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1.By____ way, I think we're in with ________ chance of beating Class Two.
  • A. a;the
  • B. the;the
  • C. a;a
  • D. the;a
2.Daming wasn't chosen for our team last time. That was a bad ________. We can't play well without him.
  • A. decision
  • B. review
  • C. subject
  • D. standard
3.The dustbin (垃圾箱) in our classroom is ________. Let's empty it together!
  • A. fair
  • B. full
  • C. wise
  • D. magical
4.In the past, people ________ got information from paper books.
  • A. properly
  • B. probably
  • C. recently
  • D. mainly
5.Before using the new machine, you should ________ the instructions.
  • A. look up
  • B. look through
  • C. look after
  • D. look for
6.We cannot change iron (铁) ________ gold.
  • A. off
  • B. away
  • C. into
  • D. to
7.Waving her 5-year-old daughter goodbye, Wang Yaping, together with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu, ________ into space aboard (搭乘) the Shenzhou XIII on October 16th, 2021.
  • A. goes
  • B. go
  • C. went
  • D. has gone
8.Ms Liu always encourages me ________ Original English Novels.
  • A. read
  • B. to read
  • C. reading
  • D. reads
9.I bought a book for ________ friend. I hope she likes reading ________.
  • A. my;this
  • B. mine;that
  • C. mine;one
  • D. my;it
10.You ________ ride an electric bike without wearing a helmet (头盔) in Tianjin.
  • A. can
  • B. needn't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. may
11. ________ I don't often make dinner, I can cook well.
  • A. Since
  • B. Although
  • C. Until
  • D. So
12.We can ________ our rubbish into plastic, glass, paper and rubber.
  • A. decide
  • B. dig
  • C. divide
  • D. discuss
13.The XXIV Olympic Winter Games ________ in Beijing in 2022, so we can also call it Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
  • A. will hold
  • B. will be held
  • C. is held
  • D. was held
14.—Please tell me ________.
—At twenty to ten in the morning.
  • A. where you do eye exercises
  • B. where do you do eye exercises
  • C. what time you do eye exercises
  • D. what time do you do eye exercises
15.—We have finished reading the new words of Module 10, Ms Wang.
— ________ Let's read Module 11.
  • A. Nice work!
  • B. No way!
  • C. You bet!
  • D. Promise!
16.  Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered (坏脾气的) and never gave way to (1)      .
  One day the father decided to invite some friends for dinner in his house. He told his son to buy some (2)       in the town. When the son got what his father wanted, he turned (3)       and walked towards the town gate. Just then a man was coming from the (4)      . The gate wasn't (5)       enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But (6)       of them would give way to the other. They (7)       straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. The father was worried. "What shall I do? My son hasn't (8)       yet. I can't wait any longer." He wanted to know what was the matter with his son. So he left his friends at home, and he himself went to the town to (9)       his son.
  "You may first take the meat home for my friends. Let me stand here against him (10)      ." he said to his son when he knew what had happened.
17.  My grandmother is very good at sewing (缝纫). She has a 50-year-old sewing machine that is still working well in her house. She uses it to sew many different things. She sewed the colourful blanket (毯子) that I use every night.
  Every weekend, when I go to visit my grandma, I sit on a chair watching her sew. One day, I asked, "Grandma, can I have a try?" "Grandma was a little surprised at first, but she was happy to let me try. She got two small pieces of cloth and showed me how to sew them together. Then she got two small pieces of cloth and asked me to sew them together. I worked on the foot pedal (脚踏板) with my little feet, but it didn't move. Grandma gave me a hand and the sewing machine started working. I was a little slow, but Grandma said I did quite well and I just needed to keep going.
  Now I learn to sew whenever I come to visit Grandma. I even dream of becoming a fashion designer one day.
18.The Maine School Library
Reading for the Future

Opening Hours:
Monday 09:00﹣17:00
Thursday 09:00﹣17:00
Tuesday 09:00﹣17:00
Friday 08:00﹣15:00
Wednesday 09:00﹣20:00
Saturday 09:00﹣1 2:00
Sunday Closed  

