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1.—Grace, can I have a look at your pictures,please?
  • A. Sure, here you are.
  • B. Don' mention it.
  • C. I can't agree with you.
  • D. I'm sorry to hear that.
2.—Have you heard of the news about America and Russia?
—News? No, I haven't. Tell me about______.
  • A. them
  • B. her
  • C. it
  • D. him
3.—Would you like to go there at 8: 30 tomorrow morning?
—Why not make it a little______? How about 8:00?
  • A. late
  • B. later
  • C. early
  • D. earlier
4.The 5G network will make it easier for us______our life.
  • A. enjoy
  • B. to enjoy
  • C. enjoyed
  • D. enjoying
5.My mother is seriously ill. I have to ______ her at home.
  • A. look at
  • B. look up
  • C. look for
  • D. look after
6.We can't cross the road______the traffic lights turn green.
  • A. until
  • B. if
  • C. while
  • D. as
7.—Could you share with me ______ of your speaking skills? They're useful.
—Yes, I' d love to.
  • A. few
  • B. a few
  • C. little
  • D. a little
8.—Your mom______a lot in the past few years.
—Right. She becomes much older than her age.
  • A. changed
  • B. changes
  • C. has changed
  • D. will change
9.—Wow, the room looks so bright and tidy!
—Yes, it______every day.
  • A. is cleaned
  • B. cleans
  • C. was cleaned
  • D. cleaned
10.I'm expecting______.
  • A. how my high school life will be like
  • B. how will my high school life be like
  • C. what my high school life will be like
  • D. what will my high school life be like
11.  Tom's mother eyed him and said, "It is very cold and there (1)      a lot of snow on the ground. If you go (2)       your coat, you will catch a cold, and you will be sick."
  "But I feel quite warm." said Tom.
  "Yes. you do now. That's because there is a big fire in the room." said(3)      mother.
  However, Tom thought he knew best, so he went outside with no coat. Finally, he caught a bad cold and cough. He was very sick and had to stay in bed. He was (4)      sick to play with his friends. When he was in bed, Tom thought about how silly he had been. He would try to do as he (5)       when he got well again.
12. The Gordon family were spending a day on the beach.
Mr and Mrs. Gordon were sitting on the sand, reading their magazines. Mr. Gordon was mean and only thought about his money. Their twelve﹣year﹣old(1)      . Sandra, was playing in the shallow(浅的) water. Suddenly, a huge wave (浪)(2)      Sandra up and carried her out to sea. (3)      , a lifeguard was on duty and he saw the wave carry Sandra away. He(4)       along the beach and jumped into the sea. He swam quickly to where the girl, with her head only just above the water, was(5)       for help.
She was so(6)      . When the lifeguard reached her, she struggled (挣扎) with him. However, he knew what to do and soon took hold of her and swam back with her to the(7)      .
By the time he reached it, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon had realized(8)      had happened, They had run down to the shallow water.
(9)      of them could swim. They just stood there, and(10)      their daughter. Had the lifeguard reached(11)       ?
Of course. he had. " That was(12)      work, young man, " Mr. Gordon said. He turned to his wife. Give the lifeguard a dollar. "
" A dollar!" Sandra cried. "Dad, how can you give him a dollar? He (13)       my life. I was half dead. "
"Quite rіght, gіrl, " Мr. Gоrdоn ѕaіd, рlеaѕеd by hіѕ daughеr'ѕ іdеa оf thе valuе оf mоnеy.
He turned to his wife again and said, "She's(14)      . She was only half dead. Give him a "half﹣(15)       cents. "
13. A boy was one day walking in a field at the foot of a hill, when he saw a sheep coming towards him.
The poor sheep came running up quite close to him. She then went on a few steps, at the same tіmе turnіng rоund, and lооkіng uр іn thе bоy 'ѕ facе, and blеatіng (咪咪叫) lоudly.
The boy had never seen a sheep act in this way before. and wishing to find out what the sheep wanted, he began to follow her across the field.
On and on she went, every now and then turning round to see if the boy was coming.
At last, she led the way to a place where there was a running river, and a deep pool of water.
As soon as the boy came to this place, he saw a baby sheep trying in vain (徒劳地) to get out. It had fallen over the bank into the pool below.
The poor mother sheep must have known that better help that she could give was needed to save her little one.
From the bank, the boy found that he could just reach the baby sheep.
He soon caught hold of it, and lifted it up on the bank. The mother sheep seemed greatly pleased to have her little one again beside her.
14. One day a poor man was walking along from house to house. He carried an old wallet in one hand and at every house he asked for a little money to buy something to eat. As he was complaining about his misfortune (不幸), he kept wondering why some people who had so much money were never satisfied and always wanted more.
He thought that if he only had enough money to buy food and clothing, he would be very happy and wouldn't want anything more.
At that moment, Fortune came down the street. She saw the poor man and stopped. She said to him. "I want to help you. Hold out your wallet and I will pour this gold into it, but only on this condition. All that falls into your wallet will be gold, but all that hits the ground will turn into sand. Do you understand?"
"Oh, yes. I understand," said the poor man.
"Your wallet is old. Don't put too much in it," said Fortune.
The poor man opened his wallet and a lot of gold was poured into it. His wallet grew heavy.
