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1.—There is always a smile on your face. Isn't there any ______ in your life?
—Yes, there is. But I always believe if I smile at the world, it will smile back.
  • A. attention
  • B. practice
  • C. situation
  • D. trouble
2.—It's a good way to study English in a group.
—That's true. I find it ______to improve our pronunciation.
  • A. exciting
  • B. friendly
  • C. helpful
  • D. weak
3.Sophia ______ for the journey to Xi'an when someone knocked at the door.
  • A. prepares
  • B. is preparing
  • C. prepared
  • D. was preparing
4.—Maria, remember to take an umbrella when you go to Seattle, because it rains a lot.
—______. Thank you.
  • A. That's too bad
  • B. Sure, I will
  • C. Never mind
  • D. Come on
5.—Do you know Eckhart Tolle, a popular German writer?
—Of course. His new book ______ last month and sold very well.
  • A. came out
  • B. gave back
  • C. took off
  • D. closed down
6.—Which city will you choose to spend your winter holiday?
—It's hard to say. I ______ stay somewhere warm in the south.
  • A. might
  • B. must
  • C. need
  • D. should
7.______ I couldn't understand what the foreigners said at the beginning, the experience was exciting and unforgettable.
  • A. If
  • B. Although
  • C. For
  • D. But
8.On clear days, my grandma likes reading novels ______ the window.
  • A. through
  • B. from
  • C. by
  • D. with
9.The final match was really wonderful, ______ when Ted scored in the last minute.
  • A. immediately
  • B. suddenly
  • C. naturally
  • D. especially
10.— The actress ______ on many television programs after she won the Magnolia Award.
— Yes, famous people always draw the public's attention.
  • A. followed
  • B. appeared
  • C. agreed
  • D. developed
11.  As a child, I loved to visit my grandfather's farm. There was always something new to do, to see and to enjoy. My grandfather was always there to be my friend.
  One year, I went to Grandfather's to celebrate my (1)       with my brothers and sisters. They all liked eating strawberries. When they went to (2)       them, I liked to go too. But I didn't like working on the farm, so I always took the (3)       basket. While the others were picking, I just (4)       under the trees.
  One day, I put a lot of grass in my (5)      . And then I put some strawberries on the top of it, the basket looked full (满的) and it seemed (似乎) that I had (6)       strawberries. My grandfather just smiled without saying anything.
  The next morning, my grandmother made a cake for my birthday. It was a big cake with some strawberries on it. It looked (7)      ! But when I began to eat it, I found nothing but (8)       under the strawberries. You can imagine how surprised I was.
  My (9)       looked at me with a smile. "When you cheat (欺骗) others, you cheat yourself," he said. My grandfather and grandmother taught me a good lesson with the grass.
  I (10)       many many things at my grandfather's farm. For me, the experiences made me a better man.
12.  It was late afternoon in a hot summer. John was sitting with his mother on the front stairs of their house. At the time of the day, it was much cooler outside. They really enjoyed it. The sun was setting over the mountains and the sky was orange. Lots of birds were flying home. John and his mother were talking happily.
  After a while, John saw a man on the road walking towards their home. His mother was a little surprised. It was unusual for people to be walking along the main road, especially at that time of the day.
  The man walked to the front gate. He was tall, thin and well-dressed. He looked a little tired from his walking. The man said he was a doctor from the hospital in the city. He was on his way to town to see a patient (病人) but his car broke down. He asked if they might call a mechanic (汽车修理工) in town to come and help him start his car.
  John's mother said that there was no telephone around and the mechanic was not at work now. It would be difficult to get help for the doctor. Just then, John said that he would ride his bike into town to ask a mechanic to come over. They asked the doctor to wait at their house.
  John's mother made the tired doctor a cup of tea. In no time, John returned in a white car with the mechanic. In the end, they had the doctor's car started. Then the man was able to see his patient and get back to the hospital in the city later that night.
13.  Do you have time to pick up your children? Are you worried about their safety? Our app (应用程序) EK4 KIDS' offers special door-to-door services and receives lots of 5 stars. Here are some comments (评论) from our customers.
3 months ago 
We were not sure of their services at first, but everything went well all the school year for my son and my daughter. We started this school year with them and we are pleased now. 
3 weeks ago 
We had a fantastic experience with EK4 KIDS'. My daughter rides with Mr Mark. He is not only a nice driver but also good with children. He always wears a smile on his face. 
3 months ago 
With EK4 KIDS', I don't worry about my children any more because I know the possible people that will be driving them. The app allows me to see where my children are. And they offer special seats (座位) to small children. 
5 months ago 
As a father, it is very important to know who will be around my daughter and I believe in the drivers of EK4 KIDS'. If you are looking for a safe ride for your children, just call EK4 KIDS'. 
14.  Do you have a brother or sister? Do you have to share a bedroom with him or her? Do you think it's good or bad?
  Sharing a bedroom with your brother or sister has good sides. For one, it helps you get a good night's sleep. If you are afraid of the dark, you'll fall asleep easier with someone else in the room. The same is true if you don't like being alone. For another, you can develop many important skills. You learn how to give and take so that nobody gets selfish (自私的). All these can help you have a peaceful environment and get along well with your brother or sister.
  Sharing a bedroom with your brother or sister also has disadvantages. It may cause some trouble to your sleep. If you are a light sleeper, the noises he or she makes may make you sleep worse. The same thing happens if he or she can't sleep without a night light on. Also, when you share a room, you don't have your personal space because there is always someone else there. You can't learn to be independent either. That's because you never have the chance to learn how to solve the problems by yourself.
  As you can see, there are both good and bad sides about sharing a bedroom. So, talk with your family to see what works better for you and your brother or sister!
15.  Around the world, people have different ideas about dos and don'ts at restaurants. For example, in China it's all right to make a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isn't noisy or lively, you may think there is something wrong with it. However, in many Western countries, restaurants are quiet places. If customers are too noisy, other people who are eating nearby might think it's rude and they can even complain (投诉) to the manager of the restaurant.
  Paying the bill (账单) is also different from country to country. In China, offering to pay the bill at the end of a meal is polite. However, in Western countries, when friends eat together, they usually share the cost. Also when Westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the waiter. But they don't want to give too much or too little, usually 15% — 20% of the bill. A waiter can make a lot of money by offering good service!
  So remember when you go to a restaurant in different parts of the world, learn about the right and wrong things to do, or you will make silly mistakes.

1. What may people think of a restaurant if it isn't noisy or lively in China? (不超过10个词)
2. How do Westerners pay the bill when they eat together with friends? (不超过5个词)
3. How can a waiter make a lot of money in Western countries? (不超过5个词)
16.Sometimes doctors and nurses may take r              (冒险) to help people in need.
17.The t            (味道) of British afternoon tea is quite different from ours.
18.The story describes the lives of c             (普通的) people in the old society.
19.Staying c            (镇静的) is not easy, but it can save your life sometimes.
20.All these accidents w             (警告) us that we should be careful when driving.
21.She              (throw) the ball up and caught it again.
22.The Amazon Rainforest is one of the              (wet) places in the world.
23.As a boy, Darwin likes to go for walks in these              (field) and forests.
24.She looked at me              (serious) and said I must be on time next time.
25.The local government has trouble              (solve) all these problems because of money.
26.Mia goes to the library four times a month . (对划线部分提问)
                        does Mia go to the library?
27.The ice is not thick enough for us to skate on it. (改为同义句)
The ice is              thin              we can't skate on it.
28.Herry was doing medical training when the earthquake happened. (对划线部分提问)
             Herry              when the earthquake happened?
29.Eating too much fast food is harmful to your health. (改为同义句)
                         to your health to eat too much fast food.
30.You mustn't lift up the heavy furniture. (改为析使句)
             the heavy furniture.
Dear Mike,
Glad to receive your email.It's important to have a happy and safe winter holiday.Here is my advice._________________________________________
I wish you can have a good winter holiday.
Li Hua
期末试卷 最新试卷 安徽试卷 合肥市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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