Library Rules:
★All students must have a library card.
★Computers are for schoolwork only.
★No food or soft drinks in the library. Students can only bring their own water bottles.
★No running or shouting in the library.
★Mobile phones must be off once you walk into the library.
★No textbooks can be brought into the library.
★Students can borrow three books at a time.
★Students must return the books on time. Late returns will result in a fine, 2 dollars a day for each book.
★The library has after-hours return service. Please leave the books in the blue box at the back of the library.
★The books with"Rend Here" labels cannot be borrowed. They can be read only in the library. 
19.  Animal and insect (昆虫) bites are often only a trouble thing, but sometimes they can be dangerous. Stay safe by knowing the measures you should take and what to do in an emergency (紧急情况) .
  Insect bites are the most common by far. Some of these can cause unpleasant reactions (反应) .
  ◆Seek medical attention if an insect bite causes bad reactions.
  ◆Sometimes a bite becomes infected with bacteria (细菌), causing spreading redness of the skin and fever which requires treatment.
  ◆Sometimes an insect bite (especially bee) can cause a serious allergic (过敏的) reaction. The reaction needs urgent medical attention, so call the emergency services.
  Many insects pass diseases. In many countries, for example, mosquitoes (蚊子) carry malaria (疟疾) or yellow fever. Protective clothing and mosquito netting are necessary in many parts of the world and are very important in those countries where malaria is common.
  ◆Always cheek the risks for the place you will visit before you go — ask your doctor or travel agent, or check out the web.
  ◆If there is malaria in the country you are visiting, take some medicine as advised (the drugs used from area to area depending on conditions). You will need to start it some weeks before you travel.
  ◆Keep your legs covered after sunset.
  ◆Use a mosquito net at night.
20.根据对话内容, 从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整.(选项中有两项是多余的)
A. What will you sell?
B. I was doing my homework.
C. I was collecting my old books and toys.
D. Where will you sell them?
E. Then what will you do with the money?
F. It's always great to help others.
G. I will give the money to the children who live in the mountains. 

(Student A and student B meet at the school gate after school. )
A: Hi! Liangliang. I called you at 9 o'clock last night, but you didn't pick up. What were you doing?
B: (1)      
A: Why?
B: For our school sale next week.
A: Oh, I almost forgot about it. I've also got something to sell.
B: (2)      
A: Well, I will sell some school things that I no longer use.
B: (3)      
A: I'm not sure. Maybe I will buy a schoolbag. What's your plan?
B: (4)       They really need help.
A: That's a good idea! I will do it, too. (5)      
B: Yes. I hope we can help more people.
Why don't you        the name of the winner?
CPC       the Communist Party of China.
23.此刻, 我正遭受背疼的折磨.
I'm       a bad back now.
24.在那个年代, 书籍是靠手工制作的.
In those days, books were produced      .
25.据托尼说, 目前他们相处的非常好.
      Tony, they are getting on very well at the moment.
26.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容完成句子.
  Every year on April 22nd, people celebrate Earth Day all over the world. It is a time to work towards keeping our earth clean. People plan projects to clean up the land, air and water. .
  U. S. Senator Nelson first thought of the idea for Earth Day in 1962 when he saw polluted rivers and cities covered with smoke. Senator Nelson needed to get support from Americans to clean up the earth. Finally, on April 22nd, 1970, more than 20 million Americans celebrated the first Earth Day!Now many countries around the world celebrate it, and so can you.
  How can you celebrate Earth Day? Here are a few ideas:
  Join a clean — up project — Clean up your street or a favourite beach.
  Save energy — Turn off the lights when you leave a room, and use public transportation.
  Use less water.
  Reduce, reuse and recycle — practice the three Rs:First, reduce how much you use. Then reuse or recycle what you can.
  You can make a difference on Earth Day and every day!
27.根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 使短文意思完整.每空限填一词.
  Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in his life, he might write them in his (1)d      . Now a teenager with the same problems might get on the Internet and write them in his blog. In many ways, a diary and a blog are almost the same. So, what makes a blog different from a diary?
  The biggest (2)d       is that a blog is much more public than a diary. Usually, a teenager likes hiding his diary book and treats it as one full of secrets. Both diaries and blogs tell what (3)h      to the writer that day.
  A blog has both good and bad points. The biggest problem is that anyone can (4)r      what you write in your blog. If you are not (5)s      with a friend during school and write something bad about him in your diary, he will never know it. However, (6)i       you do this on the Internet, that friend may read your blog and get angry. So we have to be (7)c      of what we write.
  A blog has good points, of course. People choose to write in blogs, and they know that their friends will read what they write. If you feel sad one day and write in your diary, (8)n      will know about it. If you write the same words in your blog, your friends may quickly write back to comfort you or (9)o       their help. Blogs help people stay in close contact (联系) and let them know what their friends are doing. Though (10)i      a good way to write blogs about everyday life, I still prefer my old diary.
28.假如你即将在学校英语兴趣小组的活动中发言, 主题是"我心目中的英雄". 请你根据以下提示, 写一篇英语发言稿.
1. 袁隆平1930年出生在北京;
2. 20岁时, 他在西南农学院学习, 三年后成为一名教师;
3. 1964年, 他开始研究杂交水稻;
4. 他一生中大部分时间都在田地里工作, 就是想让人们吃上更多的米饭, 不再饿肚子;
5. 他是一名英雄, 因为……
1. 要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
2. 词数:80~100 个, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
3. 书写工整占1分.
参考词汇: 西南农学院Southwest Agricultural College 杂交水稻hybrid rice 研究research
My hero
  It's my honor to speak here, and I'm very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I'd like to talk about something about my hero — Yuan Longping. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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