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1. Before going back to work one afternoon, Detective(侦探) Li took a big bite out of the red apple on his desk. He hadn't had time to eat his lunch that day. He was busy (1)        a traffic accident report.
It seemed that a man named Peter had run a red light, running into another person's car. However, he said that the light had been green when he drove (2)        the roads.
Li decided to question Peter himself. Maybe he could get some more information about the accident. He asked the police to bring Peter to his office.
After Peter came in, he sat down and explained to Li what had happened. He insisted (坚持)that the light was green when he crossed the road.
Li had no reason to doubt Peter's words. He told Peter that he was (3)        to go.
"Thank you so much, Detective Li. By the way, that(4)        apple on your desk looks delicious!I hope you enjoy it. "
Li stopped for a moment, "Wait. Sit back down. I think we need to (5)        more. "
Li changed his mind because he found Peter was color﹣blind.
2. When I looked at the photos of the summer camp, my memories became so clear, as if it had all happened yesterday. Several months have (1)        , but my memory of that time doesn't seem to disappear.
There were many kinds of competitions in the camp, which put me under a lot of pressure and filled me with (2)        .
During the speech contest, everyone was excited to speak. But I was a bit (3)        when I stood in front of so many people. At last, I tried my best to(4)        it. The speech contest encouraged me and (5)        my eyes to the world. The talent contest mad made me know just how talented the others were. During the debate(辩论), we talked a lot about several big difficult (6)        . The debate showed me how excellent the competitors were.
(7)        I didn't win a prize, I got more than a prize. I got not only valuable knowledge that I could not learn (8)        class but also made many new friends. I am so (9)        because I was able to take part in this event and meet the competitors. I will always (10)        this great time.
3. Yibin Caiba Airport was closed at 7:26 p. m. on December 4, 2019, and Yibin Wuliangye Airport has been put into use since December 5, 2019.
Wuliangye Airport Location
Yibin Wuliangye Airport stands in Zongchang Town, which is in Cuiping District, Yibin City, Sichuan Province. It is about 11 kilometers (7 miles) from downtown Yibin.
Terminal Building(航站楼)
There is one terminal with two floors covering 24, 000 square meters. The ground floor will be the arrivals hall while the second floor will be the departures hall.
Airport Flights
Besides more than 20 flights to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and so on, which were operated by Caiba Airport, flights to domestic(国内的) cities like Zhuhai and Tianjin, and international cities such as Los Angeles and Paris will be added step by step. The airport will be convenient for the people who want to visit the Shunan Bamboo Sea, the Xingwen Stone See, Old Town of Lizhuang and other scenic areas.
4. Recently, my students couldn't get on well with each other, so I decided to have them play a game. I told each student to bring a plastic bag with a few tomatoes in it to school. Each student would "name" their tomatoes after the people they did not like. Therefore, the number of tomatoes would be different depending on how many people each student disliked.
The next day, all of the students brought their tomatoes to school. Some of them had just one or two tomatoes, while others had as many as five or six. I then told the students that they would have to carry their tomatoes with them wherever they went for one week.
Several days went by. Some of the students started to complain, as their tomatoes started to rot(腐烂) and smell bad. The students who carried more tomatoes also complained about how heavy their bags were.
One week later, the game was over. I asked, "How did you feel about carrying your tomatoes for a week?"
The students complained once again. I simply smiled and said, "This is what it's like to carry hate in your heart. You have to carry "it " with you wherever you go. If you can't stand carrying rotten tomatoes for one week, can you imagine having hate in your heart for a whole lifetime?"
It can be exhausting to carry hate in your heart for a whole lifetime. Forgive others and move on with your life.
5. What age does doukou nianhua refer to?
In one of his poems, Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu compared girls around the age of 13 to blooming cardamom (豆蔻) flowers. Since then, people have used the phrase to refer to teenage girls of this age.
Rather than using numbers, ancient Chinese people described someone's age using titles (称谓). For example, Chuitiao, meaning "straight hair", referred to children from 3 to 8 years old. Chuitiao was a popular hairstyle for children of these ages.
Zongjiao, meaning "twisted (缠绕的) horn (角)", described children from 9 to 14 years old. Back then, children would comb their hair into two halves and twist each half into a knot. They looked like two horns on their heads.
Shufa, meaning a child ties his hair up, was used for boys who had reached the age of 15.
Ruoguan, or "junior cap" was used for young men in their twenties. These men would attend a hat﹣wearing ceremony when they turned 20, showing that they had become an adult.
"The year of independence" was the time when a man turned 30. He won't have a daydream any longer. He shouldn't speak more and work less.
At the age of 40, one has no doubts about the world.
When a man turned 50 he reached "the year of understanding the fate (命运) of heaven". It means he has become aware of his fate and will no longer make any useless efforts.
Finally, if you were lucky to live beyond 100 years, you would get the title "Qiyi".
