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1.—Andy, is this bike ______?
—Yes, my parents bought it for me as a birthday gift.
  • A. his
  • B. mine
  • C. yours
  • D. ours
2.Tilly saved many lives ______ December 26th, 2004 at Maikhao Beach.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. for
  • D. at
3.— ______ are bones so important?
—Because they support our bodies and help us move freely.
  • A. When
  • B. Which
  • C. Whose
  • D. Why
4.—Who do you think will win the race, Tom or Mike?
—Of course, Mike. He runs ______ than Tom.
  • A. more quickly
  • B. slowly
  • C. quickly
  • D. more slowly
5.— ______ do you visit your grandparents?
—Twice a week.
  • A. How often
  • B. How far
  • C. How many
  • D. How long
6. we get vitamin D from food, we can also get it from the sun.
  • A. Because
  • B. Although
  • C. If
  • D. When
7. you come to the party tomorrow?
—Yes, I can.
  • A. Must
  • B. Can
  • C. Need
  • D. May
8.Like many students, I enjoy _______ TV. Animal World is my favourite.
  • A. watch
  • B. watches
  • C. watching
  • D. to watch
9.—What was your sister doing yesterday morning when Tom knocked at the door?
—She ______ her homework.
  • A. does
  • B. did
  • C. is doing
  • D. was doing
10.—Where is Mike? Mr. Li is looking for him.
—He ______ football on the playground.
  • A. is playing
  • B. play
  • C. plays
  • D. played
11.Chang'e 5 came back home and ______ back some rocks and soil from the moon.
  • A. bring
  • B. brings
  • C. brought
  • D. to bring
12.—What a great day! Let's go to the park.
  • A. Don't worry
  • B. Thanks for your help
  • C. You are welcome
  • D. Sounds like a good idea
13.  One day a teacher taught a group of students how to manage (支配) time. He gave such an interesting example that his (1)       would never forget.
  He put a wide jar on the table, (2)       some rocks and carefully put them into the jar one at a time.
  When he filled the jar to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is this jar (3)       ?"
  Everyone in his class shouted, "Yes."
  "Really?" he asked. "Let's see." He pulled out a bag of small stones and put some in. The (4)       went down into the space between the big rocks. Again, he asked the same question, "Is this jar full?"
  "Maybe not," one of them (5)       "Very good!" he replied. He then brought out a box of sand. He started(6)       the sand into the jar. One more he asked, "Is this jar full?"
  " No!" the class shouted.
  "Good!" he replied. Then he poured a cup of water into the jar until it was full.
  Then he asked, "What is the point (重点) here?" One student put up his hand and said, "Try really hard, and you can always put more (7)       in!"
  "Well, you are right," the teacher replied. "But that's not the only point. Besides (除之外) that, I hope you know more about it. Put the big rocks in (8)      , or you can't get others in. What are the big rocks in your life? Time with your-friends, your education, or your dreams. Remember to put these big rocks in first, or you can't get them in at all."
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Films that aren't really about Canada 
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15.  Winter sports have lots of fun!But you have to know how to be safe.
  Keeping toasty (温暖的)
  You are going skating. You want to prepare your snowballing for the next big fight. But you have to remember to wear warm gloves and boots.
  Fun in the sun
  Sunscreen (防晒霜) may look funny in wintertime, but don't forget to put it on. Sunlight reflects (反射) off all that bright white snow and ice and back onto your face. That's why you need to cover up with sunscreen, and lip balm (润唇膏) even if it's cloudy outside.
  Sled safety
  Going down a hill at an amazing speed can be great. But you must be safe when you're sledding. When you choose your sled (雪橇), make sure it's strong and safe. Never use things from home like garbage-can lids, plastic bags or pool floats for sleighs. These are dangerous while you're sledding. Also, never use a sled that has any sharp, jagged edges or broken parts.
  Also, a bike helmet (头盔) can protect your head.
  Make sure the bottom of the hill must not be anywhere near cars or roads. This is important.
16.Counting Our People
  From Nov. 1 to Dec. 10, 2020, if someone knocks at your door and wants to ask you some questions, don't be afraid. They are working on the seventh national population census. They will ask each family about their name, gender, age, education, and employment (职业).
  China has a census about every 10 years. The first one was done in 1953. At that time, there were about 600 million people in China. It was about 1. 37 billion in 2010, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS 国家统计局).
  For this year's census, China will send 7 million staff to visit families across the country. All residents (居民) of China will be included in the census. But Chinese citizens who have settled (定居) abroad and foreign citizens who are staying in China on either business or tourist visas (签证) will not be counted.
  "The census is very important for every citizen," said Ning Jizhe, director of the NBS. "It will help improve infrastructure (基础建设) and public services." For example, if census results show that there are many children living in a particular area, the government will know that it should build more schools there.
  Scientists can also learn more about population growth from the census. In some years, the population grows faster than in others. Even in the same year, population growth is different in different places. Scientists can use the information to figure out what causes growth in certain years and places.
17.  Idioms (习语) are one of the hardest parts of learning a language. An idiom is a phrase which has a meaning, but the meaning is not clear from the words themselves. They are like puzzles. If you translate an idiom word for word, it sometimes makes no sense at all. That's why even native speakers can get confused when someone uses a phrase that they've never heard of.
  Here are four common English idioms every English student should know in a lot of situations.
Get your act together ( Meaning: you need to improve your behavior/work)
  This might be something your teacher says to you if you score badly in an exam or if you misbehave in class. You can also use it to talk about people in general. For example, if your friend is being mean (刻薄的) for no reason, then you can tell them that they need to get their act together.
  Pull yourself together (Meaning: calm down)
  It's not polite to say "pull yourself together" to tell people to relax while they're overreacting (反应过激). Only use this if you think the person you are speaking to is getting upset over something important. When your friend tells you that their close relative has died, it is NOT the time to tell them to pull themselves together.
  I'm feeling under the weather (Meaning: I'm sick)
  Yes, it's longer and more difficult to say than "I'm sick", but if your English teacher asks you why you haven't done your homework, he or she is more likely to forgive (原谅) you if you say that you were feeling under the weather.
  Break a leg (Meaning: good luck)
  This is perhaps one of the most confusing yet well-known English idioms. If someone says this to you, do not think they are frightening you; they are just wishing you luck. It is most often used for people wishing success to actors and actresses before they perform on the stage, but it can be said in other situations, too.
  All in all, learning a new language can be challenging. It's certainly not a piece of cake, especially when there are so many confusing idioms. However, with enough hard work and interest, you will succeed in no time. Break a leg!

1. hat is an idiom?
2. ow many common English idioms are talked about in the passage?
3. s it polite to say "pull yourself together" while people are overreacting?
4. hich idiom can you use to wish people good luck before they perform on the stage?
5. hat is the passage mainly about?
__________________ wash your hands before meals.
She__________________ yesterday's game show.
She __________________ three groups yesterday.
It's __________________ I thought.
22.昨天下午三点, 我正在家里休息.
I __________________ at home at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
健康生活与我们息息相关.在校期间, 为了确保师生健康安全, 各个学校、 班级和老师们都做了许多防控工作.
某英文网站正在开展以"校园防疫"为主题的征文活动.假如你是李华, 请你用英文写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈在学校、班级防疫方面你和你的同学们做了 什么?为什么这样做?以及这样做给你们带来的好处.
提示词语:epidemic prevention (防疫), mask, take one's temperature, one meter, keep one's mind on studying, keep healthy
• What did you do at school this term?
• Why did you do so?
• What benefits (好处)could you get by doing these things?
In our school, we did a lot of things for epidemic prevention this term. ______________.
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