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1.—Were you surprised at the welcome party?
—Well, ________. I know they were planning something, but I wasn't sure.
  • A. you are welcome
  • B. yes and no
  • C. believe in me
  • D. it doesn't matter
2.﹣Your grandfather takes exercise every day.
﹣Yes. That's why he always seems to be full of ________.
  • A. warmth
  • B. meaning
  • C. pleasure
  • D. energy
3.﹣Who would you like to study with, Mary? ________. I don't mind.
  • A. Somebody
  • B. Everybody
  • C. Anybody
  • D. Nobody
4.Paul will study abroad soon, so he hopes all his friends could______ the dinner party tonight.
  • A. hold
  • B. finish
  • C. leave
  • D. attend
5.Though my parents know ________I love playing basketball, they don't allow me to spend too much time on it.
  • A. how long
  • B. how much
  • C. how often
  • D. how many
6.﹣Susan always ________ so well that everyone in my class likes her so much.
﹣Yes, people always like those who are polite.
  • A. behaves
  • B. studies
  • C. reflects
  • D. produces
7.How can you say you don't like something____you've never even tried it?
  • A. after
  • B. until
  • C. although
  • D. when
8.﹣It seems that Jack is always ________.
﹣So he is. He is full of energy all the time to do everything.
  • A. proud
  • B. lively
  • C. polite
  • D. correct
9.﹣Have you ever heard of intelligent house furnishings(智能家居)?
﹣Yes, and they are ________ used in people's homes these days.
  • A. widely
  • B. wisely
  • C. quietly
  • D. clearly
10.The new fathers often feel ________ when babies arrive, because their wives pay full of attention to their children.
  • A. taken out
  • B. left out
  • C. cut out
  • D. given out
11.  Daniel Brundidge is four years old. When he was one, his parents called in a doctor to(1)       him. The doctor said Daniel had autism(自闭症). It let his parents(2)      and sad. Before he first sang Old Town Road, he(3)       spoke.
  "My family love the song, "Sheletta said. "It feels like Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus live in my house because I listen to them with my daughters eight hours a day. I know their(4)      like I know my kids'. "
Sheletta(5)      believe her ears when Daniel started singing the song. She didn't know what(6)      made Daniel sing. Nobody had ever taught him the words. When Sheletta found it was(7)      , she cried. Her tears dropped down on Daniel's head. Daniel touched his head and said, "Mommy, my head is(8)      . "
  Sheletta took a video of her son singing. To her surprise, although it was only nine second long, it soon got(9)      online. "It has given hope and(10)      to other parents with children who have special needs, "Sheletta said.
12.  Is there anything that could help parents understand their kids better?More than 8, 000 kids answered this question in an online survey. Many kids, two out of three, said they got on well with their parents. But that doesn't (1)       they never disagree. In fact, most kids reported that they(2)      with their parents on occasion(偶尔). Some even reported that their arguments included yelling at each other.
  It's (3)       for them to disagree and argue, "said D'Arcy Lyness, a child psychologist. "But it's also important to learn how to do so respectfully. "
  Not surprisingly, three out of four kids said they (4)      to their parents on occasion. Many said they lied so that they wouldn't be in (5)       or disappoint their parents. According to Lyness, lying can have bad (6)      . If kids lie when they're young, they might continue a pattern of lying even as adults.
  Telling the truth, on the other hand, shows maturity(成熟). However, older kids (7)       lie more often than younger ones. Kids aged 12 to14 said they not only lied more, but also had less fun. They even couldn't get along well with their parents.
  According to Lyness, these (8)       are common. Kids have more areas of disagreement with their parents as they become (9)       . "Kids and parents get along in (10)       ways at different stages of life, "she said. "As kids grow and change, it is important for parents to change
13.A: Gosh, I had a bad day today, Tim.
B: (1)      
A: My friend Brian invited me to have dinner at a restaurant.
A: But I got to the restaurant too early. And waiting for him made me almost mad.
B: (3)      
A:About one hour. When he finally came, he found he couldn't stand the music in that restaurant. (4)      
B: So you left?
A: (5)       Guess what? When we got there half an hour later, the restaurant was closed.
B: That was really bad!

A. Why was he late?
B. That sounds great.
C. What happened, Larry?
D. How long did you wait?
E. Yes, we went to another one.
F. He said it made him want to leave at once.
G. I found my wallet was lost when I got home. 
14.  How to deal with your stress?Here are some programs which can be useful to you.
  Let's Shout Out
  This is a program only for office workers. As an experienced climber, Adam will lead us to the top of each mountain. Then we can shout out unhappy things there. Join us for free and let's climb mountains together.
  Time:8 a. m. ﹣11 a. m. on weekends
  WeChat Number:5962625
  Our program is free to everyone. We'll prepare delicious food for Gina, our compere (主持人), record her sound of eating, and then play it for you. You'll feel peaceful when hearing the sound. It's a great way to make people relaxed.
  Time:8 p. m. ﹣9:30 p. m. every day
  TikTok Number:4815756
  Happy Yoga
  If you are under stress because of your body shape or being a new mother, don't worry!Our best yoga teacher Billy will help you. Doing yoga can keep both your body and mind healthy. Each class is about $100.
  Time:3 p. m. ﹣5 p. m. on Mondays and Thursdays
  Phone Number:3749274
15.  I didn't get into the swim team and I had to wait another year to try out again. What was more, I was taking some difficult classes this year, and my best friend moved away.
