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1.—Why do you look so worried?
—It is raining. I doubt whether we can go on a picnic tomorrow. ____
  • A. become angry
  • B. want to know
  • C. feel unsure
2.I am afraid we have to wait because two girls are ahead of us. ____
  • A. better than
  • B. next to
  • C. in front of
3.He drew a small box from his pocket and then gave it to his wife. ____
  • A. took out
  • B. sold out
  • C. put out
4.—Have you read the reviews on the movie online?____
—Yes. Most of the viewers think it's worth watching.
  • A. impressions
  • B. instructions
  • C. comments
5.—I don't think we have got plenty of food for the party. Let's go shopping now.
—All right. ____
  • A. many
  • B. much
  • C. some
6.Be patient. I think the chance for you will soon come along. ____
  • A. appear
  • B. improve
  • C. happen
7.—The food smells awful. Throw it away as soon as possible. ____
—But it tastes quite good!
  • A. delicious
  • B. terrible
  • C. pleasant
8.—I surveyed the paper again before I handed it over. ____
—I am sure you will get a good mark this time.
  • A. looked up
  • B. looked for
  • C. looked over
9.An ____refers to an unusual or dangerous experience.
  • A. advertisement
  • B. adventure
  • C. experiment
10.—The supermarket next to my flat is always full of ____every day.
—It seems that people really like shopping there.
  • A. customers
  • B. audience
  • C. passengers
11.If someone can ____something, he or she has enough money to buy it.
  • A. serve
  • B. record
  • C. afford
12.An old man suddenly ____in the street just now, and a young lady went up to help him at once.
  • A. acted out
  • B. passed out
  • C. lighted up
13.—Our team ____theirs by the score 3: 2 in the final football match.
  • A. won
  • B. failed
  • C. beat
14.If you____ our feelings with your best friend, you tell him or her how you feel.
  • A. control
  • B. share
  • C. avoid
15.—Telling jokes is a piece of cake for him.
—____! He always makes us laugh.
  • A. I can't agree more
  • B. It's my pleasure
  • C. What a pity
16. Many of you may have had the experience of struggling (与. .. 作斗争) with homework until late at night. When this happens, you might wish that you could just leave the homework as it is and (1)       . Kids in Zhejiang province might be able to do so soon.
On Oct 28, Zhejiang worked out a draft guideline (方案草案) for reducing the (2)       of work students have to do. The guideline has 33 measures (措施) for both schools and parents, CGIN reported.
One of these measures has got a lot of (3)       — if their parents agree, primary school students can refuse to do homework after 9 p. m. and junior high school students can refuse it after 10 p. m. Teachers can't (4)       students for doing so.
Some people speak (5)       of the measure. They believe it will help students feel happier and (6)       after school, China Daily reported.
However, many worry that it will add more (7)      . Students still need to get good scores on their exams (8)       get into a good college. This might make parents (9)       that their kids could fall behind in school. They might turn to after-school tutoring.
Others also pointed out that the measures might give students more excuses not to do their homework. "What if a (10)       just puts it off unti1 9 p. m?" One person wrote on Sina Weibo.
17. Disney has made many cartoon movies. The princesses in the movies are often girls' favorite characters. From Snow White to Moana, every princess leaves a deep impression on people. However, have you noticed that Disney princesses are changing?
In the early Disney cartoon movies, princesses like Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty are usually good-looking and kind-hearted. But they have to depend on others to get out of trouble and find happiness. They end up living happily with their princes.
Now, people still love those princesses, but more and more girls know they have to fight for their own happiness. Disney has noticed the change. So the princesses in its newer movies don't just have good looks.
Merida from Brave is a good example. She was born as a princess and she likes going on adventures. She spends her days practicing archery (射箭术), riding her horse and experiencing the world around her. She loves her family, but she wants to take control of her own life.
Some time ago, Disney even put up their "10 new rules for being a modem princess". The rules include: Care for others; Live healthily;Don't judge (判断) a book by its cover; Be honest;Be a friend you can trust; Believe in yourself; Right wrongs; Try your best; Be loyal (忠诚) and Never give up.
