothly. Here are my opinions. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Good luck!
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