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1.One day in 1939, Norman Bethune cut his finger during ______ operation.
  • A. a
  • B. /
  • C. an
  • D. the
2.I like physics best, because I can do a lot of ______.
  • A. exhibitions
  • B. experiments
  • C. energy
  • D. environment
3.If your best friend tells you his secrets, it's ______ for you to keep them for him. By doing this, you can win others' trust.
  • A. missing
  • B. amazing
  • C. natural
  • D. necessary
4.Deng Yaping helped make the Beijing Olympics a victory for world sport. She is ______ the best.
  • A. simply
  • B. nearly
  • C. firstly
  • D. probably
5.You have to leave now ______ you can get to the classroom on time.
  • A. after
  • B. when
  • C. so that
  • D. in order to
6.No shouting, please! It is______ the rules in the museum.
  • A. against
  • B. for
  • C. with
  • D. in
7.We ______Thanksgiving since the first pioneers arrived in America.
  • A. celebrates
  • B. celebrating
  • C. celebrated
  • D. have celebrated
8.Dr. Bethune came to China ______ the Chinese people and died for them.
  • A. helps
  • B. to help
  • C. help
  • D. helping
9.My family always go somewhere interesting ______ the holiday begins.
  • A. so
  • B. until
  • C. as soon as
  • D. though
10.—Mum, ______ I see the film My People, My country?
—Sure, but you ______ finish your homework first.
  • A. may; could
  • B. can; must
  • C. can; mustn't
  • D. may; can't
11.What a sunny day! We should have a picnic ______ watching TV at home.
  • A. because of
  • B. together with
  • C. instead of
  • D. more than
12.When you break the rules, you should ______ to your teacher.
  • A. apologise
  • B. introduce
  • C. control
  • D. consider
13.— How soon will I get to the Grand Canyon?
  • A. 5 minutes ago
  • B. For 5 minutes
  • C. 5 minutes
  • D. In 5 minutes
14.—Please tell me ______ for breakfast?
—I had a piece of bread and some milk.
  • A. what you had
  • B. what did you have
  • C. what you have
  • D. what do you have
15.—Tom, would you please take care of my pet cat while I'm on business?
—______. I like cats too.
  • A. I'm afraid not
  • B. No problem
  • C. Not at all
  • D. I don't agree
16. The Reader is a popular TV show. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage. The (1)       also tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything (2)       poems, books, and letters. By reading aloud, the words on the paper come to life (活灵活现).
Many people are fans of the show. They begin to (3)       reading aloud at home. Now, the show gives people a (4)       place to read all over China. It is a reading pavilion (朗读亭). They are in many cities, (5)       Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Xi'an.
The pavilion is very (6)      . Only one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone in it and it records people's (7)      . Everyone can read for three minutes in the pavilion. They can read (8)       they like. the show will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on Tv.
People of all (9)       read in the pavilion. "Reading should be just like singing and talking." said Dong Qing, the producer of the show. "We can express our true (10)       by reading aloud."
17. A young woman travelled and stayed in a hotel. All the rooms in the hotel were singles (单人间). So she lived in a single room.
Just when she was going to bed, there was a knock at the door. She had no friends in the city. So she was quite surprised but still opened the door.
The man who was standing at the door looked a little nervous. "Oh! I, 'm sorry. I thought this was my room." the man said and walked away in a hurry.
The woman called the police at once. Soon, the man was caught. He was a thief! But how did the woman know that?
All the rooms in the hotel were singles. Who would knock at his own door if he was staying alone? Only a thief would do this. He wanted to see if anyone was inside before he broke into the room.
18. Just 28 years ago, Berlin was a city divided into two by the Berlin Wall. How excited people were as the Berlin Wall came down. Since then, Berlin has become one of the coolest cities in Europe. Here are the main reasons why I think Berlin is cool.
First, Berlin has cheap hotels and everyday objects (物品). You needn't worry about spending too much money when visiting Berlin.
Second, Berlin knows how to give parties, and there is a festival here every month of the year. Perhaps the most famous is the Berlin International Film Festival (the BIFF).
Third, Berlin has beautiful buildings of its own. The Brandenburg Gate is one of the city's most famous buildings. It's the symbol (象征) of more than 200 years of history. The TV Tower is as good as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the London Eye.
Lastly, Berlin is a city of living art. Artists can create works of art on the sides of buildings.
If you want to visit a European city with culture, cheap objects and lots of colours, Berlin is the place to be. What are you waiting for?Get to Europe's coolest city before anyone else discovers it.