None of the rules are about the looks of a princess. Anyway, one's inner beauty is more important. Don't you think so?
  The night of Nov. 3 was very special to Australian tennis player Ashleigh Barty, 23. She won her first single title (单打冠军) at the 2019 Women's Tennis Association (WTA) Finals in Shenzhen. Barty took home a record 4. 42 million (31 million yuan) prize for the title, the biggest prize in tennis. She has held the WTA World No. 1 title for 15 weeks. becoming the first Australian woman to do so. 
  China has built the world's largest high-speed rail network, which is still expanding (扩张). Last year, the total length of the network reached 29, 000 kilometers. The trains have attracted millions of travelers and greatly reduced traveling time around the country. For example, travel time from Beijing to Shanghai has been reduced from ten hours to five hours. China is also sharing this technology with many other countries. 
  Over the past decades, many people have made great contribution (贡献) to China's development, helping it grow through their hard work. On Sept. 29, ahead of National Day, Chinese President Xi Jinping presented national medals and honorary titles (荣誉称号) to some of these contributors, including thirty-six Chinese citizens and six foreigners. President Xi helped them put on the medals and shook hands with them. 
  Sept 16 to 22 is China's sixth annual Cyber Security Week (网络安全周). An opening ceremony and major activities were held Tianjin. First held in 2014, the event aims to remind people of the importance of fighting online threats (威胁) and cyber attacks. The theme of this year's event is "cyber security for the people and by the people". One of the goals of this year's event is to teach people how to protect their personal data (数据). 
19. Fu Lei's Family Letters is a book of letters written by Chinese translator and writer Fu Lei to his elder son Fu Cong. Between 1954 and 1966. Fu Cong spent a lot of time away from home to train as a piano player. As a result, writing letters became Fu Lei's usual way of communicating with his elder son. Fu Min, Fu Lei's younger son edited (编辑) the letters and the book was published in 1981.
The book is a full display of Fu Lei's family tradition and value. To Fu Lei, education is not only a family matter, but also something with great social (社会的)value. The purpose of education of a person, as shown in Fu Lei's Family Letters , is to make that person useful to society. In his letter on 26 January 1955, Fu Lei praised his son Fu Cong after winning a piano competition. Fu Lei wrote, "We are happy because you make your country proud. We are even happier because you bring joy to people through music! I am so excited when I think about your future. You will progress endlessly and serve more people, encourage them and heal them.
In his family letters, Fu Lci also advised his son to read famous Chinese texts. When reading these books, he told Fu Cong to fully understand their meanings and connect ideas with feeling, for that would help him become a better person. To Fu Lei, learning to be a good person comes before any academic (学术的) training. On 27 December 1954, Fu Lci wrote, "Everyone should be a good person before becoming an expert in any area. Otherwise, that person will not achieve much, no matter how knowledgeable he or she is. "
Fu Lei's Family Letters has great influence on people in China. The book has been sold more than one million copies in China and has been translated into Japanese and Korean. It helps many young students understand bow they should live their lives.
20. David was bankrupt (破产). He was trying to figure out how to make some money. "Maybe my insurance policy (险单) can save me," he thought. So he made a plan.
On a Saturday evening, as it got dark outside, he put on a pair of dirty boots and walked through his house. He left many dirty footprints. He went back the way he came while wearing socks. He cut the boots into pieces and flushed (冲走) them down the toilet.
At 11 p. m, he took a pistol (手枪) from his bedside table and went down his hallway without shoes. He fired three shots down the hallway. Then he walked to the other end of the hallway and fired two shots in the opposite direction.
His neighbors soon called the police. Three police officers came to David's house just minutes later.
I can t really tell you much. I was woken by a noise on the ground floor of my home. I took my pistol and went downstairs. Halfway down the stairs. I saw a shadow of a man. I shouted "Stop or I'll shoot."
"He shot at me three times and l shot back twice. The shadow disappeared into the kitchen. More than 15, 000 pounds in cash have been stolen from my safe(保险柜)," David said.
After collecting the footprints and bullies (子弹) in the wall, the officers left. The next day. the police called, "Please get dressed. David, We have to bring you to the police station and ask you about the lies you told us yesterday."
