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1.—Is this your pen?
—Yes, it's _____.
  • A. me
  • B. my
  • C. mine
  • D. myself
2.Why were you late_____school yesterday?
  • A. to
  • B. for
  • C. with
  • D. by
3.He got up very early this morning, _____ still he was late.
  • A. so
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. even
4.—Have you ever been to Canada?
—No, _____.
  • A. sometimes
  • B. always
  • C. often
  • D. never
5.—Tea or coffee?
—_____. I don't mind.
  • A. Either
  • B. Neither
  • C. Both
  • D. None
6.—Mike, I wonder _____ we'll go this weekend.
—To the museum.
  • A. when
  • B. why
  • C. how
  • D. where
7.He _____ with our teacher when I saw him.
  • A. was talking
  • B. talks
  • C. has talked
  • D. will talk
8.The teachers often tell us _____ more reading.
  • A. doing
  • B. to do
  • C. does
  • D. do
9.—Do you know the girl _____ is standing over there?
—Yes. She is my sister.
  • A. when
  • B. where
  • C. who
  • D. which
10.The telephone_____ in 1876.
  • A. invented
  • B. invents
  • C. is invented
  • D. was invented
11.  I have a neighbor. She looks young and beautiful although she is over 70. I asked her how she kept so (1)       and healthy. She replied, "I have a secret. It is quite simple. Keep your mind active, be interested in the world around you, and try to (2)       new things every day. Don't think you are too (3)       to learn. I know a man who started to study medicine when he was 70 years old. He (4)       for 6 years and now he works in a (5)      . Some people may think keeping learning is easy only for young people. In fact, everyone can make it."
12.  My name is Jenna. I live next to a horse farm. I spent almost every afternoon of my childhood looking at the (1)       on the farm.
  It was my 16th birthday last week. When my parents told me that they paid for me to take (2)       lessons as a birthday gift, I was (3)      . It was something I always dreamed of!
  This morning, I went early to meet Sarah, my instructor (教练). First, she showed me Oliver, a beautiful brown horse. "You have to be (4)       because horses sometimes kick when they are afraid," Sarah said. Then she helped me get on the horse.
  "How great it is!" I thought to myself. But soon I began to feel (5)      , "It is so high from up here, and Oliver walks so fast!"I cried to Sarah. She laughed and made Oliver walk (6)      . A few minutes later, a car suddenly drove past quickly, and Oliver started to (7)      . "Don't worry. Oliver will stop running. Just wait and sit up straight," Sarah told me.
  Oliver slowed down and thankfully I didn't (8)      , so I started feeling better about riding. Oliver walked slowly and the rest of the lesson went well with no (9)      . Last, Sarah showed me how to get off and put a carrot in my hand for Oliver. I (10)       Oliver for a great ride. I think I'll feel ready to ask Oliver to run next time.
13.  A man was driving down a country road one day when he saw a child trying to lift a bale of hay (一堆干草) off the ground. It seemed that the hay had fallen off the back of a truck.
  The man stopped his car and went over to the boy. "Hey there, you look like you're having a hard time moving that heavy bale of hay. Why don't you take a break? I can give you some water," the man said.
  "No, thank you," the boy replied. "My dad said I need to move this bale of hay."
  "Ah, but everyone needs a break. Just take a few minutes to get relaxed!" the man said.
  "No, my dad said it's really important to move this hay as soon as possible," the boy said.
  "That sounds strange! Can you tell me where your father is? I'd like to talk to him about how he's treating you," the man said.
  "Well," the boy replied, "he's under this bale of hay."
14.  It was 10:00 on a Saturday night. The door to the animal hospital flew open. Cyrus took a little black dog into the building.
  "Save him, please!" cried Cyrus. "He ran out into the street and a car hit him." There was a lot of blood on his body. Dr. Williams came from behind the desk. She read the dog's name card — Lobo.
  When Dr. Williams took a closer look at Lobo, her face clouded over. Lobo's front leg was badly hurt. She was afraid that there were other wounds _____she couldn't see. The nurses in the room all kept quiet. Everyone knew that Lobo might be hopeless. And even though he was saved, it would probably be hard for him to stand up again.
  "Here, let me take Lobo to the X-ray room," Dr. Williams said. "I will take an X-ray of him and see what I can do." The little dog was still whining when he was taken into the X-ray room. The X-ray showed that Lobo's leg broke in three places. He was also bleeding (血) inside.
  Dr. Williams didn't want to give up the poor little dog. She knew she must try to stop the bleeding quickly. She started to work. The operation (手术) took nearly two hours. To everyone's surprise, it was a success. "Let's see how well he can walk again in a few weeks, "said Dr. Williams.
15.  A young man went to a farm and asked for a job. When the old farmer asked what the young man could do to help the farm, he just said, "I can sleep when the wind blows."
