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1.—Have you ever seen the famous film called The Chinese Pilot?
—Of course, I have. I enjoy movies ______ tell our own Chinese stories.
  • A. who
  • B. that
  • C. what
2.Nowadays schools should pay attention to the full______of students' talents.
  • A. development
  • B. difference
  • C. direction
3.—Rose ______a letter from her parents on her birthday.
—Great. Her parents work far away from her but they always care about her.
  • A. refused
  • B. received
  • C. allowed
4.______students are busy with schoolwork, they still need spare time for their hobbies.
  • A. Although
  • B. Unless
  • C. Because
5.— Do you know that Batman has turned 80 this year?
—Yes, he first ______in Detective Comics #27 in 1939. He's one of the oldest superheroes.
  • A. exchanged
  • B. divided
  • C. appeared
6.—Which high school will you choose when you finish this year?
—It's too early to say. But I'm sure I must not waste______time in idle chatter(闲聊).
  • A. valuable
  • B. painful
  • C. convenient
7.When the children were climbing the mountains, a snake______appeared and scared them.
  • A. suddenly
  • B. certainly
  • C. carefully
8.The old man was so______ the good news that he couldn't say a word.
  • A. interested in
  • B. excited about
  • C. afraid of
  • D. worried about
9.—Mom, I've______a big box from STO Express(申通快递). What's in it?
—I'm not sure.It ______a present from your brother.
  • A. taken place, must be
  • B. signed for, could be
  • C. led to, can't
10.— Wow,so many toys for the sick kids. I wonder ______.
—We organized a book sale at school.
  • A. where you bought them
  • B. when you visited the kids
  • C. how you raised so much money
study group(3) 
What are you doing now, Alexis? 
(1)       What about you? 
Me, too. I have gone over all my notes. (2)       
I only have read the textbook again, but I haven't had time to study the notes yet. (3)      Do you agree? 
I agree with you. But maybe we can ask Bob to help u s. We can study together. We all know he is good at math. 
Can we study together in my home? 
Of course. But I can go to your house half an hour later. Is that OK? 
(5)       We need your help. 
I'm coming now. 
Waiting for you. 

A. I'm watching TV.
B. But I am still nervous.
C. That sounds like a good idea.
D. It's so late.
E. I'm preparing for the coming math exam.
F. It doesn't matter.
G. I guess this test is going to be hard. 
12.Once upon a time, a young man wanted to go to a village on business.Halfway there was a(1)___.Before he left home,his family warned him to stay calm and climb onto trees if he was in face of beasts(“兽). In this way, the beasts couldn't do anything to him.
The young man remembered these words and began his trip.
He walked for a long time (2)___ and found no beasts were out there.He thought his family's worries were (3)___. And he became relaxed as he walked.Just at that moment,he saw a fierce tiger running to him and he climbed onto a tree nearby at once.
The tiger roared around the tree and even jumped to (4)___ the man.
(5)___the young man was too scared, he didn't hold the tree and fell right on the back of the tiger. Full of fear, he had to hold the tiger tightly. The tiger thought that must be a giant beast. So it was afraid and started running madly.
People on the road didn't know what happened and said, ”Look at the young man.He is riding a (6)___ ! “Cool! ”“Superman! ”
Hearing these (7)___, the young man was very angry.“Why can't they see I'm suffering a lot? Don't they (8)___ I am in fear and almost scared to death?” he said to himself.

17. 11. 2019
Please respondbefore 1. 10. 2019
To reese at(123)456 789Reese 15Mail. com 
Hello You are invited Join us in celebrating Audrey's birthday17. 11. 2019 at the Audrey cafeGreen street 1304 nyc7 PM:dinner8 PM:dancing9 PM: entertainment10 PM: bandDress code: black﹣pink Admit one 

