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1.  What's your hobby? I have a lot of hobbies. I like reading, listening to music, singing English songs, playing ping-pong. In fact, I like dancing much better. Here is a story about it.
  I started a dance team at school. We meet and practice dancing once a week.
  One day, I was the first one to (1)       in time. When I was waiting for other people of the (2)       outside, I saw Karen, a new student from Brazil. She was listening to music through earplugs (耳塞) and dancing. The sound of music was big and I (3)       hear drums. Her feet moved fast, (4)       her arms moved slowly.
  "Karen, what dance is that?" I asked. She (5)       and took out her earplugs. "It's one kind of dances named samba (桑巴)," she (6)      . "It's the traditional music and dance of Brazil."
  Oh, samba! I remembered (7)       about it. "That' s from Carnival (狂欢节), right?" I asked. I knew Carnival was a six-day yearly (8)       in Brazil. There were large parades (游行) to celebrate it.
  "Yes. (9)      ! It's quite right!" Karen said. "Back home in Rio de Janeiro, I danced at a samba school. (10)      , that' s not really a school. It' s a community (团体) dance team. We practiced all year and (11)       in the Carnival parade."
  Karen showed me some (12)       on her phone. In them, she was dressed in colorful clothes, dancing with many people. They (13)       looked so happy.
  "Karen, could you please (14)       us samba? I'd like to join your dance team!"I said.
  "Of course! I'd like to. What do you want to learn?" she said with a (15)       on her face. And then, both of us laughed happily.
2.  Do you like exercising? You don't like to be fat, do you? But how do you stay in shape? Look and listen! Some people are discussing how they stay in shape.
  I work and live in the noisy city, so I ride my bicycle. I like to cycle (骑自行车) around most of the time and I also like to walk everywhere. I try to walk to a lot of different places.
Matthew/ Canada 
  I like to go running two or three times a week. But to be honest, I'm the best runner. I probably walk for fifteen minutes, then run for ten minutes, and next walk for another fifteen minutes.
Linda/ the United States 
  I really like running but at the moment it's quite cold outside, so I don't like to go running outside. I usually go to the gym (体育馆) and use the treadmill (踏车).
Paul/ England 
  Every week I go to the health club. I like to exercise with others. It makes me relaxing. I also do some push-ups (俯卧撑) before going to bed, but sometimes I forget to do that. I also try to control (控制) what I eat. I eat less meat and more vegetables.
Aki/ Japan 

3.   Do you know the famous Chinese TV hostess named Dongqing? She is now hosting two cultural shows — Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers. The two shows are encouraging (鼓励) people to love traditional culture and find the beauty of life.
Donqing was born in a highly educated family in 1973. She had a great love for traditional literature (文学) from an early age. In 2015, when she was about to study in the USA. Dong received an invitation from the director (总监) of Chinese Poetry Conference asking her to be the hostess. Because of her passion for traditional literature, Dongqing accepted the job.
  "The contest (竞争) interests me very much. Hosting it is a process (过程) of learning about poetry (诗歌) and performing," said Dong. To her great joy, the show has become more and more popular.
  Under the slogan (口号) "Reading touches people's hearts", the new TV show Readers has become a success. It invites famous guests from all walks (行业) of life to read something. Dong works as both hostess and producer.
  Readers became a turning point in Dong's 21 years of hosting. She said it brought her "quite a huge or large challenge (挑战)".
  "There is no shortcut (捷径) in this world. If you want to be a good host, you need to make through preparation," said the beautiful hostess. "The charm (魅力) of life lies in its unknown, so we just have to try and keep going."
4.  Last Saturday, I went to the beach with my family. We had a good time there. I found a starfish (海星) on the beach. It was white and very beautiful. After getting home the next day, I wanted to learn about starfish. So I began to read about starfish on the Internet.
  Of course, starfish aren't really stars. They just look like stars. They live in the sea, but they aren't fish. There are about 1, 800 different kinds of starfish living in the sea all over the world. Starfish don't live in fresh water (淡水). Hundreds of starfish are of different colors. The most common starfish are red, orange or yellow.
  Starfish can take care of themselves when they are young. Young starfish know what to eat. Starfish can't swim. They move by using their arms and tube feet (管足). A starfish has no head. A common starfish has five arms. In fact, not all starfish have five arms. Some have many more. If an arm falls off, it grows right back.
  Because of all these things, the starfish is my favorite animal now. I think it's interesting and fun, so I like it best.
5.  Do you often have problems in your life? I usually fight with my friends or my parents. After that, I will feel terrible and I don't take any interest in doing anything. How about you? Do you often get angry? Anger is a kind of feeling. (1)       When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, or when your friend breaks your favorite thing, you may get really angry.
  (2)       For example, you breathe (呼吸) faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break something, but sometimes, you keep your anger inside. The problem is that if you do this, you may get some health problems.
  (3)       But keeping anger inside usually just makes things much worse. So you need to let go out of your anger. Try to let it out in the right way, without hurting others or yourself. When you get anger, you can talk about it with other people. (4)       When you talk about it, those bad feelings can start to go away. Here are some other things you can do when you start feel angry: you can count from one to one hundred, go for a bike ride, think about good things and so on.
  (5)       So you should think carefully before you take action. Don't let your anger control you. Try your best to control your anger!
  We must learn how to change these "problems" into "challenges (挑战)."

