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1.—You look cheerful today. What's the good news?
—My group got the first prize and the teacher promised us a present. ____
  • A. angry
  • B. happy
  • C. clever
2.—Playing games on the mobile phone is harmful to your health. You shouldn't play it for a long time.
—OK. I will try to stop it. ____
  • A. famous for
  • B. bad for
  • C. free for
3.—I forgot to bring my book today, Jack. Can you lend me yours?
—Yes, here you are. ____
  • A. didn't remember
  • B. didn't want
  • C. didn't plan
4.—I broke Tom's glass by accident. What should I do now?
—You should apologize to him first. ____
  • A. say goodbye
  • B. say sorry
  • C. say hello
5.—What do you know about your foreign teacher?
—I just know that he comes from Europe. ____
  • A. is from
  • B. lies in
  • C. leaves for
6.—Are you ready for the coming English speech contest?
—No, but I won't ____. I still practice every day.
  • A. cheer up
  • B. give up
  • C. clean up
7.—What do you think of your head teacher?
—He is very ____. He made many rules for us.
  • A. strict
  • B. patient
  • C. successful
8.—It is very ____ to pay by Alipay.
—Yes, we can buy things easily and quickly.
  • A. careful
  • B. dangerous
  • C. convenient
9.—Could you help me ____ the bag?
—No problem. You have a lot of fun shopping today!
  • A. fix
  • B. carry
  • C. sell
10.—Hurry up, Tom. It's time to ____.
—Mom, let me sleep for another minute, please.
  • A. get down
  • B. take out
  • C. wake up
11. The outside world is full of secrets (秘密) . And they are so (1)       that lots of people are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they fly and (2)       are as interesting as. anything could be.
  Do you know that one of the (3)       presidents (总统) of the USA spent hours and hours studying birds?A businessman who (4)        near New York City became so interested in insects (昆虫) that he began to collect them. He now has over one thousand (5)       kinds of insects carefully kept in glass boxes.
  Come with me and I will help you find some of the secrets. Hush! Let's go (6)       through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a (7)       tells other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they look for (8)       and get ready for winter sleep. We shall watch bees dancing in air to let other bees know where they can find food. I will show you many other (9)      . But the best thing that I can teach you is to (10)       your eyes and ears open when you go out. Nature tells her secrets only when you look and listen carefully.
12. Good experiences can be unforgettable memories (回忆) in people's life. If you have a one-week holiday, what will you do? The following plans may interest you.
Plan 1: Squaw Valley
Enjoy the exciting sports and comfortable hotels there.
Price: ﹩879 a person for one week.
Includes (包括): the cost of the hotel, two meals a day, and the ticket for skiing.
Don't worry if you can't ski. There's a ski school!
Call 876-0933 for more information. 
Plan 2: One Week in Paris
Price: ﹩987 a person.
Includes: plane tickets, breakfast, the cost of the hotel, one full-day city trip, and an afternoon trip to Versailles.
To know more about the vacation, call 394-1188. 
Plan 3: Cayman Islands
Spend one week on beautiful beaches.
Price: ﹩850 a person.
Includes: the cost of the hotel, a welcome party, breakfast and the cost of the bus into town.
You can also go boating and the water park will be a great place for young children.
Call 487-3342 to know more information. 
Plan 4: Back to Nature
It is a quiet camping place in North Carolina to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Price: ﹩25 a night for one campsite (营地).
How long the trip will last: For a week.
You can take a walk or go cycling around the campsite.
Call 288-3655 before you come to make sure there are campsites for you. 
13. More than seven hundred years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big dog called Gelert. One day, the Prince wanted to go hunting. He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle (摇篮).
When the Prince came back from hunting, Gelert ran out to meet his master. He wagged his tail. Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelert's mouth and head.
"What have you done?" the Prince said. He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on the floor and there was blood on the baby's clothes.
"So you have killed my son?" the Prince said angrily. He took out his sword and killed the dog. Just as Gelert was dying, he tried to bark. Then the Prince heard a baby crying outside.