14. Ring! Ring! Ring! It was early in the morning and I knew who was calling as I reached the telephone. I was a new substitute teacher ( 代课老师) trying to make enough money to support my family. Each morning, I waited for a call that would take me to a different classroom. I was sure that I was made to get angry with students because of their bad behaviors these days. I didn't really want to go to work that morning, especially since it was my birthday with my family.
Still, I answered the phone and took the job. My family needed the money. As I was driving to work, I decided to try harder to be the best teacher that I could be.
As the class started, the students once again made me angry. This time, instead of being critical (批评的) and angry with students, I was strict but fair with them. I did my best to make my lessons fun. I shared smiles, praised their efforts, and encouraged them to work hard.
The results were amazing. My unruly classroom soon changed. Students were laughing and learning and I finally felt like I was doing my job right. I went home feeling happy in my heart and enjoyed the rest of my birthday.
I remembered something that I once read:"Every day is a new opportunity to begin again. Every day is your birthday. " Every day is a chance for us to get things right and to live our lives with love and joy. Don't waste a single day.

15. Once upon a time, there lived a big mango tree. A little boy loved to come and play on it every day.
Time went by. (1)      
One day, the boy came back to the tree with a sad look on his face. "Come and play with me, " the tree asked the boy.
"I am no longer a kid. I don't play on trees anymore. " the boy replied. "I want toys. I need money to buy them. "
"Sorry, I don't have money. (2)      ."
The boy was excited. He picked all the mangoes on the tree and left happily.
Twenty years later, the boy had grown into a man. (3)      "Come and play with me." "the tree said.
"I don't have time to play. (4)      
"Sorry, I don' t have a house, but you can cut off my branches to build your house."
The man cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy.
Forty years later, the man returned. He was much older.
"Sorry my boy, but I don't have anything for you anymore, except my dying roots" the tree said.
"I don't need much now, just a place to rest. (5)      " "the man replied.
"Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. Come, sit down with me." The man sat down. The tree was glad to see him once again.

A. But you can pick my mangoes and sell them so you will have money.
B. The tree was looking forward to meeting boy.
C. I need money to build a swimming pool.
D. The little boy got a bit older and he no longer played on the tree.
E. I am tired after all these years.
F. He returned to the tree again.
G. I have to work for my family and we need a house. 

16.Who are the "Slashers"(斜杠青年)?
Wang Yu,30,works as a business consultant(顾问)at a Beijing ﹣﹣ based listed company from 9.a.m.to 6 p.m.But her working hours don‘t end there.She makes bow ties manually in the evening to sell at her own brand store.She is also operating a We﹣chat public account.      .Some people choose a second job for more income.      A survey was made by 51 job.com in 2017.
Who are the "slashers"? 
Four out of ten office workers have two jobs at the same time. 
Most popular positions for slashers 
What do they have a second job for? 
Expected income for the second job 
encourage talk speak humorous nervous mistake
still laugh regard careful that although 

From age eight to eleven, I studied in a small school in Bath, England. As a Chinese who just got to England, I had trouble in learning English. I often made lots of (1)             in class, and my classmates always (2)             at me. I was very sad and even wanted to give up English. But my English teacher, Mr. Ronald helped me change that. He was a tall and fat man with a kind heart. (3)             he was quite strict with us, he was (4)             than other teachers and often told us little stories to make us laugh. He was a very good teacher and helped out with any difficulties that you met in study. He was very patient with us and always explained things(5)            . He quickly discovered (6)             I was afraid (7)             English in class. He often stopped me as I was going home and had some small conversations with me in English. As time went on, they slowly got more difficult, but I loved them.
Soon, there was a speech contest. I (8)             by Mr Ronald to take part in it. I had never spoken English in front of so many of my classmates and felt very (9)            . Mr. Ronald told me to (10)             it as a challenge and it wouldn't matter if I did badly. I tried my best and won first prize. Later, I realized Mr. Ronald made deep influence on my English study.
18.家务活是生活中不可避免的, 已经长大的你是爱做家务的小帮手吗? 你每天花多长 时间做家务呢? 下方是一项对各国学生劳动时间的调查结果, 请你写一篇文章, 第一段描 述调查结果, 并得出有关中国学生的结论;第二段再结合自身的情况分析这个结论背后 的原因以及相关的改进建议.
Time that students spend on chores every day

1. 词数不少于 80 词;
2. 首句已给出, 不计入总词数;
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名.
According to the chart, it can be seen that _________
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