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1.  When I was a teenager, I did (1)       six-week summer learning program at a college. It helped kids get a taste of (2)      . We had classes in the mornings and the evenings were filled (3)      fun activities. We did have a break in the afternoons, however. One afternoon, my friend Claude and I (4)       an old basketball. We went to an outdoor basketball court (球场) for a game of one-on-one.
  At that time, Claude was (5)      than me. He was also better at basketball. I fell behind quickly. I was so determined (坚定的) that I worked hard to shoot but missed it!The ball bounced off the rim (从篮筐弹回) and I jumped up (6)       it. Just as I was about to catch it, I saw an elbow (肘) above my face.
  As Claude grabbed (抓起) the ball, his elbow came down hard, right into (7)       eye. I saw stars everywhere. The pain was terrible. Claude kept saying "sorry" over and over again, (8)      I laughed through the pain.
  I spent the next few days walking around with a black eye, but it (9)       worth it. In our life, we all get an elbow to the eye sometimes. Our plans fail, Things work against us. Our ups become downs. When this happens, it's best to face it with laughter and forgiveness (原谅). In this way, our pain can (10)      into joy and we can learn and grow.
2.  A student stuck a note on his classmate's back while they were at break one day. The note said "I'm Stupid". He (1)      the rest of his classmates not to tell the boy. The other students started laughing at the boy, but wouldn't say (2)      .
  Soon, it was time for their afternoon math class. Their teacher wrote a (3)      problem on the blackboard. No one was able to solve it (4)      the boy with the note on his back. Ignoring (忽视) the laughter, he walked toward the (5)      and solved the problem. The teacher asked the class to clap (鼓掌) for him and took the (6)      off his back. She told him, "It seems that you didn't know about the note your classmate put on your back, but you didn't seem to care anyway."
  Then the teacher looked at the rest of the class and said, "Before I (7)      you all, let me tell you two things. First, all of you will be labeled (贴标签) at one point by other people who don't want you to succeed. All you have to do is to ignore these labels. You have to take every (8)      you have to learn, grow and improve."
  Then the teacher went on, "And it seems that (9)      of you are friends with this boy, since none of you were kind enough to tell him about the note. (10)       that's true, then you'd better hope that you have some good friends yourself. Or you might be the one with a note stuck on your back someday with no one to tell you."
3.  When things around you make you feel good, it is easy for you to feel at home. When you want to make your home (maybe a new one) more homey (舒适的), you can try these simple things to do.
  ◆Keep it clean
  If you are trying to create a comfortable home, you need to make it clean first. It's difficult to be completely relaxed and happy in a place when it is dirty or messy (杂乱的).
  ◆Hang art
  Research has told us about the benefits (好处) of art. Looking at art can reduce stress and make you feel better, for example. Hanging art in your house can make the space more enjoyable. What's more, it tells others about your interests and style.
  ◆Keep a pet
  Keeping a pet makes us happier and healthier. Your animal friend will always be excited to welcome you back home. Just imagine a cute dog or cat waiting by the door when you get home after a tiring day. What could feel better?
  ◆Go green
  Just like art and animals, plants and flowers can also cheer you up. There are many easy houseplants (室内植物) to care for. By bringing greenery (绿色植物) and fresh blooms (花) into your home, you can feel closer to nature.
4.  Have you ever seen a piece of clothing made out of plastic bottles?To protect the environment, a company (公司) has shown its newest clothes, including trousers, jackets, shirts and dresses. They are all made from recycled plastic (再生塑料) water bottles.
  Millions of water bottles are thrown away every year. These bottles take hundreds of years to break down. And it's said that every piece of plastic ever made is still on this planet today. The bottles just keep breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces.
  "We thought we should reuse (重复使用) them to create our clothes and help protect the environment," said the company.
  The plastic bottles are washed and cut into small pieces. Then they are made into small balls. The balls are again become thread (线) in the end. People can then use the thread to make different kinds of clothes. 67, 000 bottles can create 1 ton of thread. It makes less carbon emissions (碳排放) and uses less water than the ordinary (普通的) way of making thread.
  Five can make a shirt, 10 a dress, and 20 a short coat. According to some experts, the clothes made from plastic are eco-friendly and safe. Plastic thread can be made into different materials. People can get a heavier cotton feel or a silky feel.
  In the future, there will be more ways to deal with plastic and to protect the environment.
5.  In our life, we care about our height very much. Do you know about any famous people who are short? What do you think about being short versus (对比) being tall?
  A kid once wrote to me and said he was sad about being short. He said his classmates often pick on him.
  I know how he feels because I'm just 165 cm tall myself. Growing up, I was always the shortest. However, you can't change your height.
  So what can you do about it?Tyrion, who is a short person, is a character in my favorite book. Game of Thrones. He once said, "Never forget what you are. . . the world will not. Try to make it your advantage. Then it can never be your weakness. "
  One way to make your weakness into advantage is to make jokes. Make jokes about yourself before others can. In that way, they can never hurt you. You can also try to be positive (乐观的) and look at things in a different way. I might have messy (凌乱的) hair, but my friend with no hair might wish he had it!
6.  Velvet flowers, also called ronghua in Chinese, used to be an endangered folk craft (濒危的民间工艺). But now it keeps alive with more young people getting interested in it. (1)       Murong faced challenges in learning this handicraft. "I started to learn about it five or six years ago from some ancient Chinese costume historical dramas, " she said. (2)      Finally, she watched a TV program showing how to make velvet flowers in detail (细节).
  (3)      Velvet flowers are made of silk and copper wires (铜钱). "However, it was difficult to buy these materials with fewer suppliers (供应商) at that time," Murong said. Another key step is to choose copper wires in the proper size and type. "The hardness (硬度) really does matter," she said. (4)      
  Murong has made many beautiful artworks. (5)      Her video showing the making process of it got very popular online. The video has received over 2. 4 million views on Bilibili.
  As a lover of traditional culture, Murong said, "I'll learn more about different handicrafts and introduce them to young people on social media."