A. Remember that what you do when you're angry can make everything worse.
B. In fact, it' s normal for you to get angry sometimes.
C. It's really helpful to talk about your anger with an adult, such as your parents, teachers and so on.
D. Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry.
E. Many things can make you angry. 
invitation prepare accept receive event
forward opening turn celebrate reply 

Do you like going to other party? In Western countries, having a party is very common. When there is an important (1)            , people will hold a party to (2)             it. For example, when a family move to a new house, they will invite their friends and relatives (亲戚) to have a housewarming party. When there is an (3)             of a library in a school, the school will have a party. In order to hold a successful party, the host has to do a lot of work to prepare for it. The work of (4)             includes (包括) writing and sending (5)              to invite the guests, preparing the food and drinks, and planning the games or other activities at the party. As a guest, if you (6)             an invitation, you should (7)             to the host in time. If you (8)             the invitation, you should send an e-mail to or phone the host with "I'd love to." If you (9)             down the invitation, you should reply with some reasons politely. As we all know, the host invites you sincerely (真诚地) and looks (10)             to hearing from you.
7.A: Hi, Robert! Linda and I went to Town Theater last night.
B: Really? (1)      ?
A: We watched a talent show.
B: (2)      ?
A: It was great. We had a wonderful time.
B: (3)      ?
A: We stayed there for about one and a half hours. By the way, what did you do last night?
B: I saw a new movie with my sister.
A: (4)      ?
B: We saw it on the Internet.
A: Was it interesting?
B: (5)      . It was a cartoon, and it made us laugh all the time.
8. Do you like drinking the banana milk shake? And do you like other fruit shake or salad? Today I have something great to (1)             with you!
Last weekend, I successfully (2)             a fruit salad at home. Here I want to tell you how I made it.
First I (3)             up three apples, three bananas and a watermelon. Next, I put them in a big bowl. Then I put two (4)             of honey and a cup of yogurt in it. You can also put more in it if you like. Finally, I mixed (5)            situations all up. I really enjoyed the delicious fruit salad. I think you will, too.
Why not have a try? I believe you can do a good job!
9.新年快到了, 每个人都有自己的新年计划。请根据下列表格中提示内容,写一篇英语短文,介绍一下他们的新年打算。
People What things to do in the new year 
Zhangcheng's father Promise to take more exercise to keep healthier, find a good and dream job, make more money 
Zhangcheng's mother Learn to sine and dance, also learn to cook delicious food, take a walk after dinner 
Zhangcheng's sister Eat more vegetables, fruit and healthy food, less junk food, can't make her heavy 
Zhangcheng himself Study harder at school, play football, would like to learn to play the piano tome tree times 

1. 写短文时需包含表中提示要点,适当发挥,增加自己的想法。
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,符合逻辑层次。
3. 大约100词,短文开头已给出,不计人总词数。
  The new year is coming soon. Everyone has his own year's resolutions. ZhangCheng's family all make their own resolutions.
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