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1.  Maybe some students don't follow some of the rules. But most students think the rules are fine and say they won't break the rules. Because schools and classes have rules, students will study better and better. Let's look at some rules in other countries.
No bags into the classroom One high school in Michigan doesn't allow bags into the classroom at all. The school asks students to return to their lockers (有锁存物柜) between classes for their books in order to make sure they are safe in lunchrooms and classrooms. 
No hugging Some schools in Portland started the rule — no hugging in 2010. Two years later some schools in New Jersey and Brooklyn made the same rule. The reason is clear — to avoid "unsuitable interactions (不适当的互动)" between students. 
No balls A Toronto school doesn't allow its students to bring any hard balls to school. Why?A parent was taken to hospital with a concussion (脑震荡) after being hit by a ball. 
No Ugg boots (Ugg靴子) It might get very cold in winter in Pennsylvania, but students there aren't allowed to wear their Ugg boots into class. It's to stop them from hiding things like mobile phones in the boots. 

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2.  Armenia lies in east-central Asia. It has produced an interesting culture. The culture of Armenia has parts of many different areas. Another influence on their culture is the fact that so many other countries have ruled Armenia. At different times, Turkey, Russia, Greece, and Persia ruled Armenia. Each influenced Armenia in different ways. A good example of this is Armenian folk music.
  To most people, Armenian folk music sounds like Middle Eastern music. It is played with a drum and most importantly, the Duduk, an ancient woodwind(木管乐器) instrument. Throughout history, other instruments from other parts of the world were added.
  There was a young Armenian boy who loved folk music. He loved it so much and he brought it to the rest of the world. His name was Aram Khachaturian. Growing up in Armenia, young Aram loved the folk music he heard each day. As a child, he never studied music. Young Aram tried to understand the feeling of the music. Then he left Armenia to study music in Moscow Russia's capital. He went to a very good music school there.
  Throughout his life. Aram Khachaturian wrote lots of music for concerts, plays, and even movies. The United Nations named him one of the world's best musicians of the 20th century. And his most famous work is a very fun piece of music. It is called The Sabre Dance, and features(使突出) the music and culture of Armenia and its neighbors.
3.  We have seen lots of science fiction movies about aliens. People travel to stars and even fight with aliens in the movies. But are there real aliens in the universe (宇宙) ? Most of us think it is impossible, just like fairy tales. But the answer of some scientists is yes. So they have been searching for aliens in outer space for many years. They hope to find life signs of aliens.
  Some scientists are used to using radio telescopes (望远镜) to search for aliens in space. In order to find aliens, they have worked hard for over half a century, but so far they have found nothing. Then some scientists guessed aliens might not want to connect us, but aliens could answer our messages. So some scientists sent radio signals into the universe. They hope one day they would be picked up by alien technology. These scientists want to prove (证明) that we are not alone in the universe.
  But what should we do if the "alien phone" rings one day? Should we answer it?Stephen Hawking, the famous physicist, thought it could be dangerous to connect aliens. He said that the main purpose of aliens' visiting to the earth could be searching for our resources (资源). But other scientists think we have no need to worry. David Morrison, a NASA scientist, said, "If an alien radio signal reaches the earth from a planet thousands of light-years away, then they almost surely have solved all the problems we still have including the short of resources. Maybe they are much smarter than us, but why do they want to hurt us?I think we can try to connect them.
4.  As young students, you may have many dreams. These dreams can be big or small. Maybe you will think the messages in the dreams are not clear to us. That is true in most cases. But if you think about what is going on in our lives, you can usually come up with an answer. Let's look at some of the most common dreams. (1)      
  You're falling, falling, falling... and then you wake up. This dream is said to mean you are afraid or worried. There may be something in your life that is out of control and there is nothing you can do to stop it. (2)       Maybe you're not doing well in school or work.
  Taking an exam ( or forgetting where your classroom is)
  You suddenly realize you have to take an exam at that very moment. (3)       Experts say this dream may mean you're being tested about something or maybe you are facing a challenge.
  Dreaming that you are flying means you are on top of things. You are in control of the things that are important for you. (4)      
  Trying to run, but going nowhere
  You're trying to run, but either of your legs won't move or you simply aren't going anywhere. (5)      
  In fact, unlike these dreams, there are also many strange dreams that experts may not be able to explain.