"You are the richest man in the world now," said Fortune. "I think you should stop! Your wallet is going to break!"
However, the poor man said hewanted one more handful. Fortune added one more handful and the wallet broke. All the gold fell to the ground and turned into sand. The poor man had nothing but his empty wallet. He was as poor as he had been before.
15. One day a man gave his son some wood to saw (锯; 锯子). The boy did not want to do such work, so after his father had gone away, he threw the saw down, and it broke.
"I did not break the saw," said the boy to himself, "it broke itself." He tried to deceive himself with words, but he knew in his heart that they were false words, and he was afraid to meet his father.
One day a mother said to her son, who had just returned from school, "It is six o'clock. Your school closes at four — where have you been, my boy?"
"Oh, mother," said Ned, "when we play at ball, we forget everything else. We do not think of the time, or of coming home. Is tea ready?"
The boy 's mother was cheated. Ned's answer led her to think that he had been playing with his friends. But he had not been playing at all.
He had been "kept in" by his teacher, because he had not learned his lessons. He did not like to tell his mother that. He wished her to think that he had been playing.
"What a shame it is for you to try to cheat your mother," said something in Ned's heart, as he sat down to his tea.
"I don't care," said the boy to himself, "I don't care. I did not tell a lie — I did not say that I was playing."
If we use words which are about to cheat, we tell a lie. Ned's lie was a very bad one, for it looked so like the truth. A lie that looks like the truth is the worst kind of lie.
16.Bees (蜜蜂) live in a house that is called a hive. They are of three kinds: workers, queens, and drones.
They are very wise and busy little creatures (生物体), They all join together to build(蜡巢) for their honey. The cells which they build are not round but have six sides. They are all of one shape and size.
Each bee takes its proper place, and does its own work. Some go out and gather (采集)honey from the flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive.
When spring comes, and the flowers begin to come out, the bees leave the hives very early in the morning. They fly away, and gather the sweet juice of the flowers. They do not visit only the flowers near at hand. They go very often more than a mile from their own hives, but they never lose their way. When a shower of rain comes on, they hide themselves in some little holes in a wall, or perhaps among the leaves of a tree, or inside a large flower.
Only one queen can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead, the other bees will stop their work.
The drones do not work. Before winter comes, all the drones are driven from the hive or killed, so that they may not eat the honey which they did not gather.
It is not quite safe for children to touch bees. They have sharp stings (螫针) that they know well how to use to protect themselves.
17.A: Hi, Carol.(1)       was your school trip last weekend?
B: It was great.
A: Did you go to the zoo?.
B: No. I didn't. I went to a farm. Look, here(2)       my photos.
A: Did you see any cows?
B: Yes, I(3)      . I saw quite a lot and milked a cow.
A: Did you feed any chickens?
B: Well, I saw some chickens.(4)       I didn't feed them.
A: What else did you do?
B: My friends and I went for a walk around the farm and chatted with a farmer.
A: It sounds like you had(5)       good time.
B: Yes. You can go there if you are free.
A. read B. soft C. the D. interested E. if F. you G. thank H. toI. information J. with 

There is a library in every school. The library is a great place to visit for help(1)            school work, and for fun. You can go to your library, and there will always be someone there to help you find what(2)             want. That person is a librarian.
You can ask your librarian to help you find books about any subject that you are(3)             in. Libraries have many books about everything from airplanes to giraffes. You also can(4)             fiction, novels and many more.
If you are having a hard time finding an answer(5)             a question, ask your librarian to help you find(6)             answer. Your librarian can help you find(7)             in magazines, newspapers and articles, and on the computer.
Libraries are also great places to go(8)             you want a quiet place to read or study. They have areas with some(9)             chairs where you can read a book. They also have tables and chains where you can work on school reports.
Don't forget to visit your library, and remember to(10)             your librarian for his or her help.
19.Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston. When he was 12, he began working at his brother's print shop, where he learned a lot about writing and printing. He even wrote some articles in the New England Courant. At the age of 17, he ran away from home and went to Philadelphia.
He also took an active role in the community. In 1736,he set up a volunteer fire company and also became the postmaster of the city the next year.
He traveled for five years starting from 1757 around Great Britain. He also made many more trips to France and Britain.
He returned to America in 1787, where he served as a delegate (代表) to the Constitutional Convention. He played a strong role here as an elder statesman, who shared his world view ( 观点).He was very happy to see the United States become independent and take up the United States Constitution. Unfortunately, he died in 1790 at the age of 84, only three years after the Constitution was put into place. He was also famous ﹣ sill is, 200 some years after his death.
In his life, he did as he said,"Honesty and diligence (勤勉) should be your eternal partner".
20.假如你是李华,即将进入高中学习.在新的学习环境中,让别人了解你尤为重要.请你根据以下要点提示,以"My self﹣introduction"为题,用英语写篇 介绍你个人情况的短文.
要求: 1.词数110词左右(短文首向已给出,不计入总词数); 2.要点提示均须涉及,可适当增加内容; 3.不用真实姓名、校名、地名.
参考词语: parent, honest, take exercise, get good grades, be good at
My self﹣introduction
Hi, everybody. I'm Li Hua.
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