A. Ronghua is easy to make.
B. Murong Yi, a college student, is one of them.
C. She uses different materials to make her artworks.
D. Then, she had difficulty in choosing and buying materials.
E. One of them is in the shape of a golden phoenix (凤凰).
F. She tried to learn from others but couldn't find many online tutorial videos (视频教程).
G. Without much experience, she had to try again and again. 
There are six       in the zoo.
8.在聚会上, 吉米朗读了一首著名的诗.
At the party, Jimmy read       .
9.既然那样, 我们只能自己解决这个问题了.
      , we have to solve the problem by ourselves.
10.当你来西安的时候, 不要忘记顺便来我家.
Don't forget to       my home when you come to Xi 'an. .
Most students like       teachers.
use nation he product invent work which many wide as 

  As we all know, people play jokes on others on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, they (1)       some joke tools. Soren Sorensen Adams was an inventor of suck (吸) tools.
  Born in Denmark in 1879. Adams moved to the US with (2)      family at age four and grew up in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. In 1904, Adams (3)      as a salesman for a dye company (染料公司). One of the (4)      he sold caused people to sneeze (打喷嚏), and then Adams used it to create a new product called Cachoo. He sold it (5)      a tool that people could use to play jokes on others. Cachoo achieved (6)      popularity in a short time. More and (7)      people began to ask him for this product. So he decided to start a Cachoo Sneezing Powder Company.
  To make his company more popular, Adams went on (8)      many other amazing tools. In 1928, Adams invented the Joy Buzzer (9)      could be put in one hand. People used it when shaking hands with others. When shaking hands, they would feel the unexpected vibration (振动) from the Joy Buzzer. Adams continued to lead his company till his death in 1963. He was (10)       known as"King of the Pranksters (恶作剧者)".
13.  Thanks to a TV show, Fu Sheng, a scholar (学者) is no longer a stranger to us. He is a scholar who lived during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Thanks to this scholar, we have the chance to enjoy the great book Shangshu, one of the "five classics (五经)" of Confucianism (儒学).
  The TV show is named China in the Classics. The wonderful program was presented (播出) by CCTV. In its first episode (集), the scholar's story was turned into a play. After watching it, people not only showed great interest, but also were deeply moved by an ordinary man's efforts to protect and pass on a country's culture.
  It was not an easy task for Tian Qinxin, head of the National Theater of China and the art director of the show, to turn an ancient classic into a one hour stage show that connects with the people of today. However, he made it and the show received high praise from people.
  The 11-episode show features (以. . . . . 为特色) one classic Chinese book of ancient times in each episode, letting rich history shake hands with modern expressions. "Through the classics, we can see the foundations of modern China, " said Tian. "No matter how the human history has developed, they still have a great influence on us. The classics remind us not to forget our past and explain where our cultural confidence (自信) comes from."
14.A: Anna, you look worried. (1)      ?
B: I can't find my notebook anywhere. Where can it be?
A: (2)      . Let's find it together.
B: That's great!Thank you, Jenny!
A: Now tell me something about your notebook. (3)      ?
B: It's black.
A: Well. where did you go this morning?
B : I went to the reading room.
A: (4)      ?
B: No. I went to the reading room just now, but it wasn't there
A: Well, I think someone must have taken it away. Then let's go to the Lost and Found of our school. (5)      .
B: Oh, I hope so. Let's go now.
15.假如你是李华, 你的美国笔友John想利用假期来中国度假, 他想了解一下中国的餐桌礼仪. 请你根据以下表格提示的内容, 给他写一封电子邮件.
Time What you should do? 
Before dinner Arrive three to five minutes earlier. 
At dinner The old people begin to eat first. 
After dinner Don't leave at once. 

1. 参考表格提示内容, 可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;
3. 文章不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);
4. 词数:不少于70词. (开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数. )
Dear John,
  Welcome to China! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Li Hua
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