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1. World Travel Service
Dear Mark
Congratulations! You have won a free four -week trip to another country. Now you must decide where you want to go and what you want to do. Please read this information paper carefully, and finish it. After the trip, you must write a report about your trip.
Yours sincerely
John Foley Manager World Travel Service
You may choose
● Go to a countny:
Britain Canada Japan Australia
with a family in a hotel in a school
●Study a language:
English French Japanese German
●Study one subject:
Computers Business History Science
●Have two sports:
football basketball borse riding climbing skating badminton
●Do another two things:
visit a big city spend a day at a beach visit a science museum
2. One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way, we saw a lot of people. We went up and had a look. Oh dear! What did we see? There was a donkey(驴)in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get past.
Then a policeman came. "Whose donkey is this?" he asked. "It's mine," said a farmer, "but I can't move it." The policeman and the farmer did their best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but the drivers of cars and buses were worried. "We can't move the donkey," the farmer and the policeman said. "What shall we do?"
"Give him a carrot!" my father said.
"That's a good idea!" said the farmer.
Soon he found a carrot and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw the carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer. All the cars and buses could get past at last!
3. Peng Liyuan, First Lady of China made a speech in English at the United Nations (联合国) on September 26. She talked about education and shared her Chinese dream with the world.
Peng began the speech with a story of his father. Her father grew up in a small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read, so her father opened a night school to teach them. With his help, many people learned to write their names and read newspapers for the first time. And many women were able to teach their children how to read. Peng's father's love for education influence (影响) her deeply. She was lucky enough to have a good education. Later, she followed in her father's footsteps and became a professor of music.
Education is important, but still, some children in China can't go to school. Peng hopes that all children, especially girls, can have a good education, and that is her Chinese dream.
4. Many people enjoy watching movies in a cinema. They think the cinema has a better atmosphere (气氛) to enjoy the movie. However, I think people are happier and freer when watching movies at home.
Watching movies at home is more comfortable. To watch movies in a cinema, you have to buy the ticket before you go there for a better seat. However, there is no need for people at home to worry about the ticket. They can enjoy movies at any time they like and with the most comfortable seat.
What's more, people watching movies at home wouldn't have to face any traffic problem. It is free to watch movies at home. In the cinema, we cannot go outside and do something else because the movie won't wait for us. Sometimes, if we miss part of the movie, we cannot follow the story. At home, we can pause (暂停) at any time and go back to watch the part.
All in all, a cinema is a good place to watch movies, but it isn't the best place to enjoy the movies. I think watching movies at home is better.
5.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.
Jane was an old woman. She was rich and lived in a big house. One sunny morning, Jane opened the window and looked (1)        her garden. The sun was shining brightly. “What a good day!” she said. Suddenly she saw a man (2)        grass in the front garden of her house. She walked to the man and asked, “Why are you eating grass? Are you very (3)        ?” The man answered, “I have no money to buy any food. I haven't had meals for days. I'm dying(快死) of hunger.” “Poor boy,” said Jane, “come to the back door.” Then she walked into the house again. “The rich lady will give me some (4)        to eat. It's so kind of her.” The man thought. But when he went into the (5)        , Jane opened the back door and said to him, “The grass is taller behind the house.”
6. Cars are very popular in America. When kids are fourteen years old, most of them dream of having their own (1)      . Many students do part﹣time jobs after school to (2)       a car. In most places young people began (3)       to drive in high school. They have to(4)       a driving test to get a license (执照). Learning to drive and getting a driver's license may be the most (5)       things in their lives.
Americans seem to love their cars (6)       than anything else. They would like (7)       their cars to a "hospital" even because of a small problem. At weekends, people (8)       most of their time washing and waxing (打蜡) their cars. For some families, one car is not enough. They often have two (9)       even three. Husbands need cars to go to work. Housewives need cars to go shopping or to take the children to school or (10)       activities.
Should teenagers(青少年)help parents do housework? I think so. Most of the teenagers are the only children in        ( they) own families. Parents love them so much        they don't want children to do anything. I think this is        (real) bad for the teenagers. The following is a real story.
My next door neighbor has a daughter        (call) Li Ting. She is the only child in the family. Her parents never let her do        (something). Every day she only gets up, has meals, goes to school, comes home, does homework and goes to bed. She doesn't know how        (do)housework at all. One day, her father was seriously ill        hospital. Her mother had to take care        him in the hospital and couldn't cook the meals for Li Ting for the whole week. As you can imagine(想象), Li Ting        (be) in great trouble and often felt hungry. She had to eat instant noodles(方便面) for three meals every day. How funny!
From the story we know it's very important for        (child) to do some housework.
Lu Han was born in 1990in Beijing. He is famous as a singer. He was once a member of South Korean group EXO. Now he is not only a singer but also an actor.
Do you know what his first movie is? It's Miss Granny. The movie is a comedy and it is about a story of a 70﹣year﹣old granny. The granny becomes twenty again after she takes a photo. After that, something interesting happens to her.
In the movie, Lu Han played the role of the granny's grandson. It was his first movie. He didn't want to let his fans down. So he learned from the other actors and practiced very hard.
The director praised(表扬) Lu Han was a good actor. “He is very hard﹣working and polite, ” said the director.
Many of his fans went to the cinema to watch the movie. They said that Miss Granny was a great movie. “It is both interesting and touching,” said one of the fans. “I think Lu Han has done a good job.”
Dear Mary, How's it going? I don't feel well these days. I caught a bad cold and am always sleepy in class. I have to stay up late to do my homework every day so I can't sleep well. I had a fight with my best friend Jack, I think he is too different from me and he doesn't know my feeling. What can I do?
Yours Tom
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