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1.—Do you know the girl named He Wuga?
—Sure. She is _____ excellent running star from Liangshan.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
2.The woman stood_____the window, watching the girls dancing outside.
  • A. with
  • B. on
  • C. by
3.—Because of wars, many people are homeless.
—Yes, nobody wants wars. We are all thirsty for _____.
  • A. peace
  • B. chances
  • C. courses
4.—I haven't seen Li Ming for days. Why?
—He_____Beijing. He will come back next month.
  • A. has been to
  • B. has gone to
  • C. will go to
5.—I heard you lost your bag yesterday.
—Yes. Luckily, I got it later. And_____was lost in it.
  • A. nothing
  • B. anything
  • C. something
6.With double reduction policy (双减政策), students_____less homework now so that they have enough time to take part in more activities.
  • A. will give
  • B. were given
  • C. are given
7.—Mom, I want to buy some novels.
—Before choosing a book, you'd better_____some pages to know whether it's easy or hard for you.
  • A. look through
  • B. look for
  • C. look at
8.Nobody taught the old man how to play with Tik Tok. He taught_____.
  • A. myself
  • B. himself
  • C. herself
9.Linda works very_____, so she seldom makes mistakes.
  • A. quickly
  • B. easily
  • C. carefully
10.—How do you like mapo tofu?
—Delicious!It's the_____dish that I've ever eaten.
  • A. saltiest
  • B. best
  • C. worst
11.—Excuse me, could you please tell me_____?
—Sure. Go down Long Street and turn left. You can't miss it.
  • A. how I can get to the cinema
  • B. when the movie starts
  • C. whether you like it
12.—Time to go home, Peter.
—Wait a minute. I can't go home_____I finish cleaning the hallway.
  • A. since
  • B. after
  • C. until
13.—Grandpa, there are few vegetables in the fridge.
—I'll get some_____after lunch.
  • A. carrots
  • B. apples
  • C. juice
14.—Paul, where's your mom?
—She_____for us in the kitchen now.
  • A. will cook
  • B. cooks
  • C. is cooking
15.—Don't be noisy in public. It's impolite, you know.
  • A. Sorry, I won't.
  • B. Not at all.
  • C. I'm afraid so.
16.  Shen Zhou﹣13 has caught the world's attention. Let's get more about it.
  On April 16th, 2022, Shen Zhou-13 was (1)       to land after taking off last October 16th. It was the eighth time for Chinese to visit space after Yang Liwei went as the first Chinese. (2)       Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu completed many tasks. They lived and worked together at the space station for six(3)      . They took spacewalks to make preparations for the future work. As special visitors, they (4)      in space like taking trips there. These photos are valuable for further research on space.
  In order to let more people learn about life in space and be interested in space, they gave science lessons from space. Now more and more young people(5)       walking in space like them.
17.  It was Mother's Day, a sunny day. But Cindy was a little unhappy. She was sure that her mother (1)      feel lonely because she was 500 miles away from her mother. In the early morning, she called her mom. They talked about the beautiful(2)      in the garden. The flowers brought her back to the sweet memories of her childhood.
  Later that day, when she told her (3)      about the flowers, he said. "I know where we can find all that you want. Get our children and come on. " Driving down the country roads, they saw a hill not far away from them. As they get (4)      , they saw lots of flowers with all colors in the sun, just like shining stars in the sky at night. Cindy couldn't wait to (5)      the flowers. She got out of the car and ran quickly to them. She picked a few there and a few there. She became happier when they (6)      their home.
  On their way home, Cindy saw an old grandma sitting in a chair (7)      in a village. There were no children around her. She looked so sad. Cindy stopped the car and walked to her, put the flowers in her hands, and(8)      her. The old woman thanked Cindy again and again. She smiled happily, too.
  When Cindy came back, her children asked, "Who's that grandma?(9)      did you give the flowers to her?" "I don't know her. " Their mother said with a smile, "It's Mother's Day, but she has no children with her. I have all of you around me and I still have(10)      mother. Just think how much those flowers mean to her. "
18.  Nowadays it seems that apps are for many things, and they have become a part of our life. Here are some useful and popular apps.