Do you know how the police knew David was lying?.
21. Through volunteering, you can improve your CV. (简历), develop new skills, and make new friends.
The results of a survey done in some leading companies in the UK:

73 percent of the companies would like a person with some voluntary experience over one year.
94 percent of the companies believe that volunteering adds to skills.
58 percent of the companies say that voluntary working experience can often be more valuable than working experience.
Here are some quotes (引述) from the survey:
"It made me confident and has made me realize the difference I can make."
"Volunteering is the feeling that you are making a real difference to the lives of young people and the local community."
"I now have new ideas for choosing jobs and confidence in putting these new ideas into practice."
"Volunteering brings me much joy and peace. It makes me feel that I can do something different."
"It allows me to meet new people and do something fun and meaningful."
"It lets me be more aware of the problems of other people and makes me appreciate the simple things in life."
"It is the pleasure, satisfaction and the feeling that I can help somebody."
"It makes me a happier person."
decide true embarrass invite exact 

(1)I don't think the man is telling the              . I never trust him.
(2)This watch is              what I want. I like it very much. Thank you very much.
(3)Thank you for              us to the concert. It's amazing.
(4)After listening to the lecture, he made a              to study abroad.
(5)It's really              that I forgot his name though we had met before.
fill serve silence accuse consider 

(1)Have they              your suggestion to hold a party at Christmas?
(2)The scientist is              the bottle with some dirty water from the river.
(3)The manager received many complaints about the bad              of the restaurant.
(4)After hearing the bad news, the girl left the office              .
(5)Everybody thinks that he will be              of stealing money from the bank.
24.Let's have dinner with him tonight,              (shall we/will you)?
25.It is good for parents              (trusting/to trust) their children.
26.I am sure he has got the ability              (solving/ to solve) that kind of question.
27.             (On/In) his way home, he fell off his bike and hurt his leg.
28.The meat smells              (bad/badly), don't eat it.
29.I think my personal advice on how to solve the problem              (are/ is) useful for you.
30.Simon went on with his homework,              (though/but)it was very late. What a hard boy!
31.I want to know who              (you will have/will you have) lunch with at the weekend.
32.             (For/ In) general, it's a good movie although it is a little violent.
33.Do you know the boy              (which/who) offered Tom two toy soldiers?
34.  Biking is a popular form of exercise because it's healthy and environmentally friendly.
  Many cities have made efforts to make cycling 1.             (easy) and more popular. In the US, Bike to Work Day 2,             (hold) on May 20th every year. The aim of the day is to encourage more people 3.             (ride) bikes.
  Copenhagen, the capital 4.             Denmark, is the world's most bike-friendly city. During rush hour, traffic-lights are always green for bikes. When it's snowy, people clear the snow in bicycle lanes (车道) 5.            (one), and the car lanes come next.
  In Amsterdam, people can rent (租) 6.             bike almost anywhere in the city. You can always find bike rental companies near busy 7.             (area).
  In China, we have bike-sharing companies. They make 8.             more convenient for people to use bikes. However, biking is not that easy in many Chinese cities. Cars often take up Bicycle lanes and 9.            (bike) have to ride next to cars in car lanes. It is very dangerous. Chinese government is doing 10.             it can to improve the situation.
35.假如你是李华, 校园英文报的编辑, 近日收到读者John的来信, 谈论到他被一些同学欺负的经历, 请根据以下提示, 用英文给John写一封回信.
写作要点: 1. 安慰他不要害怕和羞愧;
2. 学校也正在采取相关措施:1月16日(周四) 晚上8点在学校会议室有一个关于如何应对校园欺凌的讲座.
3. 你的建议: (至少两点)
写作要求: 1. 80词左右, 第一句已给出, 不计入总词数.
2. 必须包含以上写作要点, 可适当发挥.
3. 文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校名.
4. 语句通畅, 语法正确, 书写工整.
参考词汇:欺凌 n. bullying 欺凌者 n. bullies 措施n. measures
Dear John,
I am sorry to learn what has happened to you.      .
Li Hua
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