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1.There was once a young man who began to feel self﹣satisfied after making some small achievements.
  One day, the young man took a walk with a (1)       man from his town. The young man was bragging (吹嘘) about himself, (2)       the wise man didn't say a word. When they (3)       a mountain peak (山峰), the wise man asked, "Look down. What do you see?"
  "I see trees, farmland, houses and people as (4)       as ants working in the fields, " the young man said.
  "What do you feel?" the wise man asked.
  "Everything is below me. I feel I (5)       the world, " the young man answered.
  The wise man said(6)       . After a minute, he asked the young man to look (7)       . "What do you see this time?" the wise man asked.
  "I see birds(8)       high mountains, the white clouds above the mountains and the blue(9)       above the white clouds, " the young man answered.
  Then he asked about the wise man's(10)      .
  "I feel small and powerless, " the wise man answered. "A person who knows to look upward can(11)      understand his position. When a person knows the blue sky is always overhead, he won't be so(12)       as to believe he rules over the world or other people. "
  The young man felt foolish for his(13)       . From then on, (14)       he began to feel as if the world owed (亏欠) him something, he looked up at the sky and remembered(15)       small he really was. Try to look upward when you feel too good about yourself.
2.What does this code tell us?
  Beep!Beep!Barcode (条形码) technology makes it faster and easier to buy things in stores. You've probably seen the black﹣and﹣white zebra stripes (条纹) on product packaging. This year, this great invention is 50 years old!
  On a Sunday afternoon in 1971, IBM engineer George Laurer came up with a code that could be printed on food labels (商标). It became the basis for the Universal Product Code, which was used by many grocery companies starting in 1973, according to The New York Times. Before this, cashiers (收银员) had to ring up prices by hand.
  Time has proven it to be a great invention. Today, barcodes are scanned (扫描) over 6 billion times every day and used by 2 million companies worldwide, PR Newswire reported.
  What information does a barcode contain?Where the product comes from, where it has been, its price, expiration date (过期时间) …you name it. It can also help stores keep track of their products. For example, if there are 10 boxes of milk and a customer buys one, it will be recorded so that the store owner knows there are nine boxes left. In the 1980s, libraries started using barcodes to keep track of books in this way.
  "Its creation allowed the first digitization (数字化) in the control of the stock (库存), " José María Bonmatí from AECOC, a Spanish commercial association, told El Mundo.
  The next generation of barcodes, such as QR codes, can hold more information. "They can tell consumers if a product contains allergens (过敏原) or if it is organic (有机的). This provides consumers with a greater level of trust in the products they buy, " said GS 1, an organization that develops global barcode standards.
3.Learning from mischief
  Any parent can tell you that children have an ability to get into mischief (顽皮). But when they get into some supernatural (超自然的) trouble, they'll need help to get things back to normal. Author Hélène Schweiger tells a story of finding magic in her book The Magic Pond.
  The story begins with twins Danielka and Jirik, who sneak out (偷偷溜出) one night to look at the full moon. When they reach a pond, Jirik looks at the reflection of the moon on the water. All of a sudden, Jirik is turned into a frog!
  Unsure of how to fix this, the twins turn to their mother, but she's just as stumped (被难住的) as they are. Fortunately, an elf (精灵) is happy to help them, but they'll have to work together to succeed.
  The Magic Pond takes the reader on a mysterious journey. But even with the magical creatures (生物) that we meet throughout, it is the human family that carries the heart of the story. The twins argue and joke just like any pair of twins would. It's clear that Danielka and Jirik share a close bond.
  When it comes to imagination, the sky's the limit (没有限制) to what kids can believe. Danielka and Jirik accept the magic they see without any doubt. Openness to new ideas help Jirik change back to his human form.
Hélène Schweiger reminds us that for all the trouble that children can get into, it's a part of their development as they learn to understand the world around them. Childhood mischief is a necessary part of their childlike wonder, and in the end, their curiosity is a valuable part of what makes children's imaginations so powerful.
4.  I started to learn Latin dance three months ago at my school's dance club. I just wanted to exercise, but the activity gradually became one of my hobbies.
  When I was asked if I would like to compete with dancers from other local schools at the upcoming Orange Blossom Ball, I refused at first. But then a second thought hit me. I would not dance to compete, but to experience what it felt like to dance with people watching me. I also thought it would encourage me to practice more.
  The competition began on a sunny Saturday morning. After watching several rounds, I finally understood the rules of the game. Since there were many groups of dancers in the competition, the judge chose groups to dance. The best would go on to the next round.
  When the cha﹣cha was called, we got on the floor with the other couples and got into position. However, when the music started I was freaked out (惊吓的) for a second, because it was actually not cha﹣cha music, but rumba music.