19.Using iPads to Make Learning Fun
Paper, pencil, whiteboard, textbook are the tools you need if you want to go to school. But recently, you can add another one to the list: an iPad.
Because the popular Apple tablet is not only useful for searching the Internet and watching videos, but it is also being used to make learning fun.
Scientists now know that we learn better when we are enjoying ourselves, so recently software developers have made iPad applications (应用程序) that look like video games, but have strong educational content. One of the best examples of this new form of teaching application is Futaba, a game in which up to four children try to recognize a spinning (旋转的) object, and then identify what it is. The game can be used to teach English, math, foreign languages, or just about anything, and students love it. Teachers can even make their own questions. The important thing is that children enjoy the game, and don't even realize how much they are learning!
So the next time you have to choose between making your child study or letting them play a game, just remember. . . they could do both at the same time!
A. Would you like to watch it with me?
B. What do you think of it?
C. Is it fantastic?
D. That sounds great.
E. At half past three tomorrow afternoon.
F. You can invite Jane to watch it with you.
G. Have you ever been there? 

A: Helen, where did you go last night?
B: I went to Wanda cinema.
A: (1)      
B: Quite good. It has the best service. (2)      
A: Yes, I've been there several times. Did you see the film Doctor Strange last night?
B: No, I didn't. (3)      
A: Yes, I think so. You should watch it.
B: (4)      
A: Sorry, I have watched it twice. Why don't you ask Jane? She hasn't watched it.
B: (5)      
21.上周六, 我的朋友哈里带着一张新CD到我家来访.
Last Saturday, my friend Harry              with a new CD.
             the flight to Hangzhou was late.
23.五分钟后, 我下了车, 穿过一个门并沿着一条黑黑的小路一直走.
Five minutes later, I got out of the car,             a gate and walked along a dark path.
I have already              my homework.
25.如果你把过去的医学和当今的医学作比较, 下次看病你会觉得很幸运.
If you              the medicine of the past              the medicine today , you will feel very lucky when you visit a doctor next time.
26. Learning to deal with stress (压力) is the key to passing any exam. If you feel nervous when taking an exam, take a deep breath (呼吸) and tell yourself to take it easy. Here are five steps to follow:
Show up on time. Arriving late might make you feel rushed and nervous, and arriving too early could give you time to sit there and worry about things.
Don't waste time. If you see questions that you don't know, don't spend too much time on them. Remember you have to answer all the questions.
Handwriting, Neat (工整的) and clean handwriting is easier for the examiner (评卷人) to read.
Use up all your time. If you finish the test before the time is up, don't just sit there. Go back over the questions, especially the ones that seem hard, and check your work.
Move on. Once an exam is over, forget about it. The best thing you can do is to go home and study for the next one.
27.  Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In 1.f            , nearly 50% of pepole are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some point (在某些时候) in their lives. 2.W             are people shy?
  One reason is that family size might cause people to be shy. 3.C             with no brothers or sisters may be shy. Growing up alone, they often play by 4.t            . They are not 5.a             to develop the same social skills as children from big families.
  Another reason of shyness could be technology. As more and more people use the Internet, they 6.s             less time outside, talking to people. as a result, they lose practice at conversation. 7.T             to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.
  For shy people, it can be 8.d             to make friends, speak in class, and get a good job. But scientists say you can get over (克服) shyness. They 9.s             trying new things and practicIng conversation.
Anyway don't be 10.a             of shyness — you are valued for what you are!
28.近来, 天津市正在创建全国文明城市, 这一话题在我校引起了热烈讨论. 作为中学生, 请根据下面提示信息给学校英语专栏写一篇短文, 呼吁大家提升文明素养, 做文明礼仪的倡导者.
(1)跟人说话时, 要有礼貌;
(2)过马路时, 不闯红灯;
(3)不乱扔垃圾, 保持教室及社区环境卫生;
(4)扔垃圾时, 要进行垃圾分类;
(5)在公众场合, 遵守秩序, 不大声喧哗;
要求:1. 要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
2. 词数:80~100个, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
3. 书写工整占1分.
参考词汇:社区 community 进行垃圾分类 do waste sorting 礼仪 manners
  Recently, we are trying to make Tianjin become the national civilized city. As students, we must know what we should do and what we shouldnt do. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
That's all. Thank you!
期末试卷 最新试卷 天津试卷 红桥区试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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