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1.Give me a chance, ____ I'll prove it to you.   
  • A. and
  • B. or
  • C. but
  • D. so
2.—Many young people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.
—That's too bad. Everyone ________ be a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable.  
  • A. would
  • B. may
  • C. should
  • D. need
3.The film Coco is ______ big success that many people go to the cinema to watch it.
  • A. such
  • B. such a
  • C. so
  • D. so a
4.If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, you'd better phone him____ first to make sure of that.   
  • A. recently
  • B. directly
  • C. finally
  • D. strongly
5.—When I climbed the final meters, I felt a sense of ____.
—Good job!
  • A. development
  • B. movement
  • C. treatment
  • D. achievement
6.We all know that we'll meet all kinds of difficulties in our lives in the future. We should learn to be ____ enough to take on any challenge.   
  • A. confident
  • B. modest
  • C. generous
  • D. curious
7.The cars produced in that factory____ well abroad.   
  • A. sell
  • B. are sold
  • C. may be sold
  • D. are to be sold
8.—Peter, will you leave for Great Britain now?
—No. It will be two weeks ______ I leave here.
  • A. until
  • B. since
  • C. before
  • D. when
9.You can't see my WeChat moments (朋友圈)________ we become good friends.   
  • A. because
  • B. if
  • C. though
  • D. unless
10.—I can drive you home ?
—____, but are you sure it's not too much trouble?  
  • A. Don't mention it.
  • B. That would be great
  • C. I'm afraid not
  • D. With pleasure
11. Colour is a part of life. The whole world is full of colours.
Almost (1)       has a colour. Some things are yellow like cheese, lemons and bananas. (2)       things are red. For example, warning signs are usually red. (3)       is the colour of most spring leaves and grass.
(4)       is blue? Blue is the colour of (5)      . We can also see the blue sky, blue eyes, blue birds and blue jeans. There are many (6)       colours too, such as orange, brown, purple, white and black.
The world changes its colours with the (7)       of the year. Spring is green. Summer is red. It turns gold in autumn and then (8)       in winter. When winter is gone and spring is back, the world turns green again.
(9)       a rainstorm you may see something that has many different Colours in the sky. It is a rainbow (彩虹).
But (10)       different Colours, can you imagine what the world looks like?
12.M: Hi, what will you do with your broken mobile phone?
W: I'll throw it away. (1)      
M: Don't throw away electronic waste carelessly! (2)      
W: You mean I should keep these useless things at home?
M: (3)       But do you know useless mobile phones are harmful to the earth?
W: Oh. I see. (4)      
M: You can sell the phone, and it can be recycled.
W: All right. (5)       I'll do that.
M: Great.
A. I think you are right.
B. I'm not saying that,
C. How do you know that?
D. I don't need it any more.
E. That sounds very interesting.
F. It's dangerous to the environment!
G. So what do you think I should do then. 
13. A good way to pass an examination is to work hard every day in the year. You may fail in the examination if you are lay for most of the year and then wok hard only a few days before the examination. If you are taking an English examination, don't learn only rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak English whenever you can. A few days before examination you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying and learning things. Before you start the examination, read carefully over the examination paper. Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have finished your examination at last , read your answers , correct any mistake that you see and make sure that you have not missed anything out.
14. Thank you for dining at Pizza Man
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You can get something at half price on special days!.
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Chinese customers can also pay by:
15. High-speed trains, Zhi Fu Bao, shared bikes and online shopping are considered as the new Four Great Inventions of China by young foreigners, according to a video survey by Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video , young people from 20 countries were asked to talk about the great inventions that had influence their lives in China. Here are 4 young people's opinions.
Sam  I' m from Romania. China is really great country and its high-speed railways are very fast, comfortable and tidy. It takes me only about 6 hours from Beijing to Shanghai by train. It saves a lot of time and it is cheaper than airplane. I wish we would have high -speed railways in our country some day. 
Yala  I' m from Nepal. I always go out by bike. Bicycle-sharing system allows people to borrow a bike from point" A" and return it at point "B". It's not only cheap but also a green and healthy way of life. I like it very much. 
Archuna  My life in Beijing is quite different from that in India. Here in China, I seldom take money with me when I go out. I can pay for almost everything by Zhi Fu Bao. Oh, it' s amazing. However, in India, if you don 't take a wallet with you, you'll be in trouble. 
Bond  You can find many wonderful things that we don't have in Thailand. We don' t have Zhi Fu Bao or other online payment Apps. With them, I can go shopping without going out of the doors. It' s so exciting! 
16. A young man in his twenties was siting on the train, next to his mother. They both looked tired but excited. The young man was looking out from the window. Suddenly, he shouted, Mom, the trees are behind us!' 'His voice was so loud that everyone on the train heard him. Mom smiled. But a young couple who were siting nearby looked at the young man with pity "There must be something wrong with his mind, " they thought.
A few minutes later, the young man shouted again, " Mom. the clouds are running with us!" Mom smiled again. And she seemed very happy with her son' s words. Finally the couple couldn't help asking the old woman. " Excuse me , but why don't you take your son to see a doctor?"
The old woman smiled and said, " Actually, we have just come from a hospital. "Then you should go to a better one , because it seems that your son' s situation hasn't improved, " said one of them. " No, in fact, I' m very happy with the treatment, " said the mother, " My son was blind from birth. Today, he is seeing the world for the first time.
Every person has a story. Don't judge people before you know them well. The truth might surprise you.
17.With the development of the       (现代的) medicine, more and more diseases can be cured.
18.Sorry, it's too late to       (取消) your order. Your order has been sent on the way.
19.Unluckily, he found her handbag        after he came back. (steal)
20.Let's look at the        to make a better plan. (日历)
21.Everyone has a r      (角色) to play in making our country more beautiful.
22.每个人生活中都要面对各种各样的困难. 该怎样缓解自己的压力呢?请以"Less stress, better life"为题, 根据下表内容写一篇演讲稿
要求:1. 语言表达准确、连贯、通顺.
2. 短文应包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥.
3. 词数80词左右, 文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数
Less stress, better life
Ladies and gentlemen,
  Thank you for your coming today. I'm very glad that all of you are full of the future. And yes, everyone has to face difficulties in his life. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  That's all. Thank you.
期末试卷 最新试卷 安徽试卷 芜湖市试卷 2018年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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