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1.  John was a manager in a factory. He enjoyed running for exercise around the park when he was free. One Sunday afternoon , after running as usual, John (1)       to go home and have a rest Just then, he noticed an old woman standing by the road (2)      old woman looked around worriedly. John went over and asked what (3)       for her. After a short talk , John came to know that she forgot her way home and got lost. Besides, she was very tired and hungry. John called the old woman's son and then took her to the (4)      restaurant.
  In the restaurant, John ordered food and drink for the old woman (5)      . While eating, sometimes she carelessly sprinkled (撒) food and drink on the table and on her coat. Other customers felt disgusted (厌恶的) at this sight. (6)      John didn't care about this. He stood up and cleaned the table from time to time (7)      silence.
  It took the old woman some time (8)      eating. After that, John paid the bill and they were ready to leave when the old woman's son arrived. He held John's hands and said, "Thanks to your help, my mother (9)      well!" "You're welcome. She makes me remember my mom who died years ago. I did what a son should do," said John. All the (10)      around showed respect (尊敬) to John. They were touched by his kindness.
2.  When the Spring Festival falls, red flowers bloom (盛开) on the windows of my home. Of course, these are not (1)       flowers. But in the cold of (2)      , these wonderful flowers bring warmth to us. They are made of paper by my (3)      , who is now aged 70. With, a few cuts, she (4)       a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art.
  When my grandma was young, she was considered clumsy (笨拙的) in the (5)      . But on a cold winter night, she saw some beautiful red paper (6)       on her new neighbor's windows. She was so interested in it and decided to (7)       from her neighbor. Tons of paper was wasted, and her fingers were cut many times. But she (8)       practicing. It took 10 years (9)      my grandma could make paper art skillfully (娴熟地). The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world. Now, everyone in the village (10)       her.
  My grandma's story has shown me what it takes to realize one's dream.
3.  Today, it is very difficult for young graduates (毕业生) to get satisfying jobs. It's said that there are thousands of different kinds of job in the world. Choosing the right one itself is not easy.
  "Finding a job" is not the same as "choosing a job". Many a young people end up in a job even though they are not suitable for it. Sometimes "chance" may play a more important part than"decision"
  Here are a few steps to help you think about Jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university.
  First, it is important to realize what kind of person you are , which special qualities (特点) make you outstanding among people and what you are interested in. There is a difference between an interest and skill. If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse , that is a skill.
  Then ask yourself a question, "In the following three areas skills with people , kills with information and skills with things, which are your best skills?"
  After examining your skills, the next step is to research. To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers for information. Ask your friends what they think of the work they do. Finally , trust your own ideas and your own thinking!It is your own life , just find the job you really enjoy doing.
4.  There are many different kinds of festivals around the world and they also have different traditions. If you want to visit other countries, it's important too know about their festivals
  ◆Ireland is an island country. It's in the west of Europe. There are wide green fields. Saint Patrick's Day is on March 17. R's an important holiday in Ireland This holiday is to remember Saint Patrick. He did good things for the people of Ireland. During the holiday.
  There are parades (游行) and lots of green. You can see people in green clothes, and even see green buildings.
  ◆In Iran, Red Wednesday is a fire jumping festival. It is on the eve of the last Wednesday of a year. People jump over the fire. They hope that it will lake all the bad things away:
  ◆When winter comes, it's party time in Queber City , Canada, The Quebec Winter Carnival is all about outdoor fun. I starts from, the first Sunday in February and lasts for 10 days. One of the most popular events is the dog sled (雪橇)race. It has more than 30 teams and the race goes on for 6 kilometers. You can see joy and happiness on every face.
  ◆Tunisia (威尼斯)is a very important county in North Africa Every year on the last Sunday in December. , the Desert Festival is held in Tunisia. As"ships of the desert", camels have the leading role in the festival. There are camel racing and camel wrestling (摔跤).
5.  An elephant and a monkey were arguing. "Look, how big and strong I am!" The elephant said.
  The monkey disagreed, "Look , how fast I can run and climb! Can you?" At last they asked a wise tiger, "Which is better?To be strong or to be quick?" The tiger said, "Go across the river and pick the fruit on that tree for me , then I can tell."
  So they went to the river, but the water ran fast and the monkey was afraid.
  "Get on my back," said the elephant proudly , "I shall carry you".
  Soon they crossed the river. There stood the tree. But the fruit was too high for the elephant to reach.
  He also tried to pull the tree down, but failed.
  "Don't worry ," The monkey climbed quickly up the tree, and picked the fruit. "
  Then they returned and gave the tiger the fruit. Which is better — to be strong or to be quick?
  The tiger smiled, "Neither of you could get the fruit alone. It took both the elephant's strength and the monkey's quickness to get it."
6.  Camping is one of the most popular forms of outdoor activities. Now ma people are under much pressure (压力) and like going outdoors to relax. Other activities , like hunting and fishing, are often connected with camping trips.
  It's also a good idea to spend time camping with your family during a holiday. That will help you make some of the best memories with the family. Here are some things you have to consider while planning your camping trip.
