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How do Chinese people like takeout food?
Look at the survey (调查). It is a survey on takeout food in China. About 3000
readers of China Youth Daily join in it. 64. 9%of them eat takeout food every week in their life.

55. 9% "I'm too busy. "
36. 7"Takeout food is cheap. "
30. 9"Restaurants are too far. "
28. 9"I don't know how to cook. "
22. 2"It's delicious.
"9"I want to watch TV when eating."

根据材料内容选择最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
2.  Seeing is believing (相信), but it our eyes don't work, how can we see to believe?
  Today more and more (越来越多) kids wear glasses before going to middle school. Because they spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games with no rest (休息). But we must do something to protect (保护) our eyes because they are important for us to see the world.
  Love your eyes. Every day, when we open our eyes, we can see the lovely friends and parents, beautiful flowers and green trees. Without them, there is only darkness. It is like a house without any light (光). How important our eyes are!
  Remember to rest your eyes. When you use the computer for an hour or two, it is time to stop to have a30-minute rest. At school, you need to do eye exercises. Closing your eyes for resting is helpful, looking at green trees or grass (草). In these ways, your eyes will feel relaxed.
  Have good habits. When doing homework and reading, it is important to keep a distance (距离) of 30 cm between your eyes and books. We should never rub (摩擦) our eyes with dirty fingers. Before and after swimming, use eye drops (滴眼液). Eat something healthy for eyes, such as carrots, fish and eggs.
根据材料内容选择最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
3.  Jeff is a twelve-year-old boy. He usually does a lot of things at home to help his mother.
  In the morning, he makes his lunch and puts it in his lunch-box. After school he takes Max, his dog, for a walk first. Max is Jeff's lovely pet. It is also his good friend, Jeff often tells Max some stories about his school and Max likes listening to the stories. Jeff also cleans his room every day, that is to say, he usually likes cleaning in the evening, but sometimes in the morning. Jeff does his homework when his mother makes dinner. After dinner, Jeff helps his mother wash the dishes.
  Jeff's parents are very happy and proud (自豪的) of him. Every week they give Jeff five dollars. Jeff usually buys school things with it, and he also saves some money each week. Now Jeff has about 50 dollars. He has a big plan﹣﹣his friend Bob wears very old shoes. Bob and his mother have a very hard life. His mother can't buy him a pair of new shoes. Jeff knows that Bob's birthday is coming, and Jeff wants to give him a special surprise.
根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
4.  The weather is different in different places of the world. In some places the weather is sunny, but in other places the weather is rainy.
  (1)      The dry weather isn't good for animals. If the dry weather is too long, many pools may be dry. The animals may not have enough(足够的) water and food. If it rains too much,
people don't have a good harvest (收获). (2)      
  In some places of the world the weather may be very cold. It often snows. (3)      In winter the days are short and the nights are long. (4)      People may put on their warm clothes and go out for long walks. (5)      They may have hot water and cakes.
根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺.内容完整.
A. When it snows, everything looks white.
B. The weather is very important in people's lives.
C. When they come back to their houses, they must be happy.
D. On cold winter days, if it is sunny, people like walking outside.
E. A lot of people may not have enough food to eat. 
5.  It was Monday yesterday. After (1)      , Jack left the dining room and went to his room.
  Mrs. Brown told Jack to do his homework, (2)       he didn't want to. He sat in front of the computer and enjoyed (3)      .
  After some time, Mrs. Brown said to Jack, "Jack, it's time to go to (4)      ." Jack looked at the (5)       and shouted, "Oh, no! It 's already (已经) 9:30 p. m. I want to do my homework now."
  "No! You (6)       go to bed now! It's not a good idea to (7)      late," said Mrs. Brown.
  "But as a student, I must (8)      my homework," Jack said. "It's important."
  "You' re (9)      ! Then why didn't you do your homework (10)      when you got home?" said Mrs. Brown.
  Jack knew it was not good for (11)       to play the computer game for so long. So he said, "I will always (12)       my homework first from now on. Could you please wake me up (13)       tomorrow morning, Mom?I must finish it. And I want to be a good (14)      ."
  "OK! It's also a good (15)       to get up early!" said Mrs. Brown.
kind take walk outside funny swim good terrible under another 

Dear Mom,
  Camp is great!Our guides help us do the coolest things. We (1)      for six kilometers and we find a waterfall (瀑布). I meet a lot of new friends. We have a great time together, climbing, (2)      , and playing tricks (恶作剧) on other campers! Every night, we go over to (3)       tent. We try to scare the other campers. Last night, when they all got out of the camp, we (4)      a big bag of frogs (青蛙). Then we put the bag (5)      a bed. When they got back, the frogs were all over their tent. We laughed so hard!It was so (6)      to see them run out shouting!
  One (7)       thing is finding many bugs (虫) here! I know that each year we will find 7, 000 to 10, 000 new (8)       of bugs, and I think we could find more here!I have about 100 mosquito bites (蚊子叮咬) in all. Every time I go (9)      , I will get a new mosquito bite! But for sure I'm having the (10)       time! Don't worry!Mom.
7.  My father has a young friend. His name is Liu Guo. My father lets me call him Uncle Liu. Uncle Liu works in a hospital, and he is a good doctor. But he lives far (1)       the hospital. Every day, he gets up early (2)       eats breakfast quickly at home. Then he goes to the bus station by bike. There he takes a bus to the River Stop. (3)       is no bridge across the river. So he takes a boat (4)       cross the river. He gets off the boat and then walks to the hospital. Every weekday, he does (5)       same thing. His dream is to have a bridge. I hope his dream can come true one day. All the people can cross the river from the bridge.
8.A: Excuse me. What are you doing?
B: (1)      . I have a nice e-friend.
A: Writing an email to your e-friend? (2)      ?
B: He is tall and thin.
A: Where is he from?
B: (3)      .
A: Really? Canada is a beautiful country. How's the weather there?
B: It is cold in Canada now.
A: (4)      ?
B: Yes, I visited him last year. We had a good time.
A: (5)      ! I want to have an e-friend, too.
9.不知不觉, 七年级的生活即将结束, 在一年的学校生活中一定有让你开心难忘的日子.请以A(n)__________Day This Year 为题写一篇不少于60个单词的短文, 要求内容
完整, 意思连贯.内容:
1. 今年在学校最……的是哪一天?为什么?
2. 那一天你是怎样度过的?(和谁一起, 做了什么?感受如何?)
要求:文章要包括全部要点, 但不要逐句翻译.文中不能出现真实的人名、校名和地名.
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