  I was hesitant about starting and had to wait for my partner to prompt me. He also whispered to help me count the steps. I slowly calmed down and focused on dancing. As I began to focus on dance gestures like the walk, the spin (旋转) and the turn, my brain cleared and I forgot about everything else. Thanks to my partner, we finished the dance smoothly. We came in fourth in the competition.
5.  There is no doubt that e﹣sports is on the rise. Just like soccer, basketball and baseball, e﹣sports has become very popular around the world.
  E﹣sports is short for electronic sports. But it is more than just children playing games in their bedrooms. In e﹣sports, teams of gamers play video games in front of big audiences and compete for millions of dollars in prizes.
  According to the BBC, the total amount of prize money offered by e﹣sports competitions reached 0. 65 billion yuan in 2016. These competitions were watched by about 320 million people and are predicted (预计) to almost double their audience to nearly 600 million by 2020.
  China listed e﹣sports as an officially recognized sport in 2003. And in 2016, the country even made it a new major (专业) for vocational (职业的) schools. This means that students may choose to study e﹣sports after they graduate from high school.
  Big companies and traditional sports clubs have created their own e﹣sports teams. Famous soccer clubs like Paris Saint﹣Germain and Manchester City have hired (雇佣) professional e﹣sports gamers.
  Getting paid to play computer games might sound like a dream come true. But don't be fooled. Only top players can make a living from e﹣sports. And they have to put in a lot of hard work and training. According to the BBC, some players might train for up to 14 hours a day. This training is necessary in order to increase their "actions per minute", or APM. A higher APM gives players an advantage.
6.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文, 使短文通顺, 有一项为多余项.
  Are you angry when others smoke in a restaurant or shopping mall? (1)       People can't smoke in public indoor places in China now.
  (2)       In the UK, about 86 percent of smokers will die of lung cancer. Smokers are more likely to get heart disease. Besides, if you smoke a lot, your teeth and fingers may turn an ugly yellow.
  Smoking is also harmful to non﹣smokers because they can get sick from breathing in secondhand smoke. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, secondhand smoke causes about 600, 000 deaths every year. (3)       So it is very important to stop smoking.
  (4)       In Thailand, scary signs are printed on cigarette packs, such as pictures of black lungs or a smoking skull (骷髅). In the US, when people want to smoke, they can call a special phone number. (5)      People might change their minds about smoking when they hear this.

A. Smoking is a bad habit.
B. .Smoking is allowed in some countries.
C. You don't have to worry about it anymore.
D. Every year, 2 million people die because of smoking.
E. They hear a bad cough from the other end of the line.
F. Different countries have different ways of helping people to stop smoking.
7.阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式或根据首字母补全单词.
  In ancient times, a duke (公爵) enjoyed hunting. But he was bad at archery (箭术). He wanted to find a good t(1)       to help him practice.
  One day, he was hunting in a forest where he came across many trees. Archery targets(目标, 箭靶) were painted on the trees. In the middle of each target, there was an arrow.
  The duke was very (2)h       , thinking he might be able to find a skilled archer nearby. "Who is this wonderful archer?" the duke cried. "I must (3)       no effort to find him!"
  After walking through the forest for hours, he came across a small boy (4)c        a bow(弓) and arrow(箭). He asked the boy whether it was he who shot the arrows he saw earlier. The boy was quite timid (胆小的) and insisted that he hadn't shot the arrows.
  But the duke asked him again and again. Finally, the boy admitted (承认) that he was indeed the one who (5)       the arrows into the centers of all the targets.
  "You didn't just walk up to the targets and stab (戳) the arrows into the middle, did you?" the duke asked worriedly.
  "No my lord, I shot them from 50 meters away, I promise, " the boy answered with c(6)      .
  "That is truly (7)a       , " the duke said. "I want you to work for me from now on. I want you to be my archery teacher. "
  The boy was very happy and (8)t        the duke repeatedly.
  "But I must ask one (9)f        in return, " the duke continued. "You must tell me how you came to be such an outstanding archer. "
  "Well, " said the boy, "I've been doing this (10)       I was very small. First, I shoot an arrow at a tree. Then, I paint the target around it. "
He should       the       of the       .
9.这对双胞胎兄弟在外貌上很像, 但性格不像.
The twin brothers        in       , but different in       .
Lu Yu, who was        the "saint of tea", described how tea        in his work Chajing.
Xu Yuanchong is a        scholar. He        Chinese       English.
Yu Gong kept moving the mountain       .
13.假如你是李华, 将参加暑期国际夏令营读书分享会, 现在请你撰写一份演讲稿.
a. 介绍一本你喜欢的中国或外国名著, 包括作者、故事情节等;
b. 阐述你喜欢它的原因;
c. 号召大家多读书, 读好书.
(2)可适当增加细节, 使得行文连贯.
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