  The first thing that you need to think about is deciding on the camping destination. For most people who like camping, the best place to choose is the spot that they haven't visited before. As soon as you get to your destination there will be a lot you have to do, such as putting up your tent.
  Of course , food should be considered, too. You'd better carry some convenient (方便的) food like biscuits, nuts and chocolate.
  When all the things are done, fun activities should be planned. I's a good chance for you to spend time with your family. Lots of open space is perfect when you want to do something as simple as letting your kids ride their bicycles. If your kids are old enough, activities like fishing and horse﹣riding are also good to choose.
  There are a few ideas about having fun camping. Once you get ready for it, you don't need to worry about anything. Go ahead and be a happy camper.
She       one of the most excellent students.
We should be willing to help the people who are       .
9.无论做什么, 她都不放弃.
Whatever she does, she       .
10.过马路时, 请不要使用手机.
Don't use your cell phone when you       .
We        our country.
12.短文填空, 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空. 使短文完整正确.(每个单词限用次.每空只填一个单词)
Think, America, make, child, surprise, draw, actual, them, clothes, understand 

  Albert was an (1)       primary school student. One day before the Thanksgiving Day, a newspaper office in Chicago invited his school's teacher to write articles about (2)      .
  From poor families. The newspaper office hoped to know through (3)      what the children from poor families would like to thank for. So his teacher asked all the students to draw the things that they would like to thank for.
  After arranging the work , the teacher (4)      in her heart that maybe her students would draw turkeys , ice cream or something similar as (5)      families were quite poor.
  However , when the teacher saw the picture of Albert, she was quite (6)      because there was a very beautiful hand on the paper. "Can you tell me whose hand is this , my dear?" asked the teacher. "This is your hand, my dear teacher." answered Albert. The teacher talked a lot with Albert and then (7)      why the little boy wanted to thank for her hand. So why was the thing he hoped to thank for a hand? (8)      Albert had a very poor family, and his parents paid little attention to him as they were busy (9)      money to support the family. So Albert always wore dirty (10)      . But the teacher always took little Albert's hand and sent him home after school every day. Therefore, the warm hand of his teacher was very important to him. So Albert drew the hand to thank his teacher.
13.  Protecting the Earth is like protecting our eyes. People's attention to re-cycling is interesting. From re-cycling plastic bags to using environment friendly products, there are many developments to be seen in almost every corner of the world.
  Sweden is a worldwide leader in recycling. They open the world's first mall for repaired and recycled goods. It's called ReTuna , a two-story building in Eskilstuna , Sweden, about 70 miles west of Stockholm. The clever thing about this mall is its position. It's right next to the city's recycling center. So a stream of cars is already coming to drop off unwanted household things. This produces a supply of things for the shops. There are 14 special shops. When goods arrive , a team sorts everything into categories (类别). The mall only sells goods that are recycled or"upcycled", meaning unwanted things broken down and rein-vented as something new. By doing so , 50 new jobs were created in repair and retail (零售).
  "You can come and just do sustainable shopping and Sweden loves it. And the world loves it." said Anna Bergstrom, the manager of the ReTuna Mall. "I think it's fun to find something that people have used, and that we can use further," said CatoLimas , a ReTuna customer (顾客). "If you look at the things they' re selling here, they're almost new. So actually , why do you need to buy new things?"
  These unwanted things found new homes. In 2018, the mall sold second hand goods worth $ 1. 3 million.
14.A: Hi, Tom. Are you free this Saturday?
B: (1)       What are you going to do, Lin Tao?
A: I'm going to watch a traditional art show. (2)      
B:Wow, you are so great!What are they about?
A: (3)       They stand for happiness and good luck in China.
B: It's fantastic! Where do you learn paper-cutting?
A: In our school art club
B: Well. I am also interested in Chinese culture and I want to learn it. (4)      
A: Of course. So would you like to watch the show with me?
B: Yes. Id love to and I can't wait. (5)      
A: Let's meet at the school gate at 9:00 in the morning
B :OK. See you then.
A: See you.
A. When and where shall we meet?
B. Yes. nothing much.
C. What club shall I join?
D. Can I join your club?
E. They are about flowers, birds and fishes.
F. My grandmother taught me.
G. Some of my paper-cutting works will be shown there.
15.A: Hello, Jack! The Dragon Boat Festival coming. Would you like to come to my home for lunch on that day?
B: Sure, (1)      . It's so nice of you.
A: Do you know about the festival?
B: Sorry, (2)      . I find many people making rice dumplings these days.
A: Yeah, we call rice dumplings zongzi.
B: (3)       ?
A: No, I can't, but my grandma can make delicious zongzi.
B: (4)       ?
A: It's celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
B: (5)       ?
A: We usually watch dragon boat races, eat zongzi and have a big lunch with family members.
B: Sounds interesting. I can't wait!
16.你喜欢阅读吗? 阅读能使人明智, 使人充实. 请你以"Reading Is Very Important"为题, 写一篇有关阅读的短文.
1. 阅读的益处;
2. 你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍、阅读的时间、地点、购书方式等);
3. 你的阅读体会;
4. 你的阅读计划;
5. 号召大家多阅读.
Reading Is Very Important
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