6. Around the world, facial recognition (FR人脸识别) has slowly become a part of our daily life.
After helping people to make payments and open bank accounts, FR now is used in the subway of Zhengzhou, Henan Province. FR was introduced in September and now it can be used by passengers who link their online payment systems to the subway's smartphone app. China Daily reports that other cities in China, including Beijing, are testing a similar system.
It's not hard to see why. FR technology could help speed up security (安全) checks greatly. Yuan Xiaoqin, a park manager in Hangzhou, told CCTV the reason why the park upgraded (升级) its entry system, "FR can help a visitor enter the park in two or three seconds. Fingerprint information sometimes isn't sensitive (灵敏的), especially when the fingers are injured or too dry." Before, the park used a fingerprint entry system.
However, there are some problems with the use of FR. Some people are afraid that their personal information will be leaked.
In fact, sometimes people can refuse the app if they don't want their facial information disclosed (暴露), but sometimes people don't have a choice.
7. Reading is good for you. The more you read, the more you learn, the better you understand life. (1)        Sometimes, people do want to read, but they can never seem to find the time. Well, my friends, the following suggestions are for you.
Think of reading as a pleasure.
(2)       Science, history, film, art—whatever you want. If you're attracted to the book, you will be willing to pick it up and read it.
Have a goal.
Setting a goal can help you to read more. Some people set a goal for themselves like reading one book a week. In fact, sometimes it is difficult to finish it. You can start by reading a book a month or a book every two months even. (3)      
Just start.
Sometimes the thing which prevents us from reading is our own mind. Our mind will make up all kinds of excuses not to do something. (4)       Just do it. Once you start reading, it's quite difficult to stop!
If you're willing to read and have decided to do, use every possible moment to read. On the bus. On the subway. You won't regret it, I promise!
Reading seems difficult at the beginning, but once you begin, you can find its value. I hope the suggestions are helpful to you.

A. It all depends on you.
B. Read whenever you can.
C. Don't think about it too much.
D. Read some interesting things.
E. Read books as quickly as possible.
F. Unfortunately, most people don't read. 

8.You should speak to the old people p        not rudely.
9.W        answers the question will be praised.
10.If you make a promise,you should s        to it.
11.This book has Tom's name on it. It must belong to h       
12.Yesterday in class,the teacher d        us into four discussion groups.
13.The museum is open every day      /ɪk'sept/ Mondays.
14.The      /ə'tʃi:vmənt/ of the Chinese Women Vollyball team comes from every minute,every game and every day of training.
15.Andrew improved his English by making lots of      (句子).
16.Welcome our new friend,Jim. Let's listen to his      (介绍).
17.Factories should      (避免) producing something bad for the environment.
18.Anyone who reads a book or a newspaper in Chinese should thank Wang Xuan, a pioneer of modern Chinese﹣language printing.
Wang is              (know) as the father of Chinese language typesetting(排版). He invented a computerized laser photocomposition system (计算机激光照排系统) for Chinese characters in the 1970s, turning a new page in the history of printing in China.
Before Wang's              (invent), people printed books and newspapers with movable block type (活字印刷). This was invented              Bi Sheng in 1040. It would take more than 30 people 8 hours a day              (print) just one page of a newspaper.
Wang changed this situation. In 1974, he              (begin) to research the laser photocomposition. This was              most advanced printing method at the time. Only a few Western countries were working on it, but it was not yet on the market. Without any experience to borrow from, it was so difficult for him to research this relatively unknown world              he had to work over 65 hours a week.
In 1980, Wang's hard work              (final) paid off. A 26﹣page story about kung fu became China's              (one) laser﹣printed book. With Wang's system, a newspaper could typeset in just 20              (minute). China's printing industry has said goodbye to the times of lead and fire.
19.The picture suddenly freezes(卡顿) because the network speed is too slow when you're playing mobile games or making a video call. You always spend a long time downloading a movie on your phone.
Don't worry. 5G is coming! These annoying things will soon become a thing of the past because 5G network speeds will be offered to mobile phone users.
The "G" in "5G" stands for a generation of mobile network technology.1G let us talk to each other,2G let us send messages,3G gave us mobile data and internet,and 4G made all of these things faster.So what will 5G bring?
First of all,5G is so fast that it will allow you to download an entire HD movie in seconds.The delay (延时) between sending and receiving data will be shortened.
Because of this increase in speed,it will be possible to create and use new kinds of technology.Robots will be used to do operations.Self﹣driving cars will be able to drive more safely because they can smoothly communicate with each other,traffic lights and road sensors(传感器).5G also makes loT (物联网) possible.
All in all,5G will shape every type of technology that it touches. And you won't have to wait too long for that to happen.
1. 词数100左右;
参考词汇:宜宾国际马拉松精英赛Yibin International Marathon Elite Race,志愿者volunteer
Dear Sir/ Madam,
My name is Li Hua.
Li Hua
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