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1.My brother and I like football. ______ play it together once a week.
  • A. I
  • B. They
  • C. We
  • D. You
2.We planted some trees ____ the park yesterday.
  • A. on
  • B. to
  • C. in
  • D. of
3.—______ do you collect old tickets?
—Because I can remember some wonderful places.
  • A. How
  • B. Why
  • C. When
  • D. Where
4.I would like to join the club, ____ I have no time.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. but
  • D. so
5.—Kate, can you play tennis?
—Sorry, I ____ .
  • A. needn't
  • B. can't
  • C. shouldn't
  • D. mustn't
6.—Who is        boy in your class?
  • A. tall
  • B. taller
  • C. tallest
  • D. the tallest
7.Sam often ____ hills with his friends at weekends.
  • A. climbs
  • B. is climbing
  • C. has climbed
  • D. was climbing
8.—Tom, what's your dad doing?
—He ______ to the radio.
  • A. listens
  • B. will listen
  • C. has listened
  • D. is listening
9.My aunt        to see me next week.
  • A. comes
  • B. will come
  • C. came
  • D. has come
10.—Paul, what were you doing at nine last night?
—I ______ a cartoon with my brother.
  • A. was watching
  • B. watch
  • C. have watched
  • D. will watch
11.Miss Wang ____ in this school for ten years.
  • A. teaches
  • B. taught
  • C. will teach
  • D. has taught
12.—Do you know ____?
—He lives in Shanghai.
  • A. where Mr. Li lives
  • B. where Mr. Li lived
  • C. where did Mr. Li live
  • D. where does Mr. Li live
13. Aunt Fern's Vase
A woman from Seattle, named Jenny, borrowed her neighbor's (1)       one afternoon. On the back seat of the car was a beautiful gift box, and she wanted to know what was inside it. It was a cold and snowy day. As Jenny was (2)       along the road, she hit some ice. The car turned around and headed straight for a tree. (3)       , Jenny didn't hit it. However, when she turned to look at the back seat, she saw that the gift box had fallen on the (4)       . Jenny opened up the box to see a beautiful vase, broken into pieces.
Jenny was frightened (吓坏了的) when she saw what she had done. How could she tell her neighbor that she had broken the vase?Then she noticed that the name of the store was written on the side of the box. So, she drove to the store and (5)       a vase that looked the same as her neighbor's. She put the new vase safely in the car. It had cost a lot of 'money, but she knew it was the (6)       thing to do.
After buying the vase, Jenny decided that she should call her neighbor and tell her what had happened. However, before she had a chance to (7)       , her neighbor said, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. I bought a vase for my Aunt Fern's birthday yesterday, and when I got home I noticed that it was broken. I left it in the car because I was planning to return it to the (8)       today. What time will you return the car? I'd like to get there before it closes."

  I'm a doctor. I take care of people's health. I feel satisfied when I see my patients get better. But my life is busy all the time. I have to get up very early in the morning and often go back home late, feeling tired. I only have time to play with my children at weekends.