The Prince ran out of the house and saw his son lying on the ground. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince knew that Gelert had saved the baby and killed the wolf.
The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late. Gelert was dead. The Prince was very sad. Tears ran down his face when he realized that he had killed his faithful (忠诚的) friend. The Prince carried the body of his dog to the top of a mountain and buried (埋葬) him there. After this, the Prince never smiled again.
14. Two old men in their 70s and 80s in Nanyang, Central China's Henan Province have become the local superstars after they got the chance to study at a college (大学).
Li Zhixin and Meng Qingli, two villagers from Sanguanmiao Village took part in the college entrance examination (高考) and got the chance to study at Nanyang Vocational College of Agriculture.
Jia Guowen, the schoolmaster of the college, said that it was the first time the college had accepted old students, and he was deeply moved by the two men.
The two old men have spent most of their free time reading, studying and looking up information in different books. They also helped farmers solve problems on the farm. For example, some people in nearby villagers would go to ask them questions like how they can protect their animals from illnesses on the farm.
Because of his physical conditions, Meng wanted to give up several times, but Li encouraged him to get his confidence back and Meng finally made his dream come true.
In the future, the two men will have face-to-face lessons six times a year. Thinking about their bad health condition, the college will use ________ teaching ways to teach them, such as online and offline teaching (线上线下教学). For some of the courses, the teachers will go to their homes for teaching.
15. In December, 2019, scientists found Dogor in Siberia near Yakutsk. As the world became warm, some things hiding in the ice came out.
Scientists carefully cleaned Dogor after they found it. Its head is still very much like it was when it died.
Scientists from Sweden have taken small samples (样本) from Dogor for testing (检测). Their tests showed Dogor lived 18, 000 years ago, it was a boy, and it was about two months old when it died.
The scientists also ran DNA tests. Although the scientists ran two DNA tests, they couldn, t be sure what Dogor was. Was it a dog or a wolf? The scientists now plan to run a third DNA test.
The results give Dogor's name a special meaning. Scientists choose the name "Dogor" because it means "friend" in a language spoken in that part of Siberia. But in English, it also means "Dog or. . . ".
The scientists are excited about the results of the tests. They will teach scientists a lot about the history of dogs and when the wolves began to become dogs. "We can't wait to get results from further tests," said Sergey Fedorov.
So far, the earliest dog ever found was a dog from around 14000 years ago. People found it in Germany in 1910. If Dogor is a dog, then he will set a new tecord (纪录).
16. Maria wants to be a lawyer. She thinks it is cool. She got (1)             internship (实习岗位) and wanted to learn more from it. She wouldn't get any pay from the internship, (2)             she didn't mind (介意) it.
Maria is always an active girl, but she was nervous on her (3)             (one) day. She tried to make herself look professional. (4)             she got to the office, she found that everyone (5)              (look) so busy and professional.
Maria went to see her boss Susan. Susan looked strict. "It could be a little difficult to work with her, " Maria thought.
Susan shook hands (6)             Maria. Then she said, "Maria, I want you (7)             (get) me a cup of coffee first. No milk or sugar. "
Maria came back with the coffee. "Okay, now I expect you to drive to the nearest supermarket and buy me some juice and (8)             (cookie), " she said. Maria didn't feel happy or (9)             (excite). She thought she was smart enough to do more important work.
However, she said nothing and did what Susan asked (10)             (she) to do. Then she sent Susan a message saying that she gave up the job. She believed that she should find another job.
17.假如你是Lily,你的英国表姐June想在暑假期间到广州旅游.请你参考以下所给的活动提示,帮她做一个旅游计划,并写一份英文邮件告诉她你推荐的活动安排.要求:60词左右, 邮件开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数.

Dear June,
I am so glad that you will visit Guangzhou. To help you learn more about Guangzhou, I have made a wonderful plan for you.                                                                                
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