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1.Ben likes to play ______tennis, so his father bought______ tennis ball for him.
  • A. the;a
  • B. /;the
  • C. /;a
  • D. a;an
2.The World Environment Day(世界环境日)is______ June 5th every year, and it started ______1972.
  • A. at;in
  • B. in;on
  • C. on;in
  • D. on;at
3.There is a ______in my neighborhood. I like reading here.
  • A. post office
  • B. library
  • C. bank
  • D. police station
4.Now Square Dancing(广场舞)is getting _______because people have much free time.
  • A. special
  • B. hard
  • C. expensive
  • D. popular
5.一Would you like some orange juice?
一No, thanks. I don't like orange juice, so I ______drink it.
  • A. always
  • B. usually
  • C. often
  • D. never
6.It's important for students to____ the rules at school.
  • A. follow
  • B. leave
  • C. forget
  • D. hear
7.一What did Jim do last weekend?
一He ___fishing with his father in the countryside.
  • A. went
  • B. will go
  • C. goes
  • D. is going
8.一____does it take you to get to Fuyang?
一About half an hour.
  • A. How soon
  • B. How long
  • C. How often
  • D. How far
9.If you ______the candles in one go, your dream will come true.
  • A. cut up
  • B. blow out
  • C. cut down
  • D. put up
10.一 Hi, Mike!How is it going?
  • A. Good idea.
  • B. No problem.
  • C. Not bad.
  • D. I'd love too.
11.  Last weekend, I went on a school trip with my classmates. We visited the (1)       museum and it was really interesting. We got there so fast by (2)       . The bus ride is never boring (3)       I always talk to my classmates. We were (4)      . We saw some farms and villages along the way. At the museum, I learned a lot about (5)       . I didn't know they could play chess (6)       us. It was so cool!Then the guide taught (7)      how to make a model robot. I (8)       a lot of great photos here, too. After that, I went to the gift shop to (9)       some lovely gifts for my parents. They weren't expensive. All in all, it was a (10)       day.
12.  It's Saturday morning. And the weather is good. My family is in the park now. It's really a nice(1)      . There (2)       a small hill and some beautiful flowers in the park. There is also a (3)      river in the park. And you can see many fishes in it. Do you know what my family are doing now?Let me tell you. My(4)       is reading under the tree. The(5)      must be interesting because she looks happy. Look!My father is (6)       on the hill. He thinks running is good for him. He often exercises so he is very (7)       . My sister Jenny is drawing pictures by the river. She draws very well and there are many beautiful pictures in(8)       room . What about me?Oh, I'm playing ping﹣ pong with my friend Paul. I can't play it well, but Paul (9)       . So he often teaches me to play(10)      .
  We all like the relaxing place a lot.
13.Eric:Good morning, Jack!
Jack:Good morning!
Eric :Do you know my cousin?He's new here in our school.
Jack: (1)      
Eric:He is very tall and has short blonde hair.
Jack: (2)      
Eric:Yes, he does. He is in our school basketball club.
Jack:Is he of medium height?
Eric: (3)      
Jack: (4)       He always wears blue and white sports shoes, right?
Eric:Yes, that's him . His name is Ben Clark. (5)      
Jack:Sounds good!
Eric:Let's go.
A. Let's go to play basketball with him.
B. What does he do?
C. Yes, he is tall.
D. What does he look like?
E. Yes, he is of medium height with glasses.
F. I think I know him.
G. Does he like playing basketball?
14.Chess Club
  Do you like to play chess?Do you want to play chess well?Mr. Green can teach you. You can come to our chess club every Saturday morning. Please call Mr. Green at 356﹣5789.
Teachers WantedAre you free in July?Can you speak English?Do you like children?We want an English teacher. You can call John at 357 ﹣1238. 
Swimming ClubDo you like sports?Do you want to learn to swim and swim well?Please join the swimming club now. You can come here from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. on weekends. Please call Ben at 378﹣5788. 
Musicians WantedDo you like music?Can you sing or dance?Can you play any instruments(乐器)?We want students for the music show. Welcome to our music club. You can call Mr. Smith at 393﹣1342. 
15.  Anna is a middle school student. As a student, she is very busy every day.
  In the morning, she gets up at half past six. After getting up, She likes running for half an hour. She thinks it's good for her health. She is good at playing badminton. She usually plays badminton on Saturday aftenoon. Then, she has a good breakfast. After breakfast, her father drives her to school.