  It was my dream to become a volunteer teacher. So three years ago, I left my hometown and taught English in a village in Hunan Province. It is exciting to work with kids. But it is not surprising that being a teacher in the village can be challenging. I haven't seen my parents for more than one year. I miss them a lot.
  I'm a junior secondary school student. I've just been in a new school for a few weeks. I feel unhappy these days. I'm very shy, so I feel very lonely. My mother keeps telling me to make new friends with my classmates. I know it must be interesting. But it is always So hard for me to chat with new classmates. I start worrying about my life here. I miss my old friends so much. 
15. A Dream Comes True
William's Dream
①William lived in a small village called Wimbe. Most of the people in Wimbe live on small farms. They grow rice. William was interested in machines. He liked to find out how they worked. William wanted to learn as much as he could. His dream was to learn how to help his family.
②One year, there was no rain in Wimbe. The people didn't have much food or money. William could have only one meal a day. His parents didn't have enough money for him to go to high school. They were worried.
  William's Idea
③William couldn't speak or read English very well, but he liked books. He couldn't go to school. However, he could go to the library. One day, William saw a book with windmills on the cover. He knew that a windmill used wind to make electricity(电). The book gave him an idea. There was a lot of wind in Wimbe. He would build a windmill!
  Solving Problems
④William used a dictionary to learn the new words. He didn't have the tools (工具) he needed, so he made them! Some kids laughed at him and said he was crazy! But that didn't stop William.
  From Old Junk to a Windmill
⑤William and his friends found a broken bicycle, an old generator(发动机)and something else. Then William made a windmill. The people in his village laughed at him when he tried to put it up. However, William had made electricity. At last, the laughing changed to cheering!
  A New Life for Wimbe
⑥William's windmill changed life for the people of Wimbe. The windmill helped get the water for the women and their rice. The homes in Wimbe had lights at night.
⑦As for William, his dream came true. His story tells us that a small idea can grow into something big. You just have to keep trying.
16. Are you trying to save money or just trying to get out of the same old and boring life? It can be fun to , find cheap and interesting ways to enjoy your free time. Say goodbye to watching TV all day, and say hello to having more fun in your life. Think about these ideas to help get you started.
You don't need to go to a gym to keep active. Instead, take a walk around your neighborhood. If walking isn't your speed (速度), buy a cheap bike for less than ﹩100 and bike around your city.
Reading is a super cheap hobby that has a lot of benefits (益处). It makes you pay attention to something meaningful. And you will probably learn something new. Instead of buying books, try borrowing them from the library. You can also find many websites that offer free e-books, though they might be older.
You probably don't think of writing as a hobby. Keeping a diary can be good for you, though. If it's difficult for you to work things out, writing down your thoughts can help you make the things clear. What's more, writing a short story can be an amazing creative journey to try. All it takes is a pen and paper, or software like Microsoft Word.
Volunteering is certainly an activity people can enjoy in their spare time. You feel good when you're able to give back. You may also make new friends in a friendly community of volunteers. Plus, you might be able to volunteer at a place where you'd love to work. On the other hand, volunteering at an organization can also help you develop new sill.
17. The first movies were introduced to the public in the 1890s. Reports of early movies showed audience jumped out of their seats in fright (惊吓)when they saw the moving pictures in the theatre, especially ones with a train moving towards them. People who study movies today often want to know if this really happened.
Research shows that most people seeing a movie for the first time are confused (困惑的) about what is happening on the screen. If we also think about the first movies were shown in such early time, it is possible that at least a few people may be confused or frightened enough to jump up in their seats.
In general, it is natural for our brains to tell us to move when something comes towards us quickly. Usually, if we are paying attention and know that we are not in danger, we can avoid this reaction (反应). On the other hand, if we are thinking about something else, we might become confused for a second until we know what is going on.
When seeing a movie for the first time, people in the 1890s were both surprised and confused. They probably didn't know what was going on. If they were sting in the front row where they could only see the screen, they might have forgotten what was happening,
More recently, 3-D movies give people a similar (相似的) feeling. When people put on certain(某种) eyeglasses and look at 3-D movies, they feel the things on the screen are flying around in front of their faces. Sometimes people jump a little bit when the things seem to come towards them because they are not used to(不习惯)seeing movies this way.
In the 1890s, new technologies (科技) were appearing all the time. People who lived in the city and were used to the machines might have felt excited by the movies. Other people, however, might have felt more frightened. Researchers say that it is reasonable to think that the new technology was shocking enough to frighten some people right out of their seats.
18. Almost Gone
There are millions of different animals in the world. Some may not have even been found yet. There are some animals that may soon die out. Just like these animals that lived long ago, they may never be seen again. They may be lost forever.
Mark and Stephen wanted to find some rare (稀少的) animals. To look for them, they had to climb mountains, cross rivers and walk through rainforests. The animals they found in these places might never be seen again. They could become extinct.
First, Mark and Stephen found the biggest parrot in the world. This parrot cannot fly. One day, animals like rats came to where it lived. The rats killed many of the parrots. Now there are only a few left.
Then, Mark and Stephen found the aye-aye. The aye-aye has bright eyes. It has cars like a bat. It has a body like a cat and a tail like a squirrel. Some people think the aye-aye brings bad luck. They have killed many of them. People have cut down a lot of tees where the aye-aye lives, too.
At last, Mark and Stephen found a manatee. A manatee looks a little like a seal and a bit like a hippo. It has whiskers like a walrus. In some places where manatees live, the water in the river gets low. Some manatees die because they are short of water. Some are killed by other animals and people, too.
Mark and Stephen made a movie about these animals. They are strange but very interesting animals. They all have a place in our world.
There are not many of these animals left. Will they die out like the animals of long ago? Will they never be seen in the world again?

1. Who wanted to find some rare animals in the passage?
2. What did they do to look for the rare animals?
3. What rare animals did they find?
4. How do some of the rare animals in Paragraph 5 die?
5. Why did Mark and Stephen make a movie about these rare animals?
19.从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作. 文中已给出内容不计入总词数. 所给提示词语仅供选用. 请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
假如你叫李华, 你们班打算去"幸福之家"敬老院做志愿服务, 你打算邀请你们班的交换生Peter参加. 请用英语写一封电子邮件, 告诉他集合的时间和地点, 你们将在养老院做些什么, 以及他需要做什么准备.
提示词语: gate, help, tell stories, gift
●When and where are you going to meet?
●What are you going to do there?
●What do you advise Peter to prepare?
Dear Peter,
How is it going?
I'm writing to invite you to take part in the volunteer activity at the Happy Home.
I'm looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
21世纪英文报正在举办"My Best Friend"的征文活动. 假如你是李华, 请你用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈谁是你最好的朋友, 你们怎样成为好朋友的, 以及在你心中他(地)是一个什么样的人.
提示词语: help, kind, share, go to school
●Who is your best friend?
●How did you become friends?
●What do you think of your friend?
My Best Friend
Everyone has a friend.                                                                                .
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