 Food Trainer
Junk food!J unk food! Junk food! We all know junk food is bad for our health, but we can't stop eating it. Now, good news!Food Trainer is created to help eat less junk food and lose weight. 
 1 Second Everyday
This isn't a new app, but it's good to use it at the start of the year. It's a way to record one second of video every day, building up your own movie of the year. You can share it if you want to. Pay a little and you can use it. 
 Love Literacy
More than 100, 000 young people use Love Literacy to read e-books. Now it has added 200 more free e-books, including Chinese Cinderella. Chinese Cinderella shows a girl's dream is to get a good education and live a life with a person who cares. To learn more, use the app right now. 
 Highbrow Dictionary
This app is fantastic for helping you add new words to your vocabulary like experience, competition and many more. It can help you learn more English words, so if you have problems learning new words, use it!And good news!It's free. 
19.  As Chinese, I'm sure you know something about Taichi. It's a kind of sport and one of the symbols of Chinese culture.
  Taichi is common in China. If you walk through a park, you might see people doing these slow and beautiful actions. They are doing Taichi, an ancient art called Wushu. Doing Taichi is good for our health. It can make us walk and move freely. During slow actions we can pay special attention to our hands and feet. We can control them better. Taichi also mixes slow actions and deep breaths perfectly. People will become healthier by practicing it.

  But Taichi is more than a kind of sport. It shows how we see the world as well. The world is full of yin and yang, such as dark and light, soft and hard, full and empty etc. Taichi sets up good relationships between yin and yang, while they aren't opposite. Just like the picture on the left, a white circle is in the black area and a black circle is in the white area. After a dark night, the sun will rise. Leaves fall in autumn but grow in spring. Everything keeps changing﹣that is how we should see the world. Yin and yang depend on each other and make differences to each other. That is why humans can get on well with nature and people can use softness to beat hardness. Taichi makes full of yin and yang.
  In China, Taichi has been practiced for about 600 years. At present, more people are encouraged to join in the Taichi and pass it on. Over 100 million people in more than 150 countries practice Taichi. It is getting more and more popular in the world.
20.(at a fast food restaurant)
A:Lily is going to the bank, so she may be a little late.
B:It doesn't matter. (1)      
(5 minutes later)
B:50 Yuan. I have paid by WeChat.
A:It is really convenient now. What can we do if we don't have mobile phones?I can't imagine that.
B:It is reported that we won't have to take a mobile phone with us in the future.
B:We will pay in an easy and quick way.
A;An easy and quick way?What is it?
B: (4)      
B: (5)      
A:Wow!That sounds unbelievable. I wonder how much science and technology will be able to change our life.
A. Just show our hands when paying.
B. Then let's order the dishes first.
C. Because there is a computer chip (芯片) in our hands.
D. How much did you pay for our dinner?
E. How shall we pay? 
21.As we all know, J       1st is Children's Day.
22.I'd love to go there with you, but I haven't finished our task y      .
23.The air pollution will be more serious u       each of us does something helpful to cut it down.
24.Only five minutes left,       (hurry)up!
25.People use too many plastic bags and throw them away, it is       (harm) to our environment.
government first without great hour no always see work if 

  In Mianning, Liangshan, the village doctor Ma Li is at the health center by herself. On the door is her phone number. She is(1)      on call as long as the villagers fall ill.
  When Ma Li arrived at the village for the (2)      time, she was completely shocked. As a doctor, she felt very sad to learn that women often died (3)       getting medical care in time when they gave birth to children. It was just because (4)      hospital was nearby. So she made a decision to help them.
  Many years has passed, Ma Li is still sticking to her work. Every day she gets up early and (5)       hard. She sees at least 10 patients, sometimes even 30 or 40. It may be many (6)      walk to a patient's home. It's dangerous to walk on those mountain roads. It is not easy for a woman. People often ask (7)       she is afraid. Ma Li says she is a daughter of the mountains, she has been used to life here. And she says the number of village doctors like her is about 1. 3 million in China.
  Since a targeted poverty relief project (精准扶贫)was introduced to the village, (8)       have made efforts to develop the village and the results are(9)      . There are lots of changes — a new health station is being built in the village, a bridge across the river is standing over the river ..