  Dad knew I was feeling pressure. He sat next to me and asked me to help him make bread. In the kitchen, Dad gave me one apron(围裙). Next, Dad took out his mixing bowl and a pair of chopsticks, and told me to stir(搅拌)the things in it. After making a dough(生面团), Dad told me to use my hand to push the dough for five minutes.
  Next came the most difficult and surprising part﹣doing nothing. We waited for more than an hour for the dough to slowly double in size. Next, we pushed the dough again, divided it into two parts and waited for the dough to rise again. After that, we put the dough into pans(平底锅)and waited another hour for the dough to rise and double for the last time. Dad said, "It's hard not to put the dough directly into the oven, but if you do, the bread will be small, and the bread will be hard. "
  While we waited, we sat and talked. The dough was going to rise at its own speed. We could do nothing to make it rise faster. As I accepted that, I stopped watching the clock and playing with my fingers on the tabletop. I started enjoying the quiet time with Dad. I learned to relax and let the bread rise.
16.  Billy was a clever man. But his son Dale spent all his time sleeping. As Billy grew older, he began to worry about his son's future.
  One day, Billy gave Dale a bag with some food, a little money and a map in it. He asked Dale to find treasure.
  Dale traveled far across rivers and mountains. Along the way, he met many people. Some gave him a hand, but some tried to rob(抢劫)him. After a year, Dale reached the place. He spent two days looking for the treasure but found nothing. By the third day, he was so tired that he decided to leave. On his way back, he learnt many kinds of living skills.
  When Dale got home, he said sorry to Billy for finding nothing. "But I made friends and learned different skills. "
  "That's why I asked you to find the treasure, "the father said.
17.  Do you enjoy learning about Chinese history and culture?Then, this is the game for you. The Everlasting Regret is a free﹣to﹣play game by Tencent's Lightspeed &Quantum Studios. It is adapted(改编)from the great poet Bai Juyi's Song of Everlasting Regret, which talks about the love story of Emperor Xuanzong and Lady Yang. Five college students made this new game together, hoping to show the special beauty of Chinese poems in a game.
  The game comes in several languages﹣English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean. As an educational game, it provides players with a lot of puzzles(谜). Players need to do puzzles to move through the game. There are also 33 achievements in the game, which make it more interesting.
  The story in the game describes great Chinese culture. Through the game, more and more people show interest in Chinese history. A truly special and wonderful game, isn't it?
18.  China sent up a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation(导航)Satellite System(BDS) from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan Province on March 9, 2020, only one step away from finishing the whole system.
  China began to build its navigation system in the 1990s and started serving the Asia﹣Pacific Area in 2012. At present, all the first BDS﹣1 satellites have finished their work there, and a total of 54 BDS﹣2 and BDS﹣3 satellites have been sent into space.
  Compared with other navigation systems in the world, the design(设计)of the BDS is very special. The BDS﹣3 system will have a total of 30 satellites, including three groups of satellites. And China will send up the last one soon. Space engineers have overcome all kinds of difficulties during the COVID﹣19 to achieve the success of the sending.
  The new satellite has the largest size and the longest life among all the BDS﹣3 satellites. The satellite has included the functions of navigation and communication with a higher accuracy. It can provide services for the driverless cars, ships, as well as airplanes. The ability of short message communication has been improved 10 times on this satellite. Users can send a message of over 1, 000 Chinese characters at one time as well as pictures by the satellite, quite useful in many situations.
19.  When the Tokyo Olympic Games start, 12﹣year﹣old Sky Brown may become the youngest Olympian of the UK at the Summer Games. "People sometimes tell me I'm too small or skateboarding isn't a sport for girls, "Sky said. "But I believe anything is possible when I go out to skate. "
  Born in 2008, Sky began to do skateboarding at the age of three. Without a coach, she taught herself by watching videos online. It's not a usual way for a player to practice, but it seems to be working. "Sky has something very special, "said her father. "She has so much interest in everything she does. "
  Even though Sky spends hours practicing skateboarding, she can still find time to do her schoolwork and develop other hobbies like dancing. Last year, she and her partner competed against several child stars on Dancing with the Stars:Juniors and they became the winners. "Sky is very relaxed about everything, "her dad said, laughing. "She deals with pressure better than we do. "
  With so many achievements at such a young age, Sky decided to help those unlucky girls. She visited Cambodia and Cuba to show kids how to do skateboarding. "I had so much fun teaching them and seeing their smiles, "she said. "I want to let every girl know that they can do anything, too. "
20.Do you think colors have the p      (力量)to change our feelings?
21.Look! Some boys are having fun k      (踢)a ball around the yard.
22.He always wears a jacket and t      (领带)to work.
23.Could you please describe it in d      (日常的)language?
24.The water surface is as s      (光滑的)as glass now.
25.假如你是李华, 你的笔友 Tony从美国来信, 询问你最近的情况, 请根据下面的提示给他写封回信.
提示:1. 比以前高而且胖;
2. 英语成绩提高了很多;
3. 越来越喜欢自己的学校;
4. 比以前开朗和活泼
要求:1. 内容必须包含所给的提示, 可以适当发挥;
2. 不少于 80 词(文章开头已经给出, 不计入总词数).
Dear Tony,
  I'm glad to hear from you. It's been a year since I wrote to you last time. And I have changed a lot.
Li Hua
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