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1.  Nowadays, more and more foreigners become interested in our Chinese products. What do they like? Zhang Lei, a Chinese reporter, made a survey and asked several foreigners on Wangfujing Street in Beijing. Let's have a look!
Products Opinions 
 I like Chinese chili sauce. Lao Gan Ma is one of the best sauces, I think. There's a picture of a woman on the bottle. If my friends see me eating three pieces of bread with a bottle of it, they will not be surprised. They know now I get used to the chili sauce taste and fall in love with it.
——By Hamlus Goodwin, 34, the USA 
 I would surely have to say that I love Chinese phones, especially my Huawei smart phone with HarmonyOS system. Its battery can last about 48 hours. I often watch short videos on it. This phone is cheap, acts as if it costs twice. In fact, it's less than $500.
——By Aiden Sampson, 36, Canada 
 I really love Wanglaoji, one of the most popular tea drinks in China today. I remembered that it was a little bitter when I drank it for the first time in London. But now I will never get enough of it. Every day, I put this drink into my bag. In fact, I will feel very good after drinking it.
——By Ashiq Iqbal, 40, the UK 

Word Bank
product 产品
chili sauce 辣椒酱
battery 电池
mention 提及 

2.  Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on neighboring farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious one between them in 40 years of farming peacefully side by side. In the end, they fell apart.
  One morning, a worker with a toolbox came for some work. The elder brother said, "I have a job for you. Look at the farm across the creek. My younger brother lives there. He dug the creek last week. So I want you to build me a fence, an-foot-high fence. And I don't want to see him and his place any more." The worker smiled and said, "I see. I'll do it for you." Then the elder brother went downtown.
  When the farmer came back before it got dark, the worker had just finished his job. The farmer's eyes opened wide! To his surprise, there was no fence there at all! Instead, there was a bridge across the creek! A fine piece of work! He saw his younger brother coming to him with a smile. Then the two brothers met in the middle of the bridge, taking each other's hands. They turned to see the worker lift his toolbox on his shoulder.
  "No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other work for you," said the elder brother. "I'd love to stay on," the man said, "but I have so many more bridges to build."
Word Bank
conflict 冲突
creek 小溪
dug 挖
fence 栅栏 

3.  Many companies have made apps to help blind people. Microsoft made apps that can describe a photo. Huawei made an app that can tell users if people are happy, sad or angry. Now, Google is testing an app that will allow blind people to run alone.
  Panek, CEO of Guiding Eyes for the Blind, had always loved running. But he started losing his eyesight when he was 8, and by his early 20s he was blind. Later in life, he started running with other people or a guide dog to help him. But he didn't like this way. He asked a group of scientists of Google to make something to help blind people run on their own.
  The Google team soon made Project Guideline. The Guideline app uses a smartphone camera to recognize a line painted on the ground. Through earphones, the app makes sounds when a person moves away from the line. The sounds get louder in either the left ear or the right ear, the further the person moves away from the line.
  After trying the app, Panek used it while running outside in a park. In November, 2020, when he was 38 years old, Panek successfully ran 5 kilometers around New York City's Central Park using the app.
  Panek hopes that the app Project Guideline can help more people like him. And Google will improve Project Guideline to help the blind.
Word Bank
company 公司
describe 描述
eyesight 视力
recognize 认出 