  As a daughter of the mountains, Ma Li is happy(10)       these changes, She will continue to be a village doctor in the mountains. She is a beautiful flower deeply gown in the mountains.
27.  Have you ever done something that looks really silly, but makes you or your friends really moved?Today's story is about that. It's a story of a famous saying about the swan feather (天鹅羽毛)in China.
  (1)       A Tang Dynasty officer in Yunnan wanted to show his respect (尊重)to the emperor. He
sent Mian Bogao to take some gifts to the emperor. (2)       It was a very valuable gift at that time.
  Mian took good care of the swan on his way to the palace. One day, he walked for a long time with the swan. (3)      But as soon as he set the swan free, the swan flew away, only leaving some feathers on the ground. Mian was very worried, but he didn't run away. (4)       He thought telling lies could lead to more trouble in the end. So he picked up a feather and kept going on his trip.
  When Mian met the emperor, he told him what happened and said, "This swan feather is light, but it carries my deep respect for you." The emperor was moved by Mian's honesty and sincerity (真诚). He wasn't angry with Mian. The saying shows that a good gift doesn't have to be expensive. (5)       They play an important role in our life.
A. He decided to tell the emperor the truth.
B. One of the gifts was a beautiful swan.
C. He wanted to make good friends with the emperor.
D. This saying comes from a historic book called Lu Shi.
E. Actually, honesty and sincerity are more valuable.
F. He wanted to let the swan drink some water by a lake. 
28.Connecting with Nature
  How do you feel when you bear birds singing freely in the trees?What's your feeling when you see butterflies dancing slowly and lightly in the wind?Whether you love researching the outdoors or watching far away, getting close to nature can take your mind off your worries and make you feel relaxed.
  What is nature?
  Nature means the world around us that is not man-made, including birds, mountains, trees, the sea and the stars. It's also a force that controls things like weather. We can find nature wherever we are and wherever we go﹣﹣beaches, gardens, parks, rivers, and even unexpected places like cracks (裂缝) in the stones.
  Why does nature make us feel good?
  Spending time in nature brings peace, joy and wonder to our lives. It takes us outdoors, gets us active and lets us care more about the environment. Even a little gift of nature can make us feel free and hopeful, such as breathing in fresh air, listening to the wind in the trees or standing at a mountain. Ralphie, who is 10, likes being close to nature on a bike with his family. He says, "It makes us feel happy and takes our mind off things because we have to pay attention. We are away from traffic and we hear more birdsong and see more wild animals. "
  How can we feel closer to nature?
  Feeling closer to nature is easy. We can build a connection with nature wherever we are using our senses. Try listening closely to birdsong, smelling flowers and feeling sand between our fingers. Paint a picture and take photos of the natural places that we like best. They may help us feel closer to the natural world. It's important to try and connect with nature, notice its beauty and how it makes us feel.

Connecting with Nature 
Introduction ★Take your(1)      off your worries
★Make you feel relaxed 
Definitions(定义) ★The world (2)      us that is not created by people
★A(3)      that controls things like weather 
(4)       ★Bring peace, joy and wonder to our lives
★Take us outdoors, get us active and let us(5)      more about the environment
★Feel free and hopeful when breathing in fresh air, (6)       to the wind in the trees or standing at a mountain 
Ways ★(7)      to get closer to nature
★Use our(8)       to build a connection
★Listen closely to birdsong, smell flowers and(9)       sand between our fingers
★Paint a picture and take photos of our(10)      natural places 
29.习主席时刻关心青少年的成长, 强调要培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人.为此, 学校开展了系列主题活动.请你根据下面的思维导图, 围绕"如何成为全面发展的中学生"这个话题, 结合实际, 以"To Be Good Students"为标题, 写一篇演讲稿参加演讲比赛.

要求:(1)语言表达准确, 语意连贯、通顺;
(2)文章应包括所给思维导图中所有提示内容, 可适当发挥;
(3)词数:80左右.文章开头、结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
Boys and girls,
  President Xi cares about teenagers. He says that teenagers are supposed to develop fully. Each of us wants to be such a good student. How can we make it? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Let's take action to be good students.
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