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1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?
  • A. piece
  • B. believe
  • C. achieve
  • D. society
2.The man hit his hands against his leg several times until he felt ____ sharp pain.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
3.When reading a book, you can picture something ____ your mind.
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. at
  • D. to
4.Nobody knows if there is any ____ in Tom's adventure story.
  • A. lie
  • B. people
  • C. problem
  • D. truth
5.The government has solved one problem after ____ during the battle against the coronavirus.
  • A. other
  • B. the other
  • C. another
  • D. others
6.The public are unaware of the ____ effect of the bushfires in Australia.
  • A. importantly
  • B. likely
  • C. securely
  • D. possibly
7.On September 8, Thailand's _______ monkey celebrated her 55th birthday at Khao Kheow Open Zoo.
  • A. old
  • B. older
  • C. oldest
  • D. the oldest
8.The sadness over her father's death made it difficult for her _______ schoolwork.
  • A. finish
  • B. to finish
  • C. finishing
  • D. to finishing
9.Without exception _______ should wear a mask when taking the subway
  • A. somebody
  • B. anybody
  • C. everybody
  • D. nobody
10.Some rules have been introduced to keep us safe from COVID-19, _____ we should obey then.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. but
  • D. for
11.A lot of online resources ____ be used either by teachers at school or parents at home.
  • A. can
  • B. should
  • C. need
  • D. must
12.Many students admitted _____ games once in a while when they took online courses.
  • A. play
  • B. played
  • C. playing
  • D. to play
13.My plump cousin ____ a lot of weight since he went on a diet last year.
  • A. lost
  • B. has lost
  • C. was losing
  • D. had lost
14.The idea of working from home gets familiar ________ us because of the lockdown (封锁).
  • A. to
  • B. for
  • C. against
  • D. with
15.A high-tech ship ____ after the Mayflower that set sail from Plymouth in 1620.
  • A. names
  • B. named
  • C. be named
  • D. was named
16._____ lucky you are to live in a family full of love and care!
  • A. What
  • B. How
  • C. What a
  • D. How a
17.I choose to believe the story, _____ there is a lot of debate over whether there actually was a Trojan War.
  • A. until
  • B. unless
  • C. because
  • D. although
18.Legend has it that the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he ______ water over an open fire.
  • A. boils
  • B. is boiling
  • C. was boiling
  • D. had boiled
19.—Simon, you said you had bought a dozen oranges?
  • A. A greed.
  • B. Forget it.
  • C. I really did.
  • D. Are you kidding me?
—That would be great.
  • A. Would you like me to show you around?
  • B. Could you help me with my luggage?
  • C. Would you like to cook food at home or eat out?
  • D. How can you speak English so well?
A . record B . wild C . damaged D. escape E. safety 

  Search and rescue operations are underway in the US to help people affected by dozens of huge wildfires. Large areas in California, Oregon and Washington — three states on the west coast of the country-have been badly (1)      . Thousands of homes have been destroyed and more than 100,000 people have had to leave their homes for (2)      . Around 35 people have died and many more are injured.
  The first blazes started in August. It is common for fires to happen in (3)      and rural areas at this time of year in the US. It is known as "fire season" and happens between June and September. However, this year's wildfires are some of the worst on (4)      . Three of the blazes in California are now among the biggest in the state's history. Once they started, strong winds caused the flames to spread quickly.
A. including B. fuel C. create D. reach E. accidentally 

  There are several causes for the fires. Some were started (1)       by people, and others were caused by lightning strikes or electrical equipment. Yet experts say the fires are particularly bad this year because of climate change. Climate change is the long-term changes in world weather patterns, (2)       rising temperatures. In recent years, California has experienced a drought (a long period of time without rain) and very hot temperatures. This month, heatwave in California saw temperatures (3)       49℃ in Los Angeles county. This hot, dry weather creates ideal conditions for wildfires to spread. Another cause is the lack of forest management. This involves burning dead trees in a controlled way so that when a fire does start, there is less (4)      for it to burn, and it can be more easily controlled.
23.Few young people are interested in traditional       . (skill)
24.China is the       nation to bring samples back from the moon. (three)
25.The        government is faced with a sharp increase in Covid-19 patients. (Britain)
26.To avoid being embarrassed, it's better to turn down his        with a good excuse. (invite)
27.New research suggests there could be        things in the clouds above Venus (金星). (live)
28.Good teachers are those who help students think       . (independent)
29.Holding his        for about three minutes, Jerald swam down to a depth of 112 metres. (breathe)
30.We should get rid of any        lifestyle and live a happy life. (healthy)
31.Martin had to take a long bus ride to and from school. (改为一般疑问句)
       Martin      to take a long bus ride to and from school?
32.To save water frogs, scientists are working on a project. (对划线部分提问)
      scientists working on a project?
33." How can I improve my memory, Miss White?"said Jack. (改为间接引语)
Jack asked Miss White how        improve his memory.
34.Many countries sent medical teams to Beirut after the disaster. (改为被动语态)
After the disaster medical teams       to Beirut by many countries.
35.Stand on the top of the hill, and you will have a bird' s eye view of the whole city. (保持句意基本不变)
      stand on the top of the hill, you will have a bird′s eye view of the whole city.
36.The evil criminal will spend the rest of his life behind bars. (保持句意基本不变)
The evil criminal will spend the rest of his life       .
37.to save, has tried, the doctor, the boy's life, everything possible (.)(连词成句)