  Class starts at 8 o'clock. Today is Wednesday. She has math, English, Chinese and P. E. in the morning. Now it's 9 :00. Anna is having Chinese Class. Her Chinese teacher, Mr. Black, is not tall or short. And he is a funny teacher. His class is so interesting that all students like his class. Anna likes, too. Anna says that she likes Chinese because she can learn a lot of things in Chinese class.
  After school, she often goes home with her friends by bus because they live in the same neighborhood. When she gets home, she always does her homework first. She likes watching TV. But she never watches on school nights. She watches on weekends. Anna works really hard, so she does well in all the subjects.
16.  I'm from a small village in the north of China. I really miss the snow in the village. Every winter, we get a lot of snow . The snow stays around for months and months. When it snows, everything is quiet. It's like there is no sound(声音)at all. And when you go out, you may find you are in a snow world because everything is white, too.
  It's never boring in winter. There are many fun things you can do in the snow. You can have snowball fights with your friends. It's so fun. You can make a snowman or a snowwoman with your parents. You can also go skating.
  Sometimes, it snows heavily. It's difficult for people to walk or drive with so much snow. And you have to get up early to clean the snow around your house. But I still miss the snow.
17.  Nice Food House has really good food. At our restaurant, the food is very cheap and delicious.
  Here are some specials in our restaurant. Special one is dumplings. We have fish and egg dumplings, mutton and potato dumplings and chicken dumplings. 20 fish and carrot dumplings are 16 yuan. You can order 20 mutton and potato dumplings for 20 yuan. The chicken dumplings are only ten yuan for 20.
  Special two is noodles. There are many types of noodles, like handmade noodles(手擀面), pulled noodles(拉面), knife﹣cut noodles(刀削面)and fried noodles(炒面). All of them are great!And the price is also good. A large bowl of noodles is 12 yuan and a small one is just 6 yuan.
  You can also have delicious ice﹣cream. It's also the special. You can have strawberry ice﹣cream, banana ice﹣cream and orange ice﹣cream. They are all 5 yuan.
  If you want to come to our restaurant to have lunch or dinner, you can take the No. 1, No. 5 and No. 9 bus here. But you have to come here early because the food of our restaurant is so delicious that many people come to our restaurant every day.
18.  Do you wear school uniforms?In China, many schools have school uniforms. And students have to wear the school uniforms when they go to school.
  These schools think uniforms help students with their studies. When every student wears the same things, they will not spend too much time on their clothes or how to wear beautifully. And they will have more time to study. But there are also some problems. Some parents say that they have to spend too much money on uniforms and some students say that their school uniforms are boring.
  Some schools have no uniforms, but they have rules about wearing . These rules tell students what they can wear and what they can't wear. Students can't wear shorts or short skirts. They can't wear some clothes with some bad words. The rules can be very strict. If students don't keep them, they may have to go home. Sometimes it's difficult to make sure every student's clothes. So some people think it's easier(更容易)to make students to wear the same uniforms.
  What do you think of the school uniforms?
19.  Lu Xun was a great Chinese waiter. Lu Xun was his pen name. His real name was Zhou Shuren. He was born(出生)in Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1881.
  At the age of 11, he started his school. When he was a child, his father wasn't in good health. He had to buy the medicine(药)before he went to school. One day Lu Xun was late for school. His teacher was very strict and told him never be late again. From then on, Lu Xun came to school early every day. In 1902, he went to Japan to study. A first he decided(决定)to be a doctor because he wanted to help Chinese people to keep healthy. But only four years later, he started writing stories because he wanted to teach people about China.
  In his life, Lu Xun wrote a lot of stories and became famous around the world in the 1920s. He left us in October, 1936.
20.My friend is handsome and has c       (卷曲的)hair.
21.I saw quite a lot of white s       (绵羊) yesterday.
22.I don't have too much time for breakfast, so I eat very       (quick).
23.Mary likes red because it's her l       (幸运的)color.
24.Tom usually r       (骑)a bike to school.
25.假定你是李华, 你在网上新认识了美国网友Steve.请你根据以下提示, 给他写一封电子邮件介绍一下自己.要点如下:
1. 个子高, 戴眼镜, 有黑色的短发;
2. 喜欢打鼓;每天步行去上学;
3. 喜欢蔬菜和牛肉面;
4. 上周日去农场参观, 并在农场骑马和喂鸡, 学到了很多.
可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
1. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;
2. 信的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Steve,
  I am happy to be your new friend. Now let me introduce myself. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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