  This short answer puzzled (迷惑) the farmer. But he liked the young man and said OK anyway.
  Everything went well until one night when there was a heavy storm. The old farmer and his wife quickly woke up and started checking to see if everything was safe.
  The farmer and his wife checked their things. They found that the farm tools had been put away safely in the house. The truck was parked in the garage. They found that the doors of the farmhouse were closed. The barn (谷仓) was properly locked. Even the animals were calm. All was well.
  After checking everything, they went to the young man's room and found that he was sleeping. The farmer and his wife then understood the meaning of the young man's words — "I can sleep when the wind blows."
Because the young man finished all of his work while the skies were clear, he was prepared for the storm before it came.
So when the wind blew, he was not afraid. He could sleep in peace.
16.  Howes was spending a day at the Ocean Beach in New Zealand. His daughter Niccy and her two friends, Helen and Karina, were with him. They were swimming over 300 feet out to sea when they saw six dolphins (海豚) coming to them.
  "We couldn't believe our eyes," Mr. Howes said. "They kept moving in a circle and we didn't know why." Then, one dolphin swam to Mr. Howes and Helen, who were about 65 feet away from the other two. It pushed Mr. Howes and Helen a lot. Mr. Howes felt that the dolphin wanted to bring them together.
  "Suddenly I saw another fish swimming to me and Helen," said Mr. Howes. "It was in fact a great white shark (鲨鱼). It was only about 15 feet away from us," he said. Then he knew what the dolphins were doing! They were trying to save them from the shark. The shark then went to the other two girls. Mr. Howes was really scared. One of the girls was his daughter.
  The dolphins pushed the four swimmers back together and placed themselves between the swimmers and the shark. About 40 minutes later, the shark finally lost interest and swam away. The four swimmers were finally out of danger.
  For Howes, it was a day he would never forget. He couldn't thank his animal friends enough.
17.  How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of your classmates?What about when you go to a birthday party?Do you get really shy? (1)       You are not alone. Everyone has such feelings sometimes.
  (2)       When people feel shy, they usually have red faces. They may talk in broken sentences. It's normal when you go to a new place or meet strangers. In fact, everybody gets a little shy at times.
  (3)       They think that shy people are not only cleverer, but also better at working with others. (4)       You see, being shy isn't all bad.
  Some great people in history were shy, too. But remember not to let good chances go by just because of being shy! When you grow up year by year, you'll become brave enough to speak to anyone. (5)       If you have to sing a song at a party, just do it!There's nothing to be afraid of!
  Remember, though you're shy, you are still confident. Come on, our shy friends!

A. But now, you need practice.
B. If you feel shy, don't worry.
C. Somebody wants to be shy at times.
D. Some experts say shy people are great.
E. Shyness means feeling nervous or afraid.
F. They say that shy people think more and talk less. 
18.The bed is too h       for me to move by myself.
19.Michael usually b       his teeth and has a shower at 7:00.
20.Please be q      because the baby is sleeping.
21.The Great Wall is the l      wall in the world.
22.You'd better get d      . It's almost time to leave for school.
23.Charlie thinks his father's help will s      all his problems.
24.Robert i       me to stay with him while his parents were out of town.
25.It's fun for me to have dance class once a w      ,every Monday.
26.I practice my English by l      to the tape over and over again.
27.She is interested in the s      films which have pictures but no sound.
28.  Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents discovered soon that he was (1)       (smart) than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old, and he could read and write at the age of two. He (2)       (start) reading adult books when he was five.
  Medicine was one (3)       his favorite interests, and he decided (4)       (become) a doctor. When he was six, the doctors in a hospital allowed him to watch (5)       (they) performing the operation. He spent much time in (6)       (watch). In this way, he learnt more (7)      (use) medical knowledge.
  At the age of seven, he (8)       (perfect) performed his first difficult operation on a (9)      (village) in his hometown. Akrit, who was only 1. 5-meter tall at that time, became famous in India. Many local people who could not afford medical care came to see him.
  Akrit went to university at eleven. He was (10)       youngest college student in India. He's been devoting (投身) himself to studying medicine since he graduated.
29.假如你是李华, 你校外教Henry对茶感兴趣.请你根据图表提示, 用英语给他写一封邮件, 邀请他来观摩你校举办的首届茶博会, 感受中华茶文化.
Tea festival 
Time July1 to3, 2021 
Activities Make tea;learn about tea 
History of tea Thousands of years 
Benefits (益处) of tea …… 

1. 文中不得出现个人真实信息, 如姓名、校名等;
2. 文中应包含表格所给信息, 并补充完整所缺信息;
3. 词数:80~100词(短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数).
Dear Henry,
  I know that you are interested in tea. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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