The only thing better than reading a good book is reading it with others. In a book club, a group of people choose a book that everyone will read individually and then discuss together. There are no rules to starting a book club, and the plan might well change, depending on the groups. It's good to think ahead about how you'd like the book club to run.
Think of 8 to 12 others (people around your age) who you'd like to be part of your book club. Perhaps encourage your friends to invite people whom they know well but you haven't met. A book club can help you make friends. Having a topic can make the club feel more focused.
Finally make sure you read the book before the meeting, and come prepared with questions to ask and things to talk about. Want to dive into stories with friends and share your thoughts?
●(1)_______ A schedule is a good way to make sure everyone gets a chance to choose the book. Alternatively, you could provide a selection of books and ask everyone to vote for what they want to read next.
● What do we talk about? Some questions are especially good for sparking discussion about a book. Try these:if you could give the book a different ending, what would it be?What do you think the main character looked like? What do will happen next?
● Where do we meet now?
To help ensure social distancing, it's best to meet up online. With an adult's help, you can set up a video call between book club members. You can then take part from your cosy reading comer and enjoy yourself. 
Get advice by visiting clubs-kids. shcolastic.co.uk. Try contacting your favourite author on social media to see if they will answer your group′s questions about a book. The Week Junior's Book Chub has tips on what you could read. 
39.  The National Gallery in London has introduced an "art route" that people must follow round the gallery. Are set routes actually a better way to enjoy museums and galleries? Or should people be (1)       to view exhibitions in any order they choose?What do you think — are set routes better?
Yes — people will get more from their visit
  Experts spend years learning about the items in their museums and galleries. They know the best order in which people should see the exhibits, so that visitors can enjoy and learn about them. (2)      , if there was an exhibition of a painter, the works could be arranged to show visitors how their style developed through their career. If a person is on an art route, they won′t (3)      any important pictures, and will be guaranteed to see everything. The experience will be enjoyable for the visitor, and they will have their own space in which to appreciate great works.
No — freedom is part of the fun
  Most exhibitions are already (4)      in some kind of order. However, not everyone wants to look at the same things in the same way. Some visitors just want to enjoy a few pieces and then leave. Besides, if everyone follows the same route, some people might take a long time looking at one object and (5)       everyone down. Equally, if a visitor wants to study something for more time, they may feel pressured by people behind them. One of the great joys of exhibitions is (6)       noticing something. When a visitor is drawn to an object, it can feel special and they can learn about it by themselves. If everyone is following the same route, this is less likely to happen, so the experience will not be as much fun.
40.  In modern-day society having a smartphone is considered normal, even essential. Most teens can't imagine living without a mobile, yet I still don't own one. Why?Because my mother does not consider it (1)n      . This may seem unreasonable to many, but sometimes I agree with her. Of course, I experience the downside often enough. I feel a bit left out, when everybody in class talks about a post they saw the other day. Very often I feel embarrassed when I must (2)e      why I can't be part of online groups.
  During lessons our teachers like working with mobile phones. I do have a little Nokia phone though, and I phone my father who works (3)a      nearly every day. I've grown up without constantly messaging someone or posting something and sometimes even going weeks without a mobile!I do feel angry that people are always telling me they have (4)p       on me because I don't own one.
  Being an outsider in this world of technology, I sometimes feel I'm the only one that notices the (5)c       in people when they get a smartphone. I've been to many birthday parties where everyone spends more time on their phone than talking to one another and I've seen my friends completely stuck in their online world. It makes me sad that so many people lose themselves in a world that doesn't (6)e       and ignore the people around them.
  I enjoy the freedom I get from not being available all day long and I feel able to spend most of my free reading or doing (7)s      interesting. Maybe one day I will get a smartphone, but I am not going to be unhappy because I don't own one. So trust me, when people say that it's better to have a smartphone, they' re wrong!
41.Dear Mr Henshaw,
  I finished Beggar Bears in two nights. It is a really good book. At first, I was surprised because it wasn't funny like your other books, but then I got to thinking (you said readers should think) and decided a book doesn't have to be funny to be good, although it often helps. This book did not need to be funny.
  In the first Chapter I thought it was going to be funny. I guess I expected it because of your other books and the mother bear was teaching her cubs to beg from tourists in Yellowstone Park. Then when the mother died because a stupid tourist fed her a cupcake in a plastic bag and she ate the bag, too, I knew this was going to be a sad book. Winter was coming on, tourists were leaving the park and the little bears didn't know how to look for food for themselves. When they hibernated (冬眠) and then woke up in the middle of winter because they had eaten all the wrong things and hadn't stored up enough fat, I almost cried. I sure was relieved when the nice ranger (护林员) and his boy found the young bears and fed them and the next summer taught them to hunt for the right things to eat.
  I wonder what happens to the fathers of bears. Do they just go away?
  Sometimes I lie awake listening to the gas station"pingping", and I am upset because I am afraid something might happen to Mom. She is so little compared to most moms, and she works so hard. I don't think Dad is much interested in me. He didn't phone when he said he would.
  I hope that ____________.
Leigh Botts
42.Write an email of at least 60 words according to the situation given. (根据所给情境, 写一封不少于60个词的电子邮件, 标点符号不占格)
You are planning a reading club on line, so you decide to invite a friend of yours to join you by email.
(你正在筹备一个在线阅读社团, 你决定通过电子邮件邀请一个朋友加入.)
In your email, you need to…
introduce your plan of the reading club.
talk about what kind of books you are going to read.
give the reason(s)why you want to run the club.
(注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分.)
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