4.  Do you get on well with your parents? Sometimes you may feel that it is impossible to get on well with your parents. (1)       If you find that you and your parents can't get on well, try to know them better.
  Spend time with your parents. Your parents won't always be around, so spend time with them while you are able to. (2)       Instead, find activities to do together.
  Talk with your parents. To know your parents better, you should try to have a conversation with them. (3)      
  Listen to them carefully. This may seem easy, but it is often harder than you think. (4)       This means looking at their eyes when they are talking, and speaking politely when answering them. If you're not sure what they mean, try to ask them to repeat.
  Make your parents feel proud. (5)       By working hard, you can do well at school or win prizes in games. They will think how lucky they are to have you and be more willing to talk about you in front of others.
  Follow these ways of improving your relationship with them, and you'll get on with them better.
A. This doesn't mean just sitting in front of the TV together.
B. However, they are probably your best teachers in life.
C. Use this time to learn about their different hobbies and opinions.
D. There are always some ways to make your parents feel good about you.
E. When you are communicating with your parents, make sure you are listening. 
5.  Telling the truth is a very good habit. Here is a story of a man who did lots of bad things, but his promise to tell the truth (1)       him.
  Once the man came to the prophet Muhammad and said, "Oh, prophet of Allah, I have many bad habits. (2)       should I give up first?" The prophet said, "Give up telling (3)       and always speak the truth." The man promised to do so and went home. At night the man planned to go out to steal. Before (4)       home, he said to himself, "If tomorrow the prophet asks me where I have been, shall I say (5)       I went out to steal? No, I can't say that, and neither can I tell a lie. If I speak the truth, everyone will call me (6)      ." So the man decided not to steal that night. The next day, when he was about to drink (7)      , he thought, "What shall I say to the prophet if he asks me what I did during the day? I cannot tell a lie. If I tell the truth, people will (8)       me because a Muslim is not allowed to drink wine." So he gave up the idea of drinking wine.
  In that way, whenever the man (9)       doing something bad, he always remembered his promise to tell the truth. He gradually gave up (10)       of his bad habits and became a very good person.
Word Bank
prophet 先知
Muhammad 穆罕默德(伊斯兰教信徒) 
noise, become, soon, stop, corner, through, out, see, mouth, move 

  Holmes does not say much as we go back towards the moor. We (1)       slowly along the path towards the house. Then Holmes (2)       about 300 meters from it. "Let's wait here," he says. "We can hide behind these rocks. Waston, go to the house and (3)       what they are doing." I go down the path and hide behind a wall. I can see Stapleton leave the room. He comes to the door of a shed in the (4)       of the garden. He opens the door and I hear a strange (5)       from inside. After a minute he comes out of the shed and locks the door again. Then he goes back into the house.
  The fog is (6)       thicker now. Sir Henry must go home (7)      . We wait and suddenly see Sir Henry walking towards us (8)       the fog. He walks quickly along the path and climbs up the hill behind us. "Look (9)      ! It is coming!" cries Holmes. It is a hound, a big black hound. There is fire coming from its (10)       and its huge eyes are glowing.
——from The Hound of the Baskervilles
Word Bank
moor 沼泽
shed 棚子
hound 猎犬
glowing 发光 
7.  Dave's uncle died and left Dave a lot of money. Dave set up a company in a tall building to sell houses.
  One morning, he (1)       at work when he heard someone coming into his office.
  "It (2)       be my first customer." Dave said to himself. So he quickly picked up his telephone and pretended to be answering a call. He pretended (3)       the call was from someone who wanted to buy an expensive house.
  A man knocked at the door while Dave was "on the phone". He came in and waited (4)       Dave to finish his "call".
  After five minutes, Dave finally finished. He turned to the man and said, "Sorry (5)       make you wait. How can I help you?"
  The man replied to Dave, "I'm from the telephone company. I am here to connect your telephone."
Word Bank
pretended 假装
connect 接通 
8.A: Hi, Li Ming! Long time no see. Why are you in such a hurry?
B: Hi, Li Lei! I am going to buy a mobile phone. (1)      ?
A: Of course, I can. (2)      ?
B: I'm not sure. I know little about the mobile phone. (3)      ?
A: Oh, mine? OK. Here you are.
B: It looks cute. And it's a Huawei mobile phone. Why did you buy Huawei?
A: (4)      .
B: (5)      ?
A: I bought it in Jieda Mobile Phone Supermarket.
B: I want to go there to buy one too. Can you show me the way?
A: OK. Let's go.
1. 劳逸结合;
2. 健康饮食;
3. 充足睡眠;
4. 适当锻炼;
5. 保持乐观心情。
1. 不要出现真实校名和姓名;
2. 要包含所有要点;
3. 书写规范、整洁;
4. 90词左右。
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