A. You might be running here and there to find your classroom.
B. What do these dreams mean?
C. It may also mean you have confidence in yourself and think no one and nothing can beat you.
D. Another explanation is that you may fail in something.
E. Some experts think this dream means you're trying to do too many things at once and can't move forward. 
5.  I have a good friend called Jasmyn and during the autumn she was going away on a long trip. I gave her a call the day before she left to (1)       her a good trip. She was completely behind on everything she needed to do. She was a little (2)       . "I bought some wonderful seeds (种子) of carnation (康乃馨) to plant for next spring, (3)       now I have no time to plant them." she said.
  I always plant many seeds (种子) in March and by June enjoy the sweet (4)       everywhere. I just can't stand that a plant doesn't get a (5)       to grow. "I'll plant them for you." I told her .
  "Oh, would you?" Jasmyn was excited. She (6)       to put them out in the hall for me.
  I arrived several days later and found a paper bag in the hall. After a lot of (7)       work, I planted all the carnations in the perfect place.
  When Jasmyn got back a few months later, she and I went out for dinner to celebrate her (8)      . While eating, she said, "You know, I (9)       can't believe I forgot to put those carnations out in the hall!"
  I looked at her (10)      , "What do you mean? Of course, you (11)       the carnations. They were sitting in the hall in a paper bag."
  "No," she said, "I left the carnations on the desk. They're still sitting on (12)      ."
  "So, (13)       did I plant that morning?" I asked.
  She stopped as if to (14)       me for her news. Then she slowly said, "That was cat poop (猫尿). You planted cat poop."
  Jasmyn looked at my face and did the best to keep from (15)      . But I was too busy replaying the pictures of me picking these cat poop from a paper bag and planting them.
much clean need between ask be they patient homework influence 

  Whose homework is it anyway?In a guiding document (文件) published on Oct 20, the education bureau of Zhengzhou (郑州市教育局) , capital of Henan province, banned (禁止) schools from asking their students' parents to check and correct their children's (1)      .
  Parents of students know how their children's homework often becomes (2)      . If the child has math homework, the parents are (3)       to correct the wrong answers;if the child writes an article, the parents have to make the sentences (4)       beautiful than it was;If the child is given a paper-cutting assignment (任务), the parents must do everything. Many schools then move such tasks to parents. The document said some schools even ask parents to do some (5)       after school.
  From above we can see there is inequality (不平等) (6)       schools and parents. Once children enter the schools' gates, they are totally controlled by their teachers who own a huge (7)       If teachers are warm and (8)      , they can light their dreams and future. However, By (9)       cold to a child, teachers can destroy children's confidence.
  Of course , this does not mean teachers have poor moral standards (道德标准), On the other hand, teaching (10)       patience and love. However, teachers own huge power and as is always the case, such power must be caged (关住) behind rules.
7.  On the short-video platform (平台) Douyin , there used to (1)       millions of videos about eating shows that get more viewers (观众). Some videos showed how they ate 36 rice dumplings in 15 minutes or 6. 5 kg of noodles in one meal. What they did caused a serious waste of food. China started (2)       activity in 2013, which was called"Empty Plate". At that time, President Xi Jinping said, "Food waste in the catering sector (餐饮部门) is serious (3)       shocking, as a large number of people are still short of food... Food waste must be stopped. "Now many short-video platforms have taken action. The words "Be proud (4)       saving and refuse wasting" would appear at the top of the search results if you type the key words like "big eater". Those (5)       enjoy wasting food will be fined (罚款) by the platforms.
8.A: How are you. (1)      ?
B: Tomorrow? Nothing much.
A: (2)      ?
B: Hongxing Theater?No, I haven't.
A: There will be a free concert at Hongxing Theater at 9 :00 a. m. tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
B: Yes, I'd love to. By the way, (3)      ?
A: I like pop music. What about you?
B: (4)      .
A: Wow, such a quiet girl like you enjoys rock music!
B: Yeah, because it always makes me excited.
A: Then you don't miss tomorrow's concert.
B: OK. See you tomorrow.
A: (5)      .
9.生活中会遇到各种各样出人意料的事情, 有幸运, 也有不幸.请以An Unlucky Day为题, 写一篇短文描述某一天你遇到的问题、你的感受和你如何解决问题的.
要求: 1. 短文应包括提示中的所有内容, 并可适当发挥.2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名和地